
308 lines
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#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Contains a class that can do SAML ECP Authentication for other python
from six.moves import http_cookiejar as cookielib
import logging
from saml2 import soap
from saml2 import saml
from saml2 import samlp
from saml2 import SAMLError
from saml2 import BINDING_SOAP
from saml2.client_base import MIME_PAOS
from saml2.config import Config
from saml2.entity import Entity
from saml2.httpbase import set_list2dict, dict2set_list
from saml2.profile import paos
from saml2.profile import ecp
from saml2.mdstore import MetadataStore
from saml2.s_utils import BadRequest
SERVICE = "urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:profiles:SSO:ecp"
PAOS_HEADER_INFO = 'ver="%s";"%s"' % (paos.NAMESPACE, SERVICE)
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class Client(Entity):
def __init__(self, user, passwd, sp="", idp=None, metadata_file=None,
xmlsec_binary=None, verbose=0, ca_certs="",
disable_ssl_certificate_validation=True, key_file=None,
cert_file=None, config=None):
:param user: user name
:param passwd: user password
:param sp: The SP URL
:param idp: The IdP PAOS endpoint
:param metadata_file: Where the metadata file is if used
:param xmlsec_binary: Where the xmlsec1 binary can be found (*)
:param verbose: Chatty or not
:param ca_certs: is the path of a file containing root CA certificates
for SSL server certificate validation (*)
:param disable_ssl_certificate_validation: If
disable_ssl_certificate_validation is true, SSL cert validation
will not be performed (*)
:param key_file: Private key filename (*)
:param cert_file: Certificate filename (*)
:param config: Config() instance, overrides all the parameters marked
with an asterisk (*) above
if not config:
config = Config()
config.disable_ssl_certificate_validation = \
config.key_file = key_file
config.cert_file = cert_file
config.ca_certs = ca_certs
config.xmlsec_binary = xmlsec_binary
Entity.__init__(self, "sp", config)
self._idp = idp
self._sp = sp
self.user = user
self.passwd = passwd
self._verbose = verbose
if metadata_file:
self._metadata = MetadataStore([saml, samlp], None, config)
self._metadata.load("local", metadata_file)
logger.debug("Loaded metadata from '%s'", metadata_file)
self._metadata = None
self.metadata = self._metadata
self.cookie_handler = None
self.done_ecp = False
self.cookie_jar = cookielib.LWPCookieJar()
def phase2(self, authn_request, rc_url, idp_entity_id, headers=None,
sign=False, **kwargs):
Doing the second phase of the ECP conversation, the conversation
with the IdP happens.
:param authn_request: The AuthenticationRequest
:param rc_url: The assertion consumer service url of the SP
:param idp_entity_id: The EntityID of the IdP
:param headers: Possible extra headers
:param sign: If the message should be signed
:return: The response from the IdP
_, destination = self.pick_binding("single_sign_on_service",
[BINDING_SOAP], "idpsso",
ht_args = self.apply_binding(BINDING_SOAP, authn_request, destination,
if headers:
logger.debug("[P2] Sending request: %s", ht_args["data"])
# POST the request to the IdP
response = self.send(**ht_args)
logger.debug("[P2] Got IdP response: %s", response)
if response.status_code != 200:
raise SAMLError(
"Request to IdP failed (%s): %s" % (response.status_code,
# SAMLP response in a SOAP envelope body, ecp response in headers
respdict = self.parse_soap_message(response.text)
if respdict is None:
raise SAMLError("Unexpected reply from the IdP")
logger.debug("[P2] IdP response dict: %s", respdict)
idp_response = respdict["body"]
assert idp_response.c_tag == "Response"
logger.debug("[P2] IdP AUTHN response: %s", idp_response)
_ecp_response = None
for item in respdict["header"]:
if item.c_tag == "Response" and item.c_namespace == ecp.NAMESPACE:
_ecp_response = item
_acs_url = _ecp_response.assertion_consumer_service_url
if rc_url != _acs_url:
error = ("response_consumer_url '%s' does not match" % rc_url,
"assertion_consumer_service_url '%s" % _acs_url)
# Send an error message to the SP
_ = self.send(rc_url, "POST", data=soap.soap_fault(error))
# Raise an exception so the user knows something went wrong
raise SAMLError(error)
return idp_response
def parse_sp_ecp_response(respdict):
if respdict is None:
raise SAMLError("Unexpected reply from the SP")
logger.debug("[P1] SP response dict: %s", respdict)
# AuthnRequest in the body or not
authn_request = respdict["body"]
assert authn_request.c_tag == "AuthnRequest"
# ecp.RelayState among headers
_relay_state = None
_paos_request = None
for item in respdict["header"]:
if item.c_tag == "RelayState" and item.c_namespace == ecp.NAMESPACE:
_relay_state = item
if item.c_tag == "Request" and item.c_namespace == paos.NAMESPACE:
_paos_request = item
if _paos_request is None:
raise BadRequest("Missing request")
_rc_url = _paos_request.response_consumer_url
return {"authn_request": authn_request, "rc_url": _rc_url,
"relay_state": _relay_state}
def ecp_conversation(self, respdict, idp_entity_id=None):
:param respdict:
:param idp_entity_id:
args = self.parse_sp_ecp_response(respdict)
# **********************
# Phase 2 - talk to the IdP
# **********************
idp_response = self.phase2(idp_entity_id=idp_entity_id, **args)
# **********************************
# Phase 3 - back to the SP
# **********************************
ht_args = self.use_soap(idp_response, args["rc_url"],
ht_args["headers"][0] = ('Content-Type', MIME_PAOS)
logger.debug("[P3] Post to SP: %s", ht_args["data"])
# POST the package from the IdP to the SP
response = self.send(**ht_args)
if response.status_code == 302:
# ignore where the SP is redirecting us to and go for the
# url I started off with.
raise SAMLError(
"Error POSTing package to SP: %s" % response.text)
logger.debug("[P3] SP response: %s", response.text)
self.done_ecp = True
logger.debug("Done ECP")
return None
def add_paos_headers(self, headers=None):
if headers:
headers = set_list2dict(headers)
if "Accept" in headers:
headers["Accept"] += ";%s" % MIME_PAOS
elif "accept" in headers:
headers["Accept"] = headers["accept"]
headers["Accept"] += ";%s" % MIME_PAOS
del headers["accept"]
headers = dict2set_list(headers)
headers = [
('Accept', 'text/html; %s' % MIME_PAOS),
return headers
def operation(self, url, idp_entity_id, op, **opargs):
This is the method that should be used by someone that wants
to authenticate using SAML ECP
:param url: The page that access is sought for
:param idp_entity_id: The entity ID of the IdP that should be
used for authentication
:param op: Which HTTP operation (GET/POST/PUT/DELETE)
:param opargs: Arguments to the HTTP call
:return: The page
sp_url = self._sp
# ********************************************
# Phase 1 - First conversation with the SP
# ********************************************
# headers needed to indicate to the SP that I'm ECP enabled
opargs["headers"] = self.add_paos_headers(opargs["headers"])
response = self.send(sp_url, op, **opargs)
logger.debug("[Op] SP response: %s" % response)
if response.status_code != 200:
raise SAMLError(
"Request to SP failed: %s" % response.text)
# The response might be a AuthnRequest instance in a SOAP envelope
# body. If so it's the start of the ECP conversation
# Two SOAP header blocks; paos:Request and ecp:Request
# may also contain a ecp:RelayState SOAP header block
# If channel-binding was part of the PAOS header any number of
# <cb:ChannelBindings> header blocks may also be present
# if 'holder-of-key' option then one or more <ecp:SubjectConfirmation>
# header blocks may also be present
respdict = self.parse_soap_message(response.text)
self.ecp_conversation(respdict, idp_entity_id)
# should by now be authenticated so this should go smoothly
response = self.send(url, op, **opargs)
except (soap.XmlParseError, AssertionError, KeyError):
if response.status_code >= 400:
raise SAMLError("Error performing operation: %s" % (
return response
# different HTTP operations
def delete(self, url=None, idp_entity_id=None):
return self.operation(url, idp_entity_id, "DELETE")
def get(self, url=None, idp_entity_id=None, headers=None):
return self.operation(url, idp_entity_id, "GET", headers=headers)
def post(self, url=None, data="", idp_entity_id=None, headers=None):
return self.operation(url, idp_entity_id, "POST", data=data,
def put(self, url=None, data="", idp_entity_id=None, headers=None):
return self.operation(url, idp_entity_id, "PUT", data=data,