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# Copyright (c) 2018 VMware, Inc. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import abc
import collections
import ipaddress
import json
from oslo_utils import uuidutils
import six
TypeNullabilityTuple = collections.namedtuple(
'TypeNullabilityTuple', 'type nullable')
def nullable(marshal):
'''decorator to make marshal function accept None value'''
def func(cls, value):
if value is None:
return None
return marshal(cls, value)
return func
class UnqualifiedNameStr(abc.ABCMeta):
'''metaclass to make str(Type) == Type'''
def __str__(self):
return self.__name__
class CongressDataType(object):
def marshal(cls, value):
'''Validate a value as valid for this type.
:Raises ValueError: if the value is not valid for this type
raise NotImplementedError
def least_ancestor(cls, target_types):
'''Find this type's least ancestor among target_types
This method helps a data consumer find the least common ancestor of
this type among the types the data consumer supports.
:param supported_types: iterable collection of types
:returns: the subclass of CongressDataType which is the least ancestor
target_types = frozenset(target_types)
current_class = cls
while current_class not in target_types:
current_class = current_class._get_parent()
return current_class
except cls.CongressDataTypeNoParent:
return None
def convert_to_ancestor(cls, value, ancestor_type):
'''Convert this type's exchange value to ancestor_type's exchange value
Generally there is no actual conversion because descendant type value
is directly interpretable as ancestor type value. The only exception
is the conversion from non-string descendents to string. This
conversion is needed by Agnostic engine does not support boolean.
.. warning:: undefined behavior if ancestor_type is not an ancestor of
this type.
if ancestor_type == Str:
return json.dumps(value)
if cls.least_ancestor([ancestor_type]) is None:
raise cls.CongressDataTypeHierarchyError
return value
def _get_parent(cls):
congress_parents = [parent for parent in cls.__bases__
if issubclass(parent, CongressDataType)]
if len(congress_parents) == 1:
return congress_parents[0]
elif len(congress_parents) == 0:
raise cls.CongressDataTypeNoParent(
'No parent type found for {0}'.format(cls))
raise cls.CongressDataTypeHierarchyError(
'More than one parent type found for {0}: {1}'
.format(cls, congress_parents))
class CongressDataTypeNoParent(TypeError):
class CongressDataTypeHierarchyError(TypeError):
class Scalar(CongressDataType):
'''Most general type, emcompassing all JSON scalar values'''
six.string_types, six.text_type, six.integer_types, float, bool]
def marshal(cls, value):
for type in cls.ACCEPTED_VALUE_TYPES:
if isinstance(value, type):
return value
raise ValueError('Input value (%s) is of %s instead of one of the '
'expected types %s'
% (value, type(value), cls.ACCEPTED_VALUE_TYPES))
class Str(Scalar):
def marshal(cls, value):
if not isinstance(value, six.string_types):
raise ValueError('Input value (%s) is of %s instead of expected %s'
% (value, type(value), six.string_types))
return value
class Bool(Scalar):
def marshal(cls, value):
if not isinstance(value, bool):
raise ValueError('Input value (%s) is of %s instead of expected %s'
% (value, type(value), bool))
return value
class Int(Scalar):
def marshal(cls, value):
if isinstance(value, int):
return value
elif isinstance(value, float) and value.is_integer():
return int(value)
raise ValueError('Input value (%s) is of %s instead of expected %s'
' or %s' % (value, type(value), int, float))
class Float(Scalar):
def marshal(cls, value):
if isinstance(value, float):
return value
elif isinstance(value, int):
return float(value)
raise ValueError('Input value (%s) is of %s instead of expected %s'
' or %s' % (value, type(value), int, float))
class UUID(Str):
def marshal(cls, value):
if uuidutils.is_uuid_like(value):
return value
raise ValueError('Input value (%s) is not an UUID' % value)
class IPAddress(Str):
def marshal(cls, value):
return str(ipaddress.IPv4Address(six.text_type(value)))
except ipaddress.AddressValueError:
ipv6 = ipaddress.IPv6Address(six.text_type(value))
if ipv6.ipv4_mapped:
return str(ipv6.ipv4_mapped)
return str(ipv6)
except ipaddress.AddressValueError:
raise ValueError('Input value (%s) is not interprable '
'as an IP address' % value)
class IPNetwork(Str):
def marshal(cls, value):
return str(ipaddress.ip_network(six.text_type(value)))
except ValueError:
raise ValueError('Input value (%s) is not interprable '
'as an IP network' % value)
class CongressTypeFiniteDomain(object):
'''Abstract base class for a Congress type of bounded domain.
Each type inheriting from this class must have a class variable DOMAIN
which is a frozenset of the set of values allowed in the type.
def create_congress_enum_type(class_name, enum_items, base_type,
'''Return a sub-type of base_type
representing a value of type base_type from a fixed, finite domain.
:param enum_items: collection of items forming the domain
:param catch_all_default_value: value to use for any value outside the
domain. Defaults to None to disallow any avy value outside the domain.
domain = set(enum_items)
if catch_all_default_value is not None:
for item in domain:
if not base_type.marshal(item) == item:
raise ValueError
class NewType(base_type, CongressTypeFiniteDomain):
DOMAIN = domain
CATCH_ALL_DEFAULT_VALUE = catch_all_default_value
def marshal(cls, value):
if value not in cls.DOMAIN:
raise ValueError(
'Input value (%s) is not in the expected domain of '
'values %s' % (value, cls.DOMAIN))
return value
NewType.__name__ = class_name
return NewType
class TypesRegistry(object):
_type_name_to_type_class = {}
def register(cls, type_class):
# skip if type already registered
if not issubclass(type_class, Scalar):
raise TypeError('Attempted to register a type which is not a '
'subclass of the top type %s.' % Scalar)
elif str(type_class) in cls._type_name_to_type_class:
if type_class == cls._type_name_to_type_class[str(type_class)]:
pass # type already registered
else: # conflicting types with same name
raise Exception('Attempted to register new type with the same '
'name \'%s\' as previously registered type.' %
else: # register new type
cls._type_name_to_type_class[str(type_class)] = type_class
def type_class(cls, type_name):
return cls._type_name_to_type_class[type_name]
TYPES = [Scalar, Str, Bool, Int, Float, IPAddress, IPNetwork]
for type_class in TYPES: