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# The MIT License (MIT)
# Copyright (c) Tavendo GmbH
# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
# of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
# in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
# to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
# copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
# furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
# The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
# all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
import abc
import six
class IObjectSerializer(object):
Raw Python object serialization and deserialization. Object serializers are
used by classes implementing WAMP serializers, that is instances of
def BINARY(self):
Flag (read-only) to indicate if serializer requires a binary clean
transport or if UTF8 transparency is sufficient.
def serialize(self, obj):
Serialize an object to a byte string.
:param obj: Object to serialize.
:type obj: Any serializable type.
:returns: bytes -- Serialized byte string.
def unserialize(self, payload):
Unserialize objects from a byte string.
:param payload: Objects to unserialize.
:type payload: bytes
:returns: list -- List of (raw) objects unserialized.
class IMessage(object):
A WAMP message.
def MESSAGE_TYPE(self):
WAMP message type code.
def marshal(self):
Marshal this object into a raw message for subsequent serialization to bytes.
:returns: list -- The serialized raw message.
# @abc.abstractstaticmethod ## FIXME: this is Python 3 only
# noinspection PyMethodParameters
def parse(wmsg):
Factory method that parses a unserialized raw message (as returned byte
:func:`autobahn.interfaces.ISerializer.unserialize`) into an instance
of this class.
:returns: obj -- An instance of this class.
def serialize(self, serializer):
Serialize this object into a wire level bytes representation and cache
the resulting bytes. If the cache already contains an entry for the given
serializer, return the cached representation directly.
:param serializer: The wire level serializer to use.
:type serializer: An instance that implements :class:`autobahn.interfaces.ISerializer`
:returns: bytes -- The serialized bytes.
def uncache(self):
Resets the serialization cache.
def __eq__(self, other):
Message equality. This does an attribute-wise comparison (but skips attributes
that start with `_`).
def __ne__(self, other):
Message inequality (just the negate of message equality).
def __str__(self):
Returns text representation of this message.
:returns: str -- Human readable representation (e.g. for logging or debugging purposes).
class ISerializer(object):
WAMP message serialization and deserialization.
Mapping of WAMP message type codes to WAMP message classes.
def SERIALIZER_ID(self):
The WAMP serialization format ID.
def serialize(self, message):
Serializes a WAMP message to bytes to be sent to a transport.
:param message: An instance that implements :class:`autobahn.wamp.interfaces.IMessage`
:type message: obj
:returns: tuple -- A pair ``(bytes, isBinary)``.
def unserialize(self, payload, isBinary):
Deserialize bytes from a transport and parse into WAMP messages.
:param payload: Byte string from wire.
:type payload: bytes
:returns: list -- List of objects that implement :class:`autobahn.wamp.interfaces.IMessage`.
class ITransport(object):
A WAMP transport is a bidirectional, full-duplex, reliable, ordered,
message-based channel.
def send(self, message):
Send a WAMP message over the transport to the peer. If the transport is
not open, this raises :class:`autobahn.wamp.exception.TransportLost`.
:param message: An instance that implements :class:`autobahn.wamp.interfaces.IMessage`
:type message: obj
def isOpen(self):
Check if the transport is open for messaging.
:returns: bool -- ``True``, if the transport is open.
def close(self):
Close the transport regularly. The transport will perform any
closing handshake if applicable. This should be used for any
application initiated closing.
def abort(self):
Abort the transport abruptly. The transport will be destroyed as
fast as possible, and without playing nice to the peer. This should
only be used in case of fatal errors, protocol violations or possible
detected attacks.
class ITransportHandler(object):
def onOpen(self, transport):
Callback fired when transport is open.
:param transport: An instance that implements :class:`autobahn.wamp.interfaces.ITransport`
:type transport: obj
def onMessage(self, message):
Callback fired when a WAMP message was received.
:param message: An instance that implements :class:`autobahn.wamp.interfaces.IMessage`
:type message: obj
def onClose(self, wasClean):
Callback fired when the transport has been closed.
:param wasClean: Indicates if the transport has been closed regularly.
:type wasClean: bool
class ISession(object):
Base interface for WAMP sessions.
def onConnect(self):
Callback fired when the transport this session will run over has been established.
def join(self, realm):
Attach the session to the given realm. A session is open as soon as it is attached to a realm.
def onChallenge(self, challenge):
Callback fired when the peer demands authentication.
:param challenge: The authentication challenge.
:type challenge: Instance of :class:`autobahn.wamp.types.Challenge`.
def onJoin(self, details):
Callback fired when WAMP session has been established.
:param details: Session information.
:type details: Instance of :class:`autobahn.wamp.types.SessionDetails`.
def leave(self, reason=None, message=None):
Actively close this WAMP session.
:param reason: An optional URI for the closing reason.
:type reason: str
:param message: An optional (human readable) closing message, intended for
logging purposes.
:type message: str
def onLeave(self, details):
Callback fired when WAMP session has is closed
:param details: Close information.
:type details: Instance of :class:`autobahn.wamp.types.CloseDetails`.
def disconnect(self):
Close the underlying transport.
def onDisconnect(self):
Callback fired when underlying transport has been closed.
def define(self, exception, error=None):
Defines an exception for a WAMP error in the context of this WAMP session.
:param exception: The exception class to define an error mapping for.
:type exception: A class that derives of ``Exception``.
:param error: The URI (or URI pattern) the exception class should be mapped for.
Iff the ``exception`` class is decorated, this must be ``None``.
:type error: str
class ICaller(ISession):
Interface for WAMP peers implementing role *Caller*.
def call(self, procedure, *args, **kwargs):
Call a remote procedure.
This will return a Deferred/Future, that when resolved, provides the actual result
returned by the called remote procedure.
- If the result is a single positional return value, it'll be returned "as-is".
- If the result contains multiple positional return values or keyword return values,
the result is wrapped in an instance of :class:`autobahn.wamp.types.CallResult`.
- If the call fails, the returned Deferred/Future will be rejected with an instance
of :class:`autobahn.wamp.exception.ApplicationError`.
If ``kwargs`` contains an ``options`` keyword argument that is an instance of
:class:`autobahn.wamp.types.CallOptions`, this will provide specific options for
the call to perform.
When the *Caller* and *Dealer* implementations support canceling of calls, the call may
be canceled by canceling the returned Deferred/Future.
:param procedure: The URI of the remote procedure to be called, e.g. ``u"com.myapp.hello"``.
:type procedure: unicode
:param args: Any positional arguments for the call.
:type args: list
:param kwargs: Any keyword arguments for the call.
:type kwargs: dict
:returns: A Deferred/Future for the call result -
:rtype: instance of :tx:`twisted.internet.defer.Deferred` / :py:class:`asyncio.Future`
class IRegistration(object):
Represents a registration of an endpoint.
def id(self):
The WAMP registration ID for this registration.
def active(self):
Flag indicating if registration is active.
def unregister(self):
Unregister this registration that was previously created from
After a registration has been unregistered successfully, no calls
will be routed to the endpoint anymore.
Returns an instance of :tx:`twisted.internet.defer.Deferred` (when
running on **Twisted**) or an instance of :py:class:`asyncio.Future`
(when running on **asyncio**).
- If the unregistration succeeds, the returned Deferred/Future will
*resolve* (with no return value).
- If the unregistration fails, the returned Deferred/Future will be rejected
with an instance of :class:`autobahn.wamp.exception.ApplicationError`.
:returns: A Deferred/Future for the unregistration
:rtype: instance(s) of :tx:`twisted.internet.defer.Deferred` / :py:class:`asyncio.Future`
class ICallee(ISession):
Interface for WAMP peers implementing role *Callee*.
def register(self, endpoint, procedure=None, options=None):
Register a procedure for remote calling.
When ``endpoint`` is a callable (function, method or object that implements ``__call__``),
then ``procedure`` must be provided and an instance of
:tx:`twisted.internet.defer.Deferred` (when running on **Twisted**) or an instance
of :py:class:`asyncio.Future` (when running on **asyncio**) is returned.
- If the registration *succeeds* the returned Deferred/Future will *resolve* to
an object that implements :class:`autobahn.wamp.interfaces.IRegistration`.
- If the registration *fails* the returned Deferred/Future will *reject* with an
instance of :class:`autobahn.wamp.exception.ApplicationError`.
When ``endpoint`` is an object, then each of the object's methods that is decorated
with :func:`autobahn.wamp.register` is automatically registered and a list of
Deferreds/Futures is returned that each resolves or rejects as above.
:param endpoint: The endpoint called under the procedure.
:type endpoint: callable or object
:param procedure: When ``endpoint`` is a callable, the URI (or URI pattern)
of the procedure to register for. When ``endpoint`` is an object,
the argument is ignored (and should be ``None``).
:type procedure: unicode
:param options: Options for registering.
:type options: instance of :class:`autobahn.wamp.types.RegisterOptions`.
:returns: A registration or a list of registrations (or errors)
:rtype: instance(s) of :tx:`twisted.internet.defer.Deferred` / :py:class:`asyncio.Future`
class IPublication(object):
Represents a publication of an event. This is used with acknowledged publications.
def id(self):
The WAMP publication ID for this publication.
class IPublisher(ISession):
Interface for WAMP peers implementing role *Publisher*.
def publish(self, topic, *args, **kwargs):
Publish an event to a topic.
If ``kwargs`` contains an ``options`` keyword argument that is an instance of
:class:`autobahn.wamp.types.PublishOptions`, this will provide
specific options for the publish to perform.
.. note::
By default, publications are non-acknowledged and the publication can
fail silently, e.g. because the session is not authorized to publish
to the topic.
When publication acknowledgement is requested via ``options.acknowledge == True``,
this function returns a Deferred/Future:
- If the publication succeeds the Deferred/Future will resolve to an object
that implements :class:`autobahn.wamp.interfaces.IPublication`.
- If the publication fails the Deferred/Future will reject with an instance
of :class:`autobahn.wamp.exception.ApplicationError`.
:param topic: The URI of the topic to publish to, e.g. ``u"com.myapp.mytopic1"``.
:type topic: unicode
:param args: Arbitrary application payload for the event (positional arguments).
:type args: list
:param kwargs: Arbitrary application payload for the event (keyword arguments).
:type kwargs: dict
:returns: Acknowledgement for acknowledge publications - otherwise nothing.
:rtype: ``None`` or instance of :tx:`twisted.internet.defer.Deferred` / :py:class:`asyncio.Future`
class ISubscription(object):
Represents a subscription to a topic.
def id(self):
The WAMP subscription ID for this subscription.
def active(self):
Flag indicating if subscription is active.
def unsubscribe(self):
Unsubscribe this subscription that was previously created from
After a subscription has been unsubscribed successfully, no events
will be routed to the event handler anymore.
Returns an instance of :tx:`twisted.internet.defer.Deferred` (when
running on **Twisted**) or an instance of :py:class:`asyncio.Future`
(when running on **asyncio**).
- If the unsubscription succeeds, the returned Deferred/Future will
*resolve* (with no return value).
- If the unsubscription fails, the returned Deferred/Future will *reject*
with an instance of :class:`autobahn.wamp.exception.ApplicationError`.
:returns: A Deferred/Future for the unsubscription
:rtype: instance(s) of :tx:`twisted.internet.defer.Deferred` / :py:class:`asyncio.Future`
class ISubscriber(ISession):
Interface for WAMP peers implementing role *Subscriber*.
def subscribe(self, handler, topic=None, options=None):
Subscribe to a topic for receiving events.
When ``handler`` is a callable (function, method or object that implements ``__call__``),
then `topic` must be provided and an instance of
:tx:`twisted.internet.defer.Deferred` (when running on **Twisted**) or an instance
of :class:`asyncio.Future` (when running on **asyncio**) is returned.
- If the subscription succeeds the Deferred/Future will resolve to an object
that implements :class:`autobahn.wamp.interfaces.ISubscription`.
- If the subscription fails the Deferred/Future will reject with an instance
of :class:`autobahn.wamp.exception.ApplicationError`.
When ``handler`` is an object, then each of the object's methods that is decorated
with :func:`autobahn.wamp.subscribe` is automatically subscribed as event handlers,
and a list of Deferreds/Futures is returned that each resolves or rejects as above.
:param handler: The event handler to receive events.
:type handler: callable or object
:param topic: When ``handler`` is a callable, the URI (or URI pattern)
of the topic to subscribe to. When ``handler`` is an object, this
value is ignored (and should be ``None``).
:type topic: unicode
:param options: Options for subscribing.
:type options: An instance of :class:`autobahn.wamp.types.SubscribeOptions`.
:returns: A single Deferred/Future or a list of such objects
:rtype: instance(s) of :tx:`twisted.internet.defer.Deferred` / :py:class:`asyncio.Future`