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# Copyright 2014 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
from designate.objects.adapters.api_v2 import base
from designate import objects
from designate import exceptions
class RecordSetAPIv2Adapter(base.APIv2Adapter):
ADAPTER_OBJECT = objects.RecordSet
'fields': {
"id": {},
"zone_id": {},
"project_id": {
'rename': 'tenant_id'
"name": {
'immutable': True
"zone_name": {
'read_only': True,
"type": {
'rename': 'type',
'immutable': True
"records": {
'read_only': False
"description": {
'read_only': False
"ttl": {
'read_only': False
"status": {},
"action": {},
"version": {},
"created_at": {},
"updated_at": {},
'options': {
'links': True,
'resource_name': 'recordset',
'collection_name': 'recordsets',
def _parse_object(cls, new_recordset, recordset, *args, **kwargs):
# TODO(Graham): Remove this when
# is fixed
except exceptions.RelationNotLoaded:
recordset.records = objects.RecordList()
original_records = set()
for record in recordset.records:
# Get new list of Records
new_records = set()
if 'records' in new_recordset:
if isinstance(new_recordset['records'], list):
for record in new_recordset['records']:
errors = objects.ValidationErrorList()
e = objects.ValidationError()
e.path = ['records']
e.validator = 'type'
e.validator_value = ["list"]
e.message = ("'%(data)s' is not a valid list of records"
% {'data': new_recordset['records']})
# Add it to the list for later
raise exceptions.InvalidObject(
"Provided object does not match "
"schema", errors=errors, object=cls.ADAPTER_OBJECT())
# Get differences of Records
records_to_add = new_records.difference(original_records)
records_to_rm = original_records.difference(new_records)
# Update all items except records
record_update = False
if 'records' in new_recordset:
record_update = True
del new_recordset['records']
if record_update:
# Build a list of the "new" records
new_recordset_records = objects.RecordList()
# Remove deleted records if we have provided a records array
if record_update:
for record in recordset.records:
if not in records_to_rm:
# Add new records
for record in records_to_add:
# Do a single assignment, preserves the object change fields
recordset.records = new_recordset_records
return super(RecordSetAPIv2Adapter, cls)._parse_object(
new_recordset, recordset, *args, **kwargs)
def _get_path(cls, request, obj):
ori_path = request.path
path = ori_path.lstrip('/').split('/')
insert_zones = False
to_insert = ''
if 'zones' not in path and obj is not None:
insert_zones = True
to_insert = 'zones/{0}'.format(obj.zone_id)
item_path = ''
for part in path:
if part == cls.MODIFICATIONS['options']['collection_name']:
item_path += '/' + part
return item_path
elif insert_zones and to_insert and part == 'v2':
item_path += '/v2/{0}'.format(to_insert)
insert_zones = False # make sure only insert once if needed
item_path += '/' + part
class RecordSetListAPIv2Adapter(base.APIv2Adapter):
ADAPTER_OBJECT = objects.RecordSetList
'options': {
'links': True,
'resource_name': 'recordset',
'collection_name': 'recordsets',