Import documentation

Change-Id: I1fae0b0f0fd0cf40ccd2d414f2c3edd657589d3e
Signed-off-by: Julien Danjou <>
This commit is contained in:
Julien Danjou 2014-10-06 14:56:03 +02:00
parent 4cc8ca8f2c
commit e589daf6ed
12 changed files with 997 additions and 107 deletions

.gitignore vendored
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REST API to store metrics in object storage.
`Gnocchi <>`_ uses Pandas to analyze
metrics, with Swift as the canonical storage driver (other pluggable drivers
are expected to follow).
Installation Instructions
Install Swift, either by enabling the required services in a full devstack
environment, or as a stand-alone installation.
To enable Swift in Devstack, edit your localrc file to include::
enable_service s-proxy s-account s-container s-object
and run `./`.
For directions on installing Swift all-in-one, see
`these instructions <>`_.
Clone the gnocchi git repo (if you have a full Devstack environment, the
usual directory in which to install gnocchi would be /opt/stack/)::
cd /opt/stack && git clone
You may need to install the following libraries, depending on your system;
on Ubuntu the command would be::
sudo apt-get install build-essential libpq-dev libx11-dev libasound2-dev
for Fedora users, type::
sudo yum install gcc-c++ libpq-devel libx11-devel alsa-lib-devel
Run the installer::
cd gnocchi
sudo pip install -r requirements.txt
sudo pip install -r test-requirements.txt
sudo python install
Configuring Gnocchi
If it doesn't exist, create a gnocchi.conf file in /etc/gnocchi/::
mkdir -p /etc/gnocchi
cd /etc/gnocchi && touch gnocchi.conf
Edit `/etc/gnocchi/gnocchi.conf`. Shown below is a sample configuration file::
port = 8041
host =
swift_auth_version = 1
swift_authurl = http://localhost:8080/auth/v1.0
swift_user = admin:admin
swift_key = admin
driver = sqlalchemy
connection = mysql://username:password@host/gnocchi
To use postgresql instead, set the database connection string accordingly::
connection = postgres://username:pasword@host/gnocchi
Create a database. For mysql, from the command line type::
mysql -u root -pPASSWORD -e "create database gnocchi;"
For postgresql::
createdb -U USERNAME -T template0 gnocchi
Initialize the database by running::
Sending Requests to the API
Run the Gnocchi API service::
You can now send requests to the API. Here's an example that creates an
entity with an archive that stores one point every second for an hour
(shown both with the curl command and using a Python script)::
curl -i -X POST \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Accept: application/json" \
-d '{"archives": "high"}'
import requests
import json
r ='', data=json.dumps({"archives": "high"}))
print r.status_code
print r.text
HTTP API to store metrics and index resources.

doc/source/basic.rst Normal file
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What is Gnocchi?
.. image:: gnocchi-logo.jpg
Gnocchi is a service for managing a set of resources and storing metrics about
them. It allows its users to create resources (servers, images, volumes…)
with properties (name, URL, flavors…) and to associate those resources with
entities (CPU usage, bandwidth…) that are going to metered.
The point of Gnocchi is to provide this service and its features in a scalable
and resilient way. Its functionalities are exposed over an HTTP REST API.
A Brief History of Gnocchi
The Gnocchi project was started in 2014 as a spin-off of the `OpenStack
Ceilometer`_ project to address the performance issues that Ceilometer
encountered while using standard databases as a storage backends for metrics.
More information are available on `Julien's blog post on Gnocchi
.. _`OpenStack Ceilometer`:
Project Architecture
Gnocchi is built around 2 main components: a storage driver and an indexer
driver. The REST API exposed to the user manipulates both these drivers to
provide all the features that are needed to provide correct infrastructure
The *storage* is responsible for storing metrics of created entities. It
receives timestamps and values and computes aggregations according the the
archive policies.
The *indexer* is responsible for storing the index of all resources, along with
their types and their properties. Gnocchi only knows resource types from the
OpenStack project, but also provides a *generic* type so you can create basic
resources and handle the resource properties yourself. The indexer is also
responsible for linking resources with entities.

doc/source/ Normal file
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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
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doc/source/index.rst Normal file
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Gnocchi -- Resource metering as a Service
The Gnocchi project procdes a REST interface to catalog and measure resources.
.. toctree::
Indices and tables
* :ref:`genindex`
* :ref:`modindex`
* :ref:`search`

doc/source/install.rst Normal file
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To install Gnocchi, you just need to run the standard Python installation
python install
Then configure Gnocchi by editing the `/etc/gnocchi/gnocchi.conf` sample. No
config file is provided with the source code, but one can be easily created by
tox -e genconfig
The configuration file should be pretty explicit, but here are some of the base
options you want to change and configure:
| Option name | Help |
| storage.driver | The storage driver for entities, Swift by default. |
| indexer.driver | The indexer driver, SQLAlchemy by default. |
| database.connection | URL to your database, used by the *sqlalchemy* driver. |
| storage.swift_* | Configuration options to access Swift |
| | if you use the Swift storage driver. |
Indexer Initialization
Once you have configured Gnocchi properly, you need to initialize the indexer:
Running Gnocchi
To run Gnocchi, simple run the HTTP server:
Running As A WSGI Application
It's possible and advised to run Gnocchi through a WSGI service such as
`mod_wsgi`_ or any other WSGI applications. The file `gnocchi/rest/app.wsgi`
provided with Gnocchi allows you to enable Gnocchi as a WSGI application.
.. _`mod_wsgi`:

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Resource Types
Gnocchi offers different resource types to manage your resources. Each resource
type has its specific typed attributes. All resource types are subtype of the
`generic` type.
Immutable attributes are attributes that cannot be modified after the resource
has been created.
| Attribute | Type | Immutable |
| user_id | UUID | Yes |
| project_id | UUID | Yes |
| started_at | Timestamp | Yes |
| ended_at | Timestamp | No |
| type | Timestamp | Yes |
| entities | {String: UUID} | No |
| Attribute | Type | Immutable |
| flavor_id | Integer | No |
| image_ref | String | No |
| host | String | No |
| display_name | String | No |
| server_group | String | No |
No specific attributes.

doc/source/rest.rst Normal file
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By default, the `api.middleware` configuration option is set to use the Keystone
middleware. Therefore you must authenticate using Keystone to use the API and
provide an `X-Auth-Token` header with a valid token for each request sent to
Gnocchi provides a resource type that is called *entity*. An entity designates
any thing that can be measured: the CPU usage of a server, the temperature of a
room or the number of bytes sent by a network interface.
An entity only has a few properties: a UUID to identify it, and the archive
policy that will be used to store and aggregate the measures.
To create an entity, the following API request should be used:
▶ POST /v1/entity
Content-Type: application/json
"archive_policy": "medium"
◀ HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Location: http://localhost:8080/v1/entity/125F6A9F-D8DB-424D-BFF2-A5F142E2DC03
Content-Type: application/json
"archive_policy": "medium"
Once created, it is possible to send metrics to the entity:
▶ POST /v1/entity/125F6A9F-D8DB-424D-BFF2-A5F142E2DC03/measures
Content-Type: application/json
"timestamp": "2014-10-06T14:33:57",
"value": 43.1
"timestamp": "2014-10-06T14:34:12",
"value": 12
"timestamp": "2014-10-06T14:34:20",
"value": 2
◀ HTTP/1.1 204 No Content
If there are no errors, Gnocchi does not return a response body, only a simple
status code. It is possible to provide any number of measures.
While it is possible to send any number of (timestamp, value), it is still
needed to honor constraints defined by the archive policy used by the entity,
such as the maximum timespan.
Once measures are sent, it is possible to retrieve them using *GET* on the same
▶ GET /v1/entity/125F6A9F-D8DB-424D-BFF2-A5F142E2DC03/measures
◀ HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
"timestamp": "2014-10-06T14:33:00",
"value": 43.1
"timestamp": "2014-10-06T14:34:00",
"value": 7
It is possible to filter the measures over a time range by specifying the
*start* and/or *stop* parameters to the query with timestamp. The timestamp
format can be either a floating number (UNIX epoch) or an ISO8601 formated
▶ GET /v1/entity/125F6A9F-D8DB-424D-BFF2-A5F142E2DC03/measures?start=2014-10-06T14:34
◀ HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
"timestamp": "2014-10-06T14:34:00",
"value": 7
By default, the aggregated values that are returned use the *mean* aggregation
method. It is possible to request for any other method by specifying the
*aggregation* query parameter:
▶ GET /v1/entity/125F6A9F-D8DB-424D-BFF2-A5F142E2DC03/measures?aggregation=max
◀ HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
"timestamp": "2014-10-06T14:33:00",
"value": 43.1
"timestamp": "2014-10-06T14:34:00",
"value": 12
The list of aggregation method available is: *mean*, *sum*, *last*, *max*,
*min*, *std*, *median* and *first*.
Archive Policy
When sending measures for an entity to Gnocchi, the values are dynamically
aggregated. That means that Gnocchi does not store all sent measures, but
aggregates them over a certain period of time. Gnocchi provides several
aggregation method (mean, min, max, sum…) that are builtin.
An archive policy is a list of item. Each item is composed of the timespan and
the level of precision that must be kept when aggregating data. For example, an
item might be defined of 12 points over an hour (one point every 5 minutes), or
a points every 1 hours over 1 day (24 points). An archive policy is defined by a
name and a definition composed of a list of at least one of the previously
described item.
The REST API allows to create archive policies:
▶ POST /v1/archive_policy
Content-Type: application/json
"name": "low",
"definition": [
"granularity": "1s",
"timespan": "1 hour"
"points": 1000,
"timespan": "1 day"
◀ HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Location: http://localhost:8080/v1/archive_policy/low
Content-Type: application/json
"name": "low",
"definition": [
"granularity": "0:00:01",
"timespan": "0:01:00",
"points": 60,
"granularity": 86.4,
"points": 1000,
"timespan": "1 day, 00:00:00"
Once the archive policy is created, the complete set of properties is computed
and returned, with the URL of the archive policy. This URL can be used to
retrieve the details of the archive policy later:
▶ GET /v1/archive_policy/low
◀ HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Location: http://localhost:8080/v1/archive_policy/low
Content-Type: application/json
"name": "low",
"definition": [
"granularity": "0:00:01",
"timespan": "0:01:00",
"points": 60,
"granularity": 86.4,
"points": 1000,
"timespan": "1 day, 00:00:00"
It is also possible to list archive policies:
▶ GET /v1/archive_policy
◀ HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
"name": "low",
"definition": [
"granularity": "0:00:01",
"timespan": "0:01:00",
"points": 60,
"granularity": 86.4,
"points": 1000,
"timespan": "1 day, 00:00:00"
It is not yet possible to delete an archive policy.
Gnocchi provides the ability to store and index resources. Each resource has a
type. The basic type of resources is *generic*, but more specialized subtypes
also exist, especially to describe OpenStack resources.
The REST API allows to manipulate resources. To create a generic resource:
▶ POST /v1/resource/generic
Content-Type: application/json
"id": "75C44741-CC60-4033-804E-2D3098C7D2E9",
"user_id": "BD3A1E52-1C62-44CB-BF04-660BD88CD74D",
"project_id": "BD3A1E52-1C62-44CB-BF04-660BD88CD74D"
◀ HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Location: http://localhost:8080/v1/resource/generic/75C44741-CC60-4033-804E-2D3098C7D2E9
Content-Type: application/json
"id": "75C44741-CC60-4033-804E-2D3098C7D2E9",
"user_id": "BD3A1E52-1C62-44CB-BF04-660BD88CD74D",
"project_id": "BD3A1E52-1C62-44CB-BF04-660BD88CD74D",
"started_at": "2014-10-06T14:34:00",
"ended_at": null
The *id*, *user_id* and *project_id* attributes must be UUID and are mandatory.
The timestamp describing the lifespan of the resource are not, and *started_at*
is by default set to the current timestamp.
It's possible to retrieve the resource by the URL provided in the `Location`
More specialized resources can be created. For example, the *instance* is used
to describe an OpenStack instance as managed by Nova_.
▶ POST /v1/resource/instance
Content-Type: application/json
"id": "75C44741-CC60-4033-804E-2D3098C7D2E9",
"user_id": "BD3A1E52-1C62-44CB-BF04-660BD88CD74D",
"project_id": "BD3A1E52-1C62-44CB-BF04-660BD88CD74D",
"flavor_id": 2,
"image_ref": "http://image",
"host": "compute1",
"display_name": "myvm",
"entities": {}
◀ HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Location: http://localhost:8080/v1/resource/generic/75C44741-CC60-4033-804E-2D3098C7D2E9
Content-Type: application/json
"id": "75C44741-CC60-4033-804E-2D3098C7D2E9",
"user_id": "BD3A1E52-1C62-44CB-BF04-660BD88CD74D",
"project_id": "BD3A1E52-1C62-44CB-BF04-660BD88CD74D",
"flavor_id": 2,
"image_ref": "http://image",
"host": "compute1",
"display_name": "myvm",
"started_at": "2014-10-06T14:34:00",
"ended_at": null,
"entities": {}
All specialized types have their own optional and mandatory attributes, but they
all include attributes from the generic type as well.
To retrieve a resource by its URL provided by the `Location` header at creation
▶ GET /v1/resource/generic/75C44741-CC60-4033-804E-2D3098C7D2E9
◀ HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
"id": "75C44741-CC60-4033-804E-2D3098C7D2E9",
"user_id": "BD3A1E52-1C62-44CB-BF04-660BD88CD74D",
"project_id": "BD3A1E52-1C62-44CB-BF04-660BD88CD74D",
"flavor_id": 2,
"image_ref": "http://image",
"host": "compute1",
"display_name": "myvm",
"started_at": "2014-10-06T14:34:00",
"ended_at": null,
"entities": {}
It's possible to modify a resource by re-uploading it partially with the
modified fields:
▶ PATCH /v1/resource/generic/75C44741-CC60-4033-804E-2D3098C7D2E9
Content-Type: application/json
"host": "compute2",
◀ HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Location: http://localhost:8080/v1/resource/generic/75C44741-CC60-4033-804E-2D3098C7D2E9
Content-Type: application/json
"id": "75C44741-CC60-4033-804E-2D3098C7D2E9",
"user_id": "BD3A1E52-1C62-44CB-BF04-660BD88CD74D",
"project_id": "BD3A1E52-1C62-44CB-BF04-660BD88CD74D",
"flavor_id": 2,
"image_ref": "http://image",
"host": "compute2",
"display_name": "myvm",
"started_at": "2014-10-06T14:34:00",
"ended_at": null,
"entities": {}
It possible to delete a resource altogether:
▶ DELETE /v1/resource/generic/75C44741-CC60-4033-804E-2D3098C7D2E9
◀ HTTP/1.1 204 No Content
All resources can be listed, either by using the `generic` type that will list
all types of resources, or by filtering on their resource type:
▶ GET /v1/resource/generic
◀ HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
"id": "75C44741-CC60-4033-804E-2D3098C7D2E9",
"user_id": "BD3A1E52-1C62-44CB-BF04-660BD88CD74D",
"project_id": "BD3A1E52-1C62-44CB-BF04-660BD88CD74D",
"type": "instance",
"started_at": "2014-10-06T14:34:00",
"ended_at": null,
"entities": {}
"id": "63F07754-F52D-4321-A422-138D019E0EF1",
"user_id": "763F8A05-16CF-42B0-B2C4-5E9A76D7781B",
"project_id": "439AC15D-23BC-4589-9033-A98AAD4D00EE",
"type": "swift_account",
"started_at": "2014-10-06T14:34:00",
"ended_at": null,
"entities": {}
No attributes specific to the resource type are retrieved when using the
`generic` endpoint. To retrieve the details, either list using the specific
resource type endpoint:
▶ GET /v1/resource/instance
◀ HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
"id": "75C44741-CC60-4033-804E-2D3098C7D2E9",
"user_id": "BD3A1E52-1C62-44CB-BF04-660BD88CD74D",
"project_id": "BD3A1E52-1C62-44CB-BF04-660BD88CD74D",
"type": "instance",
"flavor_id": 2,
"image_ref": "http://image",
"host": "compute1",
"display_name": "myvm",
"started_at": "2014-10-06T14:34:00",
"ended_at": null,
"entities": {}
or using `details=true` in the query parameter:
▶ GET /v1/resource/generic?details=true
◀ HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
"id": "75C44741-CC60-4033-804E-2D3098C7D2E9",
"user_id": "BD3A1E52-1C62-44CB-BF04-660BD88CD74D",
"project_id": "BD3A1E52-1C62-44CB-BF04-660BD88CD74D",
"type": "instance",
"flavor_id": 2,
"image_ref": "http://image",
"host": "compute1",
"display_name": "myvm",
"started_at": "2014-10-06T14:34:00",
"ended_at": null,
"entities": {}
"id": "63F07754-F52D-4321-A422-138D019E0EF1",
"user_id": "763F8A05-16CF-42B0-B2C4-5E9A76D7781B",
"project_id": "439AC15D-23BC-4589-9033-A98AAD4D00EE",
"type": "swift_account",
"started_at": "2014-10-06T14:34:00",
"ended_at": null,
"entities": {}
When listing resources, it is possible to filter resource based on attributes
▶ GET /v1/resource/instance?user_id=BD3A1E52-1C62-44CB-BF04-660BD88CD74D
◀ HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
"id": "75C44741-CC60-4033-804E-2D3098C7D2E9",
"user_id": "BD3A1E52-1C62-44CB-BF04-660BD88CD74D",
"project_id": "BD3A1E52-1C62-44CB-BF04-660BD88CD74D",
"type": "instance",
"flavor_id": 2,
"image_ref": "http://image",
"host": "compute1",
"display_name": "myvm",
"started_at": "2014-10-06T14:34:00",
"ended_at": null,
"entities": {}
Each resource can be linked to any number of entities. The `entities` attributes
is a key/value field where the key is the name of the relationship and the value
is an entity:
▶ POST /v1/resource/instance
Content-Type: application/json
"id": "75C44741-CC60-4033-804E-2D3098C7D2E9",
"user_id": "BD3A1E52-1C62-44CB-BF04-660BD88CD74D",
"project_id": "BD3A1E52-1C62-44CB-BF04-660BD88CD74D",
"flavor_id": 2,
"image_ref": "http://image",
"host": "compute1",
"display_name": "myvm",
"entities": {"cpu.util": "73CFA91B-F868-4FC1-BA6B-9164570AEAA1"}
◀ HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Location: http://localhost:8080/v1/resource/generic/75C44741-CC60-4033-804E-2D3098C7D2E9
Content-Type: application/json
"id": "75C44741-CC60-4033-804E-2D3098C7D2E9",
"user_id": "BD3A1E52-1C62-44CB-BF04-660BD88CD74D",
"project_id": "BD3A1E52-1C62-44CB-BF04-660BD88CD74D",
"flavor_id": 2,
"image_ref": "http://image",
"host": "compute1",
"display_name": "myvm",
"started_at": "2014-10-06T14:34:00",
"ended_at": null,
"entities": {"cpu.util": "73CFA91B-F868-4FC1-BA6B-9164570AEAA1"}
It's also possible to create entities dynamically while creating a resource:
▶ POST /v1/resource/instance
Content-Type: application/json
"id": "75C44741-CC60-4033-804E-2D3098C7D2E9",
"user_id": "BD3A1E52-1C62-44CB-BF04-660BD88CD74D",
"project_id": "BD3A1E52-1C62-44CB-BF04-660BD88CD74D",
"flavor_id": 2,
"image_ref": "http://image",
"host": "compute1",
"display_name": "myvm",
"entities": {"cpu.util": {"archive_policy": "medium"}}
◀ HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Location: http://localhost:8080/v1/resource/generic/75C44741-CC60-4033-804E-2D3098C7D2E9
Content-Type: application/json
"id": "75C44741-CC60-4033-804E-2D3098C7D2E9",
"user_id": "BD3A1E52-1C62-44CB-BF04-660BD88CD74D",
"project_id": "BD3A1E52-1C62-44CB-BF04-660BD88CD74D",
"flavor_id": 2,
"image_ref": "http://image",
"host": "compute1",
"display_name": "myvm",
"started_at": "2014-10-06T14:34:00",
"ended_at": null,
"entities": {"cpu.util": "2B9D2EAD-E14D-40C8-B50A-A94841F64D92"}
The entity associated with a resource an be accessed and manipulated using the
usual `/v1/entity` endpoint or using the named relationship with the resource:
▶ GET /v1/resource/generic/75C44741-CC60-4033-804E-2D3098C7D2E9/entity/cpu.util/measures?start=2014-10-06T14:34
◀ HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
"timestamp": "2014-10-06T14:34:00",
"value": 7
The same endpoint can be used to append entities to a resource:
▶ POST /v1/resource/generic/75C44741-CC60-4033-804E-2D3098C7D2E9/entity
Content-Type: application/json
{"memory": {"archive_policy": "low"}}
◀ HTTP/1.1 204 No Content
.. _Nova:

View File

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oslosphinx>=2.2.0 # Apache-2.0

View File

@ -2,6 +2,8 @@ fixtures
oslosphinx>=2.2.0 # Apache-2.0

View File

@ -56,6 +56,12 @@ commands = mkdir -p etc/gnocchi
--namespace gnocchi \
--namespace oslo.db
deps = {[testenv]deps}
commands = doc8 doc/source
python build_sphinx
import_exceptions =