2. Edit the ``/etc/ceilometer/ceilometer.conf`` file and complete the following actions: * Configure Gnocchi connection: .. code-block:: ini [DEFAULT] ... meter_dispatchers=gnocchi event_dispatchers=gnocchi [dispatcher_gnocchi] # filter out Gnocchi-related activity meters (Swift driver) filter_service_activity = False # default metric storage archival policy archive_policy = low .. note:: It is possible forego the collector service by modifying the pipeline.yaml to use the ``gnocchi://`` publisher rather than ``notifier://``. Doing so will minimise resource requirements. In this case, dispatchers do not need to be added to conf file. * In the ``[DEFAULT]`` section, configure ``RabbitMQ`` message queue access: .. code-block:: ini [DEFAULT] ... transport_url = rabbit://openstack:RABBIT_PASS@controller Replace ``RABBIT_PASS`` with the password you chose for the ``openstack`` account in ``RabbitMQ``. * In the ``[service_credentials]`` section, configure service credentials: .. code-block:: ini [service_credentials] ... auth_type = password auth_url = http://controller:5000/v3 project_domain_name = default user_domain_name = default project_name = service username = ceilometer password = CEILOMETER_PASS interface = internalURL region_name = RegionOne Replace ``CEILOMETER_PASS`` with the password you chose for the ``ceilometer`` user in the Identity service. 3. Edit the ``/etc/gnocchi/gnocchi.conf`` file and add Keystone options: * In the ``[api]`` section, configure gnocchi to use keystone: .. code-block:: ini [api] auth_mode = keystone * In the ``[keystone_authtoken]`` section, configure keystone authentication: .. code-block:: ini [keystone_authtoken] ... auth_type = password auth_url = http://controller:5000/v3 project_domain_name = Default user_domain_name = Default project_name = service username = gnocchi password = GNOCCHI_PASS interface = internalURL region_name = RegionOne Replace ``GNOCCHI_PASS`` with the password you chose for the ``gnocchi`` user in the Identity service. 4. Create Ceilometer resources in Gnocchi. Gnocchi should be running by this stage: .. code-block:: console # ceilometer-upgrade --skip-metering-database