Agent for configuration file validation

This is the agent part of the blueprint.

Implementation of a datasource that transcribes the content
of configuration files managed by oslo-config in Congress

The datasource uses a set of agents deployed on the nodes
to access the configuration files.

Change-Id: I56750cfd72ad43d8af123d151f70d1d76568a456
Implements: blueprint configuration-files-validation
Co-Authored-By: Valentin Matton <>
Co-Authored-By: Pierre Crégut <>
This commit is contained in:
Valentin Matton 2017-04-05 16:50:34 +02:00 committed by Pierre Crégut
parent a729a0926d
commit 872f1b9419
19 changed files with 1763 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,433 @@
# Copyright (c) 2017 Orange.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
"""Agent is the main entry point for the configuration validator agent.
The agent is executed on the different nodes of the cloud and sends back
configuration values and metadata to the configuration validator datasource
import json
import os
import sys
from oslo_config import cfg
from oslo_config import generator
from oslo_log import log as logging
from oslo_service import service
import six
from congress.common import config
from congress.cfg_validator.agent import generator as validator_generator
from congress.cfg_validator.agent import opts as validator_opts
from congress.cfg_validator.agent import rpc
from congress.cfg_validator import parsing
from congress.cfg_validator import utils
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class Config(object):
"""Encapsulates a configuration file and its meta-data.
path: Path to the configuration on the local file system.
template: A Template object to use for parsing the configuration.
data: The normalized Namespace loaded by oslo-config, contains the
parsed values.
hash: Hash of the configuration file, salted with the hostname and the
template hash
service_name: The associated service name
# pylint: disable=protected-access
def __init__(self, path, template, service_name):
self.path = path
self.template = template = None
self.hash = None
self.service = service_name
def parse(self, host):
"""Parses the config at the path given. Updates data and hash.
host: the name of the host where the config is. Used for building a
unique hash.
namespaces_data = [ for ns in self.template.namespaces]
conf = parsing.parse_config_file(namespaces_data, self.path)
Config.sanitize_config(conf) = conf._namespace._normalized
self.hash = utils.compute_hash(host, self.template.hash,
json.dumps(, sort_keys=True))
def sanitize_config(conf):
"""Sanitizes some cfg.ConfigOpts values, given its options meta-data.
:param conf: A cfg.ConfigOpts object, pre-loaded with its options
meta-data and with its configurations values.
normalized = getattr(conf._namespace,
'_normalized', None)
if not normalized:
normalized = normalized[0]
# Obfuscate values of options declared secret
def _sanitize(opt, group_name='DEFAULT'):
if not opt.secret:
if group_name not in normalized:
if in normalized[group_name]:
normalized[group_name][] = ['*' * 4]
for option in six.itervalues(conf._opts):
for group_name, group in six.iteritems(conf._groups):
for option in six.itervalues(group._opts):
_sanitize(option['opt'], group_name)
def get_info(self):
"""Information on the configuration file.
:return: a quadruple made of:
* the hash of the template,
* the path to the file,
* the content
* the service name.
return {'template': self.template.hash, 'path': self.path,
'data':, 'service': self.service}
class Namespace(object):
"""Encapsulates a namespace, as defined by oslo-config-generator.
It contains the actual meta-data of the options. The data is loaded from
the service source code, by means of oslo-config-generator.
name: The name, as used by oslo-config-generator.
data: The meta-data of the configuration options.
hash: Hash of the namespace.
def __init__(self, name): = name = None
self.hash = None
def load(name):
"""Loads a namespace from disk
:param name: the name of namespace to load.
:return: a fully configured namespace.
namespace = Namespace(name)
saved_conf = cfg.CONF
cfg.CONF = cfg.ConfigOpts()
json_data = validator_generator.generate_ns_data(name)
cfg.CONF = saved_conf
namespace.hash = utils.compute_hash(json_data) = json.loads(json_data)
return namespace
def get_info(self):
"""Information on the namespace
:return: a tuple containing
* data: the content of the namespace
* name: the name of the namespace
return {'data':, 'name':}
class Template(object):
"""Describes a template, as defined by oslo-config-generator.
name: The name, as used by oslo-config-generator.
path: The path to the template configuration file, as defined by oslo-
config-generator, on the local file system.
output_file: The default output path for this template.
namespaces: A set of Namespace objects, which make up this template.
# pylint: disable=protected-access
def __init__(self, path, output_file):
self.path = path
self.output_file = output_file
self.namespaces = []
self.hash = None
name = os.path.basename(output_file) = os.path.splitext(name)[0] if name.endswith('.sample') \
else name
def _parse_template_conf(template_path):
"""Parses a template configuration file"""
conf = cfg.ConfigOpts()
conf(['--config-file', template_path])
return conf.namespace, conf.output_file
def load(template_path):
"""Loads a template configuration file
:param template_path: path to the template
:return: a fully configured Template object.
namespaces, output_file = Template._parse_template_conf(template_path)
template = Template(template_path, output_file)
for namespace in namespaces:
template.hash = utils.compute_hash(
sorted([ns.hash for ns in template.namespaces]))
return template
def get_info(self):
"""Info on the template
:return: a quadruple made of:
* path: the path to the template path
* name: the name of the template
* output_fle:
* namespaces: an array of namespace hashes.
return {'path': self.path, 'name':,
'output_file': self.output_file,
'namespaces': [ns.hash for ns in self.namespaces]}
class ConfigManager(object):
"""Manages the services configuration files on a node and their meta-data.
host: A hostname.
configs: A dict mapping config hashes to their associated Config
templates: A dict mapping template hashes to their associated Template
namespaces: A dict mapping namespace hashes to their associated
Namespace object.
def __init__(self, host, services_files): = host
self.configs = {}
self.templates = {}
self.namespaces = {}
for service_name, files in six.iteritems(services_files):
self.register_service(service_name, files)
def get_template_by_path(self, template_path):
"""Given a path finds the corresponding template if it is registered
:param template_path: the path of the searched template
:return: None or the template
for template in six.itervalues(self.templates):
if template.path == template_path:
return template
def add_template(self, template_path):
"""Adds a new template (loads it from path).
:param template_path: a valid path to the template file.
template = Template.load(template_path)
self.templates[template.hash] = template
self.namespaces.update({ns.hash: ns for ns in template.namespaces})
return template
def register_config(self, config_path, template_path, service_name):
"""Register a configuration file and its associated template.
Template and config are actually parsed and loaded.
:param config_path: a valid path to the config file.
:param template_path: a valid path to the template file.
template = (self.get_template_by_path(template_path)
or self.add_template(template_path))
conf = Config(config_path, template, service_name)
self.configs[conf.hash] = conf'{hash: %s, path:%s}' % (conf.hash, conf.path))
def register_service(self, service_name, files):
"""Register all configs for an identified service.
Inaccessible files are ignored and files registration pursues.
:param service_name: The name of the service
:param files: A dict, mapping a configuration path to
its associated template path
for config_path, template_path in six.iteritems(files):
self.register_config(config_path, template_path, service_name)
except (IOError, cfg.ConfigFilesNotFoundError):
LOG.error(('Error while registering config %s with template'
' %s for service %s') %
(config_path, template_path, service_name))
class ValidatorAgentEndpoint(object):
"""Validator Agent.
It is used as an RPC endpoint.
config_manager: ConfigManager object.
driver_api: RPC client to communicate with the driver.
# pylint: disable=unused-argument,too-many-instance-attributes
def __init__(self, conf=None):
self.conf = conf or cfg.CONF
validator_conf = self.conf.agent =
self.version = validator_conf.version
self.max_delay = validator_conf.max_delay
self.driver_api = rpc.ValidatorDriverClient() = list(
service_files =
self.config_manager = ConfigManager(, service_files)
def publish_configs_hashes(self, context, **kwargs):
""""Sends back all configuration hashes"""'Sending config hashes')
conf = set(self.config_manager.configs)
self.driver_api.process_configs_hashes({}, conf,
def publish_templates_hashes(self, context, **kwargs):
""""Sends back all template hashes"""'Sending template hashes')
tpl = set(self.config_manager.templates)
self.driver_api.process_templates_hashes({}, tpl,
def get_namespace(self, context, **kwargs):
""""Sends back a namespace
:param context: the RPC context
:param hash: the hash of the namespace to send
:return: the namespace or None if not found
ns_hash = kwargs['ns_hash']'Sending namespace %s' % ns_hash)
namespace = self.config_manager.namespaces.get(ns_hash, None)
if namespace is None:
return None
ret = namespace.get_info()
ret['version'] = self.version
return ret
def get_template(self, context, **kwargs):
""""Sends back a template
:param context: the RPC context
:param hash: the hash of the template to send
:return: the template or None if not found
template_hash = kwargs['tpl_hash']'Sending template %s' % template_hash)
template = self.config_manager.templates.get(template_hash, None)
if template is None:
return None
ret = template.get_info()
ret['version'] = self.version
return ret
def get_config(self, context, **kwargs):
""""Sends back a config
:param context: the RPC context
:param hash: the hash of the config to send
:return: the config or None if not found
config_hash = kwargs['cfg_hash']'Sending config %s' % config_hash)
conf = self.config_manager.configs.get(config_hash, None)
if conf is None:
return None
ret = conf.get_info()
ret['version'] = self.version
return ret
def main():
"""Agent entry point"""
if not cfg.CONF.config_file:
sys.exit("ERROR: Unable to find configuration file via default "
"search paths ~/.congress/, ~/, /etc/congress/, /etc/) and "
"the '--config-file' option!")
agent = ValidatorAgentEndpoint()
server = rpc.AgentService(utils.AGENT_TOPIC, [agent])
service.launch(agent.conf, server).wait()
if __name__ == '__main__':

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@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
# Copyright (c) 2017 Orange.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
""" Generation of JSON from oslo config options (marshalling) """
import json
import logging
from oslo_config import cfg
from oslo_config import generator
from oslo_config import types
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class OptionJsonEncoder(json.JSONEncoder):
"""Json encoder used to give a unique representation to namespaces"""
# pylint: disable=protected-access,method-hidden,too-many-branches
def default(self, o):
if isinstance(o, cfg.Opt):
return {
'kind': type(o).__name__,
'deprecated_for_removal': o.deprecated_for_removal,
'short': o.short,
'dest': o.dest,
'deprecated_since': o.deprecated_since,
'required': o.required,
'sample_default': o.sample_default,
'deprecated_opts': o.deprecated_opts,
'positional': o.positional,
'default': o.default,
'secret': o.secret,
'deprecated_reason': o.deprecated_reason,
'mutable': o.mutable,
'type': o.type,
'metavar': o.metavar,
'advanced': o.advanced,
elif isinstance(o, (types.ConfigType, types.HostAddress)):
res = {
'type': type(o).__name__,
if isinstance(o, types.Number):
res['max'] = o.max
res['min'] = o.min
res['choices'] = o.choices
if isinstance(o, types.Range):
res['max'] = o.max
res['min'] = o.min
if isinstance(o, types.String):
if o.regex and hasattr(o.regex, 'pattern'):
res['regex'] = o.regex.pattern
res['regex'] = o.regex
res['max_length'] = o.max_length
res['quotes'] = o.quotes
res['ignore_case'] = o.ignore_case
res['choices'] = o.choices
if isinstance(o, types.List):
res['item_type'] = o.item_type
res['bounds'] = o.bounds
if isinstance(o, types.Dict):
res['value_type'] = o.value_type
res['bounds'] = o.bounds
if isinstance(o, types.URI):
res['schemes'] = o.schemes
res['max_length'] = o.max_length
if isinstance(o, types.IPAddress):
if o.version_checker == o._check_ipv4:
res['version'] = 4
elif o.version_checker == o._check_ipv6:
res['version'] = 6
# Remove unused fields
remove = [k for k, v in res.items() if not v]
for k in remove:
del res[k]
return res
elif isinstance(o, cfg.DeprecatedOpt):
return {
elif isinstance(o, cfg.OptGroup):
return {
'title': o.title,
# TODO(vmatt): some options (auth_type, auth_section) from
# keystoneauth1, loaded by keystonemiddleware.auth,
# are not defined conventionally (stable/ocata).
elif isinstance(o, type):
return {
'type': 'String'
return type(o).__name__
# pylint: disable=protected-access
def generate_ns_data(namespace):
"""Generate a json string containing the namespace"""
groups = generator._get_groups(generator._list_opts([namespace]))
return OptionJsonEncoder(sort_keys=True).encode(groups)

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@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
# Copyright (c) 2017 Orange.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
"""Options for the config validator agent"""
from oslo_config import cfg
from oslo_config import types
from oslo_log import log as logging
GROUP = cfg.OptGroup(
title='Congress agent options for config datasource')
cfg.StrOpt('host', required=True),
cfg.StrOpt('version', required=True, help='OpenStack version'),
cfg.IntOpt('max_delay', default=10, help='The maximum delay an agent will '
'wait before sending his files. '
'The smaller the value, the more '
'likely congestion is to happen'
help='Services activated on this node and configuration files',
'nova: { /etc/nova/nova.conf:/path1.conf }, '
'neutron: { /etc/nova/neutron.conf:/path2.conf },'),
value_type=types.Dict(bounds=True, value_type=types.String()))),
def register_validator_agent_opts(conf):
"""Register the options of the agent in the config object"""
conf.register_opts(AGT_OPTS, group=GROUP)
def list_opts():
"""List agent options"""
return [(GROUP, AGT_OPTS)]

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@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
# Copyright (c) 2017 Orange.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
"""Handling of RPC
Communication with the datasource driver on the config validator agent
from oslo_config import cfg
import oslo_messaging as messaging
from oslo_service import service
from congress.dse2 import dse_node as dse
DRIVER_TOPIC = (dse.DseNode.SERVICE_TOPIC_PREFIX + 'config' + '-'
+ cfg.CONF.dse.bus_id)
class AgentService(service.Service):
"""Definition of the agent service implemented as an RPC endpoint."""
def __init__(self, topic, endpoints, conf=None):
super(AgentService, self).__init__()
self.conf = conf or cfg.CONF =
self.topic = topic
self.endpoints = endpoints
self.transport = messaging.get_transport(self.conf) = messaging.Target(exchange=dse.DseNode.EXCHANGE,
self.server = messaging.get_rpc_server(self.transport,,
def start(self):
super(AgentService, self).start()
def stop(self, graceful=False):
super(AgentService, self).stop(graceful)
class ValidatorDriverClient(object):
"""RPC Proxy used by the agent to access the driver."""
def __init__(self, topic=DRIVER_TOPIC):
transport = messaging.get_transport(cfg.CONF)
target = messaging.Target(exchange=dse.DseNode.EXCHANGE,
self.client = messaging.RPCClient(transport, target)
# block calling thread
def process_templates_hashes(self, context, hashes, host):
"""Sends a list of template hashes to the driver for processing
:param hashes: the array of hashes
:param host: the host they come from.
cctx = self.client.prepare()
return, 'process_templates_hashes', hashes=hashes,
# block calling thread
def process_configs_hashes(self, context, hashes, host):
"""Sends a list of config files hashes to the driver for processing
:param hashes: the array of hashes
:param host: the host they come from.
cctx = self.client.prepare()
return, 'process_configs_hashes',
hashes=hashes, host=host)

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@ -0,0 +1,213 @@
# Copyright (c) 2017 Orange.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
"""Unmarshaling of options sent by the agent."""
import sys
from oslo_config import cfg
from oslo_config import types
from oslo_log import log as logging
from oslo_serialization import jsonutils as json
import six
from congress.cfg_validator import utils
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
# pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods
class IdentifiedOpt(cfg.Opt):
"""A subclass of option that adds a unique id and a namespace id
ids are based on hashes
def __init__(self, id_, ns_id, **kwargs):
super(IdentifiedOpt, self).__init__(**kwargs)
self.id_ = id_
self.ns_id = ns_id
def parse_value(cfgtype, value):
"""Parse and validate a value's type, raising error if check fails.
:raises: ValueError, TypeError
return cfgtype(value)
def make_type(type_descr):
"""Declares a new type
:param type_descr: a type description read from json.
:return: an oslo config type
type_name = type_descr['type']
type_descr = dict(type_descr)
del type_descr['type']
if 'item_type' in type_descr:
item_type = make_type(type_descr['item_type'])
type_descr['item_type'] = item_type
if 'value_type' in type_descr:
value_type = make_type(type_descr['value_type'])
type_descr['value_type'] = value_type
return getattr(types, type_name)(**type_descr)
# This function must never fail even if the content/metadata
# of the option were weird.
# pylint: disable=broad-except
def make_opt(option, opt_hash, ns_hash):
"""Declares a new group
:param name: an option retrieved from json.
:param opt_hash: the option hash
:param ns_hash: the hash of the namespace defining it.
:return: an oslo config option representation augmented with the hashes.
name = option.get('name', None)
deprecateds = []
if option.get('deprecated_opts', None):
for depr_descr in option.get('deprecated_opts', {}):
depr_name = depr_descr.get('name', None)
if depr_name is None:
depr_name = name
depr_opt = cfg.DeprecatedOpt(depr_name,
depr_descr.get('group', None))
cfgtype = make_type(option.get('type', {}))
default = option.get('default', None)
if default:
default = cfgtype(default)
except Exception:
_, err, _ = sys.exc_info()
LOG.error('Unvalid default value (%s, %s): %s'
% (name, default, err))
cfgopt = IdentifiedOpt(
dest=option.get('dest', None),
positional=option.get('positional', None),
help=option.get('help', None),
secret=option.get('secret', None),
required=option.get('required', None),
sample_default=option.get('sample_default', None),
deprecated_for_removal=option.get('deprecated_for_removal', None),
deprecated_reason=option.get('deprecated_reason', None),
mutable=option.get('mutable', None))
except Exception:
cfgopt = None
_, err, _ = sys.exc_info()
LOG.error('Unvalid option definition (%s in %s): %s'
% (name, ns_hash, err))
return cfgopt
def make_group(name, title, help_msg):
"""Declares a new group
:param name: group name
:param title: group title
:param help_msg: descriptive help message
:return: an oslo config group representation or None for default.
if name == 'DEFAULT':
return None
return cfg.OptGroup(name=name, title=title, help=help_msg)
def add_namespace(conf, ns_dict, ns_hash):
"""Add options from a kind to an already existing config"""
for group_name, group in six.iteritems(ns_dict):
title = group['object'].get('title', None)
help_msg = group['object'].get('help', None)
except AttributeError:
title = help_msg = None
cfggroup = make_group(group_name, title, help_msg)
# Get back the instance already stored or register the group.
if cfggroup is not None:
# pylint: disable=protected-access
cfggroup = conf._get_group(cfggroup, autocreate=True)
for namespace in group['namespaces']:
for option in namespace[1]:
opt_hash = utils.compute_hash(ns_hash, group_name,
cfgopt = make_opt(option, opt_hash, ns_hash)
conf.register_opt(cfgopt, cfggroup)
def construct_conf_manager(namespaces):
"""Construct a config manager from a list of namespaces data.
Register options of given namespaces into a cfg.ConfigOpts object.
A namespaces dict is typically cfg_validator.generator output. Options are
provided an hash as an extra field.
:param namespaces: A list of dict, containing options metadata.
:return: A cfg.ConfigOpts.
conf = cfg.ConfigOpts()
for ns_dict in namespaces:
ns_hash = utils.compute_hash(json.dumps(ns_dict, sort_keys=True))
add_namespace(conf, ns_dict, ns_hash)
return conf
def add_parsed_conf(conf, normalized):
"""Add a normalized values container to a config manager.
:param conf: A cfg.ConfigOpts object.
:param normalized: A normalized values container, as introduced by oslo
if conf:
# pylint: disable=protected-access
conf._namespace = cfg._Namespace(conf)
conf._namespace._add_parsed_config_file(None, normalized[0])
def parse_config_file(namespaces, path):
"""Parse a config file from its pre-loaded namespaces.
:param namespaces: A list of dict, containing namespaces data.
:param path: Path to the configuration file to parse.
conf = construct_conf_manager(namespaces)
# pylint: disable=protected-access
conf._namespace = cfg._Namespace(conf)
cfg.ConfigParser._parse_file(path, conf._namespace)
return conf

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# Copyright (c) 2017 Orange.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
"""Support functions for cfg_validator"""
import uuid
from oslo_log import log as logging
from congress.api import base
from congress import exception
from congress import utils
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
#: Topic for RPC between cfg validator driver (client) and the agents (server)
AGENT_TOPIC = 'congress-validator-agent'
def compute_hash(*args):
"""computes a hash from the arguments. Not cryptographically strong."""
inputs = ''.join([str(arg) for arg in args])
return str(uuid.uuid3(NAMESPACE_CONGRESS, inputs))
def cfg_value_to_congress(value):
"""Sanitize values for congress
values of log formatting options typically contains
'%s' etc, which should not be put in datalog
if isinstance(value, str):
value = value.replace('%', '')
if value is None:
return ''
return utils.value_to_congress(value)
def add_rule(bus, policy_name, rules):
"Adds a policy and rules to the engine"
policy_metadata = bus.rpc(
{'policy_rules_obj': {
"name": policy_name,
"kind": "nonrecursive",
"rules": rules}})
return policy_metadata
except exception.CongressException as err:
return None

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@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
# Copyright (c) 2017 Orange.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
Utilities for testing RPC clients.
import mock
from oslotest import base
# TODO(pc): all this does not ensure that transport and target make any sense.
# But not tested in neutron ml2 use case either.
class BaseTestRpcClient(base.BaseTestCase):
"""Abstract class providing functions to test client RPC"""
def _test_rpc_api(self, rpcapi, topic, method, rpc_method, **kwargs):
"""Base function to test each call"""
ctxt = {}
expected_retval = 'foo' if rpc_method == 'call' else None
expected_version = kwargs.pop('version', None)
fanout = kwargs.pop('fanout', False)
server = kwargs.get('server', None)
with mock.patch.object(rpcapi.client, rpc_method) as rpc_mock,\
mock.patch.object(rpcapi.client, 'prepare') as prepare_mock:
prepare_mock.return_value = rpcapi.client
rpc_mock.return_value = expected_retval
retval = getattr(rpcapi, method)(ctxt, **kwargs)
prepare_args = {}
if expected_version:
prepare_args['version'] = expected_version
if fanout:
prepare_args['fanout'] = fanout
if topic:
prepare_args['topic'] = topic
if server:
prepare_args['server'] = server
self.assertEqual(retval, expected_retval)
if server:
rpc_mock.assert_called_once_with(ctxt, method, **kwargs)

View File

View File

@ -0,0 +1,372 @@
# Copyright (c) 2017 Orange.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
"""Tests for the config validator agent."""
from os import path
import json
import mock
import six
from oslo_config import cfg
from oslo_log import log as logging
from congress.cfg_validator.agent import agent
from congress.cfg_validator.agent import opts
from congress.tests import base
# pylint: disable=protected-access
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
output_file = etc/svc.conf.sample
wrap_width = 79
namespace = congress
namespace = congress-agent
services: svc: {svc1.conf: svc.tpl}
"tpl1": agent.Template("TPL1", "out"),
"tpl2": agent.Template("TPL2", "out")}
"cfg1": agent.Config("CFG1", TEMPLATES["tpl1"], "svc"),
"cfg2": agent.Config("CFG2", TEMPLATES["tpl2"], "svc")}
"ns1": agent.Namespace("NS1"),
"ns2": agent.Namespace("NS2")}
def _gen_ns_data_fake(namespace):
return u"{\"DEFAULT\": {\"namespaces\": [[\"" + namespace + u"\", []]]}}"
class TestTemplate(base.TestCase):
"Test template loading"
def test_parse_template(self, mock_open):
"Test loading a template"
mock.mock_open(mock=mock_open, read_data=NAMESPACE_FILE_CONTENT)
# Patch the mock_open file to support iteration.
mock_open.return_value.__iter__ = lambda x: iter(x.readline, '')
tpl, out_file = agent.Template._parse_template_conf('template')
self.assertEqual(len(tpl), 2)
self.assertEqual(out_file, 'etc/svc.conf.sample')
class TestCfgConfig(base.TestCase):
"Test config handling"
def test_sanitize(self):
"test config sanitization"
conf = cfg.ConfigOpts()
conf._namespace = cfg._Namespace(conf)
conf._namespace._normalized = []
opt_1 = cfg.StrOpt(name='lorem', secret=True)
opt_2 = cfg.StrOpt(name='ipsum', secret=False)
conf.register_opts([opt_1, opt_2])
parsed = {'DEFAULT': {'lorem': ['mysecret'], 'ipsum': ['notsecret']}}
self.assertFalse('mysecret' in json.dumps(conf._namespace._normalized))
'notsecret' in json.dumps(conf._namespace._normalized))
self.assertEqual(conf.lorem, '****')
self.assertEqual(conf.ipsum, 'notsecret')
def test_get_info(self):
"test basic get_info"
cfg_mock = mock.Mock(spec=agent.Config)
tpl = mock.Mock()
tpl.hash = 'lorem'
cfg_mock.template = tpl
cfg_mock.path = 'ipsum' = 'dolor'
cfg_mock.service = 'svc'
info = agent.Config.get_info(cfg_mock)
self.assertIn('template', info)
self.assertEqual(info['template'], 'lorem')
self.assertIn('path', info)
self.assertEqual(info['path'], 'ipsum')
self.assertIn('data', info)
self.assertEqual(info['data'], 'dolor')
class TestCfgNamespace(base.TestCase):
"Test namespace handling"
def test_load(self, gen_ns_data_mock):
"Test load namespace"
gen_ns_data_mock.return_value = _gen_ns_data_fake('lorem')
ns_mock = agent.Namespace.load('ipsum')
self.assertEqual(, 'ipsum')
self.assertEqual(json.dumps(, _gen_ns_data_fake('lorem'))
same_data_ns = agent.Namespace.load('other_ipsum')
self.assertEqual(same_data_ns.hash, ns_mock.hash)
gen_ns_data_mock.return_value = _gen_ns_data_fake('other_lorem')
other_data_ns = agent.Namespace.load('ipsum')
self.assertNotEqual(ns_mock.hash, other_data_ns.hash)
def test_get_info(self):
"Test basic info on namespace"
ns_mock = mock.Mock(spec=agent.Namespace) = 'foo' = 'bar'
info = agent.Namespace.get_info(ns_mock)
self.assertIn('name', info)
self.assertEqual(info['name'], 'foo')
self.assertIn('data', info)
self.assertEqual(info['data'], 'bar')
class TestCfgTemplate(base.TestCase):
"""Test the handling of templates"""
def test_template_conf(self, parse_mock):
"""Test the parsing of template"""
ns_mock = cfg._Namespace(None)
'output_file': ['etc/congress.conf.sample'],
'wrap_width': ['79'],
'namespace': ['congress', 'oslo.log'],
parse_mock.return_value = ns_mock
namespace, out_file = agent.Template._parse_template_conf('somewhere')
self.assertEqual(out_file, 'etc/congress.conf.sample')
self.assertIn('congress', namespace)
self.assertIn('oslo.log', namespace)
def test_load(self, parse_tpl_conf_mock, load_ns_mock):
"""Test loading a template"""
parse_tpl_conf_mock.return_value = (['congress_h', 'oslo.log'],
load_ns_mock.side_effect = [mock.MagicMock(hash='lorem'),
tpl = agent.Template.load('path/to/template')
self.assertEqual(tpl.path, 'path/to/template')
self.assertEqual(tpl.output_file, 'some/where.sample')
self.assertEqual(, 'where')
self.assertIn('lorem', [ns.hash for ns in tpl.namespaces])
self.assertIn('ipsum', [ns.hash for ns in tpl.namespaces])
def test_get_info(self):
"""Test basic info on template"""
tpl = mock.Mock(spec=agent.Template)
tpl.path = 'lorem'
tpl.output_file = 'ipsum' = 'dolor'
ns_mock = mock.Mock()
ns_mock.hash = 'sit'
tpl.namespaces = [ns_mock]
info = agent.Template.get_info(tpl)
self.assertIn('name', info)
self.assertEqual(info['name'], 'dolor')
self.assertIn('path', info)
self.assertEqual(info['path'], 'lorem')
self.assertIn('output_file', info)
self.assertEqual(info['output_file'], 'ipsum')
self.assertIn('namespaces', info)
self.assertEqual(info['namespaces'], ['sit'])
def _file_mock(file_spec):
def _mk_content(spec):
fval = mock.mock_open(read_data=spec)
fval.return_value.__iter__ = lambda x: iter(x.readline, '')
return fval
file_map = {name: _mk_content(spec)
for name, spec in six.iteritems(file_spec)}
def _give_file(name):
basename = path.basename(name)
return file_map.get(basename, None)(name)
return mock.MagicMock(name='open', spec=open, side_effect=_give_file)
class TestCfgManager(base.TestCase):
"""Config manager tests"""
"svc1.conf": CONF_FILE1_CONTENT,
"svc2.conf": CONF_FILE2_CONTENT}))
def test_init(self):
"""Test the creation of the config manager"""
cfg_manager = agent.ConfigManager(
'host', {"svc": {"svc1.conf": "svc.tpl", "svc2.conf": "svc.tpl"}})
self.assertEqual(2, len(cfg_manager.configs))
self.assertEqual(2, len(cfg_manager.namespaces))
self.assertEqual(1, len(cfg_manager.templates))
for conf in six.itervalues(cfg_manager.configs):
self.assertIsInstance(conf, agent.Config)
for nspc in six.itervalues(cfg_manager.namespaces):
self.assertIsInstance(nspc, agent.Namespace)
for tpl in six.itervalues(cfg_manager.templates):
self.assertIsInstance(tpl, agent.Template)
def _setup_endpoint():
with mock.patch(
_file_mock({"agent.conf": CONF_AGENT_CONTENT})),\
autospec=True) as mock_manager,\
autospec=True) as mock_client:
conf = cfg.ConfigOpts()
conf(args=['--config-file', 'agent.conf'])
mock_manager.return_value.configs = CONFIGS
mock_manager.return_value.templates = TEMPLATES
mock_manager.return_value.namespaces = NAMESPACES
endpoint = agent.ValidatorAgentEndpoint(conf=conf)
return endpoint, mock_client, mock_manager
class TestValidatorAgentEndpoint(base.TestCase):
"""Test the endpoint for the agent communications"""
# pylint: disable=no-self-use
"agent.conf": CONF_AGENT_CONTENT}))
def test_publish_template_hashes(self, mock_client, mock_manager):
"Test a request to publish hashes"
conf = cfg.ConfigOpts()
conf(args=['--config-file', 'agent.conf'])
templates = {"tpl1": {}, "tpl2": {}}
mock_manager.return_value.templates = templates
endpoint = agent.ValidatorAgentEndpoint(conf=conf)
{}, set(templates), "hhh")
def test_publish_configs_hashes(self):
"Test a request to publish hashes"
endpoint, mock_client, _ = _setup_endpoint()
{}, set(CONFIGS), "hhh")
def test_get_config(self):
"Test reply to an explicit config request"
endpoint, _, _ = _setup_endpoint()
ret = endpoint.get_config({}, cfg_hash="cfg1")
expected = {
'data': None,
'path': 'CFG1',
'service': 'svc',
'template': None,
'version': 'vvv'}
self.assertEqual(expected, ret)
ret = endpoint.get_config({}, cfg_hash="XXX")
self.assertEqual(None, ret)
def test_get_namespace(self):
"Test reply to an explicit config request"
endpoint, _, _ = _setup_endpoint()
ret = endpoint.get_namespace({}, ns_hash="ns1")
expected = {
'version': 'vvv',
'data': None,
'name': 'NS1'}
self.assertEqual(expected, ret)
ret = endpoint.get_namespace({}, ns_hash="XXX")
self.assertEqual(None, ret)
def test_get_template(self):
"Test reply to an explicit config request"
endpoint, _, _ = _setup_endpoint()
ret = endpoint.get_template({}, tpl_hash="tpl1")
expected = {
'name': 'out',
'namespaces': [],
'output_file': 'out',
'path': 'TPL1',
'version': 'vvv'}
self.assertEqual(expected, ret)
ret = endpoint.get_template({}, tpl_hash="XXX")
self.assertEqual(None, ret)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
# Copyright (c) 2017 Orange.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
"""Unit test for the marshalling of options"""
import mock
from oslo_config import cfg
from oslo_config import types
from oslo_log import log as logging
from congress.cfg_validator.agent import generator
from congress.tests import base
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class TestGenerator(base.TestCase):
"""Unit test for the marshalling of options"""
def test_encode(self, mock_list_opts):
"""Test the json encoding of options"""
opt1 = cfg.StrOpt("o1"),
opt2 = cfg.IntOpt("o2", default=10),
opt3 = cfg.StrOpt("o3", default="a"),
mock_list_opts.return_value = [
("ns", [("g1", [opt1, opt2]), ("g2", [opt3])])]
namespace = "ns"
def _mko(nam, typ, kind, defv):
return (
'{"advanced": false, "default": %s, "deprecated_for_removal":'
' false, "deprecated_opts": [], "deprecated_reason": null,'
' "deprecated_since": null, "dest": "%s", "help": null,'
' "kind": "%s", "metavar": null, "mutable": false,'
' "name": "%s", "positional": false, "required": false,'
' "sample_default": null, "secret": false, "short": null,'
' "type": {"type": "%s"}}') % (defv, nam, kind, nam, typ)
ns_string = (
('{"DEFAULT": {"namespaces": [], "object": null}, "g1": '
'{"namespaces": [["ns", [[') +
_mko("o1", "String", "StrOpt", "null") +
'], [' + _mko("o2", "Integer", "IntOpt", 10) +
']]]], "object": null}, "g2": {"namespaces": [["ns", [[' +
_mko("o3", "String", "StrOpt", "\"a\"") + ']]]], "object": null}}')
computed = generator.generate_ns_data(namespace)
ns_string, computed,
"not the expected encoding of namespace")
def _test_encode_specific(self, opt, expected, mock_list_opts=None):
"""Test an option and check an expected string in result"""
mock_list_opts.return_value = [
("ns", [("g", [opt])])]
namespace = "ns"
computed = generator.generate_ns_data(namespace)
self.assertIn(expected, computed)
def test_encode_range(self):
"""Test the json encoding of range option"""
opt = cfg.Opt('o', types.Range(min=123, max=456))
expected = '"type": {"max": 456, "min": 123, "type": "Range"}'
self._test_encode_specific(opt, expected)
def test_encode_list(self):
"""Test the json encoding of list option"""
opt = cfg.ListOpt('opt', types.Boolean)
expected = '"type": {"item_type": {"type": "String"}, "type": "List"}'
self._test_encode_specific(opt, expected)
def test_encode_dict(self):
"""Test the json encoding of dict option"""
opt = cfg.DictOpt('opt')
expected = '"type": {"type": "Dict", "value_type": {"type": "String"}}'
self._test_encode_specific(opt, expected)
def test_encode_ip(self):
"""Test the json encoding of IP option"""
opt = cfg.IPOpt('opt')
expected = '"type": {"type": "IPAddress"}'
self._test_encode_specific(opt, expected)
def test_encode_uri(self):
"""Test the json encoding of a URI"""
opt = cfg.URIOpt('opt', 100)
expected = '"type": {"max_length": 100, "type": "URI"}'
self._test_encode_specific(opt, expected)
def test_encode_regex(self):
"""Test the json encoding of a string option with regex"""
opt = cfg.StrOpt('opt', regex=r'abcd')
expected = '"type": {"regex": "abcd", "type": "String"}'
self._test_encode_specific(opt, expected)
def test_encode_deprecated(self):
"""Test Deprecated Opt: this is not the way to use it"""
dep = cfg.DeprecatedOpt('o_old', 'g_old')
opt = cfg.Opt('opt', deprecated_opts=[dep])
expected = '"deprecated_opts": [{"group": "g_old", "name": "o_old"}]'
self._test_encode_specific(opt, expected)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
# Copyright (c) 2017 Orange.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
Unit Tests for Congress agent RPC
from congress.cfg_validator.agent import rpc
from congress.tests import base_rpc
class TestValidatorDriverApi(base_rpc.BaseTestRpcClient):
"""Unit tests for RPC on the driver"""
def test_process_templates_hashes(self):
"unit test for process_templates_hashes"
rpcapi = rpc.ValidatorDriverClient()
def test_process_configs_hashes(self):
"unit test for process_configs_hashes"
rpcapi = rpc.ValidatorDriverClient()

View File

@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
# Copyright (c) 2017 Orange.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
"""Tests for the unmarshaling of options by the driver"""
from oslo_config import cfg
from oslo_config import types
from oslo_log import log as logging
from congress.cfg_validator import parsing
from congress.tests import base
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
u'positional': False, u'kind': u'BoolOpt',
u'deprecated_reason': None,
u'help': u'Enables or disables inter-process locks.',
u'default': False, u'type': {u'type': u'Boolean'},
u'required': False, u'sample_default': None,
u'deprecated_opts': [{u'group': u'DEFAULT', u'name': None}],
u'deprecated_for_removal': False,
u'dest': u'disable_process_locking',
u'secret': False, u'short': None, u'mutable': False,
u'deprecated_since': None, u'metavar': None,
u'advanced': False, u'name': u'disable_process_locking'}
u'DEFAULT': {u'object': None, u'namespaces': []},
u'oslo_concurrency': {
u'object': None,
u'namespaces': [[u'oslo.concurrency', [OPT_TEST]]]}}
class TestParsing(base.TestCase):
"""Tests for the unmarshaling of options by the driver"""
def test_add_namespace(self):
"""Test for adding a namespace"""
conf = cfg.ConfigOpts()
parsing.add_namespace(conf, DICT_NS_TEST, 'abcde-12345')
keys = conf.keys()
self.assertEqual(1, len(keys))
self.assertIn(u'oslo_concurrency', keys)
def test_construct_conf_manager(self):
"""Test for building a conf manager"""
conf = parsing.construct_conf_manager([DICT_NS_TEST])
self.assertIsInstance(conf, cfg.ConfigOpts)
keys = conf.keys()
self.assertEqual(1, len(keys))
self.assertIn(u'oslo_concurrency', keys)
def test_make_group(self):
"""Test for parsing a group"""
grp = parsing.make_group('group', 'group_title', 'group help')
self.assertIsInstance(grp, cfg.OptGroup)
self.assertEqual("group_title", grp.title)
def test_make_opt(self):
"""Test for parsing an option"""
descr = {
u'positional': False,
u'kind': u'Opt',
u'deprecated_reason': None,
u'help': u'Help me',
u'default': None,
u'type': {u'type': u'String'},
u'required': False, u'sample_default': None,
u'deprecated_opts': [], u'deprecated_for_removal': False,
u'dest': u'name',
u'secret': False,
u'short': None,
u'mutable': False,
u'deprecated_since': None,
u'metavar': None,
u'advanced': False,
u'name': u'name'}
opt = parsing.make_opt(descr, 'abcd-1234', 'efgh-5678')
self.assertIsInstance(opt, parsing.IdentifiedOpt)
self.assertEqual('abcd-1234', opt.id_)
self.assertEqual('efgh-5678', opt.ns_id)
def test_make_type(self):
"""Test for parsing a type"""
typ1 = parsing.make_type({u'type': u'String'})
self.assertIsInstance(typ1, types.String)
typ2 = parsing.make_type({u'type': u'Integer'})
self.assertIsInstance(typ2, types.Integer)
typ3 = parsing.make_type(
{u'item_type': {u'type': u'Boolean'}, u'type': u'List'})
self.assertIsInstance(typ3, types.List)
self.assertIsInstance(typ3.item_type, types.Boolean)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8
# Copyright (c) 2017 Orange.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
"""Test for utils"""
import re
from oslo_log import log as logging
from congress.cfg_validator import utils
from congress.tests import base
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class TestUtils(base.TestCase):
"""Test of generic utility functions"""
def test_hash(self):
"""Test shape of hash generated"""
re_hash = ('^[0-9a-f]{8}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-'
self.assertTrue(re.match(re_hash, utils.compute_hash('foo')))
self.assertTrue(re.match(re_hash, utils.compute_hash('foo', 'bar')))
def test_cfg_value_to_congress(self):
"""Test sanitization of values for congress"""
self.assertEqual('aAdef', utils.cfg_value_to_congress('aA%def'))
self.assertEqual(u'aAf', utils.cfg_value_to_congress(u'aAéf'))
# Do not replace 0 with ''
self.assertEqual(0, utils.cfg_value_to_congress(0))
# Do not replace 0.0 with ''
self.assertEqual(0.0, utils.cfg_value_to_congress(0.0))
self.assertEqual('', utils.cfg_value_to_congress(None))
def test_add_rules(self):
"""Test adding a rule via the bus"""
class _bus(object):
def rpc(self, svc, command, arg):
"fake rpc"
return {"svc": svc, "command": command, "arg": arg}
res = utils.add_rule(_bus(), 'policy', ['r1', 'r2'])
expected = {
'arg': {'policy_rules_obj': {
'kind': 'nonrecursive',
'name': 'policy',
'rules': ['r1', 'r2']}},
'command': 'persistent_create_policy_with_rules',
'svc': '__engine'}
self.assertEqual(expected, res)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
output_file = etc/congress-agent.conf.sample
wrap_width = 79
namespace = congress-agent
namespace = oslo.log
namespace = oslo.messaging

View File

@ -43,6 +43,7 @@ setup-hooks =
[entry_points] [entry_points]
oslo.config.opts = oslo.config.opts =
congress = congress.opts:list_opts congress = congress.opts:list_opts
congress-agent = congress.cfg_validator.agent.opts:list_opts
oslo.config.opts.defaults = oslo.config.opts.defaults =
congress = congress.common.config:set_config_defaults congress = congress.common.config:set_config_defaults
@ -50,6 +51,7 @@ oslo.config.opts.defaults =
console_scripts = console_scripts =
congress-server = congress.server.congress_server:main congress-server = congress.server.congress_server:main
congress-db-manage = congress.db.migration.cli:main congress-db-manage = congress.db.migration.cli:main
congress-cfg-validator-agt = congress.cfg_validator.agent.agent:main
tempest.test_plugins = tempest.test_plugins =
congress_tests = congress_tempest_tests.plugin:CongressTempestPlugin congress_tests = congress_tempest_tests.plugin:CongressTempestPlugin

View File

@ -58,6 +58,7 @@ exclude=.venv,.git,.tox,dist,doc,*lib/python*,*egg,build,*thirdparty/*,CongressL
deps = deps =
commands = {toxinidir}/tools/ requirements.txt oslo.config commands = {toxinidir}/tools/ requirements.txt oslo.config
oslo-config-generator --config-file=etc/congress-config-generator.conf oslo-config-generator --config-file=etc/congress-config-generator.conf
oslo-config-generator --config-file=etc/congress-agent-config-generator.conf
[testenv:docs] [testenv:docs]