name 'openstack-telemetry' maintainer 'AT&T Services, Inc.' maintainer_email '' license 'Apache 2.0' description 'The OpenStack Metering service Ceilometer.' long_description, '')) version '10.0.1' recipe 'openstack-telemetry::agent-central', 'Installs agent central service.' recipe 'openstack-telemetry::agent-compute', 'Installs agent compute service.' recipe 'openstack-telemetry::agent-notification', 'Installs the agent notification service.' recipe 'openstack-telemetry::api', 'Installs API service.' recipe 'openstack-telemetry::client', 'Installs client.' recipe 'openstack-telemetry::collector', 'Installs collector service. If the NoSQL database is used for metering service, ceilometer-dbsync will not be executed.' recipe 'openstack-telemetry::alarm-evaluator', 'Installs the alarm evaluator service.' recipe 'openstack-telemetry::alarm-notifier', 'Installs the alarm notifier service.' recipe 'openstack-telemetry::common', 'Common metering configuration.' recipe 'openstack-telemetry::identity_registration', 'Registers the endpoints, tenant and user for metering service with Keystone' %w{ ubuntu suse }.each do |os| supports os end depends 'openstack-common', '~> 10.0' depends 'openstack-identity', '~> 10.0' depends 'openstack-compute', '~> 10.0'