
23 lines
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# encoding: UTF-8
name 'openstack-orchestration'
maintainer 'openstack-chef'
maintainer_email ''
license 'Apache 2.0'
description 'Installs and configures the Heat Service'
long_description, ''))
version '11.1.0'
recipe 'openstack-orchestration::api', 'Start and configure the Heat API service'
recipe 'openstack-orchestration::api-cfn', 'Start and configure the Heat API CloudFormation service'
recipe 'openstack-orchestration::api-cloudwatch', 'Start and configure the Heat API CloudWatch service'
recipe 'openstack-orchestration::client', 'Installs packages for heat client'
recipe 'openstack-orchestration::common', 'Installs packages and configures a Heat Server'
recipe 'openstack-orchestration::engine', 'Sets up Heat database and starts Heat Engine service'
recipe 'openstack-orchestration::identity_registration', 'Registers Heat service, user and endpoints with Keystone'
%w(ubuntu fedora redhat centos).each do |os|
supports os
depends 'openstack-common', '>= 11.5.0'
depends 'openstack-identity', '>= 11.0.0'