
1021 lines
36 KiB

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Contains base classes representing SAML elements.
These codes were originally written by Jeffrey Scudder for
representing Saml elements. Takashi Matsuo had added some codes, and
changed some. Roland Hedberg rewrote the whole thing from bottom up so
barely anything but the original structures remained.
Module objective: provide data classes for SAML constructs. These
classes hide the XML-ness of SAML and provide a set of native Python
classes to interact with.
Conversions to and from XML should only be necessary when the SAML classes
"touch the wire" and are sent over HTTP. For this reason this module
provides methods and functions to convert SAML classes to and from strings.
__version__ = "4.4.0"
import logging
import six
from saml2.validate import valid_instance
from xml.etree import cElementTree as ElementTree
if ElementTree.VERSION < '1.3.0':
# cElementTree has no support for register_namespace
# neither _namespace_map, thus we sacrify performance
# for correctness
from xml.etree import ElementTree
except ImportError:
import cElementTree as ElementTree
except ImportError:
from elementtree import ElementTree
import defusedxml.ElementTree
root_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
root_logger.level = logging.NOTSET
NAMESPACE = 'urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:assertion'
# TEMPLATE = '{urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:assertion}%s'
# These are defined in saml2.saml
# "urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:attrname-format:unspecified")
# NAME_FORMAT_URI = "urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:attrname-format:uri"
# NAME_FORMAT_BASIC = "urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:attrname-format:basic"
VERSION = "2.0"
BINDING_SOAP = 'urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:bindings:SOAP'
BINDING_PAOS = 'urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:bindings:PAOS'
BINDING_HTTP_REDIRECT = 'urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:bindings:HTTP-Redirect'
BINDING_HTTP_POST = 'urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:bindings:HTTP-POST'
BINDING_HTTP_ARTIFACT = 'urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:bindings:HTTP-Artifact'
BINDING_URI = 'urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:bindings:URI'
def class_name(instance):
return "%s:%s" % (instance.c_namespace, instance.c_tag)
def create_class_from_xml_string(target_class, xml_string):
"""Creates an instance of the target class from a string.
:param target_class: The class which will be instantiated and populated
with the contents of the XML. This class must have a c_tag and a
c_namespace class variable.
:param xml_string: A string which contains valid XML. The root element
of the XML string should match the tag and namespace of the desired
:return: An instance of the target class with members assigned according to
the contents of the XML - or None if the root XML tag and namespace did
not match those of the target class.
if not isinstance(xml_string, six.binary_type):
xml_string = xml_string.encode('utf-8')
tree = defusedxml.ElementTree.fromstring(xml_string)
return create_class_from_element_tree(target_class, tree)
def create_class_from_element_tree(target_class, tree, namespace=None,
"""Instantiates the class and populates members according to the tree.
Note: Only use this function with classes that have c_namespace and c_tag
class members.
:param target_class: The class which will be instantiated and populated
with the contents of the XML.
:param tree: An element tree whose contents will be converted into
members of the new target_class instance.
:param namespace: The namespace which the XML tree's root node must
match. If omitted, the namespace defaults to the c_namespace of the
target class.
:param tag: The tag which the XML tree's root node must match. If
omitted, the tag defaults to the c_tag class member of the target
:return: An instance of the target class - or None if the tag and namespace
of the XML tree's root node did not match the desired namespace and tag.
if namespace is None:
namespace = target_class.c_namespace
if tag is None:
tag = target_class.c_tag
if tree.tag == '{%s}%s' % (namespace, tag):
target = target_class()
return target
return None
class Error(Exception):
"""Exception class thrown by this module."""
class SAMLError(Exception):
class ExtensionElement(object):
"""XML which is not part of the SAML specification,
these are called extension elements. If a classes parser
encounters an unexpected XML construct, it is translated into an
ExtensionElement instance. ExtensionElement is designed to fully
capture the information in the XML. Child nodes in an XML
extension are turned into ExtensionElements as well.
def __init__(self, tag, namespace=None, attributes=None,
children=None, text=None):
"""Constructor for ExtensionElement
:param namespace: The XML namespace for this element.
:param tag: The tag (without the namespace qualifier) for
this element. To reconstruct the full qualified name of the
element, combine this tag with the namespace.
:param attributes: The attribute value string pairs for the XML
attributes of this element.
:param children: list (optional) A list of ExtensionElements which
represent the XML child nodes of this element.
self.namespace = namespace
self.tag = tag
self.attributes = attributes or {}
self.children = children or []
self.text = text
def to_string(self):
""" Serialize the object into a XML string """
element_tree = self.transfer_to_element_tree()
return ElementTree.tostring(element_tree, encoding="UTF-8")
def transfer_to_element_tree(self):
if self.tag is None:
return None
element_tree = ElementTree.Element('')
if self.namespace is not None:
element_tree.tag = '{%s}%s' % (self.namespace, self.tag)
element_tree.tag = self.tag
for key, value in iter(self.attributes.items()):
element_tree.attrib[key] = value
for child in self.children:
element_tree.text = self.text
return element_tree
def become_child_element_of(self, element_tree):
"""Converts this object into an etree element and adds it as a child
node in an etree element.
Adds self to the ElementTree. This method is required to avoid verbose
XML which constantly redefines the namespace.
:param element_tree: ElementTree._Element The element to which this
object's XML will be added.
new_element = self.transfer_to_element_tree()
def find_children(self, tag=None, namespace=None):
"""Searches child nodes for objects with the desired tag/namespace.
Returns a list of extension elements within this object whose tag
and/or namespace match those passed in. To find all children in
a particular namespace, specify the namespace but not the tag name.
If you specify only the tag, the result list may contain extension
elements in multiple namespaces.
:param tag: str (optional) The desired tag
:param namespace: str (optional) The desired namespace
:return: A list of elements whose tag and/or namespace match the
parameters values
results = []
if tag and namespace:
for element in self.children:
if element.tag == tag and element.namespace == namespace:
elif tag and not namespace:
for element in self.children:
if element.tag == tag:
elif namespace and not tag:
for element in self.children:
if element.namespace == namespace:
for element in self.children:
return results
def loadd(self, ava):
""" expects a special set of keys """
if "attributes" in ava:
for key, val in ava["attributes"].items():
self.attributes[key] = val
self.tag = ava["tag"]
except KeyError:
if not self.tag:
raise KeyError("ExtensionElement must have a tag")
self.namespace = ava["namespace"]
except KeyError:
if not self.namespace:
raise KeyError("ExtensionElement must belong to a namespace")
self.text = ava["text"]
except KeyError:
if "children" in ava:
for item in ava["children"]:
return self
def extension_element_from_string(xml_string):
element_tree = defusedxml.ElementTree.fromstring(xml_string)
return _extension_element_from_element_tree(element_tree)
def _extension_element_from_element_tree(element_tree):
elementc_tag = element_tree.tag
if '}' in elementc_tag:
namespace = elementc_tag[1:elementc_tag.index('}')]
tag = elementc_tag[elementc_tag.index('}') + 1:]
namespace = None
tag = elementc_tag
extension = ExtensionElement(namespace=namespace, tag=tag)
for key, value in iter(element_tree.attrib.items()):
extension.attributes[key] = value
for child in element_tree:
extension.text = element_tree.text
return extension
class ExtensionContainer(object):
c_tag = ""
c_namespace = ""
def __init__(self, text=None, extension_elements=None,
self.text = text
self.extension_elements = extension_elements or []
self.extension_attributes = extension_attributes or {}
self.encrypted_assertion = None
# Three methods to create an object from an ElementTree
def harvest_element_tree(self, tree):
# Fill in the instance members from the contents of the XML tree.
for child in tree:
for attribute, value in iter(tree.attrib.items()):
self._convert_element_attribute_to_member(attribute, value)
self.text = tree.text
def _convert_element_tree_to_member(self, child_tree):
def _convert_element_attribute_to_member(self, attribute, value):
self.extension_attributes[attribute] = value
# One method to create an ElementTree from an object
def _add_members_to_element_tree(self, tree):
for child in self.extension_elements:
for attribute, value in iter(self.extension_attributes.items()):
tree.attrib[attribute] = value
tree.text = self.text
def find_extensions(self, tag=None, namespace=None):
"""Searches extension elements for child nodes with the desired name.
Returns a list of extension elements within this object whose tag
and/or namespace match those passed in. To find all extensions in
a particular namespace, specify the namespace but not the tag name.
If you specify only the tag, the result list may contain extension
elements in multiple namespaces.
:param tag: str (optional) The desired tag
:param namespace: str (optional) The desired namespace
:Return: A list of elements whose tag and/or namespace match the
parameters values
results = []
if tag and namespace:
for element in self.extension_elements:
if element.tag == tag and element.namespace == namespace:
elif tag and not namespace:
for element in self.extension_elements:
if element.tag == tag:
elif namespace and not tag:
for element in self.extension_elements:
if element.namespace == namespace:
for element in self.extension_elements:
return results
def extensions_as_elements(self, tag, schema):
""" Return extensions that has the given tag and belongs to the
given schema as native elements of that schema.
:param tag: The tag of the element
:param schema: Which schema the element should originate from
:return: a list of native elements
result = []
for ext in self.find_extensions(tag, schema.NAMESPACE):
ets = schema.ELEMENT_FROM_STRING[tag]
return result
def add_extension_elements(self, items):
for item in items:
def add_extension_element(self, item):
def add_extension_attribute(self, name, value):
self.extension_attributes[name] = value
def make_vals(val, klass, klass_inst=None, prop=None, part=False,
Creates a class instance with a specified value, the specified
class instance may be a value on a property in a defined class instance.
:param val: The value
:param klass: The value class
:param klass_inst: The class instance which has a property on which
what this function returns is a value.
:param prop: The property which the value should be assigned to.
:param part: If the value is one of a possible list of values it should be
handled slightly different compared to if it isn't.
:return: Value class instance
cinst = None
# print("make_vals(%s, %s)" % (val, klass))
if isinstance(val, dict):
cinst = klass().loadd(val, base64encode=base64encode)
cinst = klass().set_text(val)
except ValueError:
if not part:
cis = [make_vals(sval, klass, klass_inst, prop, True,
base64encode) for sval in val]
setattr(klass_inst, prop, cis)
if part:
return cinst
if cinst:
cis = [cinst]
setattr(klass_inst, prop, cis)
def make_instance(klass, spec, base64encode=False):
Constructs a class instance containing the specified information
:param klass: The class
:param spec: Information to be placed in the instance (a dictionary)
:return: The instance
return klass().loadd(spec, base64encode)
class SamlBase(ExtensionContainer):
"""A foundation class on which SAML classes are built. It
handles the parsing of attributes and children which are common to all
SAML classes. By default, the SamlBase class translates all XML child
nodes into ExtensionElements.
c_children = {}
c_attributes = {}
c_attribute_type = {}
c_child_order = []
c_cardinality = {}
c_any = None
c_any_attribute = None
c_value_type = None
c_ns_prefix = None
def _get_all_c_children_with_order(self):
if len(self.c_child_order) > 0:
for child in self.c_child_order:
yield child
for _, values in iter(self.__class__.c_children.items()):
yield values[0]
def _convert_element_tree_to_member(self, child_tree):
# Find the element's tag in this class's list of child members
if child_tree.tag in self.__class__.c_children:
member_name = self.__class__.c_children[child_tree.tag][0]
member_class = self.__class__.c_children[child_tree.tag][1]
# If the class member is supposed to contain a list, make sure the
# matching member is set to a list, then append the new member
# instance to the list.
if isinstance(member_class, list):
if getattr(self, member_name) is None:
setattr(self, member_name, [])
getattr(self, member_name).append(
create_class_from_element_tree(member_class[0], child_tree))
setattr(self, member_name,
ExtensionContainer._convert_element_tree_to_member(self, child_tree)
def _convert_element_attribute_to_member(self, attribute, value):
# Find the attribute in this class's list of attributes.
if attribute in self.__class__.c_attributes:
# Find the member of this class which corresponds to the XML
# attribute(lookup in current_class.c_attributes) and set this
# member to the desired value (using self.__dict__).
setattr(self, self.__class__.c_attributes[attribute][0], value)
# If it doesn't appear in the attribute list it's an extension
self, attribute, value)
# Three methods to create an ElementTree from an object
def _add_members_to_element_tree(self, tree):
# Convert the members of this class which are XML child nodes.
# This uses the class's c_children dictionary to find the members which
# should become XML child nodes.
for member_name in self._get_all_c_children_with_order():
member = getattr(self, member_name)
if member is None:
elif isinstance(member, list):
for instance in member:
# Convert the members of this class which are XML attributes.
for xml_attribute, attribute_info in \
(member_name, member_type, required) = attribute_info
member = getattr(self, member_name)
if member is not None:
tree.attrib[xml_attribute] = member
# Lastly, call the ExtensionContainers's _add_members_to_element_tree
# to convert any extension attributes.
ExtensionContainer._add_members_to_element_tree(self, tree)
def become_child_element_of(self, node):
Note: Only for use with classes that have a c_tag and c_namespace class
member. It is in SamlBase so that it can be inherited but it should
not be called on instances of SamlBase.
:param node: The node to which this instance should be a child
new_child = self._to_element_tree()
def _to_element_tree(self):
Note, this method is designed to be used only with classes that have a
c_tag and c_namespace. It is placed in SamlBase for inheritance but
should not be called on in this class.
new_tree = ElementTree.Element('{%s}%s' % (self.__class__.c_namespace,
return new_tree
def register_prefix(self, nspair):
Register with ElementTree a set of namespaces
:param nspair: A dictionary of prefixes and uris to use when
constructing the text representation.
for prefix, uri in nspair.items():
ElementTree.register_namespace(prefix, uri)
except AttributeError:
# Backwards compatibility with ET < 1.3
ElementTree._namespace_map[uri] = prefix
except ValueError:
def get_ns_map_attribute(self, attributes, uri_set):
for attribute in attributes:
if attribute[0] == "{":
uri, tag = attribute[1:].split("}")
return uri_set
def tag_get_uri(self, elem):
if elem.tag[0] == "{":
uri, tag = elem.tag[1:].split("}")
return uri
return None
def get_ns_map(self, elements, uri_set):
for elem in elements:
uri_set = self.get_ns_map_attribute(elem.attrib, uri_set)
uri_set = self.get_ns_map(elem.getchildren(), uri_set)
uri = self.tag_get_uri(elem)
if uri is not None:
return uri_set
def get_prefix_map(self, elements):
uri_set = self.get_ns_map(elements, set())
prefix_map = {}
for uri in sorted(uri_set):
prefix_map["encas%d" % len(prefix_map)] = uri
return prefix_map
def get_xml_string_with_self_contained_assertion_within_advice_encrypted_assertion(
self, assertion_tag, advice_tag):
for tmp_encrypted_assertion in \
if tmp_encrypted_assertion.encrypted_data is None:
prefix_map = self.get_prefix_map([
tree = self._to_element_tree()
encs = tree.find(assertion_tag).find(advice_tag).findall(
for enc in encs:
assertion = enc.find(assertion_tag)
if assertion is not None:
self.set_prefixes(assertion, prefix_map)
return ElementTree.tostring(tree, encoding="UTF-8").decode('utf-8')
def get_xml_string_with_self_contained_assertion_within_encrypted_assertion(
self, assertion_tag):
""" Makes a encrypted assertion only containing self contained
:param assertion_tag: Tag for the assertion to be transformed.
:return: A new samlp.Resonse in string representation.
prefix_map = self.get_prefix_map(
tree = self._to_element_tree()
assertion_tag), prefix_map)
return ElementTree.tostring(tree, encoding="UTF-8").decode('utf-8')
def set_prefixes(self, elem, prefix_map):
# check if this is a tree wrapper
if not ElementTree.iselement(elem):
elem = elem.getroot()
# build uri map and add to root element
uri_map = {}
for prefix, uri in prefix_map.items():
uri_map[uri] = prefix
elem.set("xmlns:" + prefix, uri)
# fixup all elements in the tree
memo = {}
for elem in elem.getiterator():
self.fixup_element_prefixes(elem, uri_map, memo)
def fixup_element_prefixes(self, elem, uri_map, memo):
def fixup(name):
return memo[name]
except KeyError:
if name[0] != "{":
uri, tag = name[1:].split("}")
if uri in uri_map:
new_name = uri_map[uri] + ":" + tag
memo[name] = new_name
return new_name
# fix element name
name = fixup(elem.tag)
if name:
elem.tag = name
# fix attribute names
for key, value in elem.items():
name = fixup(key)
if name:
elem.set(name, value)
del elem.attrib[key]
def to_string_force_namespace(self, nspair):
elem = self._to_element_tree()
self.set_prefixes(elem, nspair)
return ElementTree.tostring(elem, encoding="UTF-8")
def to_string(self, nspair=None):
"""Converts the Saml object to a string containing XML.
:param nspair: A dictionary of prefixes and uris to use when
constructing the text representation.
:return: String representation of the object
if not nspair and self.c_ns_prefix:
nspair = self.c_ns_prefix
if nspair:
return ElementTree.tostring(self._to_element_tree(), encoding="UTF-8")
def __str__(self):
# Yes this is confusing.
x = self.to_string()
if not isinstance(x, six.string_types):
x = x.decode('utf-8')
return x
def keyswv(self):
""" Return the keys of attributes or children that has values
:return: list of keys
return [key for key, val in self.__dict__.items() if val]
def keys(self):
""" Return all the keys that represent possible attributes and
:return: list of keys
keys = ['text']
keys.extend([n for (n, t, r) in self.c_attributes.values()])
keys.extend([v[0] for v in self.c_children.values()])
return keys
def children_with_values(self):
""" Returns all children that has values
:return: Possibly empty list of children.
childs = []
for attribute in self._get_all_c_children_with_order():
member = getattr(self, attribute)
if member is None or member == []:
elif isinstance(member, list):
for instance in member:
return childs
# noinspection PyUnusedLocal
def set_text(self, val, base64encode=False):
""" Sets the text property of this instance.
:param val: The value of the text property
:param base64encode: Whether the value should be base64encoded
:return: The instance
# print("set_text: %s" % (val,))
if isinstance(val, bool):
if val:
setattr(self, "text", "true")
setattr(self, "text", "false")
elif isinstance(val, int):
setattr(self, "text", "%d" % val)
elif isinstance(val, six.string_types):
setattr(self, "text", val)
elif val is None:
raise ValueError("Type shouldn't be '%s'" % (val,))
return self
def loadd(self, ava, base64encode=False):
Sets attributes, children, extension elements and extension
attributes of this element instance depending on what is in
the given dictionary. If there are already values on properties
those will be overwritten. If the keys in the dictionary does
not correspond to known attributes/children/.. they are ignored.
:param ava: The dictionary
:param base64encode: Whether the values on attributes or texts on
children shoule be base64encoded.
:return: The instance
for prop, _typ, _req in self.c_attributes.values():
# print("# %s" % (prop))
if prop in ava:
if isinstance(ava[prop], bool):
setattr(self, prop, "%s" % ava[prop])
elif isinstance(ava[prop], int):
setattr(self, prop, "%d" % ava[prop])
setattr(self, prop, ava[prop])
if "text" in ava:
self.set_text(ava["text"], base64encode)
for prop, klassdef in self.c_children.values():
# print("## %s, %s" % (prop, klassdef))
if prop in ava:
# print("### %s" % ava[prop])
# means there can be a list of values
if isinstance(klassdef, list):
make_vals(ava[prop], klassdef[0], self, prop,
cis = make_vals(ava[prop], klassdef, self, prop, True,
setattr(self, prop, cis)
if "extension_elements" in ava:
for item in ava["extension_elements"]:
if "extension_attributes" in ava:
for key, val in ava["extension_attributes"].items():
self.extension_attributes[key] = val
return self
def clear_text(self):
if self.text:
_text = self.text.strip()
if _text == "":
self.text = None
def __eq__(self, other):
assert isinstance(other, SamlBase)
except AssertionError:
return False
if len(self.keyswv()) != len(other.keyswv()):
return False
for key in self.keyswv():
if key in ["_extatt"]:
svals = self.__dict__[key]
ovals = other.__dict__[key]
if isinstance(svals, six.string_types):
if svals != ovals:
return False
elif isinstance(svals, list):
for sval in svals:
for oval in ovals:
if sval == oval:
return False
except TypeError:
# ovals isn't iterable
return False
if svals == ovals: # Since I only support '=='
return False
return True
def child_class(self, child):
""" Return the class a child element should be an instance of
:param child: The name of the child element
:return: The class
for prop, klassdef in self.c_children.values():
if child == prop:
if isinstance(klassdef, list):
return klassdef[0]
return klassdef
return None
def child_cardinality(self, child):
""" Return the cardinality of a child element
:param child: The name of the child element
:return: The cardinality as a 2-tuple (min, max).
The max value is either a number or the string "unbounded".
The min value is always a number.
for prop, klassdef in self.c_children.values():
if child == prop:
if isinstance(klassdef, list):
_min = self.c_cardinality["min"]
except KeyError:
_min = 1
_max = self.c_cardinality["max"]
except KeyError:
_max = "unbounded"
return _min, _max
return 1, 1
return None
def verify(self):
return valid_instance(self)
def empty(self):
for prop, _typ, _req in self.c_attributes.values():
if getattr(self, prop, None):
return False
for prop, klassdef in self.c_children.values():
if getattr(self, prop):
return False
for param in ["text", "extension_elements", "extension_attributes"]:
if getattr(self, param):
return False
return True
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
def element_to_extension_element(element):
Convert an element into a extension element
:param element: The element instance
:return: An extension element instance
exel = ExtensionElement(element.c_tag, element.c_namespace,
for xml_attribute, (member_name, typ, req) in \
member_value = getattr(element, member_name)
if member_value is not None:
exel.attributes[xml_attribute] = member_value
exel.children.extend([element_to_extension_element(c) for c in
return exel
def extension_element_to_element(extension_element, translation_functions,
""" Convert an extension element to a normal element.
In order to do this you need to have an idea of what type of
element it is. Or rather which module it belongs to.
:param extension_element: The extension element
:param translation_functions: A dictionary with class identifiers
as keys and string-to-element translations functions as values
:param namespace: The namespace of the translation functions.
:return: An element instance or None
element_namespace = extension_element.namespace
except AttributeError:
element_namespace = extension_element.c_namespace
if element_namespace == namespace:
ets = translation_functions[extension_element.tag]
except AttributeError:
ets = translation_functions[extension_element.c_tag]
return ets(extension_element.to_string())
except KeyError:
return None
def extension_elements_to_elements(extension_elements, schemas):
""" Create a list of elements each one matching one of the
given extension elements. This is of course dependent on the access
to schemas that describe the extension elements.
:param extension_elements: The list of extension elements
:param schemas: Imported Python modules that represent the different
known schemas used for the extension elements
:return: A list of elements, representing the set of extension elements
that was possible to match against a Class in the given schemas.
The elements returned are the native representation of the elements
according to the schemas.
res = []
if isinstance(schemas, list):
elif isinstance(schemas, dict):
schemas = list(schemas.values())
return res
for extension_element in extension_elements:
for schema in schemas:
inst = extension_element_to_element(extension_element,
if inst:
return res
def extension_elements_as_dict(extension_elements, onts):
ees_ = extension_elements_to_elements(extension_elements, onts)
res = {}
for elem in ees_:
except KeyError:
res[elem.c_tag] = [elem]
return res