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# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
The :class:`~openstack.session.Session` overrides
:class:`~keystoneauth1.session.Session` to provide end point filtering and
mapping KSA exceptions to SDK exceptions.
from collections import namedtuple
import logging
from itertools import accumulate
except ImportError:
# itertools.accumulate was added to Python 3.2, and since we have to
# support Python 2 for some reason, we include this equivalent from
# the 3.x docs. While it's stated that it's a rough equivalent, it's
# good enough for the purposes we're using it for.
def accumulate(iterable, func=None):
"""Return running totals"""
# accumulate([1,2,3,4,5]) --> 1 3 6 10 15
# accumulate([1,2,3,4,5], operator.mul) --> 1 2 6 24 120
it = iter(iterable)
total = next(it)
except StopIteration:
yield total
for element in it:
total = func(total, element)
yield total
from keystoneauth1 import exceptions as _exceptions
from keystoneauth1 import session as _session
from openstack import exceptions
from openstack import utils
from openstack import version as openstack_version
from six.moves.urllib import parse
DEFAULT_USER_AGENT = "openstacksdk/%s" % openstack_version.__version__
API_REQUEST_HEADER = "openstack-api-version"
Version = namedtuple("Version", ["major", "minor"])
_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def map_exceptions(func):
def map_exceptions_wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
return func(*args, **kwargs)
except _exceptions.HttpError as e:
raise exceptions.from_exception(e)
except _exceptions.ClientException as e:
raise exceptions.SDKException(message=e.message, cause=e)
return map_exceptions_wrapper
class Session(_session.Session):
def __init__(self, profile, user_agent=None, **kwargs):
"""Create a new Keystone auth session with a profile.
:param profile: If the user has any special profiles such as the
service name, region, version or interface, they may be provided
in the profile object. If no profiles are provided, the
services that appear first in the service catalog will be used.
:param user_agent: A User-Agent header string to use for the
request. If not provided, a default of
is used, which contains the openstacksdk version
When a non-None value is passed, it will be
prepended to the default.
:type profile: :class:`~openstack.profile.Profile`
if user_agent is not None:
self.user_agent = "%s %s" % (user_agent, DEFAULT_USER_AGENT)
self.user_agent = DEFAULT_USER_AGENT
self.profile = profile
api_version_header = self._get_api_requests()
self.endpoint_cache = {}
super(Session, self).__init__(user_agent=self.user_agent,
def _get_api_requests(self):
"""Get API micro-version requests.
:param profile: A profile object that contains customizations about
service name, region, version, interface or
:return: A standard header string if there is any specialization in
API microversion, or None if no such request exists.
if self.profile is None:
return None
req = []
for svc in self.profile.get_services():
if svc.service_type and svc.api_version:
req.append(" ".join([svc.service_type, svc.api_version]))
if req:
return {API_REQUEST_HEADER: ",".join(req)}
return None
class _Endpoint(object):
def __init__(self, uri, versions,
needs_project_id=False, project_id=None):
self.uri = uri
self.versions = versions
self.needs_project_id = needs_project_id
self.project_id = project_id
def __eq__(self, other):
return all([self.uri == other.uri,
self.versions == other.versions,
self.needs_project_id == other.needs_project_id,
self.project_id == other.project_id])
def _parse_versions_response(self, uri):
"""Look for a "versions" JSON response at `uri`
Return versions if we get them, otherwise return None.
_logger.debug("Looking for versions at %s", uri)
response = self.get(uri)
except exceptions.HttpException:
return None
response_body = response.json()
except Exception:
# This could raise a number of things, all of which are bad.
# ValueError, JSONDecodeError, etc. Rather than pick and choose
# a bunch of things that might happen, catch 'em all.
return None
if "versions" in response_body:
versions = response_body["versions"]
# Normalize the version response. Identity nests the versions
# a level deeper than others, inside of a "values" dictionary.
if "values" in versions:
versions = versions["values"]
return self._Endpoint(uri, versions)
return None
def _get_endpoint_versions(self, service_type, endpoint):
"""Get available endpoints from the remote service
Take the endpoint that the Service Catalog gives us as a base
and then work from there. In most cases, the path-less 'root'
of the URI is the base of the service which contains the versions.
In other cases, we need to discover it by trying the paths that
eminate from that root. Generally this is achieved in one roundtrip
request/response, but depending on how the service is installed,
it may require multiple requests.
parts = parse.urlparse(endpoint)
just_root = "://".join([parts.scheme, parts.netloc])
# If we need to try using a portion of the parts,
# the project id won't be one worth asking for so remove it.
# However, we do need to know that the project id was
# previously there, so keep it.
project_id = self.get_project_id()
# Domain scope token don't include project id
project_id_location = parts.path.find(project_id) if project_id else -1
if project_id_location > -1:
usable_path = parts.path[slice(0, project_id_location)]
needs_project_id = True
usable_path = parts.path
needs_project_id = False
# Generate a series of paths that might contain our version
# information. This will build successively longer paths from
# the split, so /nova/v2 would return "", "/nova",
# "/nova/v2" out of it. Based on what we've normally seen,
# the match will be found early on within those.
paths = accumulate(usable_path.split("/"),
func=lambda *fragments: "/".join(fragments))
result = None
# If we have paths, try them from the root outwards.
# NOTE: Both the body of the for loop and the else clause
# cover the request for `just_root`. The else clause is explicit
# in only testing it because there are no path parts. In the for
# loop, it gets requested in the first iteration.
for path in paths:
response = self._parse_versions_response(just_root + path)
if response is not None:
result = response
# If we didn't have paths, root is all we can do anyway.
response = self._parse_versions_response(just_root)
if response is not None:
result = response
if result is not None:
if needs_project_id:
result.needs_project_id = True
result.project_id = project_id
return result
raise exceptions.EndpointNotFound(
"Unable to parse endpoints for %s" % service_type)
def _parse_version(self, version):
"""Parse the version and return major and minor components
If the version was given with a leading "v", e.g., "v3", strip
that off to just numerals.
version_num = version[version.find("v") + 1:]
components = version_num.split(".")
if len(components) == 1:
# The minor version of a v2 ends up being -1 so that we can
# loop through versions taking the highest available match
# while also working around a direct match for 2.0.
rv = Version(int(components[0]), -1)
elif len(components) == 2:
rv = Version(*[int(component) for component in components])
raise ValueError("Unable to parse version string %s" % version)
return rv
def _get_version_match(self, endpoint, profile_version, service_type):
"""Return the best matching version
Look through each version trying to find the best match for
the version specified in this profile.
* The best match will only ever be found within the same
major version, meaning a v2 profile will never match if
only v3 is available on the server.
* The search for the best match is fuzzy if needed.
* If the profile specifies v2 and the server has
v2.0, v2.1, and v2.2, the match will be v2.2.
* When an exact major/minor is specified, e.g., v2.0,
it will only match v2.0.
match_version = None
for version in endpoint.versions:
api_version = self._parse_version(version["id"])
if profile_version.major != api_version.major:
if profile_version.minor <= api_version.minor:
for link in version["links"]:
if link["rel"] == "self":
resp_link = link['href']
match_version = parse.urlsplit(resp_link).path
# Only break out of the loop on an exact match,
# otherwise keep trying.
if profile_version.minor == api_version.minor:
if match_version is None:
raise exceptions.EndpointNotFound(
"Unable to determine endpoint for %s" % service_type)
# Make sure the root endpoint has no overlap with match_version
root_parts = parse.urlsplit(endpoint.uri)
match_version = match_version.replace(root_parts.path, "", 1)
match = utils.urljoin(endpoint.uri, match_version)
# For services that require the project id in the request URI,
# add them in here.
if endpoint.needs_project_id:
match = utils.urljoin(match, endpoint.project_id)
return match
def get_endpoint(self, auth=None, interface=None, service_type=None,
"""Override get endpoint to automate endpoint filtering
This method uses the service catalog to find the root URI of
each service and then gets all available versions directly
from the service, not from the service catalog.
Endpoints are cached per service type and interface combination
so that they're only requested from the remote service once
per instance of this class.
key = (service_type, interface)
if key in self.endpoint_cache:
return self.endpoint_cache[key]
filt = self.profile.get_filter(service_type)
if filt.interface is None:
filt.interface = interface
sc_endpoint = super(Session, self).get_endpoint(auth,
# Object Storage is, of course, different. Just use what we get
# back from the service catalog as not only does it not offer
# a list of supported versions, it appends an "AUTH_" prefix to
# the project id so we'd have to special case that as well.
if service_type == "object-store":
self.endpoint_cache[key] = sc_endpoint
return sc_endpoint
endpoint = self._get_endpoint_versions(service_type, sc_endpoint)
profile_version = self._parse_version(filt.version)
match = self._get_version_match(endpoint, profile_version,
_logger.debug("Using %s as %s %s endpoint",
match, interface, service_type)
self.endpoint_cache[key] = match
return match
def request(self, *args, **kwargs):
return super(Session, self).request(*args, **kwargs)