task default: ["test"] task :test => [:lint, :style, :unit] desc "Vendor the cookbooks in the Berksfile" task :berks_prep do sh %{chef exec berks vendor} end desc "Run FoodCritic (lint) tests" task :lint do sh %{chef exec foodcritic --epic-fail any --tags ~FC003 --tags ~FC023 .} end desc "Run RuboCop (style) tests" task :style do sh %{chef exec rubocop} end desc "Run RSpec (unit) tests" task :unit => :berks_prep do sh %{chef exec rspec --format documentation} end desc "Remove the berks-cookbooks directory and the Berksfile.lock" task :clean do rm_rf [ 'berks-cookbooks', 'Berksfile.lock' ] end desc "All-in-One Neutron build" task :integration => :common_integration do # Noop end desc "Common task used by all cookbooks for integration test" task :common_integration do # Use the berksfile support to make use of the existing patch clones. # Make a sym link from workspace/gate-cookbook-openstack-common-chef-rake-integration # to workspace/cookbook-openstack-common patch_dir = Dir.pwd patch_dir_berks = ENV['ZUUL_PROJECT'].split('/')[1] sh %(ls -la ..) sh %(ls -la ../..) sh %(sudo ln -s #{patch_dir} ../#{patch_dir_berks}) unless Dir.exist?('../openstack-chef-repo') sh %(git clone --depth 1 git://github.com/openstack/openstack-chef-repo.git ../openstack-chef-repo) end Dir.chdir('../openstack-chef-repo') do sh %(chef exec rake integration) end end