#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # """Contains classes and functions that are necessary to implement different bindings. Bindings normally consists of three parts: - rules about what to send - how to package the information - which protocol to use """ from six.moves.urllib.parse import urlparse, urlencode import saml2 import base64 from saml2.s_utils import deflate_and_base64_encode from saml2.s_utils import Unsupported import logging from saml2.sigver import REQ_ORDER from saml2.sigver import RESP_ORDER from saml2.sigver import SIGNER_ALGS import six from saml2.xmldsig import SIG_ALLOWED_ALG logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) try: from xml.etree import cElementTree as ElementTree if ElementTree.VERSION < '1.3.0': # cElementTree has no support for register_namespace # neither _namespace_map, thus we sacrify performance # for correctness from xml.etree import ElementTree except ImportError: try: import cElementTree as ElementTree except ImportError: from elementtree import ElementTree import defusedxml.ElementTree NAMESPACE = "http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" FORM_SPEC = """
""" def http_form_post_message(message, location, relay_state="", typ="SAMLRequest", **kwargs): """The HTTP POST binding defines a mechanism by which SAML protocol messages may be transmitted within the base64-encoded content of a HTML form control. :param message: The message :param location: Where the form should be posted to :param relay_state: for preserving and conveying state information :return: A tuple containing header information and a HTML message. """ response = ["", """SAML 2.0 POST""", ""] if not isinstance(message, six.string_types): message = str(message) if not isinstance(message, six.binary_type): message = message.encode('utf-8') if typ == "SAMLRequest" or typ == "SAMLResponse": _msg = base64.b64encode(message) else: _msg = message _msg = _msg.decode('ascii') response.append(FORM_SPEC % (location, typ, _msg, relay_state)) response.append("""""") response.append("") return {"headers": [("Content-type", "text/html")], "data": response} def http_post_message(message, relay_state="", typ="SAMLRequest", **kwargs): """ :param message: The message :param relay_state: for preserving and conveying state information :return: A tuple containing header information and a HTML message. """ if not isinstance(message, six.string_types): message = str(message) if not isinstance(message, six.binary_type): message = message.encode('utf-8') if typ == "SAMLRequest" or typ == "SAMLResponse": _msg = base64.b64encode(message) else: _msg = message _msg = _msg.decode('ascii') part = {typ: _msg} if relay_state: part["RelayState"] = relay_state return {"headers": [("Content-type", 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded')], "data": urlencode(part)} def http_redirect_message(message, location, relay_state="", typ="SAMLRequest", sigalg='', signer=None, **kwargs): """The HTTP Redirect binding defines a mechanism by which SAML protocol messages can be transmitted within URL parameters. Messages are encoded for use with this binding using a URL encoding technique, and transmitted using the HTTP GET method. The DEFLATE Encoding is used in this function. :param message: The message :param location: Where the message should be posted to :param relay_state: for preserving and conveying state information :param typ: What type of message it is SAMLRequest/SAMLResponse/SAMLart :param sigalg: Which algorithm the signature function will use to sign the message :param signer: A signature function that can be used to sign the message :return: A tuple containing header information and a HTML message. """ if not isinstance(message, six.string_types): message = "%s" % (message,) _order = None if typ in ["SAMLRequest", "SAMLResponse"]: if typ == "SAMLRequest": _order = REQ_ORDER else: _order = RESP_ORDER args = {typ: deflate_and_base64_encode(message)} elif typ == "SAMLart": args = {typ: message} else: raise Exception("Unknown message type: %s" % typ) if relay_state: args["RelayState"] = relay_state if signer: # sigalgs, should be one defined in xmldsig assert sigalg in [b for a, b in SIG_ALLOWED_ALG] args["SigAlg"] = sigalg string = "&".join([urlencode({k: args[k]}) for k in _order if k in args]).encode('ascii') args["Signature"] = base64.b64encode(signer.sign(string)) string = urlencode(args) else: string = urlencode(args) glue_char = "&" if urlparse(location).query else "?" login_url = glue_char.join([location, string]) headers = [('Location', str(login_url))] body = [] return {"headers": headers, "data": body} DUMMY_NAMESPACE = "http://example.org/" PREFIX = '' def make_soap_enveloped_saml_thingy(thingy, header_parts=None): """ Returns a soap envelope containing a SAML request as a text string. :param thingy: The SAML thingy :return: The SOAP envelope as a string """ envelope = ElementTree.Element('') envelope.tag = '{%s}Envelope' % NAMESPACE if header_parts: header = ElementTree.Element('') header.tag = '{%s}Header' % NAMESPACE envelope.append(header) for part in header_parts: # This doesn't work if the headers are signed part.become_child_element_of(header) body = ElementTree.Element('') body.tag = '{%s}Body' % NAMESPACE envelope.append(body) if isinstance(thingy, six.string_types): # remove the first XML version/encoding line if thingy[0:5].lower() == '", first + 14) cut2 = _str[first:last + 1] return _str.replace(cut2, thingy) else: thingy.become_child_element_of(body) return ElementTree.tostring(envelope, encoding="UTF-8") def http_soap_message(message): return {"headers": [("Content-type", "application/soap+xml")], "data": make_soap_enveloped_saml_thingy(message)} def http_paos(message, extra=None): return {"headers": [("Content-type", "application/soap+xml")], "data": make_soap_enveloped_saml_thingy(message, extra)} def parse_soap_enveloped_saml(text, body_class, header_class=None): """Parses a SOAP enveloped SAML thing and returns header parts and body :param text: The SOAP object as XML :return: header parts and body as saml.samlbase instances """ envelope = defusedxml.ElementTree.fromstring(text) assert envelope.tag == '{%s}Envelope' % NAMESPACE # print(len(envelope)) body = None header = {} for part in envelope: # print(">",part.tag) if part.tag == '{%s}Body' % NAMESPACE: for sub in part: try: body = saml2.create_class_from_element_tree(body_class, sub) except Exception: raise Exception( "Wrong body type (%s) in SOAP envelope" % sub.tag) elif part.tag == '{%s}Header' % NAMESPACE: if not header_class: raise Exception("Header where I didn't expect one") # print("--- HEADER ---") for sub in part: # print(">>",sub.tag) for klass in header_class: # print("?{%s}%s" % (klass.c_namespace,klass.c_tag)) if sub.tag == "{%s}%s" % (klass.c_namespace, klass.c_tag): header[sub.tag] = \ saml2.create_class_from_element_tree(klass, sub) break return body, header # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- PACKING = { saml2.BINDING_HTTP_REDIRECT: http_redirect_message, saml2.BINDING_HTTP_POST: http_form_post_message, } def packager(identifier): try: return PACKING[identifier] except KeyError: raise Exception("Unknown binding type: %s" % identifier) def factory(binding, message, location, relay_state="", typ="SAMLRequest", **kwargs): return PACKING[binding](message, location, relay_state, typ, **kwargs)