
326 lines
11 KiB

import logging
import re
import warnings
from inspect import getmembers, ismethod
from webob import exc
import six
from .secure import handle_security, cross_boundary
from .util import iscontroller, getargspec, _cfg
__all__ = ['lookup_controller', 'find_object', 'route']
__observed_controllers__ = set()
__custom_routes__ = {}
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def route(*args):
This function is used to define an explicit route for a path segment.
You generally only want to use this in situations where your desired path
segment is not a valid Python variable/function name.
For example, if you wanted to be able to route to:
...the following is invalid Python syntax::
class Controller(object):
with-dashes = SubController() you would instead define the route explicitly::
class Controller(object):
pecan.route(Controller, 'with-dashes', SubController())
def _validate_route(route):
if not isinstance(route, six.string_types):
raise TypeError('%s must be a string' % route)
if route in ('.', '..') or not re.match(
'^[0-9a-zA-Z-_$\(\)\.~!,;:*+@=]+$', route
raise ValueError(
'%s must be a valid path segment. Keep in mind '
'that path segments should not contain path separators '
'(e.g., /) ' % route
if len(args) == 2:
# The handler in this situation is a @pecan.expose'd callable,
# and is generally only used by the @expose() decorator itself.
# This sets a special attribute, `custom_route` on the callable, which
# pecan's routing logic knows how to make use of (as a special case)
route, handler = args
if ismethod(handler):
handler = handler.__func__
if not iscontroller(handler):
raise TypeError(
'%s must be a callable decorated with @pecan.expose' % handler
obj, attr, value = handler, 'custom_route', route
if handler.__name__ in ('_lookup', '_default', '_route'):
raise ValueError(
'%s is a special method in pecan and cannot be used in '
'combination with custom path segments.' % handler.__name__
elif len(args) == 3:
# This is really just a setattr on the parent controller (with some
# additional validation for the path segment itself)
_, route, handler = args
obj, attr, value = args
if hasattr(obj, attr):
raise RuntimeError(
"%(module)s.%(class)s already has an "
"existing attribute named \"%(route)s\"." % {
'module': obj.__module__,
'class': obj.__name__,
'route': attr
raise TypeError(
'pecan.route should be called in the format '
'route(ParentController, "path-segment", SubController())'
setattr(obj, attr, value)
class PecanNotFound(Exception):
class NonCanonicalPath(Exception):
Exception Raised when a non-canonical path is encountered when 'walking'
the URI. This is typically a ``POST`` request which requires a trailing
def __init__(self, controller, remainder):
self.controller = controller
self.remainder = remainder
def lookup_controller(obj, remainder, request=None):
Traverses the requested url path and returns the appropriate controller
object, including default routes.
Handles common errors gracefully.
if request is None:
"The function signature for %s.lookup_controller is changing "
"in the next version of pecan.\nPlease update to: "
"`lookup_controller(self, obj, remainder, request)`." % (
notfound_handlers = []
while True:
obj, remainder = find_object(obj, remainder, notfound_handlers,
return obj, remainder
except (exc.HTTPNotFound, exc.HTTPMethodNotAllowed,
PecanNotFound) as e:
if isinstance(e, PecanNotFound):
e = exc.HTTPNotFound()
while notfound_handlers:
name, obj, remainder = notfound_handlers.pop()
if name == '_default':
# Notfound handler is, in fact, a controller, so stop
# traversal
return obj, remainder
# Notfound handler is an internal redirect, so continue
# traversal
result = handle_lookup_traversal(obj, remainder)
if result:
# If no arguments are passed to the _lookup, yet the
# argspec requires at least one, raise a 404
if (
remainder == [''] and
len(obj._pecan['argspec'].args) > 1
raise e
obj_, remainder_ = result
return lookup_controller(obj_, remainder_, request)
raise e
def handle_lookup_traversal(obj, args):
result = obj(*args)
if result:
prev_obj = obj
obj, remainder = result
# crossing controller boundary
cross_boundary(prev_obj, obj)
return result
except TypeError as te:
logger.debug('Got exception calling lookup(): %s (%s)',
te, te.args)
def find_object(obj, remainder, notfound_handlers, request):
'Walks' the url path in search of an action for which a controller is
implemented and returns that controller object along with what's left
of the remainder.
prev_obj = None
while True:
if obj is None:
raise PecanNotFound
if iscontroller(obj):
if getattr(obj, 'custom_route', None) is None:
return obj, remainder
if remainder:
custom_route = __custom_routes__.get((obj.__class__, remainder[0]))
if custom_route:
return getattr(obj, custom_route), remainder[1:]
# are we traversing to another controller
cross_boundary(prev_obj, obj)
next_obj, rest = remainder[0], remainder[1:]
if next_obj == '':
index = getattr(obj, 'index', None)
if iscontroller(index):
return index, rest
except IndexError:
# the URL has hit an index method without a trailing slash
index = getattr(obj, 'index', None)
if iscontroller(index):
raise NonCanonicalPath(index, [])
default = getattr(obj, '_default', None)
if iscontroller(default):
notfound_handlers.append(('_default', default, remainder))
lookup = getattr(obj, '_lookup', None)
if iscontroller(lookup):
notfound_handlers.append(('_lookup', lookup, remainder))
route = getattr(obj, '_route', None)
if iscontroller(route):
if len(getargspec(route).args) == 2:
"The function signature for %s.%s._route is changing "
"in the next version of pecan.\nPlease update to: "
"`def _route(self, args, request)`." % (
next_obj, next_remainder = route(remainder)
next_obj, next_remainder = route(remainder, request)
cross_boundary(route, next_obj)
return next_obj, next_remainder
if not remainder:
raise PecanNotFound
prev_remainder = remainder
prev_obj = obj
remainder = rest
obj = getattr(obj, next_obj, None)
except UnicodeEncodeError:
obj = None
# Last-ditch effort: if there's not a matching subcontroller, no
# `_default`, no `_lookup`, and no `_route`, look to see if there's
# an `index` that has a generic method defined for the current request
# method.
if not obj and not notfound_handlers and hasattr(prev_obj, 'index'):
if request.method in _cfg(prev_obj.index).get('generic_handlers',
return prev_obj.index, prev_remainder
def _detect_custom_path_segments(obj):
# Detect custom controller routes (on the initial traversal)
if obj.__class__.__module__ == '__builtin__':
attrs = set(dir(obj))
if obj.__class__ not in __observed_controllers__:
for key, val in getmembers(obj):
if iscontroller(val) and isinstance(
getattr(val, 'custom_route', None),
route = val.custom_route
# Detect class attribute name conflicts
for conflict in attrs.intersection(set((route,))):
raise RuntimeError(
"%(module)s.%(class)s.%(function)s has "
"a custom path segment, \"%(route)s\", "
"but %(module)s.%(class)s already has an "
"existing attribute named \"%(route)s\"." % {
'module': obj.__class__.__module__,
'class': obj.__class__.__name__,
'function': val.__name__,
'route': conflict
existing = __custom_routes__.get(
(obj.__class__, route)
if existing:
# Detect custom path conflicts between functions
raise RuntimeError(
"%(module)s.%(class)s.%(function)s and "
"%(module)s.%(class)s.%(other)s have a "
"conflicting custom path segment, "
"\"%(route)s\"." % {
'module': obj.__class__.__module__,
'class': obj.__class__.__name__,
'function': val.__name__,
'other': existing,
'route': route
(obj.__class__, route)
] = key