
2697 lines
92 KiB

# The MIT License (MIT)
# Copyright (c) Tavendo GmbH
# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
# of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
# in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
# to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
# copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
# furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
# The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
# all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
from __future__ import absolute_import
import re
import six
import autobahn
from autobahn import util
from autobahn.wamp.exception import ProtocolError
from autobahn.wamp.interfaces import IMessage
from autobahn.wamp.role import ROLE_NAME_TO_CLASS
__all__ = ('Message',
# strict URI check allowing empty URI components
_URI_PAT_STRICT_EMPTY = re.compile(r"^(([0-9a-z_]+\.)|\.)*([0-9a-z_]+)?$")
# loose URI check allowing empty URI components
_URI_PAT_LOOSE_EMPTY = re.compile(r"^(([^\s\.#]+\.)|\.)*([^\s\.#]+)?$")
# strict URI check disallowing empty URI components
_URI_PAT_STRICT_NON_EMPTY = re.compile(r"^([0-9a-z_]+\.)*([0-9a-z_]+)$")
# loose URI check disallowing empty URI components
_URI_PAT_LOOSE_NON_EMPTY = re.compile(r"^([^\s\.#]+\.)*([^\s\.#]+)$")
def check_or_raise_uri(value, message=u"WAMP message invalid", strict=False, allowEmptyComponents=False):
Check a value for being a valid WAMP URI.
If the value is not a valid WAMP URI is invalid, raises :class:`autobahn.wamp.exception.ProtocolError`.
Otherwise return the value.
:param value: The value to check.
:type value: unicode
:param message: Prefix for message in exception raised when value is invalid.
:type message: unicode
:param strict: If ``True``, do a strict check on the URI (the WAMP spec SHOULD behavior).
:type strict: bool
:param allowEmptyComponents: If ``True``, allow empty URI components (for pattern based
subscriptions and registrations).
:type allowEmptyComponents: bool
:returns: The URI value (if valid).
:rtype: unicode
:raises: instance of :class:`autobahn.wamp.exception.ProtocolError`
if type(value) != six.text_type:
raise ProtocolError(u"{0}: invalid type {1} for URI".format(message, type(value)))
if strict:
if allowEmptyComponents:
if allowEmptyComponents:
if not pat.match(value):
raise ProtocolError(u"{0}: invalid value '{1}' for URI".format(message, value))
return value
def check_or_raise_id(value, message=u"WAMP message invalid"):
Check a value for being a valid WAMP ID.
If the value is not a valid WAMP ID, raises :class:`autobahn.wamp.exception.ProtocolError`.
Otherwise return the value.
:param value: The value to check.
:type value: int
:param message: Prefix for message in exception raised when value is invalid.
:type message: unicode
:returns: The ID value (if valid).
:rtype: int
:raises: instance of :class:`autobahn.wamp.exception.ProtocolError`
if type(value) not in six.integer_types:
raise ProtocolError(u"{0}: invalid type {1} for ID".format(message, type(value)))
if value < 0 or value > 9007199254740992: # 2**53
raise ProtocolError(u"{0}: invalid value {1} for ID".format(message, value))
return value
def check_or_raise_extra(value, message=u"WAMP message invalid"):
Check a value for being a valid WAMP extra dictionary.
If the value is not a valid WAMP extra dictionary, raises :class:`autobahn.wamp.exception.ProtocolError`.
Otherwise return the value.
:param value: The value to check.
:type value: dict
:param message: Prefix for message in exception raised when value is invalid.
:type message: unicode
:returns: The extra dictionary (if valid).
:rtype: dict
:raises: instance of :class:`autobahn.wamp.exception.ProtocolError`
if type(value) != dict:
raise ProtocolError(u"{0}: invalid type {1}".format(message, type(value)))
for k in value.keys():
if type(k) != six.text_type:
raise ProtocolError(u"{0}: invalid type {1} for key '{2}'".format(message, type(k), k))
return value
class Message(util.EqualityMixin):
WAMP message base class. Implements :class:`autobahn.wamp.interfaces.IMessage`.
.. note:: This is not supposed to be instantiated.
def __init__(self):
# serialization cache: mapping from ISerializer instances to serialized bytes
self._serialized = {}
def uncache(self):
Implements :func:`autobahn.wamp.interfaces.IMessage.uncache`
self._serialized = {}
def serialize(self, serializer):
Implements :func:`autobahn.wamp.interfaces.IMessage.serialize`
# only serialize if not cached ..
if serializer not in self._serialized:
self._serialized[serializer] = serializer.serialize(self.marshal())
return self._serialized[serializer]
class Hello(Message):
A WAMP ``HELLO`` message.
Format: ``[HELLO, Realm|uri, Details|dict]``
The WAMP message code for this type of message.
def __init__(self, realm, roles, authmethods=None, authid=None):
:param realm: The URI of the WAMP realm to join.
:type realm: unicode
:param roles: The WAMP roles to announce.
:type roles: dict of :class:`autobahn.wamp.role.RoleFeatures`
:param authmethods: The authentication methods to announce.
:type authmethods: list of unicode or None
:param authid: The authentication ID to announce.
:type authid: unicode or None
assert(type(realm) == six.text_type)
assert(type(roles) == dict)
assert(len(roles) > 0)
for role in roles:
assert(role in [u'subscriber', u'publisher', u'caller', u'callee'])
assert(isinstance(roles[role], autobahn.wamp.role.ROLE_NAME_TO_CLASS[role]))
if authmethods:
assert(type(authmethods) == list)
for authmethod in authmethods:
assert(type(authmethod) == six.text_type)
assert(authid is None or type(authid) == six.text_type)
self.realm = realm
self.roles = roles
self.authmethods = authmethods
self.authid = authid
def parse(wmsg):
Verifies and parses an unserialized raw message into an actual WAMP message instance.
:param wmsg: The unserialized raw message.
:type wmsg: list
:returns: An instance of this class.
# this should already be verified by WampSerializer.unserialize
assert(len(wmsg) > 0 and wmsg[0] == Hello.MESSAGE_TYPE)
if len(wmsg) != 3:
raise ProtocolError("invalid message length {0} for HELLO".format(len(wmsg)))
realm = check_or_raise_uri(wmsg[1], u"'realm' in HELLO")
details = check_or_raise_extra(wmsg[2], u"'details' in HELLO")
roles = {}
if u'roles' not in details:
raise ProtocolError(u"missing mandatory roles attribute in options in HELLO")
details_roles = check_or_raise_extra(details[u'roles'], u"'roles' in 'details' in HELLO")
if len(details_roles) == 0:
raise ProtocolError(u"empty 'roles' in 'details' in HELLO")
for role in details_roles:
if role not in [u'subscriber', u'publisher', u'caller', u'callee']:
raise ProtocolError("invalid role '{0}' in 'roles' in 'details' in HELLO".format(role))
role_cls = ROLE_NAME_TO_CLASS[role]
details_role = check_or_raise_extra(details_roles[role], "role '{0}' in 'roles' in 'details' in HELLO".format(role))
if u'features' in details_role:
check_or_raise_extra(details_role[u'features'], "'features' in role '{0}' in 'roles' in 'details' in HELLO".format(role))
# FIXME: skip unknown attributes
role_features = role_cls(**details_role[u'features'])
role_features = role_cls()
roles[role] = role_features
authmethods = None
if u'authmethods' in details:
details_authmethods = details[u'authmethods']
if type(details_authmethods) != list:
raise ProtocolError("invalid type {0} for 'authmethods' detail in HELLO".format(type(details_authmethods)))
for auth_method in details_authmethods:
if type(auth_method) != six.text_type:
raise ProtocolError("invalid type {0} for item in 'authmethods' detail in HELLO".format(type(auth_method)))
authmethods = details_authmethods
authid = None
if u'authid' in details:
details_authid = details[u'authid']
if type(details_authid) != six.text_type:
raise ProtocolError("invalid type {0} for 'authid' detail in HELLO".format(type(details_authid)))
authid = details_authid
obj = Hello(realm, roles, authmethods, authid)
return obj
def marshal(self):
Implements :func:`autobahn.wamp.interfaces.IMessage.marshal`
details = {u'roles': {}}
for role in self.roles.values():
details[u'roles'][role.ROLE] = {}
for feature in role.__dict__:
if not feature.startswith('_') and feature != 'ROLE' and getattr(role, feature) is not None:
if u'features' not in details[u'roles'][role.ROLE]:
details[u'roles'][role.ROLE] = {u'features': {}}
details[u'roles'][role.ROLE][u'features'][six.u(feature)] = getattr(role, feature)
if self.authmethods:
details[u'authmethods'] = self.authmethods
if self.authid:
details[u'authid'] = self.authid
return [Hello.MESSAGE_TYPE, self.realm, details]
def __str__(self):
Implements :func:`autobahn.wamp.interfaces.IMessage.__str__`
return "WAMP HELLO Message (realm = {0}, roles = {1}, authmethods = {2}, authid = {3})".format(self.realm, self.roles, self.authmethods, self.authid)
class Welcome(Message):
A WAMP ``WELCOME`` message.
Format: ``[WELCOME, Session|id, Details|dict]``
The WAMP message code for this type of message.
def __init__(self, session, roles, authid=None, authrole=None, authmethod=None, authprovider=None):
:param session: The WAMP session ID the other peer is assigned.
:type session: int
:param roles: The WAMP roles to announce.
:type roles: dict of :class:`autobahn.wamp.role.RoleFeatures`
:param authid: The authentication ID assigned.
:type authid: unicode or None
:param authrole: The authentication role assigned.
:type authrole: unicode or None
:param authmethod: The authentication method in use.
:type authmethod: unicode or None
:param authprovider: The authentication method in use.
:type authprovider: unicode or None
assert(type(session) in six.integer_types)
assert(type(roles) == dict)
assert(len(roles) > 0)
for role in roles:
assert(role in [u'broker', u'dealer'])
assert(isinstance(roles[role], autobahn.wamp.role.ROLE_NAME_TO_CLASS[role]))
assert(authid is None or type(authid) == six.text_type)
assert(authrole is None or type(authrole) == six.text_type)
assert(authmethod is None or type(authmethod) == six.text_type)
assert(authprovider is None or type(authprovider) == six.text_type)
self.session = session
self.roles = roles
self.authid = authid
self.authrole = authrole
self.authmethod = authmethod
self.authprovider = authprovider
def parse(wmsg):
Verifies and parses an unserialized raw message into an actual WAMP message instance.
:param wmsg: The unserialized raw message.
:type wmsg: list
:returns: An instance of this class.
# this should already be verified by WampSerializer.unserialize
assert(len(wmsg) > 0 and wmsg[0] == Welcome.MESSAGE_TYPE)
if len(wmsg) != 3:
raise ProtocolError("invalid message length {0} for WELCOME".format(len(wmsg)))
session = check_or_raise_id(wmsg[1], u"'session' in WELCOME")
details = check_or_raise_extra(wmsg[2], u"'details' in WELCOME")
authid = details.get(u'authid', None)
authrole = details.get(u'authrole', None)
authmethod = details.get(u'authmethod', None)
authprovider = details.get(u'authprovider', None)
roles = {}
if u'roles' not in details:
raise ProtocolError(u"missing mandatory roles attribute in options in WELCOME")
details_roles = check_or_raise_extra(details['roles'], u"'roles' in 'details' in WELCOME")
if len(details_roles) == 0:
raise ProtocolError(u"empty 'roles' in 'details' in WELCOME")
for role in details_roles:
if role not in [u'broker', u'dealer']:
raise ProtocolError("invalid role '{0}' in 'roles' in 'details' in WELCOME".format(role))
role_cls = ROLE_NAME_TO_CLASS[role]
details_role = check_or_raise_extra(details_roles[role], "role '{0}' in 'roles' in 'details' in WELCOME".format(role))
if u'features' in details_role:
check_or_raise_extra(details_role[u'features'], "'features' in role '{0}' in 'roles' in 'details' in WELCOME".format(role))
# FIXME: skip unknown attributes
role_features = role_cls(**details_roles[role][u'features'])
role_features = role_cls()
roles[role] = role_features
obj = Welcome(session, roles, authid, authrole, authmethod, authprovider)
return obj
def marshal(self):
Implements :func:`autobahn.wamp.interfaces.IMessage.marshal`
details = {
u'roles': {}
if self.authid:
details[u'authid'] = self.authid
if self.authrole:
details[u'authrole'] = self.authrole
if self.authrole:
details[u'authmethod'] = self.authmethod
if self.authprovider:
details[u'authprovider'] = self.authprovider
for role in self.roles.values():
details[u'roles'][role.ROLE] = {}
for feature in role.__dict__:
if not feature.startswith('_') and feature != 'ROLE' and getattr(role, feature) is not None:
if u'features' not in details[u'roles'][role.ROLE]:
details[u'roles'][role.ROLE] = {u'features': {}}
details[u'roles'][role.ROLE][u'features'][six.u(feature)] = getattr(role, feature)
return [Welcome.MESSAGE_TYPE, self.session, details]
def __str__(self):
Implements :func:`autobahn.wamp.interfaces.IMessage.__str__`
return "WAMP WELCOME Message (session = {0}, roles = {1}, authid = {2}, authrole = {3}, authmethod = {4}, authprovider = {5})".format(self.session, self.roles, self.authid, self.authrole, self.authmethod, self.authprovider)
class Abort(Message):
A WAMP ``ABORT`` message.
Format: ``[ABORT, Details|dict, Reason|uri]``
The WAMP message code for this type of message.
def __init__(self, reason, message=None):
:param reason: WAMP or application error URI for aborting reason.
:type reason: unicode
:param message: Optional human-readable closing message, e.g. for logging purposes.
:type message: unicode or None
assert(type(reason) == six.text_type)
assert(message is None or type(message) == six.text_type)
self.reason = reason
self.message = message
def parse(wmsg):
Verifies and parses an unserialized raw message into an actual WAMP message instance.
:param wmsg: The unserialized raw message.
:type wmsg: list
:returns: An instance of this class.
# this should already be verified by WampSerializer.unserialize
assert(len(wmsg) > 0 and wmsg[0] == Abort.MESSAGE_TYPE)
if len(wmsg) != 3:
raise ProtocolError("invalid message length {0} for ABORT".format(len(wmsg)))
details = check_or_raise_extra(wmsg[1], u"'details' in ABORT")
reason = check_or_raise_uri(wmsg[2], u"'reason' in ABORT")
message = None
if u'message' in details:
details_message = details[u'message']
if type(details_message) != six.text_type:
raise ProtocolError("invalid type {0} for 'message' detail in ABORT".format(type(details_message)))
message = details_message
obj = Abort(reason, message)
return obj
def marshal(self):
Implements :func:`autobahn.wamp.interfaces.IMessage.marshal`
details = {}
if self.message:
details[u'message'] = self.message
return [Abort.MESSAGE_TYPE, details, self.reason]
def __str__(self):
Implements :func:`autobahn.wamp.interfaces.IMessage.__str__`
return "WAMP ABORT Message (message = {0}, reason = {1})".format(self.message, self.reason)
class Challenge(Message):
A WAMP ``CHALLENGE`` message.
Format: ``[CHALLENGE, Method|string, Extra|dict]``
The WAMP message code for this type of message.
def __init__(self, method, extra=None):
:param method: The authentication method.
:type method: unicode
:param extra: Authentication method specific information.
:type extra: dict or None
assert(type(method) == six.text_type)
assert(extra is None or type(extra) == dict)
self.method = method
self.extra = extra or {}
def parse(wmsg):
Verifies and parses an unserialized raw message into an actual WAMP message instance.
:param wmsg: The unserialized raw message.
:type wmsg: list
:returns: An instance of this class.
# this should already be verified by WampSerializer.unserialize
assert(len(wmsg) > 0 and wmsg[0] == Challenge.MESSAGE_TYPE)
if len(wmsg) != 3:
raise ProtocolError("invalid message length {0} for CHALLENGE".format(len(wmsg)))
method = wmsg[1]
if type(method) != six.text_type:
raise ProtocolError("invalid type {0} for 'method' in CHALLENGE".format(type(method)))
extra = check_or_raise_extra(wmsg[2], u"'extra' in CHALLENGE")
obj = Challenge(method, extra)
return obj
def marshal(self):
Implements :func:`autobahn.wamp.interfaces.IMessage.marshal`
return [Challenge.MESSAGE_TYPE, self.method, self.extra]
def __str__(self):
Implements :func:`autobahn.wamp.interfaces.IMessage.__str__`
return "WAMP CHALLENGE Message (method = {0}, extra = {1})".format(self.method, self.extra)
class Authenticate(Message):
Format: ``[AUTHENTICATE, Signature|string, Extra|dict]``
The WAMP message code for this type of message.
def __init__(self, signature, extra=None):
:param signature: The signature for the authentication challenge.
:type signature: unicode
:param extra: Authentication method specific information.
:type extra: dict or None
assert(type(signature) == six.text_type)
assert(extra is None or type(extra) == dict)
self.signature = signature
self.extra = extra or {}
def parse(wmsg):
Verifies and parses an unserialized raw message into an actual WAMP message instance.
:param wmsg: The unserialized raw message.
:type wmsg: list
:returns: An instance of this class.
# this should already be verified by WampSerializer.unserialize
assert(len(wmsg) > 0 and wmsg[0] == Authenticate.MESSAGE_TYPE)
if len(wmsg) != 3:
raise ProtocolError("invalid message length {0} for AUTHENTICATE".format(len(wmsg)))
signature = wmsg[1]
if type(signature) != six.text_type:
raise ProtocolError("invalid type {0} for 'signature' in AUTHENTICATE".format(type(signature)))
extra = check_or_raise_extra(wmsg[2], u"'extra' in AUTHENTICATE")
obj = Authenticate(signature, extra)
return obj
def marshal(self):
Implements :func:`autobahn.wamp.interfaces.IMessage.marshal`
return [Authenticate.MESSAGE_TYPE, self.signature, self.extra]
def __str__(self):
Implements :func:`autobahn.wamp.interfaces.IMessage.__str__`
return "WAMP AUTHENTICATE Message (signature = {0}, extra = {1})".format(self.signature, self.extra)
class Goodbye(Message):
A WAMP ``GOODBYE`` message.
Format: ``[GOODBYE, Details|dict, Reason|uri]``
The WAMP message code for this type of message.
DEFAULT_REASON = u"wamp.goodbye.normal"
Default WAMP closing reason.
def __init__(self, reason=DEFAULT_REASON, message=None):
:param reason: Optional WAMP or application error URI for closing reason.
:type reason: unicode
:param message: Optional human-readable closing message, e.g. for logging purposes.
:type message: unicode or None
assert(type(reason) == six.text_type)
assert(message is None or type(message) == six.text_type)
self.reason = reason
self.message = message
def parse(wmsg):
Verifies and parses an unserialized raw message into an actual WAMP message instance.
:param wmsg: The unserialized raw message.
:type wmsg: list
:returns: An instance of this class.
# this should already be verified by WampSerializer.unserialize
assert(len(wmsg) > 0 and wmsg[0] == Goodbye.MESSAGE_TYPE)
if len(wmsg) != 3:
raise ProtocolError("invalid message length {0} for GOODBYE".format(len(wmsg)))
details = check_or_raise_extra(wmsg[1], u"'details' in GOODBYE")
reason = check_or_raise_uri(wmsg[2], u"'reason' in GOODBYE")
message = None
if u'message' in details:
details_message = details[u'message']
if type(details_message) != six.text_type:
raise ProtocolError("invalid type {0} for 'message' detail in GOODBYE".format(type(details_message)))
message = details_message
obj = Goodbye(reason, message)
return obj
def marshal(self):
Implements :func:`autobahn.wamp.interfaces.IMessage.marshal`
details = {}
if self.message:
details[u'message'] = self.message
return [Goodbye.MESSAGE_TYPE, details, self.reason]
def __str__(self):
Implements :func:`autobahn.wamp.interfaces.IMessage.__str__`
return "WAMP GOODBYE Message (message = {0}, reason = {1})".format(self.message, self.reason)
class Error(Message):
A WAMP ``ERROR`` message.
* ``[ERROR, REQUEST.Type|int, REQUEST.Request|id, Details|dict, Error|uri]``
* ``[ERROR, REQUEST.Type|int, REQUEST.Request|id, Details|dict, Error|uri, Arguments|list]``
* ``[ERROR, REQUEST.Type|int, REQUEST.Request|id, Details|dict, Error|uri, Arguments|list, ArgumentsKw|dict]``
The WAMP message code for this type of message.
def __init__(self, request_type, request, error, args=None, kwargs=None):
:param request_type: The WAMP message type code for the original request.
:type request_type: int
:param request: The WAMP request ID of the original request (`Call`, `Subscribe`, ...) this error occurred for.
:type request: int
:param error: The WAMP or application error URI for the error that occurred.
:type error: unicode
:param args: Positional values for application-defined exception.
Must be serializable using any serializers in use.
:type args: list or None
:param kwargs: Keyword values for application-defined exception.
Must be serializable using any serializers in use.
:type kwargs: dict or None
assert(type(request_type) in six.integer_types)
assert(type(request) in six.integer_types)
assert(type(error) == six.text_type)
assert(args is None or type(args) in [list, tuple])
assert(kwargs is None or type(kwargs) == dict)
self.request_type = request_type
self.request = request
self.error = error
self.args = args
self.kwargs = kwargs
def parse(wmsg):
Verifies and parses an unserialized raw message into an actual WAMP message instance.
:param wmsg: The unserialized raw message.
:type wmsg: list
:returns: An instance of this class.
# this should already be verified by WampSerializer.unserialize
assert(len(wmsg) > 0 and wmsg[0] == Error.MESSAGE_TYPE)
if len(wmsg) not in (5, 6, 7):
raise ProtocolError("invalid message length {0} for ERROR".format(len(wmsg)))
request_type = wmsg[1]
if type(request_type) not in six.integer_types:
raise ProtocolError("invalid type {0} for 'request_type' in ERROR".format(request_type))
if request_type not in [Subscribe.MESSAGE_TYPE,
raise ProtocolError("invalid value {0} for 'request_type' in ERROR".format(request_type))
request = check_or_raise_id(wmsg[2], u"'request' in ERROR")
check_or_raise_extra(wmsg[3], u"'details' in ERROR")
error = check_or_raise_uri(wmsg[4], u"'error' in ERROR")
args = None
if len(wmsg) > 5:
args = wmsg[5]
if type(args) != list:
raise ProtocolError("invalid type {0} for 'args' in ERROR".format(type(args)))
kwargs = None
if len(wmsg) > 6:
kwargs = wmsg[6]
if type(kwargs) != dict:
raise ProtocolError("invalid type {0} for 'kwargs' in ERROR".format(type(kwargs)))
obj = Error(request_type, request, error, args=args, kwargs=kwargs)
return obj
def marshal(self):
Implements :func:`autobahn.wamp.interfaces.IMessage.marshal`
details = {}
if self.kwargs:
return [self.MESSAGE_TYPE, self.request_type, self.request, details, self.error, self.args, self.kwargs]
elif self.args:
return [self.MESSAGE_TYPE, self.request_type, self.request, details, self.error, self.args]
return [self.MESSAGE_TYPE, self.request_type, self.request, details, self.error]
def __str__(self):
Implements :func:`autobahn.wamp.interfaces.IMessage.__str__`
return "WAMP Error Message (request_type = {0}, request = {1}, error = {2}, args = {3}, kwargs = {4})".format(self.request_type, self.request, self.error, self.args, self.kwargs)
class Publish(Message):
A WAMP ``PUBLISH`` message.
* ``[PUBLISH, Request|id, Options|dict, Topic|uri]``
* ``[PUBLISH, Request|id, Options|dict, Topic|uri, Arguments|list]``
* ``[PUBLISH, Request|id, Options|dict, Topic|uri, Arguments|list, ArgumentsKw|dict]``
The WAMP message code for this type of message.
def __init__(self,
:param request: The WAMP request ID of this request.
:type request: int
:param topic: The WAMP or application URI of the PubSub topic the event should
be published to.
:type topic: unicode
:param args: Positional values for application-defined event payload.
Must be serializable using any serializers in use.
:type args: list or tuple or None
:param kwargs: Keyword values for application-defined event payload.
Must be serializable using any serializers in use.
:type kwargs: dict or None
:param acknowledge: If True, acknowledge the publication with a success or
error response.
:type acknowledge: bool or None
:param exclude_me: If ``True``, exclude the publisher from receiving the event, even
if he is subscribed (and eligible).
:type exclude_me: bool or None
:param exclude: List of WAMP session IDs to exclude from receiving this event.
:type exclude: list of int or None
:param eligible: List of WAMP session IDs eligible to receive this event.
:type eligible: list of int or None
:param disclose_me: If True, request to disclose the publisher of this event
to subscribers.
:type disclose_me: bool or None
assert(type(request) in six.integer_types)
assert(type(topic) == six.text_type)
assert(args is None or type(args) in [list, tuple])
assert(kwargs is None or type(kwargs) == dict)
assert(acknowledge is None or type(acknowledge) == bool)
assert(exclude_me is None or type(exclude_me) == bool)
assert(exclude is None or type(exclude) == list)
assert(eligible is None or type(eligible) == list)
assert(disclose_me is None or type(disclose_me) == bool)
self.request = request
self.topic = topic
self.args = args
self.kwargs = kwargs
self.acknowledge = acknowledge
self.exclude_me = exclude_me
self.exclude = exclude
self.eligible = eligible
self.disclose_me = disclose_me
def parse(wmsg):
Verifies and parses an unserialized raw message into an actual WAMP message instance.
:param wmsg: The unserialized raw message.
:type wmsg: list
:returns: An instance of this class.
# this should already be verified by WampSerializer.unserialize
assert(len(wmsg) > 0 and wmsg[0] == Publish.MESSAGE_TYPE)
if len(wmsg) not in (4, 5, 6):
raise ProtocolError("invalid message length {0} for PUBLISH".format(len(wmsg)))
request = check_or_raise_id(wmsg[1], u"'request' in PUBLISH")
options = check_or_raise_extra(wmsg[2], u"'options' in PUBLISH")
topic = check_or_raise_uri(wmsg[3], u"'topic' in PUBLISH")
args = None
if len(wmsg) > 4:
args = wmsg[4]
if type(args) != list:
raise ProtocolError("invalid type {0} for 'args' in PUBLISH".format(type(args)))
kwargs = None
if len(wmsg) > 5:
kwargs = wmsg[5]
if type(kwargs) != dict:
raise ProtocolError("invalid type {0} for 'kwargs' in PUBLISH".format(type(kwargs)))
acknowledge = None
exclude_me = None
exclude = None
eligible = None
disclose_me = None
if u'acknowledge' in options:
option_acknowledge = options[u'acknowledge']
if type(option_acknowledge) != bool:
raise ProtocolError("invalid type {0} for 'acknowledge' option in PUBLISH".format(type(option_acknowledge)))
acknowledge = option_acknowledge
if u'exclude_me' in options:
option_exclude_me = options[u'exclude_me']
if type(option_exclude_me) != bool:
raise ProtocolError("invalid type {0} for 'exclude_me' option in PUBLISH".format(type(option_exclude_me)))
exclude_me = option_exclude_me
if u'exclude' in options:
option_exclude = options[u'exclude']
if type(option_exclude) != list:
raise ProtocolError("invalid type {0} for 'exclude' option in PUBLISH".format(type(option_exclude)))
for sessionId in option_exclude:
if type(sessionId) not in six.integer_types:
raise ProtocolError("invalid type {0} for value in 'exclude' option in PUBLISH".format(type(sessionId)))
exclude = option_exclude
if u'eligible' in options:
option_eligible = options[u'eligible']
if type(option_eligible) != list:
raise ProtocolError("invalid type {0} for 'eligible' option in PUBLISH".format(type(option_eligible)))
for sessionId in option_eligible:
if type(sessionId) not in six.integer_types:
raise ProtocolError("invalid type {0} for value in 'eligible' option in PUBLISH".format(type(sessionId)))
eligible = option_eligible
if u'disclose_me' in options:
option_disclose_me = options[u'disclose_me']
if type(option_disclose_me) != bool:
raise ProtocolError("invalid type {0} for 'disclose_me' option in PUBLISH".format(type(option_disclose_me)))
disclose_me = option_disclose_me
obj = Publish(request,
return obj
def marshal(self):
Implements :func:`autobahn.wamp.interfaces.IMessage.marshal`
options = {}
if self.acknowledge is not None:
options[u'acknowledge'] = self.acknowledge
if self.exclude_me is not None:
options[u'exclude_me'] = self.exclude_me
if self.exclude is not None:
options[u'exclude'] = self.exclude
if self.eligible is not None:
options[u'eligible'] = self.eligible
if self.disclose_me is not None:
options[u'disclose_me'] = self.disclose_me
if self.kwargs:
return [Publish.MESSAGE_TYPE, self.request, options, self.topic, self.args, self.kwargs]
elif self.args:
return [Publish.MESSAGE_TYPE, self.request, options, self.topic, self.args]
return [Publish.MESSAGE_TYPE, self.request, options, self.topic]
def __str__(self):
Implements :func:`autobahn.wamp.interfaces.IMessage.__str__`
return "WAMP PUBLISH Message (request = {0}, topic = {1}, args = {2}, kwargs = {3}, acknowledge = {4}, exclude_me = {5}, exclude = {6}, eligible = {7}, disclose_me = {8})".format(self.request, self.topic, self.args, self.kwargs, self.acknowledge, self.exclude_me, self.exclude, self.eligible, self.disclose_me)
class Published(Message):
A WAMP ``PUBLISHED`` message.
Format: ``[PUBLISHED, PUBLISH.Request|id, Publication|id]``
The WAMP message code for this type of message.
def __init__(self, request, publication):
:param request: The request ID of the original `PUBLISH` request.
:type request: int
:param publication: The publication ID for the published event.
:type publication: int
assert(type(request) in six.integer_types)
assert(type(publication) in six.integer_types)
self.request = request
self.publication = publication
def parse(wmsg):
Verifies and parses an unserialized raw message into an actual WAMP message instance.
:param wmsg: The unserialized raw message.
:type wmsg: list
:returns: An instance of this class.
# this should already be verified by WampSerializer.unserialize
assert(len(wmsg) > 0 and wmsg[0] == Published.MESSAGE_TYPE)
if len(wmsg) != 3:
raise ProtocolError("invalid message length {0} for PUBLISHED".format(len(wmsg)))
request = check_or_raise_id(wmsg[1], u"'request' in PUBLISHED")
publication = check_or_raise_id(wmsg[2], u"'publication' in PUBLISHED")
obj = Published(request, publication)
return obj
def marshal(self):
Implements :func:`autobahn.wamp.interfaces.IMessage.marshal`
return [Published.MESSAGE_TYPE, self.request, self.publication]
def __str__(self):
Implements :func:`autobahn.wamp.interfaces.IMessage.__str__`
return "WAMP PUBLISHED Message (request = {0}, publication = {1})".format(self.request, self.publication)
class Subscribe(Message):
A WAMP ``SUBSCRIBE`` message.
Format: ``[SUBSCRIBE, Request|id, Options|dict, Topic|uri]``
The WAMP message code for this type of message.
MATCH_EXACT = u'exact'
MATCH_PREFIX = u'prefix'
MATCH_WILDCARD = u'wildcard'
def __init__(self, request, topic, match=None):
:param request: The WAMP request ID of this request.
:type request: int
:param topic: The WAMP or application URI of the PubSub topic to subscribe to.
:type topic: unicode
:param match: The topic matching method to be used for the subscription.
:type match: unicode
assert(type(request) in six.integer_types)
assert(type(topic) == six.text_type)
assert(match is None or type(match) == six.text_type)
assert(match is None or match in [Subscribe.MATCH_EXACT, Subscribe.MATCH_PREFIX, Subscribe.MATCH_WILDCARD])
self.request = request
self.topic = topic
self.match = match or Subscribe.MATCH_EXACT
def parse(wmsg):
Verifies and parses an unserialized raw message into an actual WAMP message instance.
:param wmsg: The unserialized raw message.
:type wmsg: list
:returns: An instance of this class.
# this should already be verified by WampSerializer.unserialize
assert(len(wmsg) > 0 and wmsg[0] == Subscribe.MESSAGE_TYPE)
if len(wmsg) != 4:
raise ProtocolError("invalid message length {0} for SUBSCRIBE".format(len(wmsg)))
request = check_or_raise_id(wmsg[1], u"'request' in SUBSCRIBE")
options = check_or_raise_extra(wmsg[2], u"'options' in SUBSCRIBE")
topic = check_or_raise_uri(wmsg[3], u"'topic' in SUBSCRIBE", allowEmptyComponents=True)
match = Subscribe.MATCH_EXACT
if u'match' in options:
option_match = options[u'match']
if type(option_match) != six.text_type:
raise ProtocolError("invalid type {0} for 'match' option in SUBSCRIBE".format(type(option_match)))
if option_match not in [Subscribe.MATCH_EXACT, Subscribe.MATCH_PREFIX, Subscribe.MATCH_WILDCARD]:
raise ProtocolError("invalid value {0} for 'match' option in SUBSCRIBE".format(option_match))
match = option_match
obj = Subscribe(request, topic, match=match)
return obj
def marshal(self):
Implements :func:`autobahn.wamp.interfaces.IMessage.marshal`
options = {}
if self.match and self.match != Subscribe.MATCH_EXACT:
options[u'match'] = self.match
return [Subscribe.MESSAGE_TYPE, self.request, options, self.topic]
def __str__(self):
Implements :func:`autobahn.wamp.interfaces.IMessage.__str__`
return "WAMP SUBSCRIBE Message (request = {0}, topic = {1}, match = {2})".format(self.request, self.topic, self.match)
class Subscribed(Message):
A WAMP ``SUBSCRIBED`` message.
Format: ``[SUBSCRIBED, SUBSCRIBE.Request|id, Subscription|id]``
The WAMP message code for this type of message.
def __init__(self, request, subscription):
:param request: The request ID of the original ``SUBSCRIBE`` request.
:type request: int
:param subscription: The subscription ID for the subscribed topic (or topic pattern).
:type subscription: int
assert(type(request) in six.integer_types)
assert(type(subscription) in six.integer_types)
self.request = request
self.subscription = subscription
def parse(wmsg):
Verifies and parses an unserialized raw message into an actual WAMP message instance.
:param wmsg: The unserialized raw message.
:type wmsg: list
:returns: An instance of this class.
# this should already be verified by WampSerializer.unserialize
assert(len(wmsg) > 0 and wmsg[0] == Subscribed.MESSAGE_TYPE)
if len(wmsg) != 3:
raise ProtocolError("invalid message length {0} for SUBSCRIBED".format(len(wmsg)))
request = check_or_raise_id(wmsg[1], u"'request' in SUBSCRIBED")
subscription = check_or_raise_id(wmsg[2], u"'subscription' in SUBSCRIBED")
obj = Subscribed(request, subscription)
return obj
def marshal(self):
Implements :func:`autobahn.wamp.interfaces.IMessage.marshal`
return [Subscribed.MESSAGE_TYPE, self.request, self.subscription]
def __str__(self):
Implements :func:`autobahn.wamp.interfaces.IMessage.__str__`
return "WAMP SUBSCRIBED Message (request = {0}, subscription = {1})".format(self.request, self.subscription)
class Unsubscribe(Message):
Format: ``[UNSUBSCRIBE, Request|id, SUBSCRIBED.Subscription|id]``
The WAMP message code for this type of message.
def __init__(self, request, subscription):
:param request: The WAMP request ID of this request.
:type request: int
:param subscription: The subscription ID for the subscription to unsubscribe from.
:type subscription: int
assert(type(request) in six.integer_types)
assert(type(subscription) in six.integer_types)
self.request = request
self.subscription = subscription
def parse(wmsg):
Verifies and parses an unserialized raw message into an actual WAMP message instance.
:param wmsg: The unserialized raw message.
:type wmsg: list
:returns: An instance of this class.
# this should already be verified by WampSerializer.unserialize
assert(len(wmsg) > 0 and wmsg[0] == Unsubscribe.MESSAGE_TYPE)
if len(wmsg) != 3:
raise ProtocolError("invalid message length {0} for WAMP UNSUBSCRIBE".format(len(wmsg)))
request = check_or_raise_id(wmsg[1], u"'request' in UNSUBSCRIBE")
subscription = check_or_raise_id(wmsg[2], u"'subscription' in UNSUBSCRIBE")
obj = Unsubscribe(request, subscription)
return obj
def marshal(self):
Implements :func:`autobahn.wamp.interfaces.IMessage.marshal`
return [Unsubscribe.MESSAGE_TYPE, self.request, self.subscription]
def __str__(self):
Implements :func:`autobahn.wamp.interfaces.IMessage.__str__`
return "WAMP UNSUBSCRIBE Message (request = {0}, subscription = {1})".format(self.request, self.subscription)
class Unsubscribed(Message):
* ``[UNSUBSCRIBED, UNSUBSCRIBE.Request|id, Details|dict]``
The WAMP message code for this type of message.
def __init__(self, request, subscription=None, reason=None):
:param request: The request ID of the original ``UNSUBSCRIBE`` request or
``0`` is router triggered unsubscribe ("router revocation signaling").
:type request: int
:param subscription: If unsubscribe was actively triggered by router, the ID
of the subscription revoked.
:type subscription: int or None
:param reason: The reason (an URI) for revocation.
:type reason: unicode or None.
assert(type(request) in six.integer_types)
assert(subscription is None or type(subscription) in six.integer_types)
assert(reason is None or type(reason) == six.text_type)
assert((request != 0 and subscription is None) or (request == 0 and subscription != 0))
self.request = request
self.subscription = subscription
self.reason = reason
def parse(wmsg):
Verifies and parses an unserialized raw message into an actual WAMP message instance.
:param wmsg: The unserialized raw message.
:type wmsg: list
:returns: An instance of this class.
# this should already be verified by WampSerializer.unserialize
assert(len(wmsg) > 0 and wmsg[0] == Unsubscribed.MESSAGE_TYPE)
if len(wmsg) not in [2, 3]:
raise ProtocolError("invalid message length {0} for UNSUBSCRIBED".format(len(wmsg)))
request = check_or_raise_id(wmsg[1], u"'request' in UNSUBSCRIBED")
subscription = None
reason = None
if len(wmsg) > 2:
details = check_or_raise_extra(wmsg[2], u"'details' in UNSUBSCRIBED")
if u"subscription" in details:
details_subscription = details[u"subscription"]
if type(details_subscription) not in six.integer_types:
raise ProtocolError("invalid type {0} for 'subscription' detail in UNSUBSCRIBED".format(type(details_subscription)))
subscription = details_subscription
if u"reason" in details:
reason = check_or_raise_uri(details[u"reason"], u"'reason' in UNSUBSCRIBED")
obj = Unsubscribed(request, subscription, reason)
return obj
def marshal(self):
Implements :func:`autobahn.wamp.interfaces.IMessage.marshal`
if self.reason is not None or self.subscription is not None:
details = {}
if self.reason is not None:
details[u"reason"] = self.reason
if self.subscription is not None:
details[u"subscription"] = self.subscription
return [Unsubscribed.MESSAGE_TYPE, self.request, details]
return [Unsubscribed.MESSAGE_TYPE, self.request]
def __str__(self):
Implements :func:`autobahn.wamp.interfaces.IMessage.__str__`
return "WAMP UNSUBSCRIBED Message (request = {0}, reason = {1}, subscription = {2})".format(self.request, self.reason, self.subscription)
class Event(Message):
A WAMP ``EVENT`` message.
* ``[EVENT, SUBSCRIBED.Subscription|id, PUBLISHED.Publication|id, Details|dict]``
* ``[EVENT, SUBSCRIBED.Subscription|id, PUBLISHED.Publication|id, Details|dict, PUBLISH.Arguments|list]``
* ``[EVENT, SUBSCRIBED.Subscription|id, PUBLISHED.Publication|id, Details|dict, PUBLISH.Arguments|list, PUBLISH.ArgumentsKw|dict]``
The WAMP message code for this type of message.
def __init__(self, subscription, publication, args=None, kwargs=None, publisher=None, topic=None):
:param subscription: The subscription ID this event is dispatched under.
:type subscription: int
:param publication: The publication ID of the dispatched event.
:type publication: int
:param args: Positional values for application-defined exception.
Must be serializable using any serializers in use.
:type args: list or tuple or None
:param kwargs: Keyword values for application-defined exception.
Must be serializable using any serializers in use.
:type kwargs: dict or None
:param publisher: If present, the WAMP session ID of the publisher of this event.
:type publisher: int or None
:param topic: For pattern-based subscriptions, the event MUST contain the actual topic published to.
:type topic: unicode or None
assert(type(subscription) in six.integer_types)
assert(type(publication) in six.integer_types)
assert(args is None or type(args) in [list, tuple])
assert(kwargs is None or type(kwargs) == dict)
assert(publisher is None or type(publisher) in six.integer_types)
assert(topic is None or type(topic) == six.text_type)
self.subscription = subscription
self.publication = publication
self.args = args
self.kwargs = kwargs
self.publisher = publisher
self.topic = topic
def parse(wmsg):
Verifies and parses an unserialized raw message into an actual WAMP message instance.
:param wmsg: The unserialized raw message.
:type wmsg: list
:returns: An instance of this class.
# this should already be verified by WampSerializer.unserialize
assert(len(wmsg) > 0 and wmsg[0] == Event.MESSAGE_TYPE)
if len(wmsg) not in (4, 5, 6):
raise ProtocolError("invalid message length {0} for EVENT".format(len(wmsg)))
subscription = check_or_raise_id(wmsg[1], u"'subscription' in EVENT")
publication = check_or_raise_id(wmsg[2], u"'publication' in EVENT")
details = check_or_raise_extra(wmsg[3], u"'details' in EVENT")
args = None
if len(wmsg) > 4:
args = wmsg[4]
if type(args) != list:
raise ProtocolError("invalid type {0} for 'args' in EVENT".format(type(args)))
kwargs = None
if len(wmsg) > 5:
kwargs = wmsg[5]
if type(kwargs) != dict:
raise ProtocolError("invalid type {0} for 'kwargs' in EVENT".format(type(kwargs)))
publisher = None
if u'publisher' in details:
detail_publisher = details[u'publisher']
if type(detail_publisher) not in six.integer_types:
raise ProtocolError("invalid type {0} for 'publisher' detail in EVENT".format(type(detail_publisher)))
publisher = detail_publisher
topic = None
if u'topic' in details:
detail_topic = details[u'topic']
if type(detail_topic) != six.text_type:
raise ProtocolError("invalid type {0} for 'topic' detail in EVENT".format(type(detail_topic)))
topic = detail_topic
obj = Event(subscription,
return obj
def marshal(self):
Implements :func:`autobahn.wamp.interfaces.IMessage.marshal`
details = {}
if self.publisher is not None:
details[u'publisher'] = self.publisher
if self.topic is not None:
details[u'topic'] = self.topic
if self.kwargs:
return [Event.MESSAGE_TYPE, self.subscription, self.publication, details, self.args, self.kwargs]
elif self.args:
return [Event.MESSAGE_TYPE, self.subscription, self.publication, details, self.args]
return [Event.MESSAGE_TYPE, self.subscription, self.publication, details]
def __str__(self):
Implements :func:`autobahn.wamp.interfaces.IMessage.__str__`
return "WAMP EVENT Message (subscription = {0}, publication = {1}, args = {2}, kwargs = {3}, publisher = {4}, topic = {5})".format(self.subscription, self.publication, self.args, self.kwargs, self.publisher, self.topic)
class Call(Message):
A WAMP ``CALL`` message.
* ``[CALL, Request|id, Options|dict, Procedure|uri]``
* ``[CALL, Request|id, Options|dict, Procedure|uri, Arguments|list]``
* ``[CALL, Request|id, Options|dict, Procedure|uri, Arguments|list, ArgumentsKw|dict]``
The WAMP message code for this type of message.
def __init__(self,
:param request: The WAMP request ID of this request.
:type request: int
:param procedure: The WAMP or application URI of the procedure which should be called.
:type procedure: unicode
:param args: Positional values for application-defined call arguments.
Must be serializable using any serializers in use.
:type args: list or tuple or None
:param kwargs: Keyword values for application-defined call arguments.
Must be serializable using any serializers in use.
:type kwargs: dict or None
:param timeout: If present, let the callee automatically cancel
the call after this ms.
:type timeout: int or None
:param receive_progress: If ``True``, indicates that the caller wants to receive
progressive call results.
:type receive_progress: bool or None
:param disclose_me: If ``True``, the caller requests to disclose itself to the callee.
:type disclose_me: bool or None
assert(type(request) in six.integer_types)
assert(type(procedure) == six.text_type)
assert(args is None or type(args) in [list, tuple])
assert(kwargs is None or type(kwargs) == dict)
assert(timeout is None or type(timeout) in six.integer_types)
assert(receive_progress is None or type(receive_progress) == bool)
assert(disclose_me is None or type(disclose_me) == bool)
self.request = request
self.procedure = procedure
self.args = args
self.kwargs = kwargs
self.timeout = timeout
self.receive_progress = receive_progress
self.disclose_me = disclose_me
def parse(wmsg):
Verifies and parses an unserialized raw message into an actual WAMP message instance.
:param wmsg: The unserialized raw message.
:type wmsg: list
:returns: An instance of this class.
# this should already be verified by WampSerializer.unserialize
assert(len(wmsg) > 0 and wmsg[0] == Call.MESSAGE_TYPE)
if len(wmsg) not in (4, 5, 6):
raise ProtocolError("invalid message length {0} for CALL".format(len(wmsg)))
request = check_or_raise_id(wmsg[1], u"'request' in CALL")
options = check_or_raise_extra(wmsg[2], u"'options' in CALL")
procedure = check_or_raise_uri(wmsg[3], u"'procedure' in CALL")
args = None
if len(wmsg) > 4:
args = wmsg[4]
if type(args) != list:
raise ProtocolError("invalid type {0} for 'args' in CALL".format(type(args)))
kwargs = None
if len(wmsg) > 5:
kwargs = wmsg[5]
if type(kwargs) != dict:
raise ProtocolError("invalid type {0} for 'kwargs' in CALL".format(type(kwargs)))
timeout = None
if u'timeout' in options:
option_timeout = options[u'timeout']
if type(option_timeout) not in six.integer_types:
raise ProtocolError("invalid type {0} for 'timeout' option in CALL".format(type(option_timeout)))
if option_timeout < 0:
raise ProtocolError("invalid value {0} for 'timeout' option in CALL".format(option_timeout))
timeout = option_timeout
receive_progress = None
if u'receive_progress' in options:
option_receive_progress = options[u'receive_progress']
if type(option_receive_progress) != bool:
raise ProtocolError("invalid type {0} for 'receive_progress' option in CALL".format(type(option_receive_progress)))
receive_progress = option_receive_progress
disclose_me = None
if u'disclose_me' in options:
option_disclose_me = options[u'disclose_me']
if type(option_disclose_me) != bool:
raise ProtocolError("invalid type {0} for 'disclose_me' option in CALL".format(type(option_disclose_me)))
disclose_me = option_disclose_me
obj = Call(request,
return obj
def marshal(self):
Implements :func:`autobahn.wamp.interfaces.IMessage.marshal`
options = {}
if self.timeout is not None:
options[u'timeout'] = self.timeout
if self.receive_progress is not None:
options[u'receive_progress'] = self.receive_progress
if self.disclose_me is not None:
options[u'disclose_me'] = self.disclose_me
if self.kwargs:
return [Call.MESSAGE_TYPE, self.request, options, self.procedure, self.args, self.kwargs]
elif self.args:
return [Call.MESSAGE_TYPE, self.request, options, self.procedure, self.args]
return [Call.MESSAGE_TYPE, self.request, options, self.procedure]
def __str__(self):
Implements :func:`autobahn.wamp.interfaces.IMessage.__str__`
return "WAMP CALL Message (request = {0}, procedure = {1}, args = {2}, kwargs = {3}, timeout = {4}, receive_progress = {5}, disclose_me = {6})".format(self.request, self.procedure, self.args, self.kwargs, self.timeout, self.receive_progress, self.disclose_me)
class Cancel(Message):
A WAMP ``CANCEL`` message.
Format: ``[CANCEL, CALL.Request|id, Options|dict]``
The WAMP message code for this type of message.
SKIP = u'skip'
ABORT = u'abort'
KILL = u'kill'
def __init__(self, request, mode=None):
:param request: The WAMP request ID of the original `CALL` to cancel.
:type request: int
:param mode: Specifies how to cancel the call (``"skip"``, ``"abort"`` or ``"kill"``).
:type mode: unicode or None
assert(type(request) in six.integer_types)
assert(mode is None or type(mode) == six.text_type)
assert(mode in [None, self.SKIP, self.ABORT, self.KILL])
self.request = request
self.mode = mode
def parse(wmsg):
Verifies and parses an unserialized raw message into an actual WAMP message instance.
:param wmsg: The unserialized raw message.
:type wmsg: list
:returns: An instance of this class.
# this should already be verified by WampSerializer.unserialize
assert(len(wmsg) > 0 and wmsg[0] == Cancel.MESSAGE_TYPE)
if len(wmsg) != 3:
raise ProtocolError("invalid message length {0} for CANCEL".format(len(wmsg)))
request = check_or_raise_id(wmsg[1], u"'request' in CANCEL")
options = check_or_raise_extra(wmsg[2], u"'options' in CANCEL")
# options
mode = None
if u'mode' in options:
option_mode = options[u'mode']
if type(option_mode) != six.text_type:
raise ProtocolError("invalid type {0} for 'mode' option in CANCEL".format(type(option_mode)))
if option_mode not in [Cancel.SKIP, Cancel.ABORT, Cancel.KILL]:
raise ProtocolError("invalid value '{0}' for 'mode' option in CANCEL".format(option_mode))
mode = option_mode
obj = Cancel(request, mode=mode)
return obj
def marshal(self):
Implements :func:`autobahn.wamp.interfaces.IMessage.marshal`
options = {}
if self.mode is not None:
options[u'mode'] = self.mode
return [Cancel.MESSAGE_TYPE, self.request, options]
def __str__(self):
Implements :func:`autobahn.wamp.interfaces.IMessage.__str__`
return "WAMP CANCEL Message (request = {0}, mode = '{1}'')".format(self.request, self.mode)
class Result(Message):
A WAMP ``RESULT`` message.
* ``[RESULT, CALL.Request|id, Details|dict]``
* ``[RESULT, CALL.Request|id, Details|dict, YIELD.Arguments|list]``
* ``[RESULT, CALL.Request|id, Details|dict, YIELD.Arguments|list, YIELD.ArgumentsKw|dict]``
The WAMP message code for this type of message.
def __init__(self, request, args=None, kwargs=None, progress=None):
:param request: The request ID of the original `CALL` request.
:type request: int
:param args: Positional values for application-defined event payload.
Must be serializable using any serializers in use.
:type args: list or tuple or None
:param kwargs: Keyword values for application-defined event payload.
Must be serializable using any serializers in use.
:type kwargs: dict or None
:param progress: If ``True``, this result is a progressive call result, and subsequent
results (or a final error) will follow.
:type progress: bool or None
assert(type(request) in six.integer_types)
assert(args is None or type(args) in [list, tuple])
assert(kwargs is None or type(kwargs) == dict)
assert(progress is None or type(progress) == bool)
self.request = request
self.args = args
self.kwargs = kwargs
self.progress = progress
def parse(wmsg):
Verifies and parses an unserialized raw message into an actual WAMP message instance.
:param wmsg: The unserialized raw message.
:type wmsg: list
:returns: An instance of this class.
# this should already be verified by WampSerializer.unserialize
assert(len(wmsg) > 0 and wmsg[0] == Result.MESSAGE_TYPE)
if len(wmsg) not in (3, 4, 5):
raise ProtocolError("invalid message length {0} for RESULT".format(len(wmsg)))
request = check_or_raise_id(wmsg[1], u"'request' in RESULT")
details = check_or_raise_extra(wmsg[2], u"'details' in RESULT")
args = None
if len(wmsg) > 3:
args = wmsg[3]
if type(args) != list:
raise ProtocolError("invalid type {0} for 'args' in RESULT".format(type(args)))
kwargs = None
if len(wmsg) > 4:
kwargs = wmsg[4]
if type(kwargs) != dict:
raise ProtocolError("invalid type {0} for 'kwargs' in RESULT".format(type(kwargs)))
progress = None
if u'progress' in details:
detail_progress = details[u'progress']
if type(detail_progress) != bool:
raise ProtocolError("invalid type {0} for 'progress' option in RESULT".format(type(detail_progress)))
progress = detail_progress
obj = Result(request, args=args, kwargs=kwargs, progress=progress)
return obj
def marshal(self):
Implements :func:`autobahn.wamp.interfaces.IMessage.marshal`
details = {}
if self.progress is not None:
details[u'progress'] = self.progress
if self.kwargs:
return [Result.MESSAGE_TYPE, self.request, details, self.args, self.kwargs]
elif self.args:
return [Result.MESSAGE_TYPE, self.request, details, self.args]
return [Result.MESSAGE_TYPE, self.request, details]
def __str__(self):
Implements :func:`autobahn.wamp.interfaces.IMessage.__str__`
return "WAMP RESULT Message (request = {0}, args = {1}, kwargs = {2}, progress = {3})".format(self.request, self.args, self.kwargs, self.progress)
class Register(Message):
A WAMP ``REGISTER`` message.
Format: ``[REGISTER, Request|id, Options|dict, Procedure|uri]``
The WAMP message code for this type of message.
MATCH_EXACT = u'exact'
MATCH_PREFIX = u'prefix'
MATCH_WILDCARD = u'wildcard'
INVOKE_SINGLE = u'single'
INVOKE_FIRST = u'first'
INVOKE_LAST = u'last'
INVOKE_ROUNDROBIN = u'roundrobin'
INVOKE_RANDOM = u'random'
def __init__(self, request, procedure, match=None, invoke=None):
:param request: The WAMP request ID of this request.
:type request: int
:param procedure: The WAMP or application URI of the RPC endpoint provided.
:type procedure: unicode
:param match: The procedure matching policy to be used for the registration.
:type match: unicode
:param invoke: The procedure invocation policy to be used for the registration.
:type invoke: unicode
assert(type(request) in six.integer_types)
assert(type(procedure) == six.text_type)
assert(match is None or type(match) == six.text_type)
assert(match is None or match in [Register.MATCH_EXACT, Register.MATCH_PREFIX, Register.MATCH_WILDCARD])
assert(invoke is None or type(invoke) == six.text_type)
assert(invoke is None or invoke in [Register.INVOKE_SINGLE, Register.INVOKE_FIRST, Register.INVOKE_LAST, Register.INVOKE_ROUNDROBIN, Register.INVOKE_RANDOM])
self.request = request
self.procedure = procedure
self.match = match or Register.MATCH_EXACT
self.invoke = invoke or Register.INVOKE_SINGLE
def parse(wmsg):
Verifies and parses an unserialized raw message into an actual WAMP message instance.
:param wmsg: The unserialized raw message.
:type wmsg: list
:returns: An instance of this class.
# this should already be verified by WampSerializer.unserialize
assert(len(wmsg) > 0 and wmsg[0] == Register.MESSAGE_TYPE)
if len(wmsg) != 4:
raise ProtocolError("invalid message length {0} for REGISTER".format(len(wmsg)))
request = check_or_raise_id(wmsg[1], u"'request' in REGISTER")
options = check_or_raise_extra(wmsg[2], u"'options' in REGISTER")
procedure = check_or_raise_uri(wmsg[3], u"'procedure' in REGISTER", allowEmptyComponents=True)
match = Register.MATCH_EXACT
invoke = Register.INVOKE_SINGLE
if u'match' in options:
option_match = options[u'match']
if type(option_match) != six.text_type:
raise ProtocolError("invalid type {0} for 'match' option in REGISTER".format(type(option_match)))
if option_match not in [Register.MATCH_EXACT, Register.MATCH_PREFIX, Register.MATCH_WILDCARD]:
raise ProtocolError("invalid value {0} for 'match' option in REGISTER".format(option_match))
match = option_match
if u'invoke' in options:
option_invoke = options[u'invoke']
if type(option_invoke) != six.text_type:
raise ProtocolError("invalid type {0} for 'invoke' option in REGISTER".format(type(option_invoke)))
if option_invoke not in [Register.INVOKE_SINGLE, Register.INVOKE_FIRST, Register.INVOKE_LAST, Register.INVOKE_ROUNDROBIN, Register.INVOKE_RANDOM]:
raise ProtocolError("invalid value {0} for 'invoke' option in REGISTER".format(option_invoke))
invoke = option_invoke
obj = Register(request, procedure, match=match, invoke=invoke)
return obj
def marshal(self):
Implements :func:`autobahn.wamp.interfaces.IMessage.marshal`
options = {}
if self.match and self.match != Register.MATCH_EXACT:
options[u'match'] = self.match
if self.invoke and self.invoke != Register.INVOKE_SINGLE:
options[u'invoke'] = self.invoke
return [Register.MESSAGE_TYPE, self.request, options, self.procedure]
def __str__(self):
Implements :func:`autobahn.wamp.interfaces.IMessage.__str__`
return "WAMP REGISTER Message (request = {0}, procedure = {1}, match = {2}, invoke = {3})".format(self.request, self.procedure, self.match, self.invoke)
class Registered(Message):
A WAMP ``REGISTERED`` message.
Format: ``[REGISTERED, REGISTER.Request|id, Registration|id]``
The WAMP message code for this type of message.
def __init__(self, request, registration):
:param request: The request ID of the original ``REGISTER`` request.
:type request: int
:param registration: The registration ID for the registered procedure (or procedure pattern).
:type registration: int
assert(type(request) in six.integer_types)
assert(type(registration) in six.integer_types)
self.request = request
self.registration = registration
def parse(wmsg):
Verifies and parses an unserialized raw message into an actual WAMP message instance.
:param wmsg: The unserialized raw message.
:type wmsg: list
:returns: An instance of this class.
# this should already be verified by WampSerializer.unserialize
assert(len(wmsg) > 0 and wmsg[0] == Registered.MESSAGE_TYPE)
if len(wmsg) != 3:
raise ProtocolError("invalid message length {0} for REGISTERED".format(len(wmsg)))
request = check_or_raise_id(wmsg[1], u"'request' in REGISTERED")
registration = check_or_raise_id(wmsg[2], u"'registration' in REGISTERED")
obj = Registered(request, registration)
return obj
def marshal(self):
Implements :func:`autobahn.wamp.interfaces.IMessage.marshal`
return [Registered.MESSAGE_TYPE, self.request, self.registration]
def __str__(self):
Implements :func:`autobahn.wamp.interfaces.IMessage.__str__`
return "WAMP REGISTERED Message (request = {0}, registration = {1})".format(self.request, self.registration)
class Unregister(Message):
Format: ``[UNREGISTER, Request|id, REGISTERED.Registration|id]``
The WAMP message code for this type of message.
def __init__(self, request, registration):
:param request: The WAMP request ID of this request.
:type request: int
:param registration: The registration ID for the registration to unregister.
:type registration: int
assert(type(request) in six.integer_types)
assert(type(registration) in six.integer_types)
self.request = request
self.registration = registration
def parse(wmsg):
Verifies and parses an unserialized raw message into an actual WAMP message instance.
:param wmsg: The unserialized raw message.
:type wmsg: list
:returns: An instance of this class.
# this should already be verified by WampSerializer.unserialize
assert(len(wmsg) > 0 and wmsg[0] == Unregister.MESSAGE_TYPE)
if len(wmsg) != 3:
raise ProtocolError("invalid message length {0} for WAMP UNREGISTER".format(len(wmsg)))
request = check_or_raise_id(wmsg[1], u"'request' in UNREGISTER")
registration = check_or_raise_id(wmsg[2], u"'registration' in UNREGISTER")
obj = Unregister(request, registration)
return obj
def marshal(self):
Implements :func:`autobahn.wamp.interfaces.IMessage.marshal`
return [Unregister.MESSAGE_TYPE, self.request, self.registration]
def __str__(self):
Implements :func:`autobahn.wamp.interfaces.IMessage.__str__`
return "WAMP UNREGISTER Message (request = {0}, registration = {1})".format(self.request, self.registration)
class Unregistered(Message):
* ``[UNREGISTERED, UNREGISTER.Request|id, Details|dict]``
The WAMP message code for this type of message.
def __init__(self, request, registration=None, reason=None):
:param request: The request ID of the original ``UNREGISTER`` request.
:type request: int
:param registration: If unregister was actively triggered by router, the ID
of the registration revoked.
:type registration: int or None
:param reason: The reason (an URI) for revocation.
:type reason: unicode or None.
assert(type(request) in six.integer_types)
assert(registration is None or type(registration) in six.integer_types)
assert(reason is None or type(reason) == six.text_type)
assert((request != 0 and registration is None) or (request == 0 and registration != 0))
self.request = request
self.registration = registration
self.reason = reason
def parse(wmsg):
Verifies and parses an unserialized raw message into an actual WAMP message instance.
:param wmsg: The unserialized raw message.
:type wmsg: list
:returns: An instance of this class.
# this should already be verified by WampSerializer.unserialize
assert(len(wmsg) > 0 and wmsg[0] == Unregistered.MESSAGE_TYPE)
if len(wmsg) not in [2, 3]:
raise ProtocolError("invalid message length {0} for UNREGISTERED".format(len(wmsg)))
request = check_or_raise_id(wmsg[1], u"'request' in UNREGISTERED")
registration = None
reason = None
if len(wmsg) > 2:
details = check_or_raise_extra(wmsg[2], u"'details' in UNREGISTERED")
if u"registration" in details:
details_registration = details[u"registration"]
if type(details_registration) not in six.integer_types:
raise ProtocolError("invalid type {0} for 'registration' detail in UNREGISTERED".format(type(details_registration)))
registration = details_registration
if u"reason" in details:
reason = check_or_raise_uri(details[u"reason"], u"'reason' in UNREGISTERED")
obj = Unregistered(request, registration, reason)
return obj
def marshal(self):
Implements :func:`autobahn.wamp.interfaces.IMessage.marshal`
if self.reason is not None or self.registration is not None:
details = {}
if self.reason is not None:
details[u"reason"] = self.reason
if self.registration is not None:
details[u"registration"] = self.registration
return [Unregistered.MESSAGE_TYPE, self.request, details]
return [Unregistered.MESSAGE_TYPE, self.request]
def __str__(self):
Implements :func:`autobahn.wamp.interfaces.IMessage.__str__`
return "WAMP UNREGISTERED Message (request = {0}, reason = {1}, registration = {2})".format(self.request, self.reason, self.registration)
class Invocation(Message):
A WAMP ``INVOCATION`` message.
* ``[INVOCATION, Request|id, REGISTERED.Registration|id, Details|dict]``
* ``[INVOCATION, Request|id, REGISTERED.Registration|id, Details|dict, CALL.Arguments|list]``
* ``[INVOCATION, Request|id, REGISTERED.Registration|id, Details|dict, CALL.Arguments|list, CALL.ArgumentsKw|dict]``
The WAMP message code for this type of message.
def __init__(self,
:param request: The WAMP request ID of this request.
:type request: int
:param registration: The registration ID of the endpoint to be invoked.
:type registration: int
:param args: Positional values for application-defined event payload.
Must be serializable using any serializers in use.
:type args: list or tuple or None
:param kwargs: Keyword values for application-defined event payload.
Must be serializable using any serializers in use.
:type kwargs: dict or None
:param timeout: If present, let the callee automatically cancels
the invocation after this ms.
:type timeout: int or None
:param receive_progress: Indicates if the callee should produce progressive results.
:type receive_progress: bool or None
:param caller: The WAMP session ID of the caller.
:type caller: int or None
:param procedure: For pattern-based registrations, the invocation MUST include the actual procedure being called.
:type procedure: unicode or None
assert(type(request) in six.integer_types)
assert(type(registration) in six.integer_types)
assert(args is None or type(args) in [list, tuple])
assert(kwargs is None or type(kwargs) == dict)
assert(timeout is None or type(timeout) in six.integer_types)
assert(receive_progress is None or type(receive_progress) == bool)
assert(caller is None or type(caller) in six.integer_types)
assert(procedure is None or type(procedure) == six.text_type)
self.request = request
self.registration = registration
self.args = args
self.kwargs = kwargs
self.timeout = timeout
self.receive_progress = receive_progress
self.caller = caller
self.procedure = procedure
def parse(wmsg):
Verifies and parses an unserialized raw message into an actual WAMP message instance.
:param wmsg: The unserialized raw message.
:type wmsg: list
:returns: An instance of this class.
# this should already be verified by WampSerializer.unserialize
assert(len(wmsg) > 0 and wmsg[0] == Invocation.MESSAGE_TYPE)
if len(wmsg) not in (4, 5, 6):
raise ProtocolError("invalid message length {0} for INVOCATION".format(len(wmsg)))
request = check_or_raise_id(wmsg[1], u"'request' in INVOCATION")
registration = check_or_raise_id(wmsg[2], u"'registration' in INVOCATION")
details = check_or_raise_extra(wmsg[3], u"'details' in INVOCATION")
args = None
if len(wmsg) > 4:
args = wmsg[4]
if type(args) != list:
raise ProtocolError("invalid type {0} for 'args' in INVOCATION".format(type(args)))
kwargs = None
if len(wmsg) > 5:
kwargs = wmsg[5]
if type(kwargs) != dict:
raise ProtocolError("invalid type {0} for 'kwargs' in INVOCATION".format(type(kwargs)))
timeout = None
if u'timeout' in details:
detail_timeout = details[u'timeout']
if type(detail_timeout) not in six.integer_types:
raise ProtocolError("invalid type {0} for 'timeout' detail in INVOCATION".format(type(detail_timeout)))
if detail_timeout < 0:
raise ProtocolError("invalid value {0} for 'timeout' detail in INVOCATION".format(detail_timeout))
timeout = detail_timeout
receive_progress = None
if u'receive_progress' in details:
detail_receive_progress = details[u'receive_progress']
if type(detail_receive_progress) != bool:
raise ProtocolError("invalid type {0} for 'receive_progress' detail in INVOCATION".format(type(detail_receive_progress)))
receive_progress = detail_receive_progress
caller = None
if u'caller' in details:
detail_caller = details[u'caller']
if type(detail_caller) not in six.integer_types:
raise ProtocolError("invalid type {0} for 'caller' detail in INVOCATION".format(type(detail_caller)))
caller = detail_caller
procedure = None
if u'procedure' in details:
detail_procedure = details[u'procedure']
if type(detail_procedure) != six.text_type:
raise ProtocolError("invalid type {0} for 'procedure' detail in INVOCATION".format(type(detail_procedure)))
procedure = detail_procedure
obj = Invocation(request,
return obj
def marshal(self):
Implements :func:`autobahn.wamp.interfaces.IMessage.marshal`
options = {}
if self.timeout is not None:
options[u'timeout'] = self.timeout
if self.receive_progress is not None:
options[u'receive_progress'] = self.receive_progress
if self.caller is not None:
options[u'caller'] = self.caller
if self.procedure is not None:
options[u'procedure'] = self.procedure
if self.kwargs:
return [Invocation.MESSAGE_TYPE, self.request, self.registration, options, self.args, self.kwargs]
elif self.args:
return [Invocation.MESSAGE_TYPE, self.request, self.registration, options, self.args]
return [Invocation.MESSAGE_TYPE, self.request, self.registration, options]
def __str__(self):
Implements :func:`autobahn.wamp.interfaces.IMessage.__str__`
return "WAMP INVOCATION Message (request = {0}, registration = {1}, args = {2}, kwargs = {3}, timeout = {4}, receive_progress = {5}, caller = {6}, procedure = {7})".format(self.request, self.registration, self.args, self.kwargs, self.timeout, self.receive_progress, self.caller, self.procedure)
class Interrupt(Message):
A WAMP ``INTERRUPT`` message.
Format: ``[INTERRUPT, INVOCATION.Request|id, Options|dict]``
The WAMP message code for this type of message.
ABORT = u'abort'
KILL = u'kill'
def __init__(self, request, mode=None):
:param request: The WAMP request ID of the original ``INVOCATION`` to interrupt.
:type request: int
:param mode: Specifies how to interrupt the invocation (``"abort"`` or ``"kill"``).
:type mode: unicode or None
assert(type(request) in six.integer_types)
assert(mode is None or type(mode) == six.text_type)
assert(mode is None or mode in [self.ABORT, self.KILL])
self.request = request
self.mode = mode
def parse(wmsg):
Verifies and parses an unserialized raw message into an actual WAMP message instance.
:param wmsg: The unserialized raw message.
:type wmsg: list
:returns: An instance of this class.
# this should already be verified by WampSerializer.unserialize
assert(len(wmsg) > 0 and wmsg[0] == Interrupt.MESSAGE_TYPE)
if len(wmsg) != 3:
raise ProtocolError("invalid message length {0} for INTERRUPT".format(len(wmsg)))
request = check_or_raise_id(wmsg[1], u"'request' in INTERRUPT")
options = check_or_raise_extra(wmsg[2], u"'options' in INTERRUPT")
# options
mode = None
if u'mode' in options:
option_mode = options[u'mode']
if type(option_mode) != six.text_type:
raise ProtocolError("invalid type {0} for 'mode' option in INTERRUPT".format(type(option_mode)))
if option_mode not in [Interrupt.ABORT, Interrupt.KILL]:
raise ProtocolError("invalid value '{0}' for 'mode' option in INTERRUPT".format(option_mode))
mode = option_mode
obj = Interrupt(request, mode=mode)
return obj
def marshal(self):
Implements :func:`autobahn.wamp.interfaces.IMessage.marshal`
options = {}
if self.mode is not None:
options[u'mode'] = self.mode
return [Interrupt.MESSAGE_TYPE, self.request, options]
def __str__(self):
Implements :func:`autobahn.wamp.interfaces.IMessage.__str__`
return "WAMP INTERRUPT Message (request = {0}, mode = '{1}')".format(self.request, self.mode)
class Yield(Message):
A WAMP ``YIELD`` message.
* ``[YIELD, INVOCATION.Request|id, Options|dict]``
* ``[YIELD, INVOCATION.Request|id, Options|dict, Arguments|list]``
* ``[YIELD, INVOCATION.Request|id, Options|dict, Arguments|list, ArgumentsKw|dict]``
The WAMP message code for this type of message.
def __init__(self, request, args=None, kwargs=None, progress=None):
:param request: The WAMP request ID of the original call.
:type request: int
:param args: Positional values for application-defined event payload.
Must be serializable using any serializers in use.
:type args: list or tuple or None
:param kwargs: Keyword values for application-defined event payload.
Must be serializable using any serializers in use.
:type kwargs: dict or None
:param progress: If ``True``, this result is a progressive invocation result, and subsequent
results (or a final error) will follow.
:type progress: bool or None
assert(type(request) in six.integer_types)
assert(args is None or type(args) in [list, tuple])
assert(kwargs is None or type(kwargs) == dict)
assert(progress is None or type(progress) == bool)
self.request = request
self.args = args
self.kwargs = kwargs
self.progress = progress
def parse(wmsg):
Verifies and parses an unserialized raw message into an actual WAMP message instance.
:param wmsg: The unserialized raw message.
:type wmsg: list
:returns: An instance of this class.
# this should already be verified by WampSerializer.unserialize
assert(len(wmsg) > 0 and wmsg[0] == Yield.MESSAGE_TYPE)
if len(wmsg) not in (3, 4, 5):
raise ProtocolError("invalid message length {0} for YIELD".format(len(wmsg)))
request = check_or_raise_id(wmsg[1], u"'request' in YIELD")
options = check_or_raise_extra(wmsg[2], u"'options' in YIELD")
args = None
if len(wmsg) > 3:
args = wmsg[3]
if type(args) != list:
raise ProtocolError("invalid type {0} for 'args' in YIELD".format(type(args)))
kwargs = None
if len(wmsg) > 4:
kwargs = wmsg[4]
if type(kwargs) != dict:
raise ProtocolError("invalid type {0} for 'kwargs' in YIELD".format(type(kwargs)))
progress = None
if u'progress' in options:
option_progress = options[u'progress']
if type(option_progress) != bool:
raise ProtocolError("invalid type {0} for 'progress' option in YIELD".format(type(option_progress)))
progress = option_progress
obj = Yield(request, args=args, kwargs=kwargs, progress=progress)
return obj
def marshal(self):
Implements :func:`autobahn.wamp.interfaces.IMessage.marshal`
options = {}
if self.progress is not None:
options[u'progress'] = self.progress
if self.kwargs:
return [Yield.MESSAGE_TYPE, self.request, options, self.args, self.kwargs]
elif self.args:
return [Yield.MESSAGE_TYPE, self.request, options, self.args]
return [Yield.MESSAGE_TYPE, self.request, options]
def __str__(self):
Implements :func:`autobahn.wamp.interfaces.IMessage.__str__`
return "WAMP YIELD Message (request = {0}, args = {1}, kwargs = {2}, progress = {3})".format(self.request, self.args, self.kwargs, self.progress)