better packet dump format

This commit is contained in:
INADA Naoki 2016-09-04 02:10:16 +09:00
parent 7d97090951
commit c09ba86d84
1 changed files with 6 additions and 8 deletions

View File

@ -117,20 +117,18 @@ def dump_packet(data): # pragma: no cover
print("packet length:", len(data))
print("method call[1]:", sys._getframe(1).f_code.co_name)
print("method call[2]:", sys._getframe(2).f_code.co_name)
print("method call[3]:", sys._getframe(3).f_code.co_name)
print("method call[4]:", sys._getframe(4).f_code.co_name)
print("method call[5]:", sys._getframe(5).f_code.co_name)
print("-" * 88)
for i in range(1, 6):
f = sys._getframe(i)
print("call[%d]: %s (line %d)" % (i, f.f_code.co_name, f.f_lineno))
print("-" * 66)
except ValueError:
dump_data = [data[i:i+16] for i in range_type(0, min(len(data), 256), 16)]
for d in dump_data:
print(' '.join(map(lambda x: "{:02X}".format(byte2int(x)), d)) +
' ' * (16 - len(d)) + ' ' * 2 +
' '.join(map(lambda x: "{}".format(is_ascii(x)), d)))
print("-" * 88)
''.join(map(lambda x: "{}".format(is_ascii(x)), d)))
print("-" * 66)