# Copyright (C) 2014 Ivan Melnikov # # Author: Joshua Harlow # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. import abc import collections import re from docutils import nodes as docutils_nodes import six from doc8 import utils @six.add_metaclass(abc.ABCMeta) class ContentCheck(object): def __init__(self, cfg): self._cfg = cfg @abc.abstractmethod def report_iter(self, parsed_file): pass @six.add_metaclass(abc.ABCMeta) class LineCheck(object): def __init__(self, cfg): self._cfg = cfg @abc.abstractmethod def report_iter(self, line): pass class CheckTrailingWhitespace(LineCheck): _TRAILING_WHITESPACE_REGEX = re.compile('\s$') REPORTS = frozenset(["D002"]) def report_iter(self, line): if self._TRAILING_WHITESPACE_REGEX.search(line): yield ('D002', 'Trailing whitespace') class CheckIndentationNoTab(LineCheck): _STARTING_WHITESPACE_REGEX = re.compile('^(\s+)') REPORTS = frozenset(["D003"]) def report_iter(self, line): match = self._STARTING_WHITESPACE_REGEX.search(line) if match: spaces = match.group(1) if '\t' in spaces: yield ('D003', 'Tabulation used for indentation') class CheckCarriageReturn(LineCheck): REPORTS = frozenset(["D004"]) def report_iter(self, line): if "\r" in line: yield ('D004', 'Found literal carriage return') class CheckNewlineEndOfFile(ContentCheck): REPORTS = frozenset(["D005"]) def __init__(self, cfg): super(CheckNewlineEndOfFile, self).__init__(cfg) def report_iter(self, parsed_file): if parsed_file.lines and not parsed_file.lines[-1].endswith(b'\n'): yield (len(parsed_file.lines), 'D005', 'No newline at end of file') class CheckValidity(ContentCheck): REPORTS = frozenset(["D000"]) EXT_MATCHER = re.compile(r"(.*)[.]rst", re.I) # From docutils docs: # # Report system messages at or higher than : "info" or "1", # "warning"/"2" (default), "error"/"3", "severe"/"4", "none"/"5" # # See: http://docutils.sourceforge.net/docs/user/config.html#report-level WARN_LEVELS = frozenset([2, 3, 4]) # Only used when running in sphinx mode. SPHINX_IGNORES_REGEX = [ re.compile(r'^Unknown interpreted text'), re.compile(r'^Unknown directive type'), re.compile(r'^Undefined substitution'), re.compile(r'^Substitution definition contains illegal element'), ] def __init__(self, cfg): super(CheckValidity, self).__init__(cfg) self._sphinx_mode = cfg.get('sphinx') def report_iter(self, parsed_file): for error in parsed_file.errors: if error.level not in self.WARN_LEVELS: continue ignore = False if self._sphinx_mode: for m in self.SPHINX_IGNORES_REGEX: if m.match(error.message): ignore = True break if not ignore: yield (error.line, 'D000', error.message) class CheckMaxLineLength(ContentCheck): REPORTS = frozenset(["D001"]) def __init__(self, cfg): super(CheckMaxLineLength, self).__init__(cfg) self._max_line_length = self._cfg['max_line_length'] self._allow_long_titles = self._cfg['allow_long_titles'] def _extract_node_lines(self, doc): def extract_lines(node, start_line): lines = [start_line] if isinstance(node, (docutils_nodes.title)): start = start_line - len(node.rawsource.splitlines()) if start >= 0: lines.append(start) if isinstance(node, (docutils_nodes.literal_block)): end = start_line + len(node.rawsource.splitlines()) - 1 lines.append(end) return lines def gather_lines(node): lines = [] for n in node.traverse(include_self=True): lines.extend(extract_lines(n, find_line(n))) return lines def find_line(node): n = node while n is not None: if n.line is not None: return n.line n = n.parent return None def filter_systems(node): if utils.has_any_node_type(node, (docutils_nodes.system_message,)): return False return True nodes_lines = [] first_line = -1 for n in utils.filtered_traverse(doc, filter_systems): line = find_line(n) if line is None: continue if first_line == -1: first_line = line contained_lines = set(gather_lines(n)) nodes_lines.append((n, (min(contained_lines), max(contained_lines)))) return (nodes_lines, first_line) def _extract_directives(self, lines): def starting_whitespace(line): m = re.match(r"^(\s+)(.*)$", line) if not m: return 0 return len(m.group(1)) def all_whitespace(line): return bool(re.match(r"^(\s*)$", line)) def find_directive_end(start, lines): after_lines = collections.deque(lines[start + 1:]) k = 0 while after_lines: line = after_lines.popleft() if all_whitespace(line) or starting_whitespace(line) >= 1: k += 1 else: break return start + k # Find where directives start & end so that we can exclude content in # these directive regions (the rst parser may not handle this correctly # for unknown directives, so we have to do it manually). directives = [] for i, line in enumerate(lines): if re.match(r"^\s*..\s(.*?)::\s*", line): directives.append((i, find_directive_end(i, lines))) elif re.match(r"^::\s*$", line): directives.append((i, find_directive_end(i, lines))) # Find definition terms in definition lists # This check may match the code, which is already appended lwhitespaces = r"^\s*" listspattern = r"^\s*(\* |- |#\. |\d+\. )" for i in range(0, len(lines) - 1): line = lines[i] next_line = lines[i + 1] # if line is a blank, line is not a definition term if all_whitespace(line): continue # if line is a list, line is checked as normal line if re.match(listspattern, line): continue if (len(re.search(lwhitespaces, line).group()) < len(re.search(lwhitespaces, next_line).group())): directives.append((i, i)) return directives def _txt_checker(self, parsed_file): for i, line in enumerate(parsed_file.lines_iter()): if len(line) > self._max_line_length: if not utils.contains_url(line): yield (i + 1, 'D001', 'Line too long') def _rst_checker(self, parsed_file): lines = list(parsed_file.lines_iter()) doc = parsed_file.document nodes_lines, first_line = self._extract_node_lines(doc) directives = self._extract_directives(lines) def find_containing_nodes(num): if num < first_line and len(nodes_lines): return [nodes_lines[0][0]] contained_in = [] for (n, (line_min, line_max)) in nodes_lines: if num >= line_min and num <= line_max: contained_in.append((n, (line_min, line_max))) smallest_span = None best_nodes = [] for (n, (line_min, line_max)) in contained_in: span = line_max - line_min if smallest_span is None: smallest_span = span best_nodes = [n] elif span < smallest_span: smallest_span = span best_nodes = [n] elif span == smallest_span: best_nodes.append(n) return best_nodes def any_types(nodes, types): return any([isinstance(n, types) for n in nodes]) skip_types = ( docutils_nodes.target, docutils_nodes.literal_block, ) title_types = ( docutils_nodes.title, docutils_nodes.subtitle, docutils_nodes.section, ) for i, line in enumerate(lines): if len(line) > self._max_line_length: in_directive = False for (start, end) in directives: if i >= start and i <= end: in_directive = True break if in_directive: continue stripped = line.lstrip() if ' ' not in stripped: # No room to split even if we could. continue if utils.contains_url(stripped): continue nodes = find_containing_nodes(i + 1) if any_types(nodes, skip_types): continue if self._allow_long_titles and any_types(nodes, title_types): continue yield (i + 1, 'D001', 'Line too long') def report_iter(self, parsed_file): if parsed_file.extension.lower() != '.rst': checker_func = self._txt_checker else: checker_func = self._rst_checker for issue in checker_func(parsed_file): yield issue