import six from falcon import API from falcon.cmd import print_routes from falcon.testing import redirected class DummyResource(object): def on_get(self, req, resp): resp.body = 'Test\n' resp.status = '200 OK' _api = API() _api.add_route('/test', DummyResource()) def test_traverse_with_verbose(): """Ensure traverse() finds the proper routes and outputs verbose info.""" output = six.moves.StringIO() with redirected(stdout=output): print_routes.traverse(_api._router._roots, verbose=True) route, get_info, options_info = output.getvalue().strip().split('\n') assert '-> /test' == route # NOTE(kgriffs) We might receive these in either order, since the # method map is not ordered, so check and swap if necessary. if options_info.startswith('-->GET'): get_info, options_info = options_info, get_info assert options_info.startswith('-->OPTIONS') assert 'falcon/' in options_info assert get_info.startswith('-->GET') assert 'tests/' in get_info def test_traverse(): """Ensure traverse() finds the proper routes.""" output = six.moves.StringIO() with redirected(stdout=output): print_routes.traverse(_api._router._roots, verbose=False) route = output.getvalue().strip() assert '-> /test' == route