
496 lines
17 KiB

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from datetime import datetime
import functools
import ujson as json
except ImportError:
import json
import random
import pytest
import six
import falcon
from falcon import testing
from falcon import util
from falcon.util import uri
def _arbitrary_uris(count, length):
return (
for _ in range(length)]
) for __ in range(count)
class TestFalconUtils(object):
def setup_method(self, method):
# NOTE(cabrera): for DRYness - used in uri.[de|en]code tests
# below.
self.uris = _arbitrary_uris(count=100, length=32)
def test_deprecated_decorator(self):
msg = 'Please stop using this thing. It is going away.'
def old_thing():
with pytest.warns(UserWarning) as rec:
warn = rec.pop()
assert msg in str(warn.message)
def test_http_now(self):
expected = datetime.utcnow()
actual = falcon.http_date_to_dt(falcon.http_now())
delta = actual - expected
delta_sec = abs(delta.days * 86400 + delta.seconds)
assert delta_sec <= 1
def test_dt_to_http(self):
assert falcon.dt_to_http(datetime(2013, 4, 4)) == 'Thu, 04 Apr 2013 00:00:00 GMT'
assert falcon.dt_to_http(
datetime(2013, 4, 4, 10, 28, 54)
) == 'Thu, 04 Apr 2013 10:28:54 GMT'
def test_http_date_to_dt(self):
assert falcon.http_date_to_dt('Thu, 04 Apr 2013 00:00:00 GMT') == datetime(2013, 4, 4)
assert falcon.http_date_to_dt(
'Thu, 04 Apr 2013 10:28:54 GMT'
) == datetime(2013, 4, 4, 10, 28, 54)
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
falcon.http_date_to_dt('Thu, 04-Apr-2013 10:28:54 GMT')
assert falcon.http_date_to_dt(
'Thu, 04-Apr-2013 10:28:54 GMT', obs_date=True
) == datetime(2013, 4, 4, 10, 28, 54)
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
falcon.http_date_to_dt('Sun Nov 6 08:49:37 1994')
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
falcon.http_date_to_dt('Nov 6 08:49:37 1994', obs_date=True)
assert falcon.http_date_to_dt(
'Sun Nov 6 08:49:37 1994', obs_date=True
) == datetime(1994, 11, 6, 8, 49, 37)
assert falcon.http_date_to_dt(
'Sunday, 06-Nov-94 08:49:37 GMT', obs_date=True
) == datetime(1994, 11, 6, 8, 49, 37)
def test_pack_query_params_none(self):
assert falcon.to_query_str({}) == ''
def test_pack_query_params_one(self):
assert falcon.to_query_str({'limit': 10}) == '?limit=10'
assert falcon.to_query_str(
{'things': [1, 2, 3]}) == '?things=1,2,3'
assert falcon.to_query_str({'things': ['a']}) == '?things=a'
assert falcon.to_query_str(
{'things': ['a', 'b']}) == '?things=a,b'
expected = ('?things=a&things=b&things=&things=None'
actual = falcon.to_query_str(
{'things': ['a', 'b', '', None, True, False, 0]},
assert actual == expected
def test_pack_query_params_several(self):
garbage_in = {
'limit': 17,
'echo': True,
'doit': False,
'x': 'val',
'y': 0.2
query_str = falcon.to_query_str(garbage_in)
fields = query_str[1:].split('&')
garbage_out = {}
for field in fields:
k, v = field.split('=')
garbage_out[k] = v
expected = {
'echo': 'true',
'limit': '17',
'x': 'val',
'y': '0.2',
'doit': 'false'}
assert expected == garbage_out
def test_uri_encode(self):
url = ''
assert uri.encode(url) == url
url = ' bit/messages'
expected = ''
assert uri.encode(url) == expected
url = u'\u00e7ho=true'
expected = (''
assert uri.encode(url) == expected
def test_uri_encode_double(self):
url = ' bit/messages'
expected = ''
assert uri.encode(uri.encode(url)) == expected
url = u'\u00e7ho=true'
expected = (''
assert uri.encode(uri.encode(url)) == expected
url = ''
expected = ''
assert uri.encode(uri.encode(url)) == expected
url = ''
expected = ''
assert uri.encode(uri.encode(url)) == expected
# NOTE(kgriffs): Specific example cited in GH issue
url = 'http://something?redirect_uri=http%3A%2F%2Fsite'
assert uri.encode(url) == url
hex_digits = 'abcdefABCDEF0123456789'
for c1 in hex_digits:
for c2 in hex_digits:
url = '' + c1 + c2
encoded = uri.encode(uri.encode(url))
assert encoded == url
def test_uri_encode_value(self):
assert uri.encode_value('abcd') == 'abcd'
assert uri.encode_value(u'abcd') == u'abcd'
assert uri.encode_value(u'ab cd') == u'ab%20cd'
assert uri.encode_value(u'\u00e7') == '%C3%A7'
assert uri.encode_value(u'\u00e7\u20ac') == '%C3%A7%E2%82%AC'
assert uri.encode_value('ab/cd') == 'ab%2Fcd'
assert uri.encode_value('ab+cd=42,9') == 'ab%2Bcd%3D42%2C9'
def test_uri_decode(self):
assert uri.decode('abcd') == 'abcd'
assert uri.decode(u'abcd') == u'abcd'
assert uri.decode(u'ab%20cd') == u'ab cd'
assert uri.decode('This thing is %C3%A7') == u'This thing is \u00e7'
assert uri.decode('This thing is %C3%A7%E2%82%AC') == u'This thing is \u00e7\u20ac'
assert uri.decode('ab%2Fcd') == 'ab/cd'
assert uri.decode(
) == ',9'
def test_prop_uri_encode_models_stdlib_quote(self):
equiv_quote = functools.partial(
six.moves.urllib.parse.quote, safe=uri._ALL_ALLOWED
for case in self.uris:
expect = equiv_quote(case)
actual = uri.encode(case)
assert expect == actual
def test_prop_uri_encode_value_models_stdlib_quote_safe_tilde(self):
equiv_quote = functools.partial(
six.moves.urllib.parse.quote, safe='~'
for case in self.uris:
expect = equiv_quote(case)
actual = uri.encode_value(case)
assert expect == actual
def test_prop_uri_decode_models_stdlib_unquote_plus(self):
stdlib_unquote = six.moves.urllib.parse.unquote_plus
for case in self.uris:
case = uri.encode_value(case)
expect = stdlib_unquote(case)
actual = uri.decode(case)
assert expect == actual
def test_parse_query_string(self):
query_strinq = (
decoded_url = ''
decoded_json = '{"test1": "data1", "test2": "data2"}'
result = uri.parse_query_string(query_strinq)
assert result['a'] == decoded_url
assert result['b'] == decoded_json
assert result['c'] == ['1', '2', '3']
assert result['d'] == 'test'
assert result['e'] == ['a', '&=,']
assert result['f'] == ['a', 'a=b']
assert result[u'é'] == 'a=b'
result = uri.parse_query_string(query_strinq, True)
assert result['a'] == decoded_url
assert result['b'] == decoded_json
assert result['c'] == ['1', '2', '3']
assert result['d'] == 'test'
assert result['e'] == ['a', '', '&=,']
assert result['f'] == ['a', 'a=b']
assert result[u'é'] == 'a=b'
def test_parse_host(self):
assert uri.parse_host('::1') == ('::1', None)
assert uri.parse_host('2001:ODB8:AC10:FE01::') == ('2001:ODB8:AC10:FE01::', None)
assert uri.parse_host(
'2001:ODB8:AC10:FE01::', default_port=80
) == ('2001:ODB8:AC10:FE01::', 80)
ipv6_addr = '2001:4801:1221:101:1c10::f5:116'
assert uri.parse_host(ipv6_addr) == (ipv6_addr, None)
assert uri.parse_host('[' + ipv6_addr + ']') == (ipv6_addr, None)
assert uri.parse_host('[' + ipv6_addr + ']:28080') == (ipv6_addr, 28080)
assert uri.parse_host('[' + ipv6_addr + ']:8080') == (ipv6_addr, 8080)
assert uri.parse_host('[' + ipv6_addr + ']:123') == (ipv6_addr, 123)
assert uri.parse_host('[' + ipv6_addr + ']:42') == (ipv6_addr, 42)
assert uri.parse_host('') == ('', None)
assert uri.parse_host('', default_port=80) == ('', 80)
assert uri.parse_host('') == ('', 27070)
assert uri.parse_host('') == ('', 123)
assert uri.parse_host('') == ('', 42)
assert uri.parse_host('') == ('', None)
assert uri.parse_host('', default_port=443) == ('', 443)
assert uri.parse_host('') == ('', None)
assert uri.parse_host('') == ('', 9876)
assert uri.parse_host('') == ('', 42)
def test_get_http_status(self):
assert falcon.get_http_status(404) == falcon.HTTP_404
assert falcon.get_http_status(404.3) == falcon.HTTP_404
assert falcon.get_http_status('404.3') == falcon.HTTP_404
assert falcon.get_http_status(404.9) == falcon.HTTP_404
assert falcon.get_http_status('404') == falcon.HTTP_404
assert falcon.get_http_status(123) == '123 Unknown'
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
assert falcon.get_http_status(123, 'Go Away') == '123 Go Away'
class TestFalconTesting(object):
"""Catch some uncommon branches not covered elsewhere."""
def test_path_escape_chars_in_create_environ(self):
env = testing.create_environ('/hello%20world%21')
assert env['PATH_INFO'] == '/hello world!'
def test_no_prefix_allowed_for_query_strings_in_create_environ(self):
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
@pytest.mark.skipif(six.PY3, reason='Test does not apply to Py3K')
def test_unicode_path_in_create_environ(self):
env = testing.create_environ(u'/fancy/unícode')
assert env['PATH_INFO'] == '/fancy/un\xc3\xadcode'
env = testing.create_environ(u'/simple')
assert env['PATH_INFO'] == '/simple'
def test_none_header_value_in_create_environ(self):
env = testing.create_environ('/', headers={'X-Foo': None})
assert env['HTTP_X_FOO'] == ''
def test_decode_empty_result(self):
app = falcon.API()
client = testing.TestClient(app)
response = client.simulate_request(path='/')
assert response.text == ''
def test_httpnow_alias_for_backwards_compat(self):
assert testing.httpnow is util.http_now
['https'] * len(falcon.HTTP_METHODS) + ['http'] * len(falcon.HTTP_METHODS),
falcon.HTTP_METHODS * 2
def test_simulate_request_protocol(protocol, method):
sink_called = [False]
def sink(req, resp):
sink_called[0] = True
assert req.protocol == protocol
app = falcon.API()
app.add_sink(sink, '/test')
client = testing.TestClient(app)
simulate = client.getattr('simulate_' + method.lower())
simulate('/test', protocol=protocol)
assert sink_called[0]
except AttributeError:
# NOTE(kgriffs): simulate_* helpers do not exist for all methods
class TestFalconTestCase(object):
"""Verify some branches not covered elsewhere."""
def test_status(self):
app = falcon.API()
resource = testing.SimpleTestResource(status=falcon.HTTP_702)
app.add_route('/', resource)
client = testing.TestClient(app)
result = client.simulate_get()
assert result.status == falcon.HTTP_702
def test_wsgi_iterable_not_closeable(self):
result = testing.Result([], falcon.HTTP_200, [])
assert not result.content
def test_path_must_start_with_slash(self):
app = falcon.API()
app.add_route('/', testing.SimpleTestResource())
client = testing.TestClient(app)
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
def test_cached_text_in_result(self):
app = falcon.API()
app.add_route('/', testing.SimpleTestResource(body='test'))
client = testing.TestClient(app)
result = client.simulate_get()
assert result.text == result.text
def test_simple_resource_body_json_xor(self):
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
testing.SimpleTestResource(body='', json={})
def test_query_string(self):
class SomeResource(object):
def on_get(self, req, resp):
doc = {}
doc['oid'] = req.get_param_as_int('oid')
doc['detailed'] = req.get_param_as_bool('detailed')
doc['things'] = req.get_param_as_list('things', int)
doc['query_string'] = req.query_string
resp.body = json.dumps(doc)
app = falcon.API()
app.add_route('/', SomeResource())
client = testing.TestClient(app)
result = client.simulate_get(query_string='oid=42&detailed=no&things=1')
assert result.json['oid'] == 42
assert not result.json['detailed']
assert result.json['things'] == [1]
params = {'oid': 42, 'detailed': False}
result = client.simulate_get(params=params)
assert result.json['oid'] == params['oid']
assert not result.json['detailed']
assert result.json['things'] is None
params = {'oid': 1978, 'detailed': 'yes', 'things': [1, 2, 3]}
result = client.simulate_get(params=params)
assert result.json['oid'] == params['oid']
assert result.json['detailed']
assert result.json['things'] == params['things']
expected_qs = 'things=1,2,3'
result = client.simulate_get(params={'things': [1, 2, 3]})
assert result.json['query_string'] == expected_qs
expected_qs = 'things=1&things=2&things=3'
result = client.simulate_get(params={'things': [1, 2, 3]},
assert result.json['query_string'] == expected_qs
def test_query_string_no_question(self):
app = falcon.API()
app.add_route('/', testing.SimpleTestResource())
client = testing.TestClient(app)
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
def test_query_string_in_path(self):
app = falcon.API()
app.add_route('/', testing.SimpleTestResource())
client = testing.TestClient(app)
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
class FancyAPI(falcon.API):
class TestCaseFancyAPI(testing.TestCase):
api_class = FancyAPI
def test_something(self):
self.assertTrue(isinstance(self.api, FancyAPI))
class TestNoApiClass(testing.TestCase):
def test_something(self):
self.assertTrue(isinstance(self.api, falcon.API))
class TestSetupApi(testing.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
super(TestSetupApi, self).setUp()
self.api = falcon.API()
def test_something(self):
self.assertTrue(isinstance(self.api, falcon.API))