# Testing the Cookbook # This cookbook uses [bundler](http://gembundler.com/) and [berkshelf](http://berkshelf.com/) to isolate dependencies. Make sure you have `ruby 1.9.x`, `bundler`, `rake`, build essentials and the header files for `gecode` installed before continuing. Make sure that you're using gecode version 3. More info [here](https://github.com/opscode/dep-selector-libgecode/tree/0bad63fea305ede624c58506423ced697dd2545e#using-a-system-gecode-instead). We have three test suites which you can run individually (there are three rake tasks): $ rake lint $ rake style $ rake unit or altogether: $ rake test The `rake` tasks will take care of installing the needed gem dependencies and cookbooks with `berkshelf`. ## Rubocop ## [Rubocop](https://github.com/bbatsov/rubocop) is a static Ruby code analyzer, based on the community [Ruby style guide](https://github.com/bbatsov/ruby-style-guide). We are attempting to adhere to this where applicable, slowly cleaning up the cookbooks until we can turn on Rubocop for gating the commits. ## Foodcritic ## [Foodcritic](http://acrmp.github.io/foodcritic/) is a lint tool for Chef cookbooks. We ignore the following rules: * [FC003](http://acrmp.github.io/foodcritic/#FC003) These cookbooks are not intended for Chef Solo. * [FC023](http://acrmp.github.io/foodcritic/#FC023) Prefer conditional attributes. ## Chefspec [ChefSpec](https://github.com/sethvargo/chefspec/) is a unit testing framework for testing Chef cookbooks. ChefSpec makes it easy to write examples and get fast feedback on cookbook changes without the need for virtual machines or cloud servers.