
2153 lines
83 KiB

# Copyright (c) 2020 Dell Inc. or its subsidiaries.
# All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
from copy import deepcopy
import datetime
import re
from oslo_log import log as logging
from oslo_utils.secretutils import md5
from oslo_utils import strutils
from oslo_utils import units
import packaging.version
from cinder import exception
from cinder.i18n import _
from cinder.objects import fields
from import Group
from cinder.volume import volume_types
from cinder.volume import volume_utils
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
ISCSI = 'iscsi'
FC = 'fc'
INTERVAL = 'interval'
RETRIES = 'retries'
TRUNCATE_27 = 27
UCODE_5978_ELMSR = 221
UCODE_5978_HICKORY = 660
UCODE_5978 = 5978
UCODE_6079 = 6079
ARRAY = 'array'
REMOTE_ARRAY = 'remote_array'
SLO = 'slo'
WORKLOAD = 'workload'
SRP = 'srp'
PORTGROUPNAME = 'storagetype:portgroupname'
DEVICE_ID = 'device_id'
INITIATOR_CHECK = 'initiator_check'
SG_NAME = 'storagegroup_name'
SG_ID = 'storageGroupId'
MV_NAME = 'maskingview_name'
IG_NAME = 'init_group_name'
PARENT_SG_NAME = 'parent_sg_name'
CONNECTOR = 'connector'
VOL_NAME = 'volume_name'
EXTRA_SPECS = 'extra_specs'
HOST_NAME = 'short_host_name'
IS_RE = 'replication_enabled'
IS_RE_CAMEL = 'ReplicationEnabled'
DISABLECOMPRESSION = 'storagetype:disablecompression'
REP_SYNC = 'Synchronous'
REP_ASYNC = 'Asynchronous'
REP_METRO = 'Metro'
REP_MODE = 'rep_mode'
RDF_SYNC_STATE = 'synchronized'
RDF_FAILEDOVER_STATE = 'failed over'
RDF_ACTIVE = 'active'
RDF_ACTIVEACTIVE = 'activeactive'
RDF_ACTIVEBIAS = 'activebias'
RDF_PAIR_STATE = 'rdfpairState'
RDF_CONS_EXEMPT = 'exempt'
RDF_ALLOW_METRO_DELETE = 'allow_delete_metro'
RDF_GROUP_NO = 'rdf_group_number'
METROBIAS = 'metro_bias'
BACKEND_ID = 'backend_id'
BACKEND_ID_LEGACY_REP = 'backend_id_legacy_rep'
REPLICATION_DEVICE_BACKEND_ID = 'storagetype:replication_device_backend_id'
REP_CONFIG = 'rep_config'
CLONE_SNAPSHOT_NAME = "snapshot_for_clone"
STORAGE_GROUP_TAGS = 'storagetype:storagegrouptags'
TAG_LIST = 'tag_list'
USED_HOST_NAME = "used_host_name"
FORCE_VOL_EDIT = 'force_vol_edit'
PMAX_FAILOVER_START_ARRAY_PROMOTION = 'pmax_failover_start_array_promotion'
# Multiattach constants
IS_MULTIATTACH = 'multiattach'
OTHER_PARENT_SG = 'other_parent_sg_name'
FAST_SG = 'fast_managed_sg'
NO_SLO_SG = 'no_slo_sg'
# SG for unmanaged volumes
UNMANAGED_SG = 'OS-Unmanaged'
# Cinder.conf vmax configuration
VMAX_SERVER_IP = 'san_ip'
VMAX_USER_NAME = 'san_login'
VMAX_PASSWORD = 'san_password'
U4P_SERVER_PORT = 'san_api_port'
VMAX_WORKLOAD = 'vmax_workload'
U4P_FAILOVER_TIMEOUT = 'u4p_failover_timeout'
U4P_FAILOVER_RETRIES = 'u4p_failover_retries'
U4P_FAILOVER_BACKOFF_FACTOR = 'u4p_failover_backoff_factor'
U4P_FAILOVER_AUTOFAILBACK = 'u4p_failover_autofailback'
U4P_FAILOVER_TARGETS = 'u4p_failover_target'
POWERMAX_ARRAY = 'powermax_array'
POWERMAX_SRP = 'powermax_srp'
POWERMAX_SERVICE_LEVEL = 'powermax_service_level'
POWERMAX_PORT_GROUPS = 'powermax_port_groups'
POWERMAX_ARRAY_TAG_LIST = 'powermax_array_tag_list'
POWERMAX_SHORT_HOST_NAME_TEMPLATE = 'powermax_short_host_name_template'
POWERMAX_PORT_GROUP_NAME_TEMPLATE = 'powermax_port_group_name_template'
PORT_GROUP_LABEL = 'port_group_label'
REST_API_CONNECT_TIMEOUT = 'rest_api_connect_timeout'
REST_API_READ_TIMEOUT = 'rest_api_read_timeout'
DISABLE_PROTECTED_SNAP = 'powermax:disable_protected_snap'
# Array Models, Service Levels & Workloads
VMAX_AFA_MODELS = ['VMAX250F', 'VMAX450F', 'VMAX850F', 'VMAX950F']
PMAX_MODELS = ['PowerMax_2000', 'PowerMax_8000', 'PowerMax_8500',
HYBRID_SLS = ['Diamond', 'Platinum', 'Gold', 'Silver', 'Bronze', 'Optimized',
'None', 'NONE']
AFA_H_SLS = ['Diamond', 'Optimized', 'None', 'NONE']
AFA_P_SLS = ['Diamond', 'Platinum', 'Gold', 'Silver', 'Bronze', 'Optimized',
'None', 'NONE']
AFA_WLS = ['OLTP', 'OLTP_REP', 'DSS', 'DSS_REP', 'NONE', 'None']
PMAX_SLS = ['Diamond', 'Platinum', 'Gold', 'Silver', 'Bronze', 'Optimized',
'None', 'NONE']
PMAX_WLS = ['NONE', 'None']
# Performance
# Metrics
'AvgIOSize', 'IOs', 'MBRead', 'MBWritten', 'MBs', 'PercentBusy',
'Reads', 'Writes']
'AvgIOSize', 'IOs', 'MBRead', 'MBWritten', 'MBs', 'MaxSpeedGBs',
'PercentBusy', 'ReadResponseTime', 'Reads', 'ResponseTime', 'SpeedGBs',
'WriteResponseTime', 'Writes']
'AvgIOSize', 'IOs', 'MBRead', 'MBWritten', 'MBs', 'PercentBusy', 'Reads',
'ResponseTime', 'Writes']
# Cinder config options
LOAD_BALANCE = 'load_balance'
LOAD_BALANCE_RT = 'load_balance_real_time'
PERF_DATA_FORMAT = 'load_data_format'
LOAD_LOOKBACK = 'load_look_back'
LOAD_LOOKBACK_RT = 'load_look_back_real_time'
PORT_GROUP_LOAD_METRIC = 'port_group_load_metric'
PORT_LOAD_METRIC = 'port_load_metric'
# One minute in milliseconds
ONE_MINUTE = 60000
# Default look back windows in minutes
# REST API keys
PERFORMANCE = 'performance'
REG_DETAILS = 'registrationdetails'
REG_DETAILS_INFO = 'registrationDetailsInfo'
COLLECTION_INT = 'collectionintervalmins'
DIAGNOSTIC = 'diagnostic'
REAL_TIME = 'realtime'
RESULT_LIST = 'resultList'
RESULT = 'result'
KEYS = 'keys'
METRICS = 'metrics'
CAT = 'category'
F_DATE = 'firstAvailableDate'
S_DATE = 'startDate'
L_DATE = 'lastAvailableDate'
E_DATE = 'endDate'
SYMM_ID = 'symmetrixId'
ARRAY_PERF = 'Array'
ARRAY_INFO = 'arrayInfo'
PORT_GROUP = 'PortGroup'
PORT_GROUP_ID = 'portGroupId'
DATA_FORMAT = 'dataFormat'
INST_ID = 'instanceId'
DIR_ID = 'directorId'
PORT_ID = 'portId'
# Revert snapshot exception
REVERT_SS_EXC = 'Link must be fully copied for this operation to proceed'
# extra specs
IS_TRUE = ['<is> True', 'True', 'true', True]
IS_FALSE = ['<is> False', 'False', 'false', False]
# <like> filter
LIKE_FILTER = '<like>'
class PowerMaxUtils(object):
"""Utility class for Rest based PowerMax volume drivers.
This Utility class is for PowerMax volume drivers based on Unisphere
Rest API.
def __init__(self):
"""Utility class for Rest based PowerMax volume drivers."""
def get_host_short_name(self, host_name):
"""Returns the short name for a given qualified host name.
Checks the host name to see if it is the fully qualified host name
and returns part before the dot. If there is no dot in the host name
the full host name is returned.
:param host_name: the fully qualified host name
:returns: string -- the short host_name
short_host_name = self.get_host_short_name_from_fqn(host_name)
return self.generate_unique_trunc_host(short_host_name)
def get_host_short_name_from_fqn(host_name):
"""Returns the short name for a given qualified host name.
Checks the host name to see if it is the fully qualified host name
and returns part before the dot. If there is no dot in the host name
the full host name is returned.
:param host_name: the fully qualified host name
:returns: string -- the short host_name
host_array = host_name.split('.')
if len(host_array) > 1:
short_host_name = host_array[0]
short_host_name = host_name
return short_host_name
def get_volumetype_extra_specs(volume, volume_type_id=None):
"""Gets the extra specs associated with a volume type.
:param volume: the volume dictionary
:param volume_type_id: Optional override for volume.volume_type_id
:returns: dict -- extra_specs - the extra specs
:raises: VolumeBackendAPIException
extra_specs = {}
if volume_type_id:
type_id = volume_type_id
type_id = volume.volume_type_id
if type_id is not None:
extra_specs = volume_types.get_volume_type_extra_specs(type_id)
except Exception as e:
LOG.debug('Exception getting volume type extra specs: %(e)s',
{'e': str(e)})
return extra_specs
def get_short_protocol_type(protocol):
"""Given the protocol type, return I for iscsi and F for fc.
:param protocol: iscsi or fc
:returns: string -- 'I' for iscsi or 'F' for fc
if protocol.lower() == ISCSI.lower():
return 'I'
elif protocol.lower() == FC.lower():
return 'F'
return protocol
def truncate_string(str_to_truncate, max_num):
"""Truncate a string by taking first and last characters.
:param str_to_truncate: the string to be truncated
:param max_num: the maximum number of characters
:returns: string -- truncated string or original string
if len(str_to_truncate) > max_num:
new_num = len(str_to_truncate) - max_num // 2
first_chars = str_to_truncate[:max_num // 2]
last_chars = str_to_truncate[new_num:]
str_to_truncate = first_chars + last_chars
return str_to_truncate
def get_time_delta(start_time, end_time):
"""Get the delta between start and end time.
:param start_time: the start time
:param end_time: the end time
:returns: string -- delta in string H:MM:SS
delta = end_time - start_time
return str(datetime.timedelta(seconds=int(delta)))
def get_default_storage_group_name(
self, srp_name, slo, workload, is_compression_disabled=False,
is_re=False, rep_mode=None):
"""Determine default storage group from extra_specs.
:param srp_name: the name of the srp on the array
:param slo: the service level string e.g Bronze
:param workload: the workload string e.g DSS
:param is_compression_disabled: flag for disabling compression
:param is_re: flag for replication
:param rep_mode: flag to indicate replication mode
:returns: storage_group_name
if slo and workload:
prefix = ("OS-%(srpName)s-%(slo)s-%(workload)s"
% {'srpName': srp_name, 'slo': slo,
'workload': workload})
if is_compression_disabled:
prefix += "-CD"
prefix = "OS-no_SLO"
if is_re:
prefix += self.get_replication_prefix(rep_mode)
storage_group_name = ("%(prefix)s-SG" % {'prefix': prefix})
return storage_group_name
def get_volume_element_name(volume_id):
"""Get volume element name follows naming convention, i.e. 'OS-UUID'.
:param volume_id: Openstack volume ID containing uuid
:returns: volume element name in format of OS-UUID
element_name = volume_id
uuid_regex = (re.compile(
match =
if match:
volume_uuid =
element_name = ("%(prefix)s%(volumeUUID)s"
'volumeUUID': volume_uuid})
"get_volume_element_name elementName: %(elementName)s.",
{'elementName': element_name})
return element_name
def check_uuid_regex(volume_id):
"""Check the uuid regex
:param volume_id: the unique volume identifier
:returns: bool
uuid_regex = (re.compile(
def modify_snapshot_prefix(snapshot_name, manage=False, unmanage=False):
"""Modify a Snapshot prefix on PowerMax/VMAX backend.
Prepare a snapshot name for manage/unmanage snapshot process either
by adding or removing 'OS-' prefix.
:param snapshot_name: the old snapshot backend display name
:param manage: (bool) if the operation is managing a snapshot
:param unmanage: (bool) if the operation is unmanaging a snapshot
:returns: snapshot name ready for backend PowerMax/VMAX assignment
new_snap_name = None
if manage:
new_snap_name = ("%(prefix)s%(snapshot_name)s"
% {'prefix': 'OS-',
'snapshot_name': snapshot_name})
if unmanage:
snap_split = snapshot_name.split("-", 1)
if snap_split[0] == 'OS':
new_snap_name = snap_split[1]
return new_snap_name
def generate_unique_trunc_host(self, host_name):
"""Create a unique short host name under 16 characters.
:param host_name: long host name
:returns: truncated host name
if host_name and len(host_name) > UPPER_HOST_CHARS:
uuid = self.get_uuid_of_input(host_name)
new_name = ("%(host)s%(uuid)s"
% {'host': host_name[-6:],
'uuid': uuid})
host_name = self.truncate_string(new_name, UPPER_HOST_CHARS)
return host_name
def get_pg_short_name(self, portgroup_name):
"""Create a unique port group name under 12 characters.
:param portgroup_name: long portgroup_name
:returns: truncated portgroup_name
if portgroup_name and len(portgroup_name) > UPPER_PORT_GROUP_CHARS:
uuid = self.get_uuid_of_input(portgroup_name)
new_name = ("%(pg)s%(uuid)s"
% {'pg': portgroup_name[-6:],
'uuid': uuid})
portgroup_name = self.truncate_string(
return portgroup_name
def get_uuid_of_input(input_str):
"""Get the uuid of the input string
:param input_str: input string
:returns: uuid
input_str = input_str.lower()
m = md5(usedforsecurity=False)
return m.hexdigest()
def get_default_oversubscription_ratio(max_over_sub_ratio):
"""Override ratio if necessary.
The over subscription ratio will be overridden if the user supplied
max oversubscription ratio is less than 1.
:param max_over_sub_ratio: user supplied over subscription ratio
:returns: max_over_sub_ratio
if max_over_sub_ratio < 1.0:"The user supplied value for max_over_subscription "
"ratio is less than 1.0. Using the default value of "
"20.0 instead...")
max_over_sub_ratio = 20.0
return max_over_sub_ratio
def get_temp_snap_name(self, source_device_id):
"""Construct a temporary snapshot name for clone operation
:param source_device_id: the source device id
:returns: snap_name
snap_name = ("temp-%(device)s-%(snap_name)s"
% {'device': source_device_id,
'snap_name': CLONE_SNAPSHOT_NAME})
return snap_name
def get_array_and_device_id(volume, external_ref):
"""Helper function for manage volume to get array name and device ID.
:param volume: volume object from API
:param external_ref: the existing volume object to be manged
:returns: string value of the array name and device ID
device_id = external_ref.get(u'source-name', None)
LOG.debug("External_ref: %(er)s", {'er': external_ref})
if not device_id:
device_id = external_ref.get(u'source-id', None)
host =
host_list = host.split('+')
array = host_list[(len(host_list) - 1)]
if device_id:
if len(device_id) != 5:
error_message = (_("Device ID: %(device_id)s is invalid. "
"Device ID should be exactly 5 digits.") %
{'device_id': device_id})
raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(
LOG.debug("Get device ID of existing volume - device ID: "
"%(device_id)s, Array: %(array)s.",
{'device_id': device_id,
'array': array})
exception_message = (_("Source volume device ID is required."))
raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(
return array, device_id.upper()
def get_array_from_host(volume):
"""Get the array from the host string
:param volume: volume object
:returns: array -- str
host =
host_list = host.split('+')
return host_list[-1]
def is_protected_snap_disabled(self, extra_specs):
"""Check is the disable_protected_snap flag set.
:param extra_specs: extra specifications :returns: boolean
if extra_specs.get(DISABLE_PROTECTED_SNAP, False) in IS_TRUE:
return True
return False
def is_compression_disabled(self, extra_specs):
"""Check is compression is to be disabled.
:param extra_specs: extra specifications
:returns: boolean
compression_disabled = False
if extra_specs.get(DISABLECOMPRESSION, False):
if extra_specs.get(DISABLECOMPRESSION) in IS_TRUE:
compression_disabled = True
if extra_specs.get(SLO):
service_level = extra_specs.get(SLO)
__, __, service_level, __ = self.parse_specs_from_pool_name(
if not service_level:
compression_disabled = True
return compression_disabled
def change_compression_type(self, is_source_compr_disabled, new_type):
"""Check if volume type have different compression types
:param is_source_compr_disabled: from source
:param new_type: from target
:returns: boolean
extra_specs = new_type['extra_specs']
is_target_compr_disabled = self.is_compression_disabled(extra_specs)
if is_target_compr_disabled == is_source_compr_disabled:
return False
return True
def change_replication(self, curr_type_extra_specs, tgt_type_extra_specs):
"""Check if volume types have different replication status.
:param curr_type_extra_specs: extra specs from source volume type
:param tgt_type_extra_specs: extra specs from target volume type
:returns: bool
change_replication = False
# Compare non-rep & rep enabled changes
is_cur_rep = self.is_replication_enabled(curr_type_extra_specs)
is_tgt_rep = self.is_replication_enabled(tgt_type_extra_specs)
rep_enabled_diff = is_cur_rep != is_tgt_rep
if rep_enabled_diff:
change_replication = True
elif is_cur_rep:
# Both types are rep enabled, check for backend id differences
curr_rep_backend_id = curr_type_extra_specs.get(rdbid, None)
tgt_rep_backend_id = tgt_type_extra_specs.get(rdbid, None)
rdbid_diff = curr_rep_backend_id != tgt_rep_backend_id
if rdbid_diff:
change_replication = True
return change_replication
def is_replication_enabled(extra_specs):
"""Check if replication is to be enabled.
:param extra_specs: extra specifications
:returns: bool - true if enabled, else false
replication_enabled = False
if IS_RE in extra_specs:
replication_enabled = True
return replication_enabled
def get_replication_config(rep_device_list):
"""Gather necessary replication configuration info.
:param rep_device_list: the replication device list from cinder.conf
:returns: rep_configs, replication configuration list
rep_config = list()
if not rep_device_list:
return None
for rep_device in rep_device_list:
rep_config_element = {}
rep_config_element['array'] = rep_device[
rep_config_element['srp'] = rep_device['remote_pool']
rep_config_element['rdf_group_label'] = rep_device[
rep_config_element['portgroup'] = rep_device[
except KeyError as ke:
error_message = (
_("Failed to retrieve all necessary SRDF "
"information. Error received: %(ke)s.") %
{'ke': str(ke)})
raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(
rep_config_element['sync_retries'] = int(
rep_config_element['sync_interval'] = int(
except (KeyError, ValueError) as ke:
"SRDF Sync wait/retries options not set or set "
"incorrectly, defaulting to 200 retries with a 3 "
"second wait. Configuration load warning: %(ke)s.",
{'ke': str(ke)})
rep_config_element['sync_retries'] = 200
rep_config_element['sync_interval'] = 3
allow_extend = rep_device.get('allow_extend', 'false')
if strutils.bool_from_string(allow_extend):
rep_config_element['allow_extend'] = True
rep_config_element['allow_extend'] = False
rep_mode = rep_device.get('mode', '')
if rep_mode.lower() in ['async', 'asynchronous']:
rep_config_element['mode'] = REP_ASYNC
elif rep_mode.lower() == 'metro':
rep_config_element['mode'] = REP_METRO
metro_bias = rep_device.get('metro_use_bias', 'false')
if strutils.bool_from_string(metro_bias):
rep_config_element[METROBIAS] = True
rep_config_element[METROBIAS] = False
rep_config_element['mode'] = REP_SYNC
backend_id = rep_device.get(BACKEND_ID, '')
if backend_id:
rep_config_element[BACKEND_ID] = backend_id
return rep_config
def is_volume_failed_over(volume):
"""Check if a volume has been failed over.
:param volume: the volume object
:returns: bool
if volume is not None:
if volume.get('replication_status') and (
volume.replication_status ==
return True
return False
def update_volume_model_updates(volume_model_updates,
volumes, group_id, status='available'):
"""Update the volume model's status and return it.
:param volume_model_updates: list of volume model update dicts
:param volumes: volumes object api
:param group_id: consistency group id
:param status: string value reflects the status of the member volume
:returns: volume_model_updates - updated volumes
""""Updating status for group: %(id)s.", {'id': group_id})
if volumes:
for volume in volumes:
'status': status})
else:"No volume found for group: %(cg)s.", {'cg': group_id})
return volume_model_updates
def get_grp_volume_model_update(volume, volume_dict, group_id, meta=None):
"""Create and return the volume model update on creation.
:param volume: volume object
:param volume_dict: the volume dict
:param group_id: consistency group id
:param meta: the volume metadata
:returns: model_update
""""Updating status for group: %(id)s.", {'id': group_id})
model_update = ({'id':, 'status': 'available',
'provider_location': str(volume_dict)})
if meta:
model_update['metadata'] = meta
return model_update
def update_extra_specs(extraspecs):
"""Update extra specs.
:param extraspecs: the additional info
:returns: extraspecs
pool_details = extraspecs['pool_name'].split('+')
extraspecs[SLO] = pool_details[0]
if len(pool_details) == 4:
extraspecs[WORKLOAD] = pool_details[1]
extraspecs[SRP] = pool_details[2]
extraspecs[ARRAY] = pool_details[3]
# Assume no workload given in pool name
extraspecs[SRP] = pool_details[1]
extraspecs[ARRAY] = pool_details[2]
extraspecs[WORKLOAD] = 'NONE'
except KeyError:
LOG.error("Error parsing SLO, workload from"
" the provided extra_specs.")
return extraspecs
def get_volume_group_utils(self, group, interval, retries):
"""Standard utility for generic volume groups.
:param group: the generic volume group object to be created
:param interval: Interval in seconds between retries
:param retries: Retry count
:returns: array, intervals_retries_dict
:raises: VolumeBackendAPIException
arrays = set()
# Check if it is a generic volume group instance
intervals_retries_dict = {INTERVAL: interval, RETRIES: retries}
if isinstance(group, Group):
for volume_type in group.volume_types:
extra_specs = self.update_extra_specs(volume_type.extra_specs)
except KeyError:
return None, intervals_retries_dict
msg = (_("Unable to get volume type ids."))
raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(message=msg)
if len(arrays) > 1:
msg = (_("There are multiple arrays "
"associated with volume group: %(groupid)s.")
% {'groupid':})
raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(message=msg)
array = arrays.pop()
LOG.debug("Serial number %s retrieved from the volume type extra "
"specs.", array)
return array, intervals_retries_dict
def update_volume_group_name(self, group):
"""Format id and name consistency group.
:param group: the generic volume group object
:returns: group_name -- formatted name + id
group_name = ""
if is not None and !=
group_name = (
self.truncate_string(, TRUNCATE_27) + "_")
group_name +=
return group_name
def add_legacy_pools(pools):
"""Add legacy pools to allow extending a volume after upgrade.
:param pools: the pool list
:returns: pools - the updated pool list
extra_pools = []
for pool in pools:
if 'none' in pool['pool_name'].lower():
for pool in extra_pools:
slo = pool['pool_name'].split('+')[0]
srp = pool['pool_name'].split('+')[2]
array = pool['pool_name'].split('+')[3]
except IndexError:
slo = pool['pool_name'].split('+')[0]
srp = pool['pool_name'].split('+')[1]
array = pool['pool_name'].split('+')[2]
new_pool_name = ('%(slo)s+%(srp)s+%(array)s'
% {'slo': slo, 'srp': srp, 'array': array})
new_pool = deepcopy(pool)
new_pool['pool_name'] = new_pool_name
return pools
def add_promotion_pools(pools, primary_array):
"""Add duplicate pools with primary SID for operations during promotion
:param pools: the pool list
:param primary_array: the original primary array.
:returns: pools - the updated pool list
i_pools = deepcopy(pools)
for pool in i_pools:
# pool name
pool_name = pool['pool_name']
split_name = pool_name.split('+')
array_pos = 3 if len(split_name) == 4 else 2
array_sid = split_name[array_pos]
updated_pool_name = re.sub(array_sid, primary_array, pool_name)
# location info
loc = pool['location_info']
split_loc = loc.split('#')
split_loc[0] = primary_array # Replace the array SID
updated_loc = '#'.join(split_loc)
new_pool = deepcopy(pool)
new_pool['pool_name'] = updated_pool_name
new_pool['location_info'] = updated_loc
return pools
def check_replication_matched(self, volume, extra_specs):
"""Check volume type and group type.
This will make sure they do not conflict with each other.
:param volume: volume to be checked
:param extra_specs: the extra specifications
:raises: InvalidInput
# If volume is not a member of group, skip this check anyway.
if not
vol_is_re = self.is_replication_enabled(extra_specs)
group_is_re =
if not (vol_is_re == group_is_re):
msg = _('Replication should be enabled or disabled for both '
'volume or group. Volume replication status: '
'%(vol_status)s, group replication status: '
'%(group_status)s') % {
'vol_status': vol_is_re, 'group_status': group_is_re}
raise exception.InvalidInput(reason=msg)
def check_rep_status_enabled(group):
"""Check replication status for group.
Group status must be enabled before proceeding with certain
:param group: the group object
:raises: InvalidInput
if group.is_replicated:
if group.replication_status != fields.ReplicationStatus.ENABLED:
msg = (_('Replication status should be %s for '
'replication-enabled group.')
% fields.ReplicationStatus.ENABLED)
raise exception.InvalidInput(reason=msg)
LOG.debug('Replication is not enabled on group %s, '
'skip status check.',
def get_replication_prefix(rep_mode):
"""Get the replication prefix.
Replication prefix for storage group naming is based on whether it is
synchronous, asynchronous, or metro replication mode.
:param rep_mode: flag to indicate if replication is async
:returns: prefix
if rep_mode == REP_ASYNC:
prefix = "-RA"
elif rep_mode == REP_METRO:
prefix = "-RM"
prefix = "-RE"
return prefix
def get_rdf_management_group_name(rep_config):
"""Get the name of the group used for async replication management.
:param rep_config: the replication configuration
:returns: group name
grp_name = ("OS-%(rdf)s-%(mode)s-rdf-sg" %
{'rdf': rep_config['rdf_group_label'],
'mode': rep_config['mode']})
LOG.debug("The rdf managed group name is %(name)s",
{'name': grp_name})
return grp_name
def is_metro_device(self, rep_config, extra_specs):
"""Determine if a volume is a Metro enabled device.
:param rep_config: the replication configuration
:param extra_specs: the extra specifications
:returns: bool
is_metro = (True if self.is_replication_enabled(extra_specs)
and rep_config is not None
and rep_config.get('mode') == REP_METRO else False)
return is_metro
def does_vol_need_rdf_management_group(self, extra_specs):
"""Determine if a volume is a Metro or Async.
:param extra_specs: the extra specifications
:returns: bool
if (self.is_replication_enabled(extra_specs) and
extra_specs.get(REP_MODE, None) in
return True
return False
def derive_default_sg_from_extra_specs(self, extra_specs, rep_mode=None):
"""Get the name of the default sg from the extra specs.
:param extra_specs: extra specs
:param rep_mode: replication mode
:returns: default sg - string
do_disable_compression = self.is_compression_disabled(
rep_enabled = self.is_replication_enabled(extra_specs)
return self.get_default_storage_group_name(
extra_specs[SRP], extra_specs[SLO],
is_re=rep_enabled, rep_mode=rep_mode)
def merge_dicts(d1, *args):
"""Merge dictionaries
:param d1: dict 1
:param *args: one or more dicts
:returns: merged dict
d2 = {}
for d in args:
d2 = d.copy()
d1 = d2
return d2
def get_temp_failover_grp_name(rep_config):
"""Get the temporary group name used for failover.
:param rep_config: the replication config
:returns: temp_grp_name
temp_grp_name = ("OS-%(rdf)s-temp-rdf-sg"
% {'rdf': rep_config['rdf_group_label']})
LOG.debug("The temp rdf managed group name is %(name)s",
{'name': temp_grp_name})
return temp_grp_name
def get_child_sg_name(self, host_name, extra_specs, port_group_label):
"""Get the child storage group name for a masking view.
:param host_name: the short host name
:param extra_specs: the extra specifications
:param port_group_label: the port group label
:returns: child sg name, compression flag, rep flag, short pg name
do_disable_compression = False
rep_enabled = self.is_replication_enabled(extra_specs)
if extra_specs[SLO]:
slo_wl_combo = self.truncate_string(
extra_specs[SLO] + extra_specs[WORKLOAD], 10)
unique_name = self.truncate_string(extra_specs[SRP], 12)
child_sg_name = (
% {'shortHostName': host_name,
'srpName': unique_name,
'combo': slo_wl_combo,
'pg': port_group_label})
do_disable_compression = self.is_compression_disabled(
if do_disable_compression:
child_sg_name = ("%(child_sg_name)s-CD"
% {'child_sg_name': child_sg_name})
child_sg_name = (
% {'shortHostName': host_name, 'pg': port_group_label})
if rep_enabled:
rep_mode = extra_specs.get(REP_MODE, None)
child_sg_name += self.get_replication_prefix(rep_mode)
return child_sg_name, do_disable_compression, rep_enabled
def change_multiattach(extra_specs, new_type_extra_specs):
"""Check if a change in multiattach is required for retype.
:param extra_specs: the source type extra specs
:param new_type_extra_specs: the target type extra specs
:returns: bool
is_src_multiattach = volume_utils.is_boolean_str(
is_tgt_multiattach = volume_utils.is_boolean_str(
return is_src_multiattach != is_tgt_multiattach
def is_volume_manageable(source_vol):
"""Check if a volume with verbose description is valid for management.
:param source_vol: the verbose volume dict
:returns: bool True/False
vol_head = source_vol['volumeHeader']
# PowerMax/VMAX disk geometry uses cylinders, so volume sizes are
# matched to the nearest full cylinder size: 1GB = 547cyl = 1026MB
if vol_head['capMB'] < 1026 or not vol_head['capGB'].is_integer():
return False
if (vol_head['numSymDevMaskingViews'] > 0 or
vol_head['mapped'] is True or
source_vol['maskingInfo']['masked'] is True):
return False
if (vol_head['status'] != 'Ready' or
vol_head['serviceState'] != 'Normal' or
vol_head['emulationType'] != 'FBA' or
vol_head['configuration'] != 'TDEV' or
vol_head['system_resource'] is True or
vol_head['private'] is True or
vol_head['encapsulated'] is True or
vol_head['reservationInfo']['reserved'] is True):
return False
for key, value in source_vol['rdfInfo'].items():
if value is True:
return False
if source_vol['timeFinderInfo']['snapVXTgt'] is True:
return False
if vol_head['userDefinedIdentifier'][0:3] == 'OS-':
return False
if vol_head.get('numStorageGroups', 0) > 1:
return False
return True
def is_snapshot_manageable(source_vol):
"""Check if a volume with snapshot description is valid for management.
:param source_vol: the verbose volume dict
:returns: bool True/False
vol_head = source_vol['volumeHeader']
if not source_vol['timeFinderInfo']['snapVXSrc']:
return False
# PowerMax/VMAX disk geometry uses cylinders, so volume sizes are
# matched to the nearest full cylinder size: 1GB = 547cyl = 1026MB
if (vol_head['capMB'] < 1026 or
not vol_head['capGB'].is_integer()):
return False
if (vol_head['emulationType'] != 'FBA' or
vol_head['configuration'] != 'TDEV' or
vol_head['private'] is True or
vol_head['system_resource'] is True):
return False
snap_gen_info = (source_vol['timeFinderInfo']['snapVXSession'][0][
if (snap_gen_info['snapshotName'][0:3] == 'OS-' or
snap_gen_info['snapshotName'][0:5] == 'temp-'):
return False
if (snap_gen_info['expired'] is True
or snap_gen_info['generation'] > 0):
return False
return True
def get_volume_attached_hostname(self, volume):
"""Get the host name from the attached volume
:param volume: the volume object
:returns: str -- the attached hostname
host_name_set = set()
attachment_list = volume.volume_attachment
LOG.debug("Volume attachment list: %(atl)s. "
"Attachment type: %(at)s",
{'atl': attachment_list, 'at': type(attachment_list)})
att_list = attachment_list.objects
except AttributeError:
att_list = attachment_list
for att in att_list:
if host_name_set:
if len(host_name_set) > 1:
LOG.warning("Volume is attached to multiple instances "
"on more than one compute node.")
return host_name_set.pop()
return None
def get_rdf_managed_storage_group(self, device_info):
"""Get the RDF managed storage group
:param device_info: the device info dict
:returns: str -- the attached hostname
dict -- storage group details
sg_list = device_info.get("storageGroupId")
for sg_id in sg_list:
sg_details = self.get_rdf_group_component_dict(sg_id)
if sg_details:
return sg_id, sg_details
except IndexError:
return None, None
return None, None
def get_production_storage_group(self, device_info):
"""Get the production storage group
:param device_info: the device info dict
:returns: str -- the storage group id
dict -- storage group details
sg_list = device_info.get("storageGroupId")
for sg_id in sg_list:
sg_details = self.get_storage_group_component_dict(sg_id)
if sg_details:
return sg_id, sg_details
except IndexError:
return None, None
return None, None
def validate_qos_input(input_key, sg_value, qos_extra_spec, property_dict):
max_value = 100000
qos_unit = "IO/Sec"
if input_key == 'total_iops_sec':
min_value = 100
input_value = int(qos_extra_spec['total_iops_sec'])
sg_key = 'host_io_limit_io_sec'
qos_unit = "MB/sec"
min_value = 1
input_value = int(
int(qos_extra_spec['total_bytes_sec']) / units.Mi)
sg_key = 'host_io_limit_mb_sec'
if min_value <= input_value <= max_value:
if sg_value is None or input_value != int(sg_value):
property_dict[sg_key] = input_value
exception_message = (
_("Invalid %(ds)s with value %(dt)s entered. Valid values "
"range from %(du)s %(dv)s to 100,000 %(dv)s") % {
'ds': input_key, 'dt': input_value, 'du': min_value,
'dv': qos_unit})
raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(
return property_dict
def validate_qos_distribution_type(
sg_value, qos_extra_spec, property_dict):
dynamic_list = ['never', 'onfailure', 'always']
if qos_extra_spec.get('DistributionType').lower() in dynamic_list:
distribution_type = qos_extra_spec['DistributionType']
if distribution_type != sg_value:
property_dict["dynamicDistribution"] = distribution_type
exception_message = (
_("Wrong Distribution type value %(dt)s entered. Please "
"enter one of: %(dl)s") % {
'dt': qos_extra_spec.get('DistributionType'),
'dl': dynamic_list})
raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(
return property_dict
def validate_multiple_rep_device(rep_devices):
"""Validate the validity of multiple replication devices.
Validates uniqueness and presence of backend ids in rep_devices,
consistency in target arrays and replication modes when multiple
replication devices are present in cinder.conf.
:param rep_devices: rep_devices imported from cinder.conf --list
rdf_group_labels = set()
backend_ids = set()
rep_modes = set()
target_arrays = set()
repdev_count = len(rep_devices)
if repdev_count > 3:
msg = (_('Up to three replication_devices are currently '
'supported, one for each replication mode. '
'%d replication_devices found in cinder.conf.')
% repdev_count)
raise exception.InvalidConfigurationValue(msg)
for rep_device in rep_devices:
backend_id = rep_device.get(BACKEND_ID)
if backend_id:
if backend_id in backend_ids:
msg = (_('Backend IDs must be unique across all '
'rep_device when multiple replication devices '
'are defined in cinder.conf, backend_id %s is '
'defined more than once.') % backend_id)
raise exception.InvalidConfigurationValue(msg)
msg = (_('Invalid Backend ID found. Defining a '
'replication device with a Backend ID of %s is '
'currently not supported. Please update '
'the Backend ID of the related replication '
'device in cinder.conf to use valid '
'Backend ID value.') % backend_id)
raise exception.InvalidConfigurationValue(msg)
msg = _('Backend IDs must be assigned for each rep_device '
'when multiple replication devices are defined in '
raise exception.InvalidConfigurationValue(msg)
rdf_group_label = rep_device.get('rdf_group_label')
if rdf_group_label in rdf_group_labels:
msg = (_('RDF Group Labels must be unique across all '
'rep_device when multiple replication devices are '
'defined in cinder.conf. RDF Group Label %s is '
'defined more than once.') % rdf_group_label)
raise exception.InvalidConfigurationValue(msg)
rep_mode = rep_device.get('mode', '')
if rep_mode.lower() in ['async', 'asynchronous']:
rep_mode = REP_ASYNC
elif rep_mode.lower() == 'metro':
rep_mode = REP_METRO
rep_mode = REP_SYNC
if rep_mode in rep_modes:
msg = (_('RDF Modes must be unique across all '
'replication_device. Found multiple instances of %s '
'mode defined in cinder.conf.') % rep_mode)
raise exception.InvalidConfigurationValue(msg)
target_device_id = rep_device.get('target_device_id')
if len(target_arrays) > 1:
msg = _('Found multiple target_device_id set in cinder.conf. A '
'single target_device_id value must be used across all '
'replication device when defining using multiple '
'replication devices.')
raise exception.InvalidConfigurationValue(msg)
def compare_cylinders(cylinders_source, cylinder_target):
"""Compare number of cylinders of source and target.
:param cylinders_source: number of cylinders on source
:param cylinder_target: number of cylinders on target
if float(cylinders_source) > float(cylinder_target):
exception_message = (
_("The number of source cylinders %(cylinders_source)s "
"cannot be greater than the number of target cylinders "
"%(cylinder_target)s. Please extend your source volume by "
"at least 1GiB.") % {
'cylinders_source': cylinders_source,
'cylinder_target': cylinder_target})
raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(
def get_service_level_workload(extra_specs):
"""Get the service level and workload combination from extra specs.
:param extra_specs: extra specifications
:returns: string, string
service_level, workload = 'None', 'None'
if extra_specs.get(SLO):
service_level = extra_specs.get(SLO)
if (extra_specs.get(WORKLOAD)
and 'NONE' not in extra_specs.get(WORKLOAD)):
workload = extra_specs.get(WORKLOAD)
return service_level, workload
def get_new_tags(self, list_str1, list_str2):
"""Get elements in list_str1 not in list_str2
:param list_str1: list one in string format
:param list_str2: list two in string format
:returns: list
list_str1 = re.sub(r"\s+", "", list_str1)
if not list_str1:
return []
common_list = self._get_intersection(
list_str1, list_str2)
my_list1 = sorted(list_str1.split(","))
return [x for x in my_list1 if x.lower() not in common_list]
def verify_tag_list(self, tag_list):
"""Verify that the tag list has allowable character
:param tag_list: list of tags
:returns: boolean
if not tag_list:
return False
if not isinstance(tag_list, list):
LOG.warning("The list of tags %(tag_list)s is not "
"in list format. Tagging will not proceed.",
{'tag_list': tag_list})
return False
if len(tag_list) > 8:
LOG.warning("The list of tags %(tag_list)s is more "
"than the upper limit of 8. Tagging will not "
{'tag_list': tag_list})
return False
for tag in tag_list:
tag = tag.strip()
if not re.match('^[a-zA-Z0-9_\\-]+$', tag):
return False
return True
def convert_list_to_string(self, list_input):
"""Convert a list to a comma separated list
:param list_input: list
:returns: string or None
return ','.join(map(str, list_input)) if isinstance(
list_input, list) else list_input
def validate_short_host_name_from_template(
self, short_host_template, short_host_name):
"""Validate that the short host name is in a format we can use.
Can be one of
shortHostName - where shortHostName is what the driver specifies
it to be, default
shortHostName[:x]uuid[:x] - where first x characters of the short
host name and x uuid characters created from md5 hash of
short host name
shortHostName[:x]userdef - where first x characters of the short
host name and a user defined name
shortHostName[-x:]uuid[:x] - where last x characters of short host
name and x uuid characters created from md5 hash of short host
shortHostName[-x:]suserdef - where last x characters of the short
host name and a user defined name
:param short_host_template: short host name template
:param short_host_name: short host name
:raises: VolumeBackendAPIException
:returns: new short host name -- string
new_short_host_name = None
is_ok, case = self.regex_check(short_host_template, True)
if is_ok:
new_short_host_name = (
case, short_host_template, short_host_name, True))
if not new_short_host_name:
error_message = (_('Unable to generate string from short '
'host template %(template)s. Please refer to '
'the online documentation for correct '
'template format(s) for short host name.') %
{'template': short_host_template})
raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(
return new_short_host_name
def validate_port_group_name_from_template(
self, port_group_template, port_group_name):
"""Validate that the port group name is in a format we can use.
Can be one of
portGroupName - where portGroupName is what the driver specifies
it to be, default
portGroupName[:x]uuid[:x] - where first x characters of the short
host name and x uuid characters created from md5 hash of
short host name
portGroupName[:x]userdef - where first x characters of the short
host name and a user defined name
portGroupName[-x:]uuid[:x] - where last x characters of short host
name and x uuid characters created from md5 hash of short host
portGroupName[-x:]userdef - where last x characters of the short
host name and a user defined name
:param port_group_template: port group name template
:param port_group_name: port group name
:raises: VolumeBackendAPIException
:returns: new port group name -- string
new_port_group_name = None
is_ok, case = self.regex_check(port_group_template, False)
if is_ok:
new_port_group_name = (
case, port_group_template, port_group_name, False))
if not new_port_group_name:
error_message = (_('Unable to generate string from port group '
'template %(template)s. Please refer to '
'the online documentation for correct '
'template format(s) for port groups.') %
{'template': port_group_template})
raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(
return new_port_group_name
def generate_entity_string(
self, case, entity_template, entity_name, entity_flag):
"""Generate the entity string if the template checks out
:param case: one of five cases
:param entity_template: entity template
:param entity_name: entity name
:param entity_flag: storage group or port group flag
:returns: new entity name -- string
new_entity_name = None
override_rule_warning = False
if case == '1':
new_entity_name = self.get_name_if_default_template(
entity_name, entity_flag)
elif case == '2':
pass_two, uuid = self.prepare_string_with_uuid(
entity_template, entity_name, entity_flag)
m = re.match(r'^' + entity_name +
r'\[:(\d+)\]' + uuid + r'\[:(\d+)\]$', pass_two)
if m:
num_1 =
num_2 =
int(num_1), int(num_2), entity_flag)
new_entity_name = (
entity_name[:int(num_1)] + uuid[:int(num_2)])
override_rule_warning = True
elif case == '3':
pass_two, uuid = self.prepare_string_with_uuid(
entity_template, entity_name, entity_flag)
m = re.match(r'^' + entity_name +
r'\[-(\d+):\]' + uuid + r'\[:(\d+)\]$', pass_two)
if m:
num_1 =
num_2 =
int(num_1), int(num_2), entity_flag)
new_entity_name = (
entity_name[-int(num_1):] + uuid[:int(num_2)])
override_rule_warning = True
elif case == '4':
pass_two = self.prepare_string_entity(
entity_template, entity_name, entity_flag)
m = re.match(r'^' + entity_name +
r'\[:(\d+)\]' + r'([a-zA-Z0-9_\\-]+)$', pass_two)
if m:
num_1 =
user_defined =
int(num_1), len(user_defined), entity_flag)
new_entity_name = entity_name[:int(num_1)] + user_defined
override_rule_warning = True
elif case == '5':
pass_two = self.prepare_string_entity(
entity_template, entity_name, entity_flag)
m = re.match(r'^' + entity_name +
r'\[-(\d+):\]' + r'([a-zA-Z0-9_\\-]+)$', pass_two)
if m:
num_1 =
user_defined =
int(num_1), len(user_defined), entity_flag)
new_entity_name = entity_name[-int(num_1):] + user_defined
override_rule_warning = True
if override_rule_warning:
"You have opted to override the %(entity)s naming format. "
"Once changed and you have attached volumes or created "
"new instances, you cannot revert to default or change to "
"another format.",
{'entity': 'storage group'
if entity_flag else 'port group'})
except Exception:
new_entity_name = None
return new_entity_name
def get_name_if_default_template(self, entity_name, is_short_host_flag):
"""Get the entity name if it is the default template
:param entity_name: the first number
:param is_short_host_flag: the second number
:returns: entity name -- string
if is_short_host_flag:
return self.get_host_short_name(entity_name)
return self.get_pg_short_name(entity_name)
def check_upper_limit(num_1, num_2, is_host_flag):
"""Check that the sum of number is less than upper limit.
:param num_1: the first number
:param num_2: the second number
:param is_host_flag: is short host boolean
:raises: VolumeBackendAPIException
if is_host_flag:
if (num_1 + num_2) > UPPER_HOST_CHARS:
error_message = (_("Host name exceeds the character upper "
"limit of %(upper)d. Please check your "
"short host template.") %
{'upper': UPPER_HOST_CHARS})
raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(
if (num_1 + num_2) > UPPER_PORT_GROUP_CHARS:
error_message = (_("Port group name exceeds the character "
"upper limit of %(upper)d. Please check "
"your port group template") %
raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(
def prepare_string_with_uuid(
self, template, entity_str, is_short_host_flag):
"""Prepare string for pass three
:param template: the template
:param entity_str: the entity string
:param is_short_host_flag: is short host
:returns: pass_two -- string
uuid -- string
pass_one = self.prepare_string_entity(
template, entity_str, is_short_host_flag)
uuid = self.get_uuid_of_input(entity_str)
pass_two = pass_one.replace('uuid', uuid)
return pass_two, uuid
def prepare_string_entity(template, entity_str, is_host_flag):
"""Prepare string for pass two
:param template: the template
:param entity_str: the entity string
:param is_host_flag: is host boolean
:returns: pass_one -- string
entity_type = 'shortHostName' if is_host_flag else 'portGroupName'
# Replace entity type with variable
return template.replace(
entity_type, entity_str)
def regex_check(template, is_short_host_flag):
"""Check the template is in a validate format.
:param template: short host name template
:param is_short_host_flag: short host boolean
:returns: boolean,
case -- string
if is_short_host_flag:
entity = 'shortHostName'
entity = 'portGroupName'
if re.match(r'^' + entity + r'$', template):
return True, '1'
elif re.match(r'^' + entity + r'\[:\d+\]uuid\[:\d+\]$', template):
return True, '2'
elif re.match(r'^' + entity + r'\[-\d+:\]uuid\[:\d+\]$', template):
return True, '3'
elif re.match(r'^' + entity + r'\[:\d+\][a-zA-Z0-9_\\-]+$', template):
return True, '4'
elif re.match(r'^' + entity + r'\[-\d+:\][a-zA-Z0-9_\\-]+$',
return True, '5'
return False, '0'
def get_host_name_label(self, host_name_in, host_template):
"""Get the host name label that will be used in PowerMax Objects
:param host_name_in: host name as portrayed in connector object
:param host_template:
:returns: host_name_out
host_name_out = self.get_host_short_name(
if host_template:
short_host_name = self.get_host_short_name_from_fqn(
host_name_out = (
host_template, short_host_name))
return host_name_out
def get_port_name_label(self, port_name_in, port_group_template):
"""Get the port name label that will be used in PowerMax Objects
:rtype: object
:param host_name_in: host name as portrayed in connector object
:param port_group_template: port group template
:returns: port_name_out
port_name_out = self.get_pg_short_name(port_name_in)
if port_group_template:
port_name_out = (
port_group_template, port_name_in))
return port_name_out
def get_storage_group_component_dict(self, storage_group_name):
"""Parse the storage group string.
:param storage_group_name: the storage group name -- str
:returns: object components -- dict
regex_str = (r'^(?P<prefix>OS)-(?P<host>.+?)'
return self.get_object_components_and_correct_host(
regex_str, storage_group_name)
def get_rdf_group_component_dict(self, storage_group_name):
"""Parse the storage group string.
:param storage_group_name: the storage group name -- str
:returns: object components -- dict
regex_str = (r'^(?P<prefix>OS)-(?P<rdf_label>.+?)-'
return self.get_object_components(
regex_str, storage_group_name)
def get_object_components_and_correct_host(self, regex_str, input_str):
"""Get components from input string.
:param regex_str: the regex -- str
:param input_str: the input string -- str
:returns: object components -- dict
object_dict = self.get_object_components(regex_str, input_str)
if object_dict and 'host' in object_dict:
if object_dict['host'].endswith('-'):
object_dict['host'] = object_dict['host'][:-1]
return object_dict
def get_object_components(regex_str, input_str):
"""Get components from input string.
:param regex_str: the regex -- str
:param input_str: the input string -- str
:returns: dict
full_str = re.compile(regex_str)
match = full_str.match(input_str)
return match.groupdict() if match else None
def get_possible_initiator_name(self, host_label, protocol):
"""Get possible initiator name based on the host
:param host_label: the host label -- str
:param protocol: the protocol -- str
:returns: initiator_group_name -- str
protocol = self.get_short_protocol_type(protocol)
return ("OS-%(shortHostName)s-%(protocol)s-IG"
% {'shortHostName': host_label,
'protocol': protocol})
def delete_values_from_dict(datadict, key_list):
"""Delete values from a dict
:param datadict: dictionary
:param key_list: list of keys
:returns: dict
for key in key_list:
if datadict.get(key):
del datadict[key]
return datadict
def update_values_in_dict(datadict, tuple_list):
"""Delete values from a dict
:param datadict: dictionary
:param tuple_list: list of tuples
:returns: dict
for tuple in tuple_list:
if datadict.get(tuple[0]):
datadict.update({tuple[1]: datadict.get(tuple[0])})
del datadict[tuple[0]]
return datadict
def _get_intersection(list_str1, list_str2):
"""Get the common values between 2 comma separated list
:param list_str1: list one
:param list_str2: list two
:returns: sorted list
list_str1 = re.sub(r"\s+", "", list_str1).lower()
list_str2 = re.sub(r"\s+", "", list_str2).lower()
my_list1 = sorted(list_str1.split(","))
my_list2 = sorted(list_str2.split(","))
sorted_common_list = (
return sorted_common_list
def get_unique_device_ids_from_lists(list_a, list_b):
"""Get the unique values from list B that don't appear in list A.
:param list_a: list A
:param list_b: list B
:returns: values unique between two lists -- list
set_a = set(list_a)
return [dev_id for dev_id in list_b if dev_id not in set_a]
def update_payload_for_rdf_vol_create(payload, remote_array_id,
"""Construct the REST payload for creating RDF enabled volumes.
:param payload: the existing payload -- dict
:param remote_array_id: the remote array serial number -- str
:param storage_group_name: the storage group name -- str
:returns: updated payload -- dict
create_new_vol = {"create_new_volumes": "True"}
remote_dict = {"remoteSymmSGInfoParam": {
"remote_symmetrix_1_id": remote_array_id,
"remote_symmetrix_1_sgs": [storage_group_name],
"force": "true"}}
return payload
def is_retype_supported(volume, src_extra_specs, tgt_extra_specs,
"""Determine if a retype operation involving Metro is supported.
:param volume: the volume object -- obj
:param src_extra_specs: the source extra specs -- dict
:param tgt_extra_specs: the target extra specs -- dict
:param rep_configs: imported cinder.conf replication devices -- dict
:returns: is supported -- bool
if volume.attach_status == 'detached':
return True
src_rep_mode = src_extra_specs.get('rep_mode', None)
tgt_rep_mode = None
if PowerMaxUtils.is_replication_enabled(tgt_extra_specs):
target_backend_id = tgt_extra_specs.get(
target_rep_config = PowerMaxUtils.get_rep_config(
target_backend_id, rep_configs)
tgt_rep_mode = target_rep_config.get('mode', REP_SYNC)
if tgt_rep_mode != REP_METRO:
return True
if src_rep_mode == REP_METRO:
return True
if not src_rep_mode or src_rep_mode in [REP_SYNC, REP_ASYNC]:
return False
def get_rep_config(backend_id, rep_configs, promotion_vol_stats=False):
"""Get rep_config for given backend_id.
:param backend_id: rep config search key -- str
:param rep_configs: backend rep_configs -- list
:param promotion_vol_stats: get rep config for vol stats -- bool
:returns: rep_config -- dict
if len(rep_configs) == 1:
rep_device = rep_configs[0]
rep_device = None
for rep_config in rep_configs:
if rep_config[BACKEND_ID] == backend_id:
rep_device = rep_config
if rep_device is None:
if promotion_vol_stats:
# Stat collection only need remote array and srp, any of
# the available replication_devices can provide this.
rep_device = rep_configs[0]
msg = (_('Could not find a replication_device with a '
'backend_id of "%s" in cinder.conf. Please '
'confirm that the replication_device_backend_id '
'extra spec for this volume type matches the '
'backend_id of the intended replication_device '
'in cinder.conf.') % backend_id)
msg = (_('Could not find replication_device. Legacy '
'replication_device key found, please ensure '
'the backend_id for the legacy '
'replication_device in cinder.conf has been '
'changed to "%s".') % BACKEND_ID_LEGACY_REP)
raise exception.InvalidInput(msg)
return rep_device
def get_replication_targets(rep_configs):
"""Set the replication targets for the backend.
:param rep_configs: backend rep_configs -- list
:returns: arrays configured for replication -- list
replication_targets = set()
if rep_configs:
for rep_config in rep_configs:
array = rep_config.get(ARRAY)
if array:
return list(replication_targets)
def validate_failover_request(self, is_failed_over, failover_backend_id,
rep_configs, primary_array, arrays_list,
"""Validate failover_host request's parameters
Validate that a failover_host operation can be performed with
the user entered parameters and system configuration/state
:param is_failed_over: current failover state
:param failover_backend_id: backend_id given during failover request
:param rep_configs: backend rep_configs -- list
:param primary_array: configured primary array SID -- string
:param arrays_list: list of U4P symmetrix IDs -- list
:param is_promoted: current promotion state -- bool
:returns: (bool, str) is valid, reason on invalid
is_valid = True
msg = ""
if is_failed_over:
valid_backend_ids = [
if failover_backend_id not in valid_backend_ids:
is_valid = False
msg = _('Cannot failover, the backend is already in a failed '
'over state, if you meant to failback, please add '
'--backend_id default to the command.')
elif (failover_backend_id == 'default' and
primary_array not in arrays_list):
is_valid = False
msg = _('Cannot failback, the configured primary array is '
'not currently available to perform failback to. '
'Please ensure array %s is visible in '
'Unisphere.') % primary_array
elif is_promoted and failover_backend_id != 'default':
is_valid = False
msg = _('Failover promotion currently in progress, please '
'finish the promotion process and issue a failover '
'using the "default" backend_id to complete this '
if failover_backend_id == 'default':
is_valid = False
msg = _('Cannot failback, backend is not in a failed over '
'state. If you meant to failover, please either omit '
'the --backend_id parameter or use the --backend_id '
'parameter with a valid backend id.')
return is_valid, msg
def validate_replication_group_config(self, rep_configs, extra_specs_list):
"""Validate replication group configuration
Validate the extra specs of volume types being added to
a volume group against rep_config imported from cinder.conf
:param rep_configs: list of replication_device dicts from cinder.conf
:param extra_specs_list: extra_specs of volume types added to group
:raises InvalidInput: If any of the validation check fail
if not rep_configs:
LOG.error('No replication devices set in cinder.conf please '
'disable replication in Volume Group extra specs '
'or add replication device to cinder.conf.')
msg = _('No replication devices are defined in cinder.conf, '
'can not enable volume group replication.')
raise exception.InvalidInput(reason=msg)
rep_group_backend_ids = set()
for extra_specs in extra_specs_list:
target_backend_id = extra_specs.get(
target_rep_config = self.get_rep_config(
target_backend_id, rep_configs)
except exception.InvalidInput:
target_rep_config = None
if not (extra_specs.get(IS_RE) == '<is> True'):
# Replication is disabled or not set to correct value
# in the Volume Type being added
msg = _('Replication is not enabled for a Volume Type, '
'all Volume Types in a replication enabled '
'Volume Group must have replication enabled.')
raise exception.InvalidInput(reason=msg)
if not target_rep_config:
# Unable to determine rep_configs to use.
msg = _('Unable to determine which rep_device to use from '
'cinder.conf. Could not validate volume types being '
'added to group.')
raise exception.InvalidInput(reason=msg)
# Verify that replication is Synchronous mode
if not target_rep_config.get('mode'):
LOG.warning('Unable to verify the replication mode '
'of Volume Type, please ensure only '
'Synchronous replication is used.')
elif not target_rep_config['mode'] == REP_SYNC:
msg = _('Replication for Volume Type is not set '
'to Synchronous. Only Synchronous '
'can be used with replication groups')
raise exception.InvalidInput(reason=msg)
if len(rep_group_backend_ids) > 1:
# We should only have a single backend_id
# (replication type) across all the Volume Types
msg = _('Multiple replication backend ids detected '
'please ensure only a single replication device '
'(backend_id) is used for all Volume Types in a '
'Volume Group.')
raise exception.InvalidInput(reason=msg)
def validate_non_replication_group_config(extra_specs_list):
"""Validate volume group configuration
Validate that none of the Volume Type extra specs are
replication enabled.
:param extra_specs_list: list of Volume Type extra specs
:returns: bool replication enabled found in any extra specs
for extra_specs in extra_specs_list:
if extra_specs.get(IS_RE) == '<is> True':
msg = _('Replication is enabled in one or more of the '
'Volume Types being added to new Volume Group but '
'the Volume Group is not replication enabled. Please '
'enable replication in the Volume Group or select '
'only non-replicated Volume Types.')
raise exception.InvalidInput(reason=msg)
def get_migration_delete_extra_specs(volume, extra_specs, rep_configs):
"""Get previous extra specs rep details during migration delete
:param volume: volume object -- volume
:param extra_specs: volumes extra specs -- dict
:param rep_configs: imported cinder.conf replication devices -- dict
:returns: updated extra specs -- dict
metadata = volume.metadata
replication_enabled = strutils.bool_from_string(
metadata.get(IS_RE_CAMEL, 'False'))
if replication_enabled:
rdfg_label = metadata['RDFG-Label']
rep_config = next(
(r_c for r_c in rep_configs if r_c[
'rdf_group_label'] == rdfg_label), None)
extra_specs[IS_RE] = replication_enabled
extra_specs[REP_MODE] = metadata['ReplicationMode']
extra_specs[REP_CONFIG] = rep_config
extra_specs.pop(IS_RE, None)
return extra_specs
def version_meet_req(version, minimum_version):
"""Check if current version meets the minimum version allowed
:param version: unisphere version
:param minimum_version: minimum version allowed
:returns: boolean
checking = packaging.version.parse(version)
minimum = packaging.version.parse(minimum_version)
return checking >= minimum
def parse_specs_from_pool_name(pool_name):
"""Parse basic volume type specs from pool_name.
:param pool_name: the pool name -- str
:returns: array_id, srp, service_level, workload -- str, str, str, str
array_id, srp, service_level, workload = str(), str(), str(), str()
pool_details = pool_name.split('+')
if len(pool_details) == 4:
array_id = pool_details[3]
srp = pool_details[2]
service_level = pool_details[0]
if not pool_details[1].lower() == 'none':
workload = pool_details[1]
elif len(pool_details) == 3:
service_level = pool_details[0]
srp = pool_details[1]
array_id = pool_details[2]
if not pool_name:
msg = (_('No pool_name specified in volume-type.'))
msg = (_("There has been a problem parsing the pool "
"information from pool_name '%(pool)s'." % {
'pool': pool_name}))
raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(msg)
if service_level.lower() == 'none':
service_level = str()
return array_id, srp, service_level, workload
def convert_to_string(in_value):
"""Convert to string if value is an int
:param in_value: the input (most likely a str or int)
:returns: str
return in_value if isinstance(in_value, str) else str(in_value)
def ode_capable(in_value):
"""Check if online device expansion capable
:param in_value: microcode
:returns: Boolean
return ((int(in_value[0]) == UCODE_5978 and
int(in_value[2]) > UCODE_5978_ELMSR) or
(int(in_value[0]) > UCODE_5978))