from functools import wraps import pytest import falcon import falcon.testing as testing HTTP_METHODS = ( 'CONNECT', 'DELETE', 'GET', 'HEAD', 'OPTIONS', 'POST', 'PUT', 'TRACE', 'PATCH' ) @pytest.fixture def stonewall(): return Stonewall() @pytest.fixture def resource_things(): return ThingsResource() @pytest.fixture def resource_misc(): return MiscResource() @pytest.fixture def resource_get_with_faulty_put(): return GetWithFaultyPutResource() @pytest.fixture def client(): app = falcon.API() app.add_route('/stonewall', Stonewall()) resource_things = ThingsResource() app.add_route('/things', resource_things) app.add_route('/things/{id}/stuff/{sid}', resource_things) resource_misc = MiscResource() app.add_route('/misc', resource_misc) resource_get_with_faulty_put = GetWithFaultyPutResource() app.add_route('/get_with_param/{param}', resource_get_with_faulty_put) return testing.TestClient(app) class ThingsResource(object): def __init__(self): self.called = False # Test non-callable attribute self.on_patch = {} # Field names ordered differently than in uri template def on_get(self, req, resp, sid, id): self.called = True self.req, self.resp = req, resp resp.status = falcon.HTTP_204 # Field names ordered the same as in uri template def on_head(self, req, resp, id, sid): self.called = True self.req, self.resp = req, resp resp.status = falcon.HTTP_204 def on_put(self, req, resp, id, sid): self.called = True self.req, self.resp = req, resp resp.status = falcon.HTTP_201 class Stonewall(object): pass def capture(func): @wraps(func) def with_capture(*args, **kwargs): self = args[0] self.called = True self.req, self.resp = args[1:] func(*args, **kwargs) return with_capture def selfless_decorator(func): def faulty(req, resp, foo, bar): pass return faulty class MiscResource(object): def __init__(self): self.called = False @capture def on_get(self, req, resp): resp.status = falcon.HTTP_204 @capture def on_head(self, req, resp): resp.status = falcon.HTTP_204 @capture def on_put(self, req, resp): resp.status = falcon.HTTP_400 @capture def on_patch(self, req, resp): pass def on_options(self, req, resp): # NOTE(kgriffs): The default responder returns 200 resp.status = falcon.HTTP_204 # NOTE(kgriffs): This is incorrect, but only return GET so # that we can verify that the default OPTIONS responder has # been overridden. resp.set_header('allow', 'GET') class GetWithFaultyPutResource(object): def __init__(self): self.called = False @capture def on_get(self, req, resp): resp.status = falcon.HTTP_204 def on_put(self, req, resp, param): raise TypeError() class FaultyDecoratedResource(object): @selfless_decorator def on_get(self, req, resp): pass class TestHttpMethodRouting(object): def test_get(self, client, resource_things):'/things', resource_things)'/things/{id}/stuff/{sid}', resource_things) response = client.simulate_request(path='/things/42/stuff/57') assert response.status == falcon.HTTP_204 assert resource_things.called def test_put(self, client, resource_things):'/things', resource_things)'/things/{id}/stuff/{sid}', resource_things) response = client.simulate_request(path='/things/42/stuff/1337', method='PUT') assert response.status == falcon.HTTP_201 assert resource_things.called def test_post_not_allowed(self, client, resource_things):'/things', resource_things)'/things/{id}/stuff/{sid}', resource_things) response = client.simulate_request(path='/things/42/stuff/1337', method='POST') assert response.status == falcon.HTTP_405 assert not resource_things.called def test_misc(self, client, resource_misc):'/misc', resource_misc) for method in ['GET', 'HEAD', 'PUT', 'PATCH']: resource_misc.called = False client.simulate_request(path='/misc', method=method) assert resource_misc.called assert resource_misc.req.method == method def test_methods_not_allowed_simple(self, client, stonewall):'/stonewall', stonewall) for method in ['GET', 'HEAD', 'PUT', 'PATCH']: response = client.simulate_request(path='/stonewall', method=method) assert response.status == falcon.HTTP_405 def test_methods_not_allowed_complex(self, client, resource_things):'/things', resource_things)'/things/{id}/stuff/{sid}', resource_things) for method in HTTP_METHODS: if method in ('GET', 'PUT', 'HEAD', 'OPTIONS'): continue resource_things.called = False response = client.simulate_request(path='/things/84/stuff/65', method=method) assert not resource_things.called assert response.status == falcon.HTTP_405 headers = response.headers assert headers['allow'] == 'GET, HEAD, PUT, OPTIONS' def test_method_not_allowed_with_param(self, client, resource_get_with_faulty_put):'/get_with_param/{param}', resource_get_with_faulty_put) for method in HTTP_METHODS: if method in ('GET', 'PUT', 'OPTIONS'): continue resource_get_with_faulty_put.called = False response = client.simulate_request( method=method, path='/get_with_param/bogus_param', ) assert not resource_get_with_faulty_put.called assert response.status == falcon.HTTP_405 headers = response.headers assert headers['allow'] == 'GET, PUT, OPTIONS' def test_default_on_options(self, client, resource_things):'/things', resource_things)'/things/{id}/stuff/{sid}', resource_things) response = client.simulate_request(path='/things/84/stuff/65', method='OPTIONS') assert response.status == falcon.HTTP_200 headers = response.headers assert headers['allow'] == 'GET, HEAD, PUT' def test_on_options(self, client): response = client.simulate_request(path='/misc', method='OPTIONS') assert response.status == falcon.HTTP_204 headers = response.headers assert headers['allow'] == 'GET' def test_bogus_method(self, client, resource_things):'/things', resource_things)'/things/{id}/stuff/{sid}', resource_things) response = client.simulate_request(path='/things', method=testing.rand_string(3, 4)) assert not resource_things.called assert response.status == falcon.HTTP_400