
478 lines
14 KiB

# Copyright 2015 Objectif Libre
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
from collections import OrderedDict
from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse
from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _
from horizon import tables
from horizon import tabs
from cloudkittydashboard.api import cloudkitty as api
class CreateService(tables.LinkAction):
name = "createservice"
verbose_name = _("Create new Service")
url = 'horizon:admin:hashmap:service_create'
icon = "create"
ajax = True
classes = ("ajax-modal",)
class DeleteService(tables.DeleteAction):
name = "deleteservice"
verbose_name = _("Delete Service")
action_present = _("Delete")
action_past = _("Deleted")
data_type_singular = _("Service")
data_type_plural = _("Services")
icon = "remove"
def action(self, request, service_id):
class ServicesTable(tables.DataTable):
"""This table list the available services.
Clicking on a service name sends you to a ServiceTabs page.
name = tables.Column('name', verbose_name=_("Name"),
class Meta(object):
name = "services"
verbose_name = _("Services")
table_actions = (CreateService, DeleteService)
row_actions = (DeleteService,)
class CreateGroup(tables.LinkAction):
name = "creategroup"
verbose_name = _("Create new Group")
icon = "create"
ajax = True
classes = ("ajax-modal",)
def get_link_url(self, datum=None):
url = 'horizon:admin:hashmap:group_create'
service_id = self.table.request.service_id
return reverse(url, args=[service_id])
class DeleteGroup(tables.DeleteAction):
name = "deletegroup"
verbose_name = _("Delete Group")
action_present = _("Delete")
action_past = _("Deleted")
data_type_singular = _("Group")
data_type_plural = _("Groups")
icon = "remove"
def action(self, request, group_id):
def get_detail_link(datum):
if datum.group_id:
url = "horizon:admin:hashmap:group_details"
return reverse(url, kwargs={'group_id': datum.group_id})
class GroupsTable(tables.DataTable):
"""This table list the available groups.
Clicking on a group name sends you to a GroupsTab page.
name = tables.Column('name', verbose_name=_("Name"), link=get_detail_link)
group_id = tables.Column('group_id', verbose_name=_("Group"))
class Meta(object):
name = "groups"
verbose_name = _("Groups")
table_actions = (CreateGroup, DeleteGroup)
row_actions = (DeleteGroup,)
class GroupsTab(tabs.TableTab):
name = _("Groups")
slug = "hashmap_groups"
table_classes = (GroupsTable,)
template_name = "horizon/common/_detail_table.html"
preload = True
def get_groups_data(self):
client = api.cloudkittyclient(self.request)
groups = client.hashmap.groups.list()
return api.identify(groups)
class CreateServiceThreshold(tables.LinkAction):
name = "createservicethreshold"
verbose_name = _("Create new Service Threshold")
icon = "create"
ajax = False
classes = ("ajax-modal",)
def get_link_url(self, datum=None):
url = 'horizon:admin:hashmap:service_threshold_create'
service_id = self.table.request.service_id
return reverse(url, args=[service_id])
class CreateFieldThreshold(tables.LinkAction):
name = "createfieldthreshold"
verbose_name = _("Create new Field Threshold")
icon = "create"
ajax = False
classes = ("ajax-modal",)
def get_link_url(self, datum=None):
url = 'horizon:admin:hashmap:field_threshold_create'
field_id = self.table.request.field_id
return reverse(url, args=[field_id])
class DeleteServiceThreshold(tables.DeleteAction):
name = "deletetservicehreshold"
verbose_name = _("Delete Service Threshold")
action_present = _("Delete")
action_past = _("Deleted")
data_type_singular = _("Service Threshold")
data_type_plural = _("Service Thresholds")
icon = "remove"
def action(self, request, threshold_id):
class DeleteFieldThreshold(tables.DeleteAction):
name = "deletefieldthreshold"
verbose_name = _("Delete Field Threshold")
action_present = _("Delete")
action_past = _("Deleted")
data_type_singular = _("Field Threshold")
data_type_plural = _("Field Thresholds")
icon = "remove"
def action(self, request, threshold_id):
class EditServiceThreshold(tables.LinkAction):
name = "editservicethreshold"
verbose_name = _("Edit Service Threshold")
icon = "edit"
ajax = True
classes = ("ajax-modal",)
def get_link_url(self, datum=None):
url = 'horizon:admin:hashmap:service_threshold_edit'
return reverse(url, args=[datum.threshold_id])
def get_groupname(datum):
if hasattr(datum, "group_name"):
groupname = datum.group_name
return groupname
return _("Not available")
def add_groupname(request, datums):
client = api.cloudkittyclient(request)
groups = client.hashmap.groups.list()
full_groups = OrderedDict([(str(group.group_id),
for group in groups])
for datum in datums:
if datum.group_id:
if datum.group_id in full_groups:
datum.group_name = full_groups[datum.group_id]
group = client.hashmap.groups.get(
datum.group_name =
class BaseThresholdsTable(tables.DataTable):
level = tables.Column('level', verbose_name=_("Level"))
type = tables.Column('type', verbose_name=_("Type"))
cost = tables.Column('cost', verbose_name=_("Cost"))
group_name = tables.Column(get_groupname,
verbose_name=_("Group Name"),
class ServiceThresholdsTable(BaseThresholdsTable):
"""This table list the available service thresholds.
Clicking on a group name sends you to a GroupsTab page.
class Meta(object):
name = "service_thresholds"
verbose_name = _("Service Threshold")
table_actions = (CreateServiceThreshold, DeleteServiceThreshold)
row_actions = (EditServiceThreshold, DeleteServiceThreshold)
class ServiceThresholdsTab(tabs.TableTab):
name = _("Service Thresholds")
slug = "hashmap_service_thresholds"
table_classes = (ServiceThresholdsTable,)
template_name = "horizon/common/_detail_table.html"
preload = True
def get_service_thresholds_data(self):
client = api.cloudkittyclient(self.request)
thresholds = client.hashmap.thresholds.list(
add_groupname(self.request, thresholds)
return api.identify(thresholds)
class EditFieldThreshold(tables.LinkAction):
name = "editfieldthreshold"
verbose_name = _("Edit Field Threshold")
icon = "edit"
ajax = True
classes = ("ajax-modal",)
def get_link_url(self, datum=None):
url = 'horizon:admin:hashmap:field_threshold_edit'
return reverse(url, args=[datum.threshold_id])
class FieldThresholdsTable(BaseThresholdsTable):
"""This table list the available field thresholds.
Clicking on a group name sends you to a GroupsTab page.
class Meta(object):
name = "field_thresholds"
verbose_name = _("Field Threshold")
table_actions = (CreateFieldThreshold, DeleteFieldThreshold)
row_actions = (EditFieldThreshold, DeleteFieldThreshold)
class FieldThresholdsTab(tabs.TableTab):
name = _("Field Thresholds")
slug = "hashmap_field_thresholds"
table_classes = (FieldThresholdsTable,)
template_name = "horizon/common/_detail_table.html"
preload = True
def get_field_thresholds_data(self):
client = api.cloudkittyclient(self.request)
thresholds = client.hashmap.thresholds.list(
add_groupname(self.request, thresholds)
return api.identify(thresholds)
class DeleteField(tables.DeleteAction):
name = "deletefield"
verbose_name = _("Delete Field")
action_present = _("Delete")
action_past = _("Deleted")
data_type_singular = _("Field")
data_type_plural = _("Fields")
icon = "remove"
def action(self, request, field_id):
class CreateField(tables.LinkAction):
name = "createfield"
verbose_name = _("Create new Field")
icon = "create"
ajax = True
classes = ("ajax-modal",)
def get_link_url(self, datum=None):
url = 'horizon:admin:hashmap:field_create'
service_id = self.table.request.service_id
return reverse(url, args=[service_id])
class FieldsTable(tables.DataTable):
"""This table lists the available fields for a given service.
Clicking on a fields sends you to a MappingsTable.
name = tables.Column(
class Meta(object):
name = "fields"
verbose_name = _("Fields")
multi_select = False
row_actions = (DeleteField,)
table_actions = (CreateField, DeleteField)
class FieldsTab(tabs.TableTab):
name = _("Fields")
slug = "hashmap_fields"
table_classes = (FieldsTable,)
template_name = "horizon/common/_detail_table.html"
preload = True
def get_fields_data(self):
client = api.cloudkittyclient(self.request)
fields = client.hashmap.fields.list(service_id=self.request.service_id)
return api.identify(fields)
class DeleteMapping(tables.DeleteAction):
name = "deletemapping"
verbose_name = _("Delete Mapping")
action_present = _("Delete")
action_past = _("Deleted")
data_type_singular = _("Mapping")
data_type_plural = _("Mappings")
icon = "remove"
def action(self, request, mapping_id):
class CreateServiceMapping(tables.LinkAction):
name = "createiservicemapping"
verbose_name = _("Create new Mapping")
icon = "create"
ajax = True
classes = ("ajax-modal",)
def get_link_url(self, datum=None):
url = 'horizon:admin:hashmap:service_mapping_create'
service_id = self.table.request.service_id
return reverse(url, args=[service_id])
class EditServiceMapping(tables.LinkAction):
name = "editservicemapping"
verbose_name = _("Edit Mapping")
icon = "edit"
ajax = True
classes = ("ajax-modal",)
def get_link_url(self, datum=None):
url = 'horizon:admin:hashmap:service_mapping_edit'
return reverse(url, args=[datum.mapping_id])
class BaseMappingsTable(tables.DataTable):
type = tables.Column('type', verbose_name=_("Type"))
cost = tables.Column('cost', verbose_name=_("Cost"))
group_name = tables.Column(get_groupname,
verbose_name=_("Group Name"),
class ServiceMappingsTable(BaseMappingsTable):
class Meta(object):
name = "mappings"
verbose_name = _("Mappings")
row_actions = (EditServiceMapping, DeleteMapping)
table_actions = (CreateServiceMapping, DeleteMapping)
class CreateFieldMapping(tables.LinkAction):
name = "createfieldmapping"
verbose_name = _("Create new Mapping")
icon = "create"
ajax = True
classes = ("ajax-modal",)
def get_link_url(self, datum=None):
url = 'horizon:admin:hashmap:field_mapping_create'
field_id = self.table.request.field_id
return reverse(url, args=[field_id])
class EditFieldMapping(tables.LinkAction):
name = "editfieldmapping"
verbose_name = _("Edit Mapping")
icon = "edit"
ajax = True
classes = ("ajax-modal",)
def get_link_url(self, datum=None):
url = 'horizon:admin:hashmap:field_mapping_edit'
return reverse(url, args=[datum.mapping_id])
class FieldMappingsTable(BaseMappingsTable):
value = tables.Column('value', verbose_name=_("Value"))
class Meta(object):
name = "mappings"
verbose_name = _("Mappings")
row_actions = (EditFieldMapping, DeleteMapping)
table_actions = (CreateFieldMapping, DeleteMapping)
class FieldMappingsTab(tabs.TableTab):
name = _("Field Mappings")
slug = "hashmap_field_mappings"
table_classes = (FieldMappingsTable,)
template_name = "horizon/common/_detail_table.html"
preload = True
def get_mappings_data(self):
client = api.cloudkittyclient(self.request)
mappings = client.hashmap.mappings.list(
add_groupname(self.request, mappings)
return api.identify(mappings)
class MappingsTab(tabs.TableTab):
name = _("Service Mappings")
slug = "hashmap_mappings"
table_classes = (ServiceMappingsTable,)
template_name = "horizon/common/_detail_table.html"
preload = True
def get_mappings_data(self):
client = api.cloudkittyclient(self.request)
mappings = client.hashmap.mappings.list(
add_groupname(self.request, mappings)
return api.identify(mappings)
class FieldTabs(tabs.TabGroup):
slug = "field_tabs"
tabs = (FieldMappingsTab, FieldThresholdsTab)
sticky = True
class ServiceTabs(tabs.TabGroup):
slug = "services_tabs"
tabs = (FieldsTab, MappingsTab, ServiceThresholdsTab, GroupsTab)
sticky = True