# CHANGELOG for cookbook-openstack-ops-messaging This file is used to list changes made in each version of cookbook-openstack-ops-messaging. ## 10.0.1 * Configure rabbitmq port for both ssl and non-ssl cases * Fix metadata version constraint for common * Bump Chef gem to 11.16 * No need to push our rabbit user/password to rabbit cookbook * Add a temp workaround for an issue #153 in rabbit cookbook to notify rabbitmq-server to restart immediately. * Add another workaround for the issue #153 in rabbit cookbook * Allow cluster_disk_nodes not to be set to allow on-the-fly mq clusters ## 10.0.0 * Upgrading to Juno * Upgrading berkshelf from 2.0.18 to 3.1.5 ## 9.0.1 ### Bug * Fix the depends cookbook version issue in metadata.rb * bump berkshelf to 2.0.18 to allow Supermarket support * fix fauxhai version for suse ## 9.0.0 * Upgrade to Icehouse ## 8.0.1: * Add change_password to make rabbitmq work when develop_mode=false ## 8.0.0 * upgrade to Havana ## 7.0.1: * default the node['openstack'][*]['rabbit'] attributes for all the services using rabbitmq (block-storage, compute, image, metering, network) to whatever node['openstack']['mq'] attributes are set. ## 7.0.0 * Initial release intended for Grizzly-based OpenStack releases, for use with Stackforge upstream repositories. - - - Check the [Markdown Syntax Guide](http://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown/syntax) for help with Markdown. The [Github Flavored Markdown page](http://github.github.com/github-flavored-markdown/) describes the differences between markdown on github and standard markdown.