- move towards sqlalchemy test base. autogenerate tests so far

This commit is contained in:
Mike Bayer 2014-09-13 15:38:53 -04:00
parent 2778719b09
commit 4a34fd8027
16 changed files with 561 additions and 554 deletions

.gitignore vendored
View File

@ -8,4 +8,5 @@ alembic.ini

View File

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
from .fixtures import TestBase
from .assertions import eq_, ne_
from sqlalchemy.testing import config

View File

@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
import re
from sqlalchemy.engine import default
from sqlalchemy.testing.assertions import eq_, ne_, is_, assert_raises_message
from alembic.compat import text_type
def eq_ignore_whitespace(a, b, msg=None):
a = re.sub(r'^\s+?|\n', "", a)
a = re.sub(r' {2,}', " ", a)
b = re.sub(r'^\s+?|\n', "", b)
b = re.sub(r' {2,}', " ", b)
assert a == b, msg or "%r != %r" % (a, b)
def assert_compiled(element, assert_string, dialect=None):
dialect = _get_dialect(dialect)
replace("\n", "").replace("\t", ""),
assert_string.replace("\n", "").replace("\t", "")
_dialects = {}
def _get_dialect(name):
if name is None or name == 'default':
return default.DefaultDialect()
return _dialects[name]
except KeyError:
dialect_mod = getattr(
__import__('sqlalchemy.dialects.%s' % name).dialects, name)
_dialects[name] = d = dialect_mod.dialect()
if name == 'postgresql':
d.implicit_returning = True
return d

alembic/testing/env.py Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,248 @@
#!coding: utf-8
import io
import os
import re
import shutil
import textwrap
from alembic.compat import u
from alembic.script import Script, ScriptDirectory
from alembic import util
staging_directory = 'scratch'
files_directory = 'files'
def staging_env(create=True, template="generic", sourceless=False):
from alembic import command, script
cfg = _testing_config()
if create:
path = os.path.join(staging_directory, 'scripts')
if os.path.exists(path):
command.init(cfg, path)
if sourceless:
# do an import so that a .pyc/.pyo is generated.
util.load_python_file(path, 'env.py')
except AttributeError:
# we don't have the migration context set up yet
# so running the .env py throws this exception.
# theoretically we could be using py_compiler here to
# generate .pyc/.pyo without importing but not really
# worth it.
make_sourceless(os.path.join(path, "env.py"))
sc = script.ScriptDirectory.from_config(cfg)
return sc
def clear_staging_env():
shutil.rmtree(staging_directory, True)
def script_file_fixture(txt):
dir_ = os.path.join(staging_directory, 'scripts')
path = os.path.join(dir_, "script.py.mako")
with open(path, 'w') as f:
def env_file_fixture(txt):
dir_ = os.path.join(staging_directory, 'scripts')
txt = """
from alembic import context
config = context.config
""" + txt
path = os.path.join(dir_, "env.py")
pyc_path = util.pyc_file_from_path(path)
if os.access(pyc_path, os.F_OK):
with open(path, 'w') as f:
def _sqlite_testing_config(sourceless=False):
dir_ = os.path.join(staging_directory, 'scripts')
return _write_config_file("""
script_location = %s
sqlalchemy.url = sqlite:///%s/foo.db
sourceless = %s
keys = root
keys = console
level = WARN
handlers = console
qualname =
class = StreamHandler
args = (sys.stderr,)
level = NOTSET
formatter = generic
keys = generic
format = %%(levelname)-5.5s [%%(name)s] %%(message)s
datefmt = %%H:%%M:%%S
""" % (dir_, dir_, "true" if sourceless else "false"))
def _no_sql_testing_config(dialect="postgresql", directives=""):
"""use a postgresql url with no host so that
connections guaranteed to fail"""
dir_ = os.path.join(staging_directory, 'scripts')
return _write_config_file("""
script_location = %s
sqlalchemy.url = %s://
keys = root
keys = console
level = WARN
handlers = console
qualname =
class = StreamHandler
args = (sys.stderr,)
level = NOTSET
formatter = generic
keys = generic
format = %%(levelname)-5.5s [%%(name)s] %%(message)s
datefmt = %%H:%%M:%%S
""" % (dir_, dialect, directives))
def _write_config_file(text):
cfg = _testing_config()
with open(cfg.config_file_name, 'w') as f:
return cfg
def _testing_config():
from alembic.config import Config
if not os.access(staging_directory, os.F_OK):
return Config(os.path.join(staging_directory, 'test_alembic.ini'))
def write_script(
scriptdir, rev_id, content, encoding='ascii', sourceless=False):
old = scriptdir._revision_map[rev_id]
path = old.path
content = textwrap.dedent(content)
if encoding:
content = content.encode(encoding)
with open(path, 'wb') as fp:
pyc_path = util.pyc_file_from_path(path)
if os.access(pyc_path, os.F_OK):
script = Script._from_path(scriptdir, path)
old = scriptdir._revision_map[script.revision]
if old.down_revision != script.down_revision:
raise Exception("Can't change down_revision "
"on a refresh operation.")
scriptdir._revision_map[script.revision] = script
script.nextrev = old.nextrev
if sourceless:
def make_sourceless(path):
# note that if -O is set, you'd see pyo files here,
# the pyc util function looks at sys.flags.optimize to handle this
pyc_path = util.pyc_file_from_path(path)
assert os.access(pyc_path, os.F_OK)
# look for a non-pep3147 path here.
# if not present, need to copy from __pycache__
simple_pyc_path = util.simple_pyc_file_from_path(path)
if not os.access(simple_pyc_path, os.F_OK):
shutil.copyfile(pyc_path, simple_pyc_path)
def three_rev_fixture(cfg):
a = util.rev_id()
b = util.rev_id()
c = util.rev_id()
script = ScriptDirectory.from_config(cfg)
script.generate_revision(a, "revision a", refresh=True)
write_script(script, a, """\
"Rev A"
revision = '%s'
down_revision = None
from alembic import op
def upgrade():
op.execute("CREATE STEP 1")
def downgrade():
op.execute("DROP STEP 1")
""" % a)
script.generate_revision(b, "revision b", refresh=True)
write_script(script, b, u("""# coding: utf-8
"Rev B, méil"
revision = '%s'
down_revision = '%s'
from alembic import op
def upgrade():
op.execute("CREATE STEP 2")
def downgrade():
op.execute("DROP STEP 2")
""") % (b, a), encoding="utf-8")
script.generate_revision(c, "revision c", refresh=True)
write_script(script, c, """\
"Rev C"
revision = '%s'
down_revision = '%s'
from alembic import op
def upgrade():
op.execute("CREATE STEP 3")
def downgrade():
op.execute("DROP STEP 3")
""" % (c, b))
return a, b, c

alembic/testing/fixtures.py Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,149 @@
# coding: utf-8
import io
import os
import re
import shutil
import textwrap
from nose import SkipTest
from sqlalchemy.engine import default
from sqlalchemy import create_engine, text, MetaData
from sqlalchemy.exc import SQLAlchemyError
from sqlalchemy.util import decorator
import alembic
from alembic.compat import configparser
from alembic import util
from alembic.compat import string_types, text_type, u, py33
from alembic.migration import MigrationContext
from alembic.environment import EnvironmentContext
from alembic.operations import Operations
from alembic.script import ScriptDirectory, Script
from alembic.ddl.impl import _impls
from contextlib import contextmanager
from sqlalchemy.testing.fixtures import TestBase
from .assertions import _get_dialect, eq_
testing_config = configparser.ConfigParser()
def capture_db():
buf = []
def dump(sql, *multiparams, **params):
engine = create_engine("postgresql://", strategy="mock", executor=dump)
return engine, buf
_engs = {}
def requires_08(fn, *arg, **kw):
if not util.sqla_08:
raise SkipTest("SQLAlchemy 0.8.0b2 or greater required")
return fn(*arg, **kw)
def requires_09(fn, *arg, **kw):
if not util.sqla_09:
raise SkipTest("SQLAlchemy 0.9 or greater required")
return fn(*arg, **kw)
def requires_092(fn, *arg, **kw):
if not util.sqla_092:
raise SkipTest("SQLAlchemy 0.9.2 or greater required")
return fn(*arg, **kw)
def requires_094(fn, *arg, **kw):
if not util.sqla_094:
raise SkipTest("SQLAlchemy 0.9.4 or greater required")
return fn(*arg, **kw)
def capture_context_buffer(**kw):
if kw.pop('bytes_io', False):
buf = io.BytesIO()
buf = io.StringIO()
'dialect_name': "sqlite",
'output_buffer': buf
conf = EnvironmentContext.configure
def configure(*arg, **opt):
return conf(*arg, **opt)
with mock.patch.object(EnvironmentContext, "configure", configure):
yield buf
def op_fixture(dialect='default', as_sql=False, naming_convention=None):
impl = _impls[dialect]
class Impl(impl):
def __init__(self, dialect, as_sql):
self.assertion = []
self.dialect = dialect
self.as_sql = as_sql
# TODO: this might need to
# be more like a real connection
# as tests get more involved
self.connection = None
def _exec(self, construct, *args, **kw):
if isinstance(construct, string_types):
construct = text(construct)
assert construct.supports_execution
sql = text_type(construct.compile(dialect=self.dialect))
sql = re.sub(r'[\n\t]', '', sql)
opts = {}
if naming_convention:
if not util.sqla_092:
raise SkipTest(
"naming_convention feature requires "
"sqla 0.9.2 or greater")
opts['target_metadata'] = MetaData(naming_convention=naming_convention)
class ctx(MigrationContext):
def __init__(self, dialect='default', as_sql=False):
self.dialect = _get_dialect(dialect)
self.impl = Impl(self.dialect, as_sql)
self.opts = opts
self.as_sql = as_sql
def assert_(self, *sql):
# TODO: make this more flexible about
# whitespace and such
eq_(self.impl.assertion, list(sql))
def assert_contains(self, sql):
for stmt in self.impl.assertion:
if sql in stmt:
assert False, "Could not locate fragment %r in %r" % (
context = ctx(dialect, as_sql)
alembic.op._proxy = Operations(context)
return context

alembic/testing/mock.py Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
from sqlalchemy.testing import mock
from sqlalchemy.testing.mock import Mock, call, patch

View File

@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
from sqlalchemy.testing.requirements import Requirements
from sqlalchemy.testing import exclusions
class SuiteRequirements(Requirements):
def schemas(self):
"""Target database must support external schemas, and have one
named 'test_schema'."""
return exclusions.open()

View File

@ -2,6 +2,14 @@
.. changelog::
:version: 0.7.0
.. change::
:tags: change
Minimum SQLAlchemy version is now 0.8.4.
.. changelog::
:version: 0.6.7
:released: September 9, 2014

View File

@ -11,6 +11,22 @@ upload-dir = docs/build/output/html
sign = 1
identity = C4DAFEE1

View File

@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ v.close()
readme = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'README.rst')
requires = [

View File

@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
postgresql = postgresql://scott:tiger@localhost/test
mysql = mysql://scott:tiger@localhost/test
mssql = mssql+pyodbc://scott:tiger@ms_2005/

View File

@ -1,480 +1,2 @@
# coding: utf-8
import io
import os
import re
import shutil
import textwrap
from alembic.testing.fixtures import *
from nose import SkipTest
from sqlalchemy.engine import default
from sqlalchemy import create_engine, text, MetaData
from sqlalchemy.exc import SQLAlchemyError
from sqlalchemy.util import decorator
import alembic
from alembic.compat import configparser
from alembic import util
from alembic.compat import string_types, text_type, u, py33
from alembic.migration import MigrationContext
from alembic.environment import EnvironmentContext
from alembic.operations import Operations
from alembic.script import ScriptDirectory, Script
from alembic.ddl.impl import _impls
from contextlib import contextmanager
staging_directory = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'scratch')
files_directory = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'files')
testing_config = configparser.ConfigParser()
if py33:
from unittest.mock import Mock, call, patch
from unittest import mock
from mock import Mock, call, patch
import mock
except ImportError:
raise ImportError(
"Alembic's test suite requires the "
"'mock' library as of 0.6.1.")
def sqlite_db():
# sqlite caches table pragma info
# per connection, so create a new
# engine for each assertion
dir_ = os.path.join(staging_directory, 'scripts')
return create_engine('sqlite:///%s/foo.db' % dir_)
def capture_db():
buf = []
def dump(sql, *multiparams, **params):
engine = create_engine("postgresql://", strategy="mock", executor=dump)
return engine, buf
_engs = {}
def db_for_dialect(name):
if name in _engs:
return _engs[name]
cfg = testing_config.get("db", name)
except configparser.NoOptionError:
raise SkipTest("No dialect %r in test.cfg" % name)
eng = create_engine(cfg, echo='debug')
except ImportError as er1:
raise SkipTest("Can't import DBAPI: %s" % er1)
except SQLAlchemyError as er2:
raise SkipTest("Can't connect to database: %s" % er2)
_engs[name] = eng
return eng
def requires_08(fn, *arg, **kw):
if not util.sqla_08:
raise SkipTest("SQLAlchemy 0.8.0b2 or greater required")
return fn(*arg, **kw)
def requires_09(fn, *arg, **kw):
if not util.sqla_09:
raise SkipTest("SQLAlchemy 0.9 or greater required")
return fn(*arg, **kw)
def requires_092(fn, *arg, **kw):
if not util.sqla_092:
raise SkipTest("SQLAlchemy 0.9.2 or greater required")
return fn(*arg, **kw)
def requires_094(fn, *arg, **kw):
if not util.sqla_094:
raise SkipTest("SQLAlchemy 0.9.4 or greater required")
return fn(*arg, **kw)
_dialects = {}
def _get_dialect(name):
if name is None or name == 'default':
return default.DefaultDialect()
return _dialects[name]
except KeyError:
dialect_mod = getattr(
__import__('sqlalchemy.dialects.%s' % name).dialects, name)
_dialects[name] = d = dialect_mod.dialect()
if name == 'postgresql':
d.implicit_returning = True
return d
def assert_compiled(element, assert_string, dialect=None):
dialect = _get_dialect(dialect)
replace("\n", "").replace("\t", ""),
assert_string.replace("\n", "").replace("\t", "")
def capture_context_buffer(**kw):
if kw.pop('bytes_io', False):
buf = io.BytesIO()
buf = io.StringIO()
'dialect_name': "sqlite",
'output_buffer': buf
conf = EnvironmentContext.configure
def configure(*arg, **opt):
return conf(*arg, **opt)
with mock.patch.object(EnvironmentContext, "configure", configure):
yield buf
def eq_ignore_whitespace(a, b, msg=None):
a = re.sub(r'^\s+?|\n', "", a)
a = re.sub(r' {2,}', " ", a)
b = re.sub(r'^\s+?|\n', "", b)
b = re.sub(r' {2,}', " ", b)
assert a == b, msg or "%r != %r" % (a, b)
def eq_(a, b, msg=None):
"""Assert a == b, with repr messaging on failure."""
assert a == b, msg or "%r != %r" % (a, b)
def ne_(a, b, msg=None):
"""Assert a != b, with repr messaging on failure."""
assert a != b, msg or "%r == %r" % (a, b)
def is_(a, b, msg=None):
"""Assert a is b, with repr messaging on failure."""
assert a is b, msg or "%r is not %r" % (a, b)
def assert_raises_message(except_cls, msg, callable_, *args, **kwargs):
callable_(*args, **kwargs)
assert False, "Callable did not raise an exception"
except except_cls as e:
assert re.search(msg, str(e)), "%r !~ %s" % (msg, e)
def op_fixture(dialect='default', as_sql=False, naming_convention=None):
impl = _impls[dialect]
class Impl(impl):
def __init__(self, dialect, as_sql):
self.assertion = []
self.dialect = dialect
self.as_sql = as_sql
# TODO: this might need to
# be more like a real connection
# as tests get more involved
self.connection = None
def _exec(self, construct, *args, **kw):
if isinstance(construct, string_types):
construct = text(construct)
assert construct.supports_execution
sql = text_type(construct.compile(dialect=self.dialect))
sql = re.sub(r'[\n\t]', '', sql)
opts = {}
if naming_convention:
if not util.sqla_092:
raise SkipTest(
"naming_convention feature requires "
"sqla 0.9.2 or greater")
opts['target_metadata'] = MetaData(naming_convention=naming_convention)
class ctx(MigrationContext):
def __init__(self, dialect='default', as_sql=False):
self.dialect = _get_dialect(dialect)
self.impl = Impl(self.dialect, as_sql)
self.opts = opts
self.as_sql = as_sql
def assert_(self, *sql):
# TODO: make this more flexible about
# whitespace and such
eq_(self.impl.assertion, list(sql))
def assert_contains(self, sql):
for stmt in self.impl.assertion:
if sql in stmt:
assert False, "Could not locate fragment %r in %r" % (
context = ctx(dialect, as_sql)
alembic.op._proxy = Operations(context)
return context
def script_file_fixture(txt):
dir_ = os.path.join(staging_directory, 'scripts')
path = os.path.join(dir_, "script.py.mako")
with open(path, 'w') as f:
def env_file_fixture(txt):
dir_ = os.path.join(staging_directory, 'scripts')
txt = """
from alembic import context
config = context.config
""" + txt
path = os.path.join(dir_, "env.py")
pyc_path = util.pyc_file_from_path(path)
if os.access(pyc_path, os.F_OK):
with open(path, 'w') as f:
def _sqlite_testing_config(sourceless=False):
dir_ = os.path.join(staging_directory, 'scripts')
return _write_config_file("""
script_location = %s
sqlalchemy.url = sqlite:///%s/foo.db
sourceless = %s
keys = root
keys = console
level = WARN
handlers = console
qualname =
class = StreamHandler
args = (sys.stderr,)
level = NOTSET
formatter = generic
keys = generic
format = %%(levelname)-5.5s [%%(name)s] %%(message)s
datefmt = %%H:%%M:%%S
""" % (dir_, dir_, "true" if sourceless else "false"))
def _no_sql_testing_config(dialect="postgresql", directives=""):
"""use a postgresql url with no host so that
connections guaranteed to fail"""
dir_ = os.path.join(staging_directory, 'scripts')
return _write_config_file("""
script_location = %s
sqlalchemy.url = %s://
keys = root
keys = console
level = WARN
handlers = console
qualname =
class = StreamHandler
args = (sys.stderr,)
level = NOTSET
formatter = generic
keys = generic
format = %%(levelname)-5.5s [%%(name)s] %%(message)s
datefmt = %%H:%%M:%%S
""" % (dir_, dialect, directives))
def _write_config_file(text):
cfg = _testing_config()
with open(cfg.config_file_name, 'w') as f:
return cfg
def _testing_config():
from alembic.config import Config
if not os.access(staging_directory, os.F_OK):
return Config(os.path.join(staging_directory, 'test_alembic.ini'))
def staging_env(create=True, template="generic", sourceless=False):
from alembic import command, script
cfg = _testing_config()
if create:
path = os.path.join(staging_directory, 'scripts')
if os.path.exists(path):
command.init(cfg, path)
if sourceless:
# do an import so that a .pyc/.pyo is generated.
util.load_python_file(path, 'env.py')
except AttributeError:
# we don't have the migration context set up yet
# so running the .env py throws this exception.
# theoretically we could be using py_compiler here to
# generate .pyc/.pyo without importing but not really
# worth it.
make_sourceless(os.path.join(path, "env.py"))
sc = script.ScriptDirectory.from_config(cfg)
return sc
def clear_staging_env():
shutil.rmtree(staging_directory, True)
def write_script(
scriptdir, rev_id, content, encoding='ascii', sourceless=False):
old = scriptdir._revision_map[rev_id]
path = old.path
content = textwrap.dedent(content)
if encoding:
content = content.encode(encoding)
with open(path, 'wb') as fp:
pyc_path = util.pyc_file_from_path(path)
if os.access(pyc_path, os.F_OK):
script = Script._from_path(scriptdir, path)
old = scriptdir._revision_map[script.revision]
if old.down_revision != script.down_revision:
raise Exception("Can't change down_revision "
"on a refresh operation.")
scriptdir._revision_map[script.revision] = script
script.nextrev = old.nextrev
if sourceless:
def make_sourceless(path):
# note that if -O is set, you'd see pyo files here,
# the pyc util function looks at sys.flags.optimize to handle this
pyc_path = util.pyc_file_from_path(path)
assert os.access(pyc_path, os.F_OK)
# look for a non-pep3147 path here.
# if not present, need to copy from __pycache__
simple_pyc_path = util.simple_pyc_file_from_path(path)
if not os.access(simple_pyc_path, os.F_OK):
shutil.copyfile(pyc_path, simple_pyc_path)
def three_rev_fixture(cfg):
a = util.rev_id()
b = util.rev_id()
c = util.rev_id()
script = ScriptDirectory.from_config(cfg)
script.generate_revision(a, "revision a", refresh=True)
write_script(script, a, """\
"Rev A"
revision = '%s'
down_revision = None
from alembic import op
def upgrade():
op.execute("CREATE STEP 1")
def downgrade():
op.execute("DROP STEP 1")
""" % a)
script.generate_revision(b, "revision b", refresh=True)
write_script(script, b, u("""# coding: utf-8
"Rev B, méil"
revision = '%s'
down_revision = '%s'
from alembic import op
def upgrade():
op.execute("CREATE STEP 2")
def downgrade():
op.execute("DROP STEP 2")
""") % (b, a), encoding="utf-8")
script.generate_revision(c, "revision c", refresh=True)
write_script(script, c, """\
"Rev C"
revision = '%s'
down_revision = '%s'
from alembic import op
def upgrade():
op.execute("CREATE STEP 3")
def downgrade():
op.execute("DROP STEP 3")
""" % (c, b))
return a, b, c

tests/conftest.py Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
pytest plugin script.
This script is an extension to py.test which
installs SQLAlchemy's testing plugin into the local environment.
import sys
from os import path
for pth in ['../lib']:
sys.path.insert(0, path.join(path.dirname(path.abspath(__file__)), pth))
from sqlalchemy.testing.plugin.pytestplugin import *

tests/requirements.py Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
from alembic.testing.requirements import SuiteRequirements
from sqlalchemy.testing import exclusions
class DefaultRequirements(SuiteRequirements):
def schemas(self):
"""Target database must support external schemas, and have one
named 'test_schema'."""
return exclusions.skip_if([
], "no schema support")

View File

@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
import sys
from unittest import TestCase
from alembic.testing import TestBase
from alembic.testing import config
from sqlalchemy import MetaData, Column, Table, Integer, String, Text, \
@ -8,14 +9,26 @@ from sqlalchemy import MetaData, Column, Table, Integer, String, Text, \
PrimaryKeyConstraint, Index, func, ForeignKeyConstraint,\
from sqlalchemy.schema import AddConstraint
from . import sqlite_db, eq_, db_for_dialect
from sqlalchemy.testing import engines
from alembic.testing import eq_
from alembic.testing.env import staging_env
py3k = sys.version_info >= (3, )
from .test_autogenerate import AutogenFixtureTest
class AutogenerateUniqueIndexTest(AutogenFixtureTest, TestCase):
class NoUqReflection(object):
def setUp(self):
self.bind = eng = engines.testing_engine()
def unimpl(*arg, **kw):
raise NotImplementedError()
eng.dialect.get_unique_constraints = unimpl
class AutogenerateUniqueIndexTest(AutogenFixtureTest, TestBase):
reports_unique_constraints = True
def test_index_flag_becomes_named_unique_constraint(self):
@ -435,10 +448,7 @@ class AutogenerateUniqueIndexTest(AutogenFixtureTest, TestCase):
class PGUniqueIndexTest(AutogenerateUniqueIndexTest):
reports_unnamed_constraints = True
def _get_bind(cls):
return db_for_dialect('postgresql')
__only_on__ = "postgresql"
def test_idx_added_schema(self):
m1 = MetaData()
@ -502,6 +512,7 @@ class PGUniqueIndexTest(AutogenerateUniqueIndexTest):
class MySQLUniqueIndexTest(AutogenerateUniqueIndexTest):
reports_unnamed_constraints = True
__only_on__ = 'mysql'
def test_removed_idx_index_named_as_column(self):
@ -512,22 +523,10 @@ class MySQLUniqueIndexTest(AutogenerateUniqueIndexTest):
assert False, "unexpected success"
def _get_bind(cls):
return db_for_dialect('mysql')
class NoUqReflectionIndexTest(AutogenerateUniqueIndexTest):
class NoUqReflectionIndexTest(NoUqReflection, AutogenerateUniqueIndexTest):
reports_unique_constraints = False
def _get_bind(cls):
eng = sqlite_db()
def unimpl(*arg, **kw):
raise NotImplementedError()
eng.dialect.get_unique_constraints = unimpl
return eng
__only_on__ = 'sqlite'
def test_unique_not_reported(self):
m1 = MetaData()
@ -596,9 +595,11 @@ class NoUqReportsIndAsUqTest(NoUqReflectionIndexTest):
__only_on__ = 'sqlite'
def _get_bind(cls):
eng = sqlite_db()
eng = config.db
_get_unique_constraints = eng.dialect.get_unique_constraints
_get_indexes = eng.dialect.get_indexes

View File

@ -1,7 +1,5 @@
import re
import sys
from unittest import TestCase
from . import Mock
from sqlalchemy import MetaData, Column, Table, Integer, String, Text, \
Numeric, CHAR, ForeignKey, DATETIME, INTEGER, \
@ -13,8 +11,11 @@ from sqlalchemy.engine.reflection import Inspector
from alembic import autogenerate
from alembic.migration import MigrationContext
from . import staging_env, sqlite_db, clear_staging_env, eq_, \
from alembic.testing import TestBase
from alembic.testing import config
from alembic.testing.mock import Mock
from alembic.testing.env import staging_env, clear_staging_env
from alembic.testing import eq_
py3k = sys.version_info >= (3, )
@ -39,10 +40,11 @@ def new_table(table, parent):
class AutogenTest(object):
__only_on__ = 'sqlite'
def _get_bind(cls):
return sqlite_db()
return config.db
def setup_class(cls):
@ -120,24 +122,16 @@ class AutogenFixtureTest(object):
def setUp(self):
self.bind = self._get_bind()
self.bind = config.db
def tearDown(self):
if hasattr(self, 'metadata'):
def _get_bind(cls):
return sqlite_db()
class AutogenCrossSchemaTest(AutogenTest, TestCase):
def _get_bind(cls):
cls.test_schema_name = "test_schema"
return db_for_dialect('postgresql')
class AutogenCrossSchemaTest(AutogenTest, TestBase):
__only_on__ = 'postgresql'
def _get_db_schema(cls):
@ -147,14 +141,14 @@ class AutogenCrossSchemaTest(AutogenTest, TestCase):
Table('t2', m,
Column('y', Integer),
Table('t6', m,
Column('u', Integer)
Table('t7', m,
Column('v', Integer),
return m
@ -167,14 +161,14 @@ class AutogenCrossSchemaTest(AutogenTest, TestCase):
Table('t4', m,
Column('z', Integer),
Table('t6', m,
Column('u', Integer)
Table('t7', m,
Column('v', Integer),
return m
@ -212,7 +206,7 @@ class AutogenCrossSchemaTest(AutogenTest, TestCase):
eq_(diffs[0][0], "add_table")
eq_(diffs[0][1].schema, self.test_schema_name)
eq_(diffs[0][1].schema, config.test_schema)
def test_default_schema_omitted_downgrade(self):
metadata = self.m2
@ -248,15 +242,11 @@ class AutogenCrossSchemaTest(AutogenTest, TestCase):
eq_(diffs[0][0], "remove_table")
eq_(diffs[0][1].schema, self.test_schema_name)
eq_(diffs[0][1].schema, config.test_schema)
class AutogenDefaultSchemaTest(AutogenFixtureTest, TestCase):
def _get_bind(cls):
cls.test_schema_name = "test_schema"
return db_for_dialect('postgresql')
class AutogenDefaultSchemaTest(AutogenFixtureTest, TestBase):
__only_on__ = 'postgresql'
def test_uses_explcit_schema_in_default_one(self):
@ -377,7 +367,7 @@ class ModelOne(object):
return m
class AutogenerateDiffTest(ModelOne, AutogenTest, TestCase):
class AutogenerateDiffTest(ModelOne, AutogenTest, TestBase):
def test_diffs(self):
"""test generation of diff rules"""
@ -640,13 +630,10 @@ nullable=True))
class AutogenerateDiffTestWSchema(ModelOne, AutogenTest, TestCase):
class AutogenerateDiffTestWSchema(ModelOne, AutogenTest, TestBase):
__only_on__ = 'postgresql'
schema = "test_schema"
def _get_bind(cls):
return db_for_dialect('postgresql')
def test_diffs(self):
"""test generation of diff rules"""
@ -801,7 +788,7 @@ name='extra_uid_fkey'),
### end Alembic commands ###""" % {"schema": self.schema})
class AutogenerateCustomCompareTypeTest(AutogenTest, TestCase):
class AutogenerateCustomCompareTypeTest(AutogenTest, TestBase):
def _get_db_schema(cls):
@ -868,7 +855,7 @@ class AutogenerateCustomCompareTypeTest(AutogenTest, TestCase):
eq_(diffs[1][0][0], 'modify_type')
class AutogenKeyTest(AutogenTest, TestCase):
class AutogenKeyTest(AutogenTest, TestBase):
def _get_db_schema(cls):
@ -913,7 +900,7 @@ class AutogenKeyTest(AutogenTest, TestCase):
eq_(diffs[1][3].key, "otherkey")
class AutogenerateDiffOrderTest(AutogenTest, TestCase):
class AutogenerateDiffOrderTest(AutogenTest, TestBase):
def _get_db_schema(cls):
@ -952,7 +939,7 @@ class AutogenerateDiffOrderTest(AutogenTest, TestCase):
eq_(diffs[1][1].name, "child")
class CompareMetadataTest(ModelOne, AutogenTest, TestCase):
class CompareMetadataTest(ModelOne, AutogenTest, TestBase):
def test_compare_metadata(self):
metadata = self.m2
@ -1065,13 +1052,10 @@ class CompareMetadataTest(ModelOne, AutogenTest, TestCase):
eq_(diffs[2][1][6], True)
class PGCompareMetaData(ModelOne, AutogenTest, TestCase):
class PGCompareMetaData(ModelOne, AutogenTest, TestBase):
__only_on__ = 'postgresql'
schema = "test_schema"
def _get_bind(cls):
return db_for_dialect('postgresql')
def test_compare_metadata_schema(self):
metadata = self.m2