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# Copyright (c) 2015 Mirantis, Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
from glance.artifacts.domain import proxy
import glance.common.artifacts.definitions as definitions
import glance.common.exception as exc
from glance.i18n import _
class ArtifactProxy(proxy.Artifact):
def __init__(self, artifact, repo):
super(ArtifactProxy, self).__init__(artifact)
self.artifact = artifact
self.repo = repo
def set_type_specific_property(self, prop_name, value):
if prop_name not in self.metadata.attributes.dependencies:
return super(ArtifactProxy, self).set_type_specific_property(
prop_name, value)
# for every dependency have to transfer dep_id into a dependency itself
if value is None:
setattr(self.artifact, prop_name, None)
if not isinstance(value, list):
setattr(self.artifact, prop_name,
setattr(self.artifact, prop_name,
[self._fetch_dependency(dep_id) for dep_id in value])
def _fetch_dependency(self, dep_id):
# check for circular dependency id -> id
if == dep_id:
raise exc.ArtifactCircularDependency()
art = self.repo.get(artifact_id=dep_id)
# repo returns a proxy of some level.
# Need to find the base declarative artifact
while not isinstance(art, definitions.ArtifactType):
art = art.base
return art
class ArtifactRepo(proxy.ArtifactRepo):
def __init__(self, repo, plugins,
item_proxy_class=None, item_proxy_kwargs=None):
self.plugins = plugins
super(ArtifactRepo, self).__init__(repo,
item_proxy_kwargs={'repo': self})
def _check_dep_state(self, dep, state):
"""Raises an exception if dependency 'dep' is not in state 'state'"""
if dep.state != state:
raise exc.Invalid(_(
"Not all dependencies are in '%s' state") % state)
def publish(self, artifact, *args, **kwargs):
Creates transitive dependencies,
checks that all dependencies are in active state and
transfers artifact from creating to active state
# make sure that all required dependencies exist
artifact.__pre_publish__(*args, **kwargs)
# make sure that all dependencies are active
for param in artifact.metadata.attributes.dependencies:
dependency = getattr(artifact, param)
if isinstance(dependency, list):
for dep in dependency:
self._check_dep_state(dep, 'active')
elif dependency:
self._check_dep_state(dependency, 'active')
# as state is changed on db save, have to retrieve the freshly changed
# artifact (the one passed into the func will have old state value)
artifact = self.base.publish(self.helper.unproxy(artifact))
return self.helper.proxy(artifact)
def remove(self, artifact):
Checks that artifact has no dependencies and removes it.
Otherwise an exception is raised
for param in artifact.metadata.attributes.dependencies:
if getattr(artifact, param):
raise exc.Invalid(_(
"Dependency property '%s' has to be deleted first") %
return self.base.remove(self.helper.unproxy(artifact))
class ArtifactFactory(proxy.ArtifactFactory):
def __init__(self, base, klass, repo):
self.klass = klass
self.repo = repo
super(ArtifactFactory, self).__init__(
base, artifact_proxy_class=ArtifactProxy,
artifact_proxy_kwargs={'repo': self.repo})
def new_artifact(self, *args, **kwargs):
Creates an artifact without dependencies first
and then adds them to the newly created artifact
# filter dependencies
no_deps = {p: kwargs[p] for p in kwargs
if p not in self.klass.metadata.attributes.dependencies}
deps = {p: kwargs[p] for p in kwargs
if p in self.klass.metadata.attributes.dependencies}
artifact = super(ArtifactFactory, self).new_artifact(*args, **no_deps)
# now set dependencies
for dep_param, dep_value in deps.iteritems():
setattr(artifact, dep_param, dep_value)
return artifact