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Graham Dumpleton 2014-03-30 22:38:47 +11:00
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@ -0,0 +1,426 @@
How you implemented your Python decorator is wrong
The rest of the Python community is currently doing lots of navel gazing
over the issue of Python 3 adoption and the whole unicode/bytes divide. I
am so over that and gave up caring when my will to work on WSGI stuff was
leached away by how long it took to get the WSGI specification updated for
Python 3.
Instead my current favourite gripe these days is about how people implement
Python decorators. Unfortunately, it appears to be a favourite topic for
blogging by Python developers. It is like how when WSGI was all the rage
and everyone wanted to write their own WSGI server or framework. Now it is
like a rite of passage that one must blog about how to implement Python
decorators as a way of showing that you understand Python. As such, I get
lots of opportunity to grumble and wince. If only they did truly understand
what they were describing and what problems exist with the approach they
So what is my gripe then. My gripe is that although one can write a very
simple decorator using a function closure, the scope it can be used in is
usually limited. The most basic pattern for implementing a Python decorator
also breaks various stuff related to introspection.
Now most people will say who cares, it does the job I want to do and I
don't have time to care whether it is correct in all situations.
As people will know from when I did care more about WSGI, I am a pedantic
arse though and when one does something, I like to see it done correctly.
Besides my overly obsessive personal trait, it actually does also affect me
in my day job as well. This is because I write tools which are dependent
upon being able to introspect into code and I need the results I get back
to be correct. If they aren't, then the data I generate becomes useless as
information can get grouped against the wrong thing.
As well as using introspection, I also do lots of evil stuff with monkey
patching. As it happens, monkey patching and the function wrappers one
applies aren't much different to decorators, it is just how they get
applied which is different. Because though monkey patching entails going in
and modifying other peoples code when they were not expecting it, or
designing for it, means that when you do go in and wrap a function that how
you do it is very important. If you do not do it correctly then you can
crash the users application or inadvertently change how it runs.
The first thing that is vitally important is preserving introspection for
the wrapped function. Another not so obvious thing though is that you need
to ensure that you do not mess with how the execution model for the Python
object model works.
Now I can in my own function wrappers that are used when performing monkey
patching ensure that these two requirements are met so as to ensure that
the function wrapper is transparent, but it can all fall in a heap when one
needs to monkey patch functions which already have other decorators
So when you implement a Python decorator and do it poorly it can affect me
and what I want to do. If I have to subsequently work around when you do it
wrong, I get somewhat annoyed and grumpy as more often than not that
entails a lot of pain.
To cover everything there is to know about what is wrong with your typical
Python decorators and wrapping of functions, plus how to fix it, will take
a lot of explaining, so one blog post isn't going to be enough. See this
blog post therefore as just part one of an extended discussion.
For this first instalment I will simply go through the various ways in
which your typical Python decorator can cause problems.
Basics of a Python decorator
Everyone should know what the Python decorator syntax is.
def function():
The ``@`` annotation to denote the application of a decorator was only
added in Python 2.4. It is actually though only fancy syntactic sugar. It
is actually equivalent to writing:
def function():
function = function_wrapper(function)
and what you would have done prior to Python 2.4.
The decorator syntax is therefore just a short hand way of being able to
apply a wrapper around an existing function, or otherwise modify the
existing function in place, while the definition of the function is being
What is referred to as monkey patching achieves pretty much the same
outcome, the difference being that when monkey patching the wrapper isn't
being applied at the time the definition of the function is being setup,
but is applied retrospectively from a different context after the fact.
Anatomy of a function wrapper
Although I mentioned using function closures to implement a decorator, to
understand how the more generic case of a function wrapper works it is more
illustrative to show how to implement it using a class.
class function_wrapper(object):
def __init__(self, wrapped):
self.wrapped = wrapped
def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
return self.wrapped(*args, **kwargs)
def function():
The class instance in this example is initialised with and records the
original function object. When the now wrapped function is called, it is
actually the ``__call__()`` method of the wrapper object which is invoked.
This in turn would then call the original wrapped function.
Simply passing through the call to the wrapper alone isnt particularly
useful, so normally you would actually want to do some work either before
or after the wrapped function is called. Or you may want to modify the
input arguments or the result as they pass through the wrapper. This is
just a matter of modifying the ``__call__()`` method appropriately to do
what you want.
Using a class to implement the wrapper for a decorator isn't actually that
popular. Instead a function closure is more often used. In this case a
nested function is used as the wrapper and it is that which is returned by
the decorator function. When the now wrapped function is called, the nested
function is actually being called. This in turn would again then call the
original wrapped function.
def function_wrapper(wrapped):
def _wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
return wrapped(*args, **kwargs)
return _wrapper
def function():
In this example the nested function doesn't actually get passed the
original wrapped function explicitly. But it will still have access to it
via the arguments given to the outer function call. This does away with the
need to create a class to hold what was the wrapped function and thus why
it is convenient and generally more popular.
Introspecting a function
Now when we talk about functions, we expect them to specify properties
which describe them as well as document what they do. These include the
``__name__`` and ``__doc__`` attributes. When we use a wrapper though, this
no longer works as we expect as in the case of using a function closure,
the details of the nested function are returned.
def function_wrapper(wrapped):
def _wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
return wrapped(*args, **kwargs)
return _wrapper
def function():
>>> print(function.__name__)
If we use a class to implement the wrapper, as class instances do not
normally have a ``__name__`` attribute, attempting to access the name of
the function will actually result in an AttributeError exception.
class function_wrapper(object):
def __init__(self, wrapped):
self.wrapped = wrapped
def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
return self.wrapped(*args, **kwargs)
def function():
>>> print(function.__name__)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
AttributeError: 'function_wrapper' object has no attribute '__name__'
The solution here when using a function closure is to copy the attributes
of interest from the wrapped function to the nested wrapper function. This
will then result in the function name and documentation strings being
def function_wrapper(wrapped):
def _wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
return wrapped(*args, **kwargs)
_wrapper.__name__ = wrapped.__name__
_wrapper.__doc__ = wrapped.__doc__
return _wrapper
def function():
>>> print(function.__name__)
Needing to manually copy the attributes is laborious, and would need to be
updated if any further special attributes were added which needed to be
copied. For example, we should also copy the ``__module__`` attribute, and
in Python 3 the ``__qualname__`` and ``__annotations__`` attributes were
added. To aid in getting this right, the Python standard library provides
the ``functools.wraps()`` decorator which does this task for you.
import functools
def function_wrapper(wrapped):
def _wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
return wrapped(*args, **kwargs)
return _wrapper
def function():
>>> print(function.__name__)
If using a class to implement the wrapper, instead of the
``functools.wraps()`` decorator, we would use the
``functools.update_wrapper()`` function.
import functools
class function_wrapper(object):
def __init__(self, wrapped):
self.wrapped = wrapped
functools.update_wrapper(self, wrapped)
def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
return self.wrapped(*args, **kwargs)
So we might have a solution to ensuring the function name and any
documentation string is correct in the form of ``functools.wraps()``, but
actually we don't and this will not always work as I will show below.
Now what if we want to query the argument specification for a function.
This also fails and instead of returning the argument specification for the
wrapped function, it returns that of the wrapper. In the case of using a
function closure, this is the nested function. The decorator is therefore
not signature preserving.
import inspect
def function_wrapper(wrapped): ...
def function(arg1, arg2): pass
>>> print(inspect.getargspec(function))
ArgSpec(args=[], varargs='args', keywords='kwargs', defaults=None)
A worse situation again occurs with the class based wrapper. This time we
get an exception complaining that the wrapped function isn't actually a
function. As a result it isn't possible to derive an argument specification
at all, even though the wrapped function is actually still callable.
class function_wrapper(object): ...
def function(arg1, arg2): pass
>>> print(inspect.getargspec(function))
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "...", line XXX, in <module>
File ".../", line 813, in getargspec
raise TypeError('{!r} is not a Python function'.format(func))
TypeError: <__main__.function_wrapper object at 0x107e0ac90> is not a Python function
Another example of introspection one can do is to use
``inspect.getsource()`` to get back the source code related to a function.
This also will fail, with it giving the source code for the nested wrapper
function in the case of a function closure and again failing outright with
an exception in the case of the class based wrapper.
Wrapping class methods
Now, as well as normal functions, decorators can also be applied to methods
of classes. Python even includes a couple of special decorators called
``@classmethod`` and ``@staticmethod`` for converting normal instance
methods into these special method types. Methods of classes do provide a
number of potential problems though.
class Class(object):
def method(self):
def cmethod(cls):
def smethod():
The first is that even if using ``functools.wraps()`` or
``functools.update_wrapper()`` in your decorator, when the decorator is
applied around ``@classmethod`` or ``@staticmethod``, it can fail with an
exception. This is because the wrappers created by these, do not have some
of the attributes being copied.
class Class(object):
def cmethod(cls):
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
File "<stdin>", line 3, in Class
File "<stdin>", line 2, in wrapper
File ".../", line 33, in update_wrapper
setattr(wrapper, attr, getattr(wrapped, attr))
AttributeError: 'classmethod' object has no attribute '__module__'
As it happens, this is a Python 2 bug and it is fixed in Python 3 by
ignoring missing attributes.
Even when we run it under Python 3, we still hit trouble though. This is
because both wrapper types assume that the wrapped function is directly
callable. This need not actually be the case. A wrapped function can
actually be what is called a descriptor, meaning that in order to get back
a callable, the descriptor has to be correctly bound to the instance first.
class Class(object):
def cmethod(cls):
>>> Class.cmethod()
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 15, in <module>
File "", line 6, in _wrapper
return wrapped(*args, **kwargs)
TypeError: 'classmethod' object is not callable
Simple does not imply correctness
So although the usual way that people implement decorators is simple, that
doesn't mean they are necessarily correct and will always work.
The issues highlighted so far are:
* Preservation of function ``__name__`` and ``__doc__``.
* Preservation of function argument specification.
* Preservation of ability to get function source code.
* Ability to apply decorators on top of other decorators that are implemented as descriptors.
The ``functools.wraps()`` function is given as a solution to the first but
doesn't always work, at least in Python 2. It doesn't help at all though
with preserving the introspection of a functions argument specification and
ability to get the source code for a function.
Even if one could solve the introspection problem, the simple decorator
implementation that is generally offered up as the way to do things, breaks
the execution model for the Python object model, not honouring the
descriptor protocol of anything which is wrapped by the decorator.
Third party packages do exist which try and solve these issues, such as the
decorator module available on PyPi. This module in particular though only
helps with the first two and still has potential issues with how it works
that may cause problems when trying to dynamically apply function wrappers
via monkey patching.
This doesn't mean these problems aren't solvable, and solvable in a way
that doesn't sacrifice performance. In my search at least, I could not
actually find any one who has described a comprehensive solution or offered
up a package which performs all the required magic so you don't have to
worry about it yourself.
This blog post is therefore the first step in me explaining how it can be
all made to work. I have stated the problems to be solved and in subsequent
posts I will explain how they can be solved and what extra capabilities
that gives you which enables the ability to write even more magic
decorators than what is possible now with traditional ways that decorators
have been implemented.
So stay tuned for the next instalment. Hopefully I can keep the momentum up
and keep them coming. Pester me if I don't.

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@ -0,0 +1,338 @@
The interaction between decorators and descriptors
This is the second post in my series of blog posts about Python decorators
and how I believe they are generally poorly implemented. It follows on from
the first post titled [How you implemented your Python decorator is wrong](
In that first post I described a number of ways in which the traditional
way that Python decorators are implemented is lacking. These were:
* Preservation of function ``__name__`` and ``__doc__``.
* Preservation of function argument specification.
* Preservation of ability to get function source code.
* Ability to apply decorators on top of other decorators that are implemented as descriptors.
I described previously how ``functools.wraps()`` attempts to solve the problem
with preservation of the introspection of the ``__name__`` and ``__doc__``
attributes, but highlight one case in Python 2 where it can fail, and also
note that it doesn't help with the preservation of the function argument
specification nor the ability to access the source code.
In this post I want to focus mainly on the last of the issues above. That
is the interaction between decorators and descriptors, where a function
wrapper is applied to a Python object which is actually a descriptor.
What are descriptors?
I am not going to give an exhaustive analysis of what descriptors are or
how they work so if you want to understand them in depth, I would suggest
reading up about them elsewhere.
In short though, a descriptor is an object attribute with binding
behaviour, one whose attribute access has been overridden by methods in the
descriptor protocol. Those methods are ``__get__()``, ``__set__()``, and
``__delete__()``. If any of those methods are defined for an object, it is
said to be a descriptor.
* ``obj.attribute``
--> ``attribute.__get__(obj, type(obj))``
* ``obj.attribute = value``
--> ``attribute.__set__(obj, value)``
* ``del obj.attribute``
--> ``attribute.__delete__(obj)``
What this means is that if an attribute of a class has any of these special
methods defined, when the corresponding operation is performed on that
attribute of a class, then those methods will be called instead of the
default action. This allows an attribute to override how those operations
are going to work.
You may well be thinking that you have never made use of descriptors, but
fact is that function objects are actually descriptors. When a function is
originally added to a class definition it is as a normal function. When you
access that function using a dotted attribute path, you are invoking the
``__get__()`` method to bind the function to the class instance, turning it
into a bound method of that object.
def f(obj): pass
>>> hasattr(f, '__get__')
>>> f
<function f at 0x10e963cf8>
>>> obj = object()
>>> f.__get__(obj, type(obj))
<bound method object.f of <object object at 0x10e8ac0b0>>
So when calling a method of a class, it is not the ``__call__()`` method of
the original function object that is called, but the ``__call__()`` method
of the temporary bound object that is created as a result of accessing the
You of course don't usually see all these intermediary steps and just see
the outcome.
>>> class Object(object):
... def f(self): pass
>>> obj = Object()
>>> obj.f
<bound method Object.f of <__main__.Object object at 0x10abf29d0>>
Looking back now at the example given in the first blog post where we
wrapped a decorator around a class method, we encountered the error:
class Class(object):
def cmethod(cls):
>>> Class.cmethod()
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 15, in <module>
File "", line 6, in _wrapper
return wrapped(*args, **kwargs)
TypeError: 'classmethod' object is not callable
The problem with this example was that for the ``@classmethod`` decorator
to work correctly, it is dependent on the descriptor protocol being applied
properly. This is because the ``__call__()`` method only exists on the
result returned by ``__get__()`` when it is called, there is no
``__call__()`` method on the ``@classmethod`` decorator itself.
More specifically, the simple type of decorator that people normally use is
not itself honouring the descriptor protocol and applying that to the
wrapped object to yield the bound function object which should actually be
called. Instead it is simply calling the wrapped object directly, which
will fail if it doesn't have a ``__call__()``.
Why then does applying a decorator to a normal instance method still work?
This still works because a normal function still has a ``__call__()``
method. In bypassing the descriptor protocol of the wrapped function it is
calling this. Although the binding protocol is side stepped, things still
work out because the wrapper will pass the 'self' argument for the instance
explicitly as the first argument when calling the original unbound function
For a normal instance method the result in this situation is effectively
the same. It only falls apart when the wrapped object, as in the case of
``@classmethod``, are dependent on the descriptor protocol being applied
Wrappers as descriptors
The way to solve this problem where the wrapper is not honouring the
descriptor protocol and performing binding on the wrapped object in the
case of a method on a class, is for wrappers to also be descriptors.
class bound_function_wrapper(object):
def __init__(self, wrapped):
self.wrapped = wrapped
def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
return self.wrapped(*args, **kwargs)
class function_wrapper(object):
def __init__(self, wrapped):
self.wrapped = wrapped
def __get__(self, instance, owner):
wrapped = self.wrapped.__get__(instance, owner)
return bound_function_wrapper(wrapped)
def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
return self.wrapped(*args, **kwargs)
If the wrapper is applied to a normal function, the ``__call__()`` method
of the wrapper is used. If the wrapper is applied to a method of a class,
the ``__get__()`` method is called, which returns a new bound wrapper and
the ``__call__()`` method of that is invoked instead. This allows our
wrapper to be used around descriptors as it propagates the descriptor
So since using a function closure will ultimately fail if used around a
decorator which is implemented as a descriptor, the situation we therefore
have is that if we want everything to work, then decorators should always
use a class based wrapper, where the class implements the descriptor
protocol as shown.
The question now is how do we address the other issues that were listed.
We solved naming using ``functools.wrap()``/``functools.update_wrapper()``
before, but what do they do and can we still use them.
Well ``wraps()`` just uses ``update_wrapper()``, so we just need to look at
WRAPPER_ASSIGNMENTS = ('__module__',
'__name__', '__qualname__', '__doc__',
WRAPPER_UPDATES = ('__dict__',)
def update_wrapper(wrapper, wrapped,
wrapper.__wrapped__ = wrapped
for attr in assigned:
value = getattr(wrapped, attr)
except AttributeError:
setattr(wrapper, attr, value)
for attr in updated:
getattr(wrapper, attr).update(
getattr(wrapped, attr, {}))
What is shown here is what is in Python 3.3, although that actually has a
bug in it, which is fixed in Python 3.4. :-)
Looking at the body of the function, three things are being done. First off
a reference to the wrapped function is saved as ``__wrapped__``. This is the
bug, as it should be done last.
The second is to copy those attributes such as ``__name__`` and ``__doc__``.
Finally the third thing is to copy the contents of ``__dict__`` from the
wrapped function into the wrapper, which could actually result in quite a
lot of objects needing to be copied.
If we are using a function closure or straight class wrapper this copying
is able to be done at the point that the decorator is applied.
With the wrapper being a descriptor though, it technically now also needs
to be done in the bound wrapper.
class bound_function_wrapper(object):
def __init__(self, wrapped):
self.wrapped = wrapped
functools.update_wrapper(self, wrapped)
class function_wrapper(object):
def __init__(self, wrapped):
self.wrapped = wrapped
functools.update_wrapper(self, wrapped)
As the bound wrapper is created every time the wrapper is called for a
function bound to a class, this is going to be too slow. We need a more
performant way of handling this.
Transparent object proxy
The solution to the performance issue is to use what is called an object
proxy. This is a special wrapper class which looks and behaves like what it
class object_proxy(object):
def __init__(self, wrapped):
self.wrapped = wrapped
self.__name__= wrapped.__name__
except AttributeError:
def __class__(self):
return self.wrapped.__class__
def __getattr__(self, name):
return getattr(self.wrapped, name)
A fully transparent object proxy is a complicated beast in its own right,
so I am going to gloss over the details for the moment and cover it in a
separate blog post at some point.
The above example though is a minimal representation of what it does. In
practice it actually needs to do a lot more than this though if it is to
serve as a general purpose object proxy usable in the more generic use case
of monkey patching.
In short though, it copies limited attributes from the wrapped object to
itself, and otherwise uses special methods, properties and
``__getattr__()`` to fetch attributes from the wrapped object only when
required thereby avoiding the need to copy across lots of attributes which
may never actually be accessed.
What we now do is derive our wrapper class from the object proxy and do
away with calling ``update_wrapper()``.
class bound_function_wrapper(object_proxy):
def __init__(self, wrapped):
super(bound_function_wrapper, self).__init__(wrapped)
def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
return self.wrapped(*args, **kwargs)
class function_wrapper(object_proxy):
def __init__(self, wrapped):
super(function_wrapper, self).__init__(wrapped)
def __get__(self, instance, owner):
wrapped = self.wrapped.__get__(instance, owner)
return bound_function_wrapper(wrapped)
def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
return self.wrapped(*args, **kwargs)
In doing this, attributes like ``__name__`` and ``__doc__``, when queried
from the wrapper, return the values from the wrapped function. We don't
therefore as a result have the problem we did before where details were
being returned from the wrapper instead.
Using a transparent object proxy in this way also means that calls like
``inspect.getargspec()`` and ``inspect.getsource()`` will now work and
return what we expect. So we have actually managed to solve those two
problems at the same time without any extra effort, which is a bonus.
Making this all more usable
Although this pattern addresses the problems which were originally
identified, it consists of a lot of boiler plate code. Further, you now
have two places in the code where the wrapped function is actually being
called where you would need to insert the code to implement what the
decorator was intended to do.
Replicating this every time you need to implement a decorator would
therefore be a bit of a pain.
What we can instead do is wrap this all up and package it up into a
decorator factory, thereby avoiding the need for this all to be done
manually each time. How to do that will be the subject of the next blog
post in this series.
From that point we can start to look at how we can further improve the
functionality and introduce new capabilities which are generally hard to
pull off with the way that decorators are normally implemented.
And before people start to complain that using this pattern is going to be
too slow in the general use case, I will also address that in a future post
as well, so just hold your complaints for now.

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@ -0,0 +1,409 @@
Implementing a factory for creating decorators
This is the third post in my series of blog posts about Python decorators
and how I believe they are generally poorly implemented. It follows on from
the previous post titled [The interaction between decorators and
with the very first post in the series being [How you implemented your
Python decorator is
In the very first post I described a number of ways in which the
traditional way that Python decorators are implemented is lacking. These
* Preservation of function ``__name__`` and ``__doc__``.
* Preservation of function argument specification.
* Preservation of ability to get function source code.
* Ability to apply decorators on top of other decorators that are implemented as descriptors.
In the followup post I described a pattern for implementing a decorator
which built on top of what is called an object proxy, with the object proxy
solving the first three issues. The final issue was dealt with by creating
a function wrapper using the object proxy, which was implemented as a
descriptor, and which performed object binding when a wrapper was used on
class methods. This combination of the object proxy and a descriptor
ensured that introspection continued to work properly and that the
execution model of the Python object model was also respected.
The issue at this point was how to make the solution more usable,
eliminating the boiler plate and minimising the amount of code that someone
implementing a decorator would need to write.
In this post I will describe one such approach to simplifying the task of
creating a decorator based on this pattern. This will be done by using a
decorator as a factory to create decorators, requiring a user to only have
to supply a single wrapper function which does the actual work of invoking
the wrapped function, inserting any extra work that the specific decorator
is intended to carry out as necessary.
Pattern for implementing the decorator
Just to refresh where we got to last time, we had an implementation of an
object proxy as:
class object_proxy(object):
def __init__(self, wrapped):
self.wrapped = wrapped
self.__name__= wrapped.__name__
except AttributeError:
def __class__(self):
return self.wrapped.__class__
def __getattr__(self, name):
return getattr(self.wrapped, name)
As pointed out the last time, this is a minimal representation of what it
does. In practice it actually needs to do a lot more than this if it is to
serve as a general purpose object proxy usable in the more generic use case
of monkey patching.
The decorator itself would then be implemented per the pattern:
class bound_function_wrapper(object_proxy):
def __init__(self, wrapped):
super(bound_function_wrapper, self).__init__(wrapped)
def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
return self.wrapped(*args, **kwargs)
class function_wrapper(object_proxy):
def __init__(self, wrapped):
super(function_wrapper, self).__init__(wrapped)
def __get__(self, instance, owner):
wrapped = self.wrapped.__get__(instance, owner)
return bound_function_wrapper(wrapped)
def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
return self.wrapped(*args, **kwargs)
When the wrapper is applied to a normal function, the ``__call__()`` method
of the wrapper is used. If the wrapper is applied to a method of a class,
the ``__get__()`` method is called when the attribute is accessed, which
returns a new bound wrapper and the ``__call__()`` method of that is
invoked instead when a call is made. This allows our wrapper to be used
around descriptors as it propagates the descriptor protocol, also binding
the wrapped object as necessary.
A decorator for creating decorators
So we have a pattern for implementing a decorator that appears to work
correctly, but as already mentioned, needing to do all that each time is
more work than we really want. What we can do therefore is create a
decorator to help us create decorators. This would reduce the code we need
to write for each decorator to a single function, allowing us to simplify
the code to just:
def my_function_wrapper(wrapped, args, kwargs):
return wrapped(*args, **kwargs)
def function():
What would this decorator factory need to look like?
As it turns out, our decorator factory is quite simple and isn't really
much different to using a ``partial()``, combining our new wrapper argument
from when the decorator is defined, with the wrapped function when the
decorator is used and passing them into our function wrapper object.
def decorator(wrapper):
def _decorator(wrapped):
return function_wrapper(wrapped, wrapper)
return _decorator
We now just need to amend our function wrapper implementation to delegate
the actual execution of the wrapped object to the user supplied decorator
wrapper function.
class bound_function_wrapper(object_proxy):
def __init__(self, wrapped, wrapper):
super(bound_function_wrapper, self).__init__(wrapped)
self.wrapper = wrapper
def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
return self.wrapper(self.wrapped, args, kwargs)
class function_wrapper(object_proxy):
def __init__(self, wrapped, wrapper):
super(function_wrapper, self).__init__(wrapped)
self.wrapper = wrapper
def __get__(self, instance, owner):
wrapped = self.wrapped.__get__(instance, owner)
return bound_function_wrapper(wrapped, self.wrapper)
def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
return self.wrapper(self.wrapped, args, kwargs)
The ``__call__()`` method of our function wrapper, for when it is used
around a normal function, now just calls the user supplied decorator
wrapper function with the wrapped function and arguments, leaving the
calling of the wrapped function up to the user supplied decorator wrapper
In the case where binding a function, the wrapper is also passed to the
bound wrapper. The bound wrapper is more or less the same, with the
``__call__()`` method delegating to the user supplied decorator wrapper
So we can make creating decorators easier using a factory. Lets now check
that this will in fact work in all cases in which it could be applied and
also see what other problems we can find and whether we can improve on
those situations as well.
Decorating methods of classes
The first such area which can cause problems is creating a single decorator
that can work on both normal functions and instance methods of classes.
To test out how our new decorator works, we can print out the args passed
to the wrapper when the wrapped function is called and can compare the
def my_function_wrapper(wrapped, args, kwargs):
print('ARGS', args)
return wrapped(*args, **kwargs)
First up lets try wrapping a normal function:
def function(a, b):
>>> function(1, 2)
ARGS (1, 2)
As would be expected, just the two arguments passed when the function is
called are output.
What about when wrapping an instance method?
class Class(object):
def function_im(self, a, b):
c = Class()
>>> c.function_im()
ARGS (1, 2)
Once again just the two arguments passed when the instance method is called
are displayed. How the decorator works for both the normal function and the
instance method is therefore the same.
The problem here is what if the user within their decorator wrapper
function wanted to know what the actual instance of the class was. We have
lost that information when the function was bound to the instance of the
class as it is now associated with the bound function passed in, rather
than the argument list.
To solve this problem we can remember what the instance was that was passed
to the ``__get__()`` method when it was called to bind the function. This
can then be passed through to the bound wrapper when it is created.
class bound_function_wrapper(object_proxy):
def __init__(self, wrapped, instance, wrapper):
super(bound_function_wrapper, self).__init__(wrapped)
self.instance = instance
self.wrapper = wrapper
def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
return self.wrapper(self.wrapped, self.instance, args, kwargs)
class function_wrapper(object_proxy):
def __init__(self, wrapped, wrapper):
super(function_wrapper, self).__init__(wrapped)
self.wrapper = wrapper
def __get__(self, instance, owner):
wrapped = self.wrapped.__get__( instance, owner)
return bound_function_wrapper(wrapped, instance, self.wrapper)
def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
return self.wrapper(self.wrapped, None, args, kwargs)
In the bound wrapper, the instance pointer can then be passed through to
the decorator wrapper function as an extra argument. To be uniform for the
case of a normal function, in the top level wrapper we pass None for this
new instance argument.
We can now modify our wrapper function for the decorator to output both the
instance and the arguments passed.
def my_function_wrapper(wrapped, instance, args, kwargs):
print('INSTANCE', instance)
print('ARGS', args)
return wrapped(*args, **kwargs)
>>> function(1, 2)
ARGS (1, 2)
>>> c.function_im(1, 2)
INSTANCE <__main__.Class object at 0x1085ca9d0>
ARGS (1, 2)
This change therefore allows us to be able to distinguish between a normal
function call and an instance method call within the one decorator wrapper
function. The reference to the instance is even passed separately so we
don't have to juggle with the arguments to move it out of the way for an
instance method when calling the original wrapped function.
Now there is one final scenario in which an instance method can be called
which we still need to check. This is calling an instance method by calling
the function on the class and passing the object instance explicitly as the
first argument.
>>> Class.function_im(c, 1, 2)
ARGS (<__main__.Class object at 0x1085ca9d0>, 1, 2)
Unfortunately passing in the instance explicitly as an argument against the
function from the class, results in the instance passed to the decorator
wrapper function being None, with the reference to the instance getting
passed through as the first argument instead. This isn't really a desirable
To deal with this variation, we can check for instance being None before
calling the decorator wrapper function and pop the instance off the start
of the argument list. We then use a partial to bind the instance to the
wrapped function ourselves and call the decorator wrapper function.
class bound_function_wrapper(object_proxy):
def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
if self.instance is None:
instance, args = args[0], args[1:]
wrapped = functools.partial(self.wrapped, instance)
return self.wrapper(wrapped, instance, args, kwargs)
return self.wrapper(self.wrapped, self.instance, args, kwargs)
We then get the same result no matter whether the instance method is called
via the class or not.
>>> Class.function_im(c, 1, 2)
INSTANCE <__main__.Class object at 0x1085ca9d0>
ARGS (1, 2)
So everything works okay for instance methods, with the argument list seen
by the decorator wrapper function being the same as if a normal function
had been wrapped. At the same time though, by virtue of the new instance
argument, we can if need be act on the instance of a class where the
decorator was applied to an instance method of a class.
What about other method types that a class can have, specifically class
method and static methods.
class Class(object):
def function_cm(cls, a, b):
>>> Class.function_cm(1, 2)
ARGS (2,)
As can be seen, this fiddle has though upset things for when we have a
class method, also causing the same issue for a static method. In both
those cases the instance would initially have been passed as None when the
function was bound. The result is that the real first argument ends up as
the instance, which is obviously going to be quite wrong.
What to do?
A universal decorator
So we aren't quite there yet, but what are we trying to achieve in even
trying to do this? What was wrong with our initial pattern for the
The ultimate goal here is what I call a universal decorator. A single
decorator that can be applied to a normal function, an instance method, a
class method, a static method or even a class, with the decorator being
able to determine at the point it was called the context in which it was
Right now with the way that decorators are normally implemented this is not
possible. Instead different decorators are provided to be used in the
different contexts, meaning duplication of the code into each, or the use
of hacks to try and convert decorators created for one purpose so they can
be used in a different context.
What I am instead aiming for is the ability to do:
def universal(wrapped, instance, args, kwargs):
if instance is None:
if inspect.isclass(wrapped):
# class.
# function or staticmethod.
if inspect.isclass(instance):
# classmethod.
# instancemethod.
At this point we have got things working for normal functions and instance
methods, we just now need to work out how to handle class methods, static
methods and the scenario where a decorator is applied to a class.
The next post in this series will continue to pursue this goal and describe
how our decorator can be tweaked further to get there.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,748 @@
Implementing a universal decorator
This is the fourth post in my series of blog posts about Python decorators
and how I believe they are generally poorly implemented. It follows on from
the previous post titled [Implementing a factory for creating
decorators](, with the
very first post in the series being [How you implemented your Python
decorator is
In the second post of this series I described a better way of building a
decorator which avoided a number of issues I outlined with the typical way
in which decorators are coded. This entailed a measure of boiler plate code
which needed to be replicated each time. In the previous post to this one I
described how we could use a decorator as a decorator factory, and a bit of
delegation to hide the boiler plate code and reduce what a user needed to
actually declare for a new decorator.
In the prior post I also started to walk through some customisations which
could be made to the decorator pattern which would allow the decorator
wrapper function provided by a user to ascertain in what context it was
used in. That is, for the wrapper function to be able to determine whether
it was applied to a function, an instance method, a class method or a class
type. The ability to determine the context in this way is what I called a
universal decorator, as it avoided the need to have separate decorator
implementations for use in each circumstance as is done now with a more
traditional way of implementing a decorator.
The walk through got as far as showing how one could distinguish between
when the decorator was used on a normal function vs an instance method.
Unfortunately the change required to be able to detect when an instance
method was called via the class would cause problems for a class method or
static method, so we still have a bit more work to do.
In this post I will describe how we can accommodate the cases of a class
method and a static method as well as explore other use cases which may
give us problems in trying to come up with this pattern for a universal
Normal functions vs instance methods
The pattern for our universal decorator as described so far was as follows:
class bound_function_wrapper(object_proxy):
def __init__(self, wrapped, instance, wrapper):
super(bound_function_wrapper, self).__init__(wrapped)
self.instance = instance
self.wrapper = wrapper
def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
if self.instance is None:
instance, args = args[0], args[1:]
wrapped = functools.partial(self.wrapped, instance)
return self.wrapper(wrapped, instance, args, kwargs)
return self.wrapper(self.wrapped, self.instance, args, kwargs)
class function_wrapper(object_proxy):
def __init__(self, wrapped, wrapper):
super(function_wrapper, self).__init__(wrapped)
self.wrapper = wrapper
def __get__(self, instance, owner):
wrapped = self.wrapped.__get__(instance, owner)
return bound_function_wrapper(wrapped, instance, self.wrapper)
def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
return self.wrapper(self.wrapped, None, args, kwargs)
This was used in conjunction with our decorator factory:
def decorator(wrapper):
def _decorator(wrapped):
return function_wrapper(wrapped, wrapper)
return _decorator
To test whether everything is working how we want we used our decorator
factory to create a decorator which would dump out the values of any
instance the wrapped function is bound to, and the arguments passed to the
call when executed.
def my_function_wrapper(wrapped, instance, args, kwargs):
print('INSTANCE', instance)
print('ARGS', args)
return wrapped(*args, **kwargs)
This gave us the desired results for when the decorator was applied to a
normal function and instance method, including when an instance method was
called via the class and the instance passed in explicitly.
def function(a, b):
>>> function(1, 2)
ARGS (1, 2)
class Class(object):
def function_im(self, a, b):
c = Class()
>>> c.function_im(1, 2)
INSTANCE <__main__.Class object at 0x1085ca9d0>
ARGS (1, 2)
>>> Class.function_im(c, 1, 2)
INSTANCE <__main__.Class object at 0x1085ca9d0>
ARGS (1, 2)
The change to support the latter however, broke things for the case of the
decorator being applied to a class method. Similarly for a static method.
class Class(object):
def function_cm(self, a, b):
def function_sm(a, b):
>>> Class.function_cm(1, 2)
ARGS (2,)
>>> Class.function_sm(1, 2)
ARGS (2,)
Class methods and static methods
The point we are at therefore, is that in the case where the instance is
passed as ``None``, we need to be able to distinguish between the three
cases of:
* an instance method being called via the class
* a class method being called
* a static method being called
One way this can be done is by looking at the ``__self__`` attribute of the
bound function. This attribute will provide information about the type of
object which the function was bound to at that specific point in time. Lets
first check this out for where a method is called via the class.
>>> print(Class.function_im.__self__)
>>> print(Class.function_cm.__self__)
<class '__main__.Class'>
>>> print(Class.function_sm.__self__)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
File "", line 19, in __getattr__
return getattr(self.wrapped, name)
AttributeError: 'function' object has no attribute '__self__'
So for the case of calling an instance method via the class, ``__self__``
will be ``None``, for a class method it will be the class type and in the
case of a static method, there will not even be a ``__self__`` attribute.
This would therefore appear to give us a way of detecting the different
Before we code up a solution based on this though, lets check with Python 3
just to be sure we are okay there and that nothing has changed.
>>> print(Class.function_im.__self__)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
File "", line 19, in __getattr__
return getattr(self.wrapped, name)
AttributeError: 'function' object has no attribute '__self__'
>>> print(Class.function_cm.__self__)
<class '__main__.Class'>
>>> print(Class.function_sm.__self__)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
File "", line 19, in __getattr__
return getattr(self.wrapped, name)
AttributeError: 'function' object has no attribute '__self__'
That isn't good, Python 3 behaves differently to Python 2, meaning we
aren't going to be able to use this approach. Why is this case?
The reason for this is that in Python 3 they decided to eliminate the idea
of an unbound method and this check was relying on the fact that when
accessing an instance method via the class, it would actually return an
instance of an unbound method for which the ``__self__`` attribute was
``None``. So although we can distinguish the case for a class method still,
we can now no longer distinguish the case of calling an instance method via
the class, from the case of calling a static method.
The lack of this ability therefore leaves us with a bit of a problem for
Python 3 and the one alternative isn't necessarily a completely fool proof
way of doing it.
This alternative is in the constructor of the function wrapper, to look at
the type of the wrapped object and determine if it is an instance of a
class method or static method. This information can then be passed through
to the bound function wrapper and checked.
class bound_function_wrapper(object_proxy):
def __init__(self, wrapped, instance, wrapper, binding):
super(bound_function_wrapper, self).__init__(wrapped)
self.instance = instance
self.wrapper = wrapper
self.binding = binding
def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
if self.binding == 'function' and self.instance is None:
instance, args = args[0], args[1:]
wrapped = functools.partial(self.wrapped, instance)
return self.wrapper(wrapped, instance, args, kwargs)
return self.wrapper(self.wrapped, self.instance, args, kwargs)
class function_wrapper(object_proxy):
def __init__(self, wrapped, wrapper):
super(function_wrapper, self).__init__(wrapped)
self.wrapper = wrapper
if isinstance(wrapped, classmethod):
self.binding = 'classmethod'
elif isinstance(wrapped, staticmethod):
self.binding = 'staticmethod'
self.binding = 'function'
def __get__(self, instance, owner):
wrapped = self.wrapped.__get__(instance, owner)
return bound_function_wrapper(wrapped, instance, self.wrapper,
def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
return self.wrapper(self.wrapped, None, args, kwargs)
Now this test is a bit fragile, but as I showed before though, the
traditional way that a decorator is written will fail if wrapped around a
class method or static method as it doesn't honour the descriptor protocol.
As such it is a pretty safe bet right now that I will only ever find an
actual class method or static method object because no one would be using
decorators around them.
If someone is actually implementing the descriptor protocol in their
decorator, hopefully they would also be using an object proxy as is done
here. Because the object proxy implements ``__class__`` as a property, it
would return the class of the wrapped object, this should mean that an
``isinstance()`` check will still be successful as ``isinstance()`` gives
priority to what ``__class__`` yields rather than the actual type of the
Anyway, trying out our tests again with this change we get:
>>> c.function_im(1,2)
INSTANCE <__main__.Class object at 0x101f973d0>
ARGS (1, 2)
>>> Class.function_im(c, 1, 2)
INSTANCE <__main__.Class object at 0x101f973d0>
ARGS (1, 2)
>>> c.function_cm(1,2)
INSTANCE <__main__.Class object at 0x101f973d0>
ARGS (1, 2)
>>> Class.function_cm(1, 2)
ARGS (1, 2)
>>> c.function_sm(1,2)
INSTANCE <__main__.Class object at 0x101f973d0>
ARGS (1, 2)
>>> Class.function_sm(1, 2)
ARGS (1, 2)
Success, we have fixed the issue with the argument list when both a class
method and a static method are called.
The problem now is that although the instance argument is fine for the case
of an instance method call, whether that be via the instance or the class,
the instance as passed for a class method and static method aren't
particularly useful as we can't use it to distinguish them from other
Ideally what we want in this circumstance is that for a class method call
we want the instance argument to always be the class type, and for the case
of a static method call, for it to always be ``None``.
For the case of a static method, we could just check for 'staticmethod'
from when we checked the type of object which was wrapped.
For the case of a class method, if we look back at our test to see if we
could use the ``__self__`` attribute, what we found was that for the class
method, ``__self__`` was the class instance and for a static method the
attribute didn't exist.
What we can therefore do, is if the type of the wrapped object wasn't a
function, then we can lookup up the value of ``__self__``, defaulting to
``None`` if it doesn't exist. This one check will cater for both cases.
What we now therefore have is:
class bound_function_wrapper(object_proxy):
def __init__(self, wrapped, instance, wrapper, binding):
super(bound_function_wrapper, self).__init__(wrapped)
self.instance = instance
self.wrapper = wrapper
self.binding = binding
def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
if self.binding == 'function':
if self.instance is None:
instance, args = args[0], args[1:]
wrapped = functools.partial(self.wrapped, instance)
return self.wrapper(wrapped, instance, args, kwargs)
return self.wrapper(self.wrapped, self.instance, args, kwargs)
instance = getattr(self.wrapped, '__self__', None)
return self.wrapper(self.wrapped, instance, args, kwargs)
and if we run our tests one more time, we finally get the result we have
been looking for:
>>> c.function_im(1,2)
INSTANCE <__main__.Class object at 0x10c2c43d0>
ARGS (1, 2)
>>> Class.function_im(c, 1, 2)
INSTANCE <__main__.Class object at 0x10c2c43d0>
ARGS (1, 2)
>>> c.function_cm(1,2)
INSTANCE <class '__main__.Class'>
ARGS (1, 2)
>>> Class.function_cm(1, 2)
INSTANCE <class '__main__.Class'>
ARGS (1, 2)
>>> c.function_sm(1,2)
ARGS (1, 2)
>>> Class.function_sm(1, 2)
ARGS (1, 2)
Are we able to celebrate yet? Unfortunately not.
Multiple levels of binding
There is yet another obscure case we have yet to consider, one that I
didn't even think of initially and only understood the problem when I
started to see code breaking in crazy ways.
This is when we take a reference to a method and reassign it back again as
an attribute of a class, or even an instance of a class, and then call it
via the alias so created. I only encountered this one due to some bizarre
stuff a meta class was doing.
>>> Class.function_rm = Class.function_im
>>> c.function_rm(1, 2)
ARGS (2,)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
File "", line 132, in __call__
return self.wrapper(wrapped, instance, args, kwargs)
File "", line 58, in my_function_wrapper
return wrapped(*args, **kwargs)
TypeError: unbound method function_im() must be called with Class instance as first argument (got int instance instead)
>>> Class.function_rm = Class.function_cm
>>> c.function_rm(1, 2)
INSTANCE <class '__main__.Class'>
ARGS (1, 2)
>>> Class.function_rm = Class.function_sm
>>> c.function_rm(1, 2)
ARGS (1, 2)
Things work fine for a class method or static method, but fails badly for
an instance method.
The problem here comes about because in accessing the instance method the
first time, it will return a bound function wrapper. That then gets
assigned back as an attribute of the class.
When a subsequent lookup is made via the new name, under normal
circumstances binding would occur once more to bind it to the actual
instance. In our implementation of the bound function wrapper, we do not
however provide a ``__get__()`` method and thus this rebinding does not
occur. The result is that on the subsequent call, it all falls apart.
The solution therefore is that we need to add a ``__get__()`` method to the
bound function wrapper which provides the ability to perform further
binding. We only want to do this where the instance was ``None``,
indicating that the initial binding wasn't actually against an instance,
and where we are dealing with an instance method and not a class method or
static method.
A further wrinkle is that we need to bind what was the original wrapped
function and not the bound one. The simplest way of handling that is to
pass a reference to the original function wrapper to the bound function
wrapper and reach back into that to get the original wrapped function.
class bound_function_wrapper(object_proxy):
def __init__(self, wrapped, instance, wrapper, binding, parent):
super(bound_function_wrapper, self).__init__(wrapped)
self.instance = instance
self.wrapper = wrapper
self.binding = binding
self.parent = parent
def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
if self.binding == 'function':
if self.instance is None:
instance, args = args[0], args[1:]
wrapped = functools.partial(self.wrapped, instance)
return self.wrapper(wrapped, instance, args, kwargs)
return self.wrapper(self.wrapped, self.instance, args, kwargs)
instance = getattr(self.wrapped, '__self__', None)
return self.wrapper(self.wrapped, instance, args, kwargs)
def __get__(self, instance, owner):
if self.instance is None and self.binding == 'function':
descriptor = self.parent.wrapped.__get__(instance, owner)
return bound_function_wrapper(descriptor, instance, self.wrapper,
self.binding, self.parent)
return self
class function_wrapper(object_proxy):
def __init__(self, wrapped, wrapper):
super(function_wrapper, self).__init__(wrapped)
self.wrapper = wrapper
if isinstance(wrapped, classmethod):
self.binding = 'classmethod'
elif isinstance(wrapped, staticmethod):
self.binding = 'staticmethod'
self.binding = 'function'
def __get__(self, instance, owner):
wrapped = self.wrapped.__get__(instance, owner)
return bound_function_wrapper(wrapped, instance, self.wrapper,
self.binding, self)
def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
return self.wrapper(self.wrapped, None, args, kwargs)
Rerunning our most recent test once again we now get:
>>> Class.function_rm = Class.function_im
>>> c.function_rm(1, 2)
INSTANCE <__main__.Class object at 0x105609790>
ARGS (1, 2)
>>> Class.function_rm = Class.function_cm
>>> c.function_rm(1, 2)
INSTANCE <class '__main__.Class'>
ARGS (1, 2)
>>> Class.function_rm = Class.function_sm
>>> c.function_rm(1, 2)
ARGS (1, 2)
Order that decorators are applied
We must be getting close now. Everything appears to be working.
If you had been paying close attention you would have noticed though that
in all cases so far our decorator has always been placed outside of the
existing decorators marking a method as either a class method or a static
method. What happens if we reverse the order?
class Class(object):
def function_cm(self, a, b):
def function_sm(a, b):
c = Class()
>>> c.function_cm(1,2)
ARGS (<class '__main__.Class'>, 1, 2)
>>> Class.function_cm(1, 2)
ARGS (<class '__main__.Class'>, 1, 2)
>>> c.function_sm(1,2)
ARGS (1, 2)
>>> Class.function_sm(1, 2)
ARGS (1, 2)
So it works as we would expect for a static method but not for a class
At this point you gotta be thinking why I am bothering.
As it turns out there is indeed absolutely nothing I can do about this one.
But that isn't actually my fault.
In this particular case, it actually can be seen as being a bug in Python
itself. Specifically, the classmethod decorator doesn't itself honour the
descriptor protocol when it calls whatever it is wrapping. This is the
exact same problem I faulted decorators implemented using a closure for
originally. If it wasn't for the classmethod decorator doing the wrong
thing, everything would be perfect.
For those who are interested in the details, you can check out [issue
19072]( in the Python bug tracker. If I
had tried hard I could well have got it fixed by the time Python 3.4 came
out, but I simply didn't have the time nor the real motivation to satisfy
all the requirements to get the fix accepted.
Decorating a class
Excluding that one case related to ordering of decorators for class
methods, our pattern for implementing a universal decorator is looking
I did mention though in the last post that the goal was that we could also
distinguish when a decorator was applied to a class. So lets check that.
class Class(object):
>>> c = Class()
Based on that we aren't able to distinguish it from a normal function or a
class method.
If we think about it though, we are in this case wrapping an actual class,
so the wrapped object which is passed to the decorator wrapper function
will be the class itself. Lets print out the value of the wrapped argument
passed to the decorator wrapper function as well and see whether that can
be used to distinguish this case from others.
def my_function_wrapper(wrapped, instance, args, kwargs):
print('WRAPPED', wrapped)
print('INSTANCE', instance)
print('ARGS', args)
return wrapped(*args, **kwargs)
def function(a, b):
>>> function(1, 2)
WRAPPED <function function at 0x10e13bb18>
ARGS (1, 2)
class Class(object):
def function_im(self, a, b):
def function_cm(self, a, b):
def function_sm(a, b):
c = Class()
>>> c.function_im(1,2)
WRAPPED <bound method Class.function_im of <__main__.Class object at 0x107e90950>>
INSTANCE <__main__.Class object at 0x107e90950>
ARGS (1, 2)
>>> Class.function_im(c, 1, 2)
WRAPPED <functools.partial object at 0x107df3208>
INSTANCE <__main__.Class object at 0x107e90950>
ARGS (1, 2)
>>> c.function_cm(1,2)
WRAPPED <bound method type.function_cm of <class '__main__.Class'>>
INSTANCE <class '__main__.Class'>
ARGS (1, 2)
>>> Class.function_cm(1, 2)
WRAPPED <bound method type.function_cm of <class '__main__.Class'>>
INSTANCE <class '__main__.Class'>
ARGS (1, 2)
>>> c.function_sm(1,2)
WRAPPED <function function_sm at 0x107e918c0>
ARGS (1, 2)
>>> Class.function_sm(1, 2)
WRAPPED <function function_sm at 0x107e918c0>
ARGS (1, 2)
class Class(object):
c = Class()
>>> c = Class()
WRAPPED <class '__main__.Class'>
And the answer is yes, as it is the only case where wrapped will be a type
The structure of a universal decorator
The goal of a decorator, one decorator, that can be implemented and applied
to normal functions, instance methods, class methods and classes is
therefore achievable. The odd one out is static methods, but in practice
these aren't really different to normal functions, just being contained in
a different scope, so I think I will let that one slide.
The information to identify the static method is actually available in the
way the decorator works, but since there is nothing in the arguments passed
to a static method that link it to the class it is contained in, there
doesn't seem a point. If that information was required, it probably should
have been a class method to begin with.
Anyway, after all this work, our universal decorator then would be written
def universal(wrapped, instance, args, kwargs):
if instance is None:
if inspect.isclass(wrapped):
# Decorator was applied to a class.
return wrapped(*args, **kwargs)
# Decorator was applied to a function or staticmethod.
return wrapped(*args, **kwargs)
if inspect.isclass(instance):
# Decorator was applied to a classmethod.
return wrapped(*args, **kwargs)
# Decorator was applied to an instancemethod.
return wrapped(*args, **kwargs)
Are there actual uses for such a universal decorator? I believe there are
some quite good examples and I will cover one in particular in a subsequent
blog post.
You also have frameworks such as Django which already use hacks to allow a
decorator designed for use with a function, to be applied to an instance
method. Turns out that the method they use is broken because it doesn't
honour the descriptor protocol though. If you are interested in that one,
see [issue 21247]( in the
Django bug tracker.
I will not cover this example of a use case for a universal decorator just
yet. Instead in my next blog post in this series I will look at issues
around having decorators that have optional arguments and how to capture
any such arguments so the decorator can make use of them.

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@ -0,0 +1,428 @@
Decorators which accept arguments
This is the fifth post in my series of blog posts about Python decorators
and how I believe they are generally poorly implemented. It follows on from
the previous post titled [Implementing a universal
decorator](, with the very first
post in the series being [How you implemented your Python decorator is
So far in this series of posts I have explained the short comings of
implementing a decorator in the traditional way they are done in Python. I
have shown an alternative implementation based on an object proxy and a
descriptor which solves these issues, as well as provides the ability to
implement what I call a universal decorator. That is, a decorator which
understands the context it was used in and can determine whether it was
applied to a normal function, an instance method, a class method or a class
In this post, I am going to take the decorator factory which was described
in the previous posts and describe how one can use that to implement
decorators which accept arguments. This will cover mandatory arguments, but
also how to have the one decorator optionally except arguments.
Pattern for creating decorators
The key component of what was described in the prior posts was a function
wrapper object. I am not going to replicate the code for that here so see
the prior posts. In short though, it was a class type which accepted the
function to be wrapped and a user supplied wrapper function. The instance
of the resulting function wrapper object was used in place of the wrapped
function and when called, would delegate the calling of the wrapped
function to the user supplied wrapper function. This allows a user to
modify how the call was made, performing actions before or after the
wrapped function was called, or modify input arguments or the result.
This function wrapper was used in conjunction with the decorator factory
which was also described:
def decorator(wrapper):
def _decorator(wrapped):
return function_wrapper(wrapped, wrapper)
return _decorator
allowing a user to define their own decorator as:
def my_function_wrapper(wrapped, instance, args, kwargs):
print('INSTANCE', instance)
print('ARGS', args)
print('KWARGS', kwargs)
return wrapped(*args, **kwargs)
def function(a, b):
In this example, the final decorator which is created does not accept any
arguments, but if we did want the decorator to be able to accept arguments,
with the arguments accessible at the time the user supplied wrapper
function was called, how would we do that?
Using a function closure to collect arguments
The easiest way to implement a decorator which accepts arguments is using a
function closure.
def with_arguments(arg):
def _wrapper(wrapped, instance, args, kwargs):
return wrapped(*args, **kwargs)
return _wrapper
def function():
In effect the outer function is a decorator factory in its own right, where
a distinct decorator instance will be returned which is customised
according to what arguments were supplied to the outer decorator factory
So, when this outer decorator factory function is applied to a function
with the specific arguments supplied, it returns the inner decorator
function and it is actually that which is applied to the function to be
wrapped. When the wrapper function is eventually called and it in turn
calls the wrapped function, it will have access to the original arguments
to the outer decorator factory function by virtue of being part of the
function closure.
Positional or keyword arguments can be used with the outer decorator
factory function, but I would suggest that keyword arguments are perhaps a
better convention to adopt as I will show later.
What now if a decorator with arguments had default values and as such they
could be left out from the call. With this way of implementing the
decorator, even though one would not need to pass the argument, one cannot
avoid needing to still write it out as a distinct call. That is, you still
need to supply empty parentheses.
def with_arguments(arg='default'):
def _wrapper(wrapped, instance, args, kwargs):
return wrapped(*args, **kwargs)
return _wrapper
def function():
Although this is being specific and would dictate there be only one way to
do it, it can be felt that this looks ugly. As such some people like to
have a way that the parentheses are optional if the decorator arguments all
have default values and none are being supplied explicitly. In other words,
the desire is that when there are no arguments to be passed, that one can
def function():
There is actually some merit in this idea when looked at the other way
around. That is, if a decorator originally accepted no arguments, but it
was determined later that it needed to be changed to optionally accept
arguments, then if the parentheses could be optional, it would allow
arguments to now be accepted, without needing to go back and change all
prior uses of the original decorator where no arguments were supplied.
Optionally allowing decorator arguments
To allow the decorator arguments to be optionally supplied, we can change
the above recipe to:
def optional_arguments(wrapped=None, arg=1):
if wrapped is None:
return functools.partial(optional_arguments, arg=arg)
def _wrapper(wrapped, instance, args, kwargs):
return wrapped(*args, **kwargs)
return _wrapper(wrapped)
def function1():
def function2():
With the arguments having default values, the outer decorator factory would
take the wrapped function as first argument with None as a default. The
decorator arguments follow. Decorator arguments would need to be passed as
keyword arguments. On the first call, wrapped will be None, and a partial
is used to return the decorator factory again. On the second call, wrapped
is passed and this time it is wrapped with the decorator.
Because we have default arguments though, we don't actually need to pass
the arguments, in which case the decorator factory is applied direct to the
function being decorated. Because wrapped is not None when passed in, the
decorator is wrapped around the function immediately, skipping the return
of the factory a second time.
Now why I said a convention of having keyword arguments may perhaps be
preferable, is that Python 3 allows you to enforce it using the new keyword
only argument syntax.
def optional_arguments(wrapped=None, *, arg=1):
if wrapped is None:
return functools.partial(optional_arguments, arg=arg)
def _wrapper(wrapped, instance, args, kwargs):
return wrapped(*args, **kwargs)
return _wrapper(wrapped)
This way you avoid the problem of someone accidentally passing in a
decorator argument as the positional argument for wrapped. For consistency,
keyword only arguments can also be enforced for required arguments even
though it isn't strictly necessary.
def required_arguments(*, arg):
def _wrapper(wrapped, instance, args, kwargs):
return wrapped(*args, **kwargs)
return _wrapper
Maintaining state between wrapper calls
Quite often a decorator doesn't perform an isolated task for each
invocation of a function it may be applied to. Instead it may need to
maintain state between calls. A classic example of this is a cache
In this scenario, because no state information can be maintained within the
wrapper function itself, any state object needs to be maintained in an
outer scope which the wrapper has access to.
There are a few ways in which this can be done.
The first is to require that the object which maintains the state, be
passed in as an explicit argument to the decorator.
def cache(d):
def _wrapper(wrapped, instance, args, kwargs):
key = (args, frozenset(kwargs.items()))
return d[key]
except KeyError:
result = d[key] = wrapped(*args, **kwargs)
return result
return _wrapper
_d = {}
def function():
return time.time()
Unless there is a specific need to be able to pass in the state object, a
second better way is to create the state object on the stack within the
call of the outer function.
def cache(wrapped):
d = {}
def _wrapper(wrapped, instance, args, kwargs):
key = (args, frozenset(kwargs.items()))
return d[key]
except KeyError:
result = d[key] = wrapped(*args, **kwargs)
return result
return _wrapper(wrapped)
def function():
return time.time()
In this case the outer function rather than taking a decorator argument, is
taking the function to be wrapped. This is then being explicitly wrapped by
the decorator defined within the function and returned.
If this was a reasonable default, but you did in some cases still need to
optionally pass the state object in as an argument, then optional decorator
arguments could instead be used.
def cache(wrapped=None, d=None):
if wrapped is None:
return functools.partial(cache, d=d)
if d is None:
d = {}
def _wrapper(wrapped, instance, args, kwargs):
key = (args, frozenset(kwargs.items()))
return d[key]
except KeyError:
result = d[key] = wrapped(*args, **kwargs)
return result
return _wrapper(wrapped)
def function1():
return time.time()
_d = {}
def function2():
return time.time()
def function3():
return time.time()
Decorators as a class
Now way back in the very first post in this series of blog posts, a way in
which a decorator could be implemented as a class was described.
class function_wrapper(object):
def __init__(self, wrapped):
self.wrapped = wrapped
def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
return self.wrapped(*args, **kwargs)
Although this had short comings which were explained and which resulted in
the alternate decorator pattern being presented, this original approach is
also able to maintain state. Specifically, the constructor of the class can
save away the state object as an attribute of the instance of the class,
along with the reference to the wrapped function.
class cache(object):
def __init__(self, wrapped):
self.wrapped = wrapped
self.d = {}
def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
key = (args, frozenset(kwargs.items()))
return self.d[key]
except KeyError:
result = self.d[key] = self.wrapped(*args, **kwargs)
return result
def function():
return time.time()
Use of a class in this way had some benefits in that where the work of the
decorator was quite complex, it could all be encapsulated in the class
implementing the decorator itself.
With our new function wrapper and decorator factory, the user can only
supply the wrapper as a function, which would appear to limit being able to
implement a direct equivalent.
One could still use a class to encapsulate the required behaviour, with an
instance of the class created within the scope of a function closure for
use by the wrapper function, and the wrapper function then delegating to
that, but it isn't self contained as it was before.
The question is, is there any way that one could still achieve the same
thing with our new decorator pattern. Turns out there possibly is.
What one should be able to do, at least for where there are required
arguments, is do:
class with_arguments(object):
def __init__(self, arg):
self.arg = arg
def __call__(self, wrapped, instance, args, kwargs):
return wrapped(*args, **kwargs)
def function():
What will happen here is that application of the decorator with arguments
being supplied, will result in an instance of the class being created. In
the next phase where that is called with the wrapped function, the
``__call__()`` method with ``@decorator`` applied will be used as a
decorator on the wrapped function. The end result should be that the
``__call__()`` method of the class instance created ends up being our
wrapper function.
When the decorated function is now called, the ``__call__()`` method of the
class would be called to then in turn call the wrapped function. As the
``__call__()`` method at that point is bound to an instance of the class,
it would have access to the state that it contained.
What actually happens when we do this though?
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 483, in <module>
TypeError: _decorator() takes exactly 1 argument (2 given)
So nice idea, but it fails.
Is it game over? The answer is of course not, because if it isn't obvious
by now, I don't give up that easily.
Now the reason this failed is actually because of how our decorator factory
is implemented.
def decorator(wrapper):
def _decorator(wrapped):
return function_wrapper(wrapped, wrapper)
return _decorator
I will not describe in this post what the problem is though and will leave
the solving of this particular problem to a short followup post as the next
in this blog post series on decorators.

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@ -0,0 +1,326 @@
Maintaining decorator state using a class
This is the sixth post in my series of blog posts about Python decorators
and how I believe they are generally poorly implemented. It follows on from
the previous post titled [Decorators which accept
arguments](, with the very first
post in the series being [How you implemented your Python decorator is
In the previous post I described how to implement decorators which accept
arguments. This covered mandatory arguments, but also how to have a
decorator optionally accept arguments. I also touched on how one can
maintain state between invocations of the decorator wrapper function for a
specific wrapped function.
One of the approaches described for maintaining state was to implement the
decorator as a class. Using this approach though resulted in an unexpected
This post will explore the source of the error when attempting to implement
our decorator as a class using our new decorator factory and function
wrapper, and then see if any other issues crop up.
Single decorator for functions and methods
As described in the previous post, the pattern we were trying to use so as
to allow us to use a class as a decorator was:
class with_arguments(object):
def __init__(self, arg):
self.arg = arg
def __call__(self, wrapped, instance, args, kwargs):
return wrapped(*args, **kwargs)
def function():
The intent here is that the application of the decorator, with arguments
supplied, would result in an instance of the class being created. In the
next phase where that is called with the wrapped function, the
``__call__()`` method with ``@decorator`` applied will be used as a
decorator on the function to be wrapped. The end result should be that the
``__call__()`` method of the class instance created ends up being our
wrapper function.
When the decorated function is now called, the ``__call__()`` method of the
class would be called with it in turn calling the wrapped function. As the
``__call__()`` method at that point is bound to an instance of the class, it
would have access to the state that it contained.
When we tried this though we got, at the time that the decorator was being
applied, the error:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 483, in <module>
TypeError: _decorator() takes exactly 1 argument (2 given)
The ``_decorator()`` function in this case is the inner function from our
decorator factory.
def decorator(wrapper):
def _decorator(wrapped):
return function_wrapper(wrapped, wrapper)
return _decorator
The mistake that has been made here is that we are using a function closure
to implement our decorator factory, yet we were expecting it to work on
both normal functions and methods of classes.
The reason this will not work is due to the binding that occurs when a
method of a class is accessed. This process was described in a previous
post in this series and is the result of the descriptor protocol being
applied. This binding results in the reference to the instance of the class
being automatically passed as the first argument to the method.
Now as the ``_decorator()`` function was acting as a wrapper for the method
call, and because ``_decorator()`` was not defined so as to accept both
``self`` and ``wrapped`` as arguments, the call would fail.
We could create a special variant of the decorator factory to be used just
on instance methods, but that goes against the specific complaint expressed
earlier in regard to how people create multiple variants of decorators for
use on normal functions and instance methods.
To resolve this issue, what we can do is use our function wrapper for the
decorator returned by the decorator factory, instead of a function closure.
def decorator(wrapper):
def _wrapper(wrapped, instance, args, kwargs):
def _execute(wrapped):
return function_wrapper(wrapped, wrapper)
return _execute(*args, **kwargs)
return function_wrapper(wrapper, _wrapper)
Explicit binding of methods required
This above change now means we do not have to worry about whether
``@decorator`` is being applied to a normal function, instance method or
even a class method. This is because in all cases, any reference to the
instance being bound to is never passed through in ``args``. Thus any
wrapper function doesn't need to worry about the distinction.
Trying again with this change though, we are confronted with a further
problem. This time at the point that the wrapped function is called.
>>> function()
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
File "", line 243, in __call__
return self.wrapper(self.wrapped, None, args, kwargs)
TypeError: __call__() takes exactly 5 arguments (4 given)
The issue this time is that when ``@decorator`` is applied to the
``__call__()`` method, the reference it is passed is that of the unbound
method. This is because this occurs during the processing of the class
definition, long before any instance of the class has been created.
Normally the reference to the instance would be supplied later when the
method is bound, but because our decorator is actually a factory there are
two layers involved. The target instance is available to the upper factory
as the 'instance' argument, but that isn't being used in any way when the
inner function wrapper object is being created which associates the
function to be wrapped with our wrapper function.
To solve this problem we need for the case where we are being bound to an
instance, to explicitly bind the wrapper function ourselves against the
def decorator(wrapper):
def _wrapper(wrapped, instance, args, kwargs):
def _execute(wrapped):
if instance is None:
return function_wrapper(wrapped, wrapper)
elif inspect.isclass(instance):
return function_wrapper(wrapped, wrapper.__get__(None, instance))
return function_wrapper(wrapped, wrapper.__get__(instance, type(instance)))
return _execute(*args, **kwargs)
return function_wrapper(wrapper, _wrapper)
So what we are using here is the feature of our function wrapper that
allows us to implement a universal decorator. That is, one which can change
its behaviour dependent upon the context it is used in.
In this case we had three cases we needed to deal with.
The first is where the instance was ``None``. This corresponds to a normal
function, a static method or where the decorator was applied to a class
The second is where the instance was not ``None``, but where it referred to a
class type. This corresponds to a class method. In this case we need to
bind the wrapper function to the class type by calling the ``__get__()``
method of the wrapper function explicitly.
The third and final case is where the instance was not ``None``, but where
it was not referring to a class type. This corresponds to an instance
method. In this case we again need to bind the wrapper function, this time
to the instance.
With these changes, we are now all done with addressing this issue, and to
a large degree with filling out our new decorator pattern.
Do not try and reproduce this
So the complete solution we now have at this point is:
class object_proxy(object):
def __init__(self, wrapped):
self.wrapped = wrapped
self.__name__ = wrapped.__name__
except AttributeError:
def __class__(self):
return self.wrapped.__class__
def __getattr__(self, name):
return getattr(self.wrapped, name)
class bound_function_wrapper(object_proxy):
def __init__(self, wrapped, instance, wrapper, binding, parent):
super(bound_function_wrapper, self).__init__(wrapped)
self.instance = instance
self.wrapper = wrapper
self.binding = binding
self.parent = parent
def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
if self.binding == 'function':
if self.instance is None:
instance, args = args[0], args[1:]
wrapped = functools.partial(self.wrapped, instance)
return self.wrapper(wrapped, instance, args, kwargs)
return self.wrapper(self.wrapped, self.instance, args, kwargs)
instance = getattr(self.wrapped, '__self__', None)
return self.wrapper(self.wrapped, instance, args, kwargs)
def __get__(self, instance, owner):
if self.instance is None and self.binding == 'function':
descriptor = self.parent.wrapped.__get__(instance, owner)
return bound_function_wrapper(descriptor, instance, self.wrapper,
self.binding, self.parent)
return self
class function_wrapper(object_proxy):
def __init__(self, wrapped, wrapper):
super(function_wrapper, self).__init__(wrapped)
self.wrapper = wrapper
if isinstance(wrapped, classmethod):
self.binding = 'classmethod'
elif isinstance(wrapped, staticmethod):
self.binding = 'staticmethod'
self.binding = 'function'
def __get__(self, instance, owner):
wrapped = self.wrapped.__get__(instance, owner)
return bound_function_wrapper(wrapped, instance, self.wrapper,
self.binding, self)
def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
return self.wrapper(self.wrapped, None, args, kwargs)
def decorator(wrapper):
def _wrapper(wrapped, instance, args, kwargs):
def _execute(wrapped):
if instance is None:
return function_wrapper(wrapped, wrapper)
elif inspect.isclass(instance):
return function_wrapper(wrapped, wrapper.__get__(None, instance))
return function_wrapper(wrapped, wrapper.__get__(instance, type(instance)))
return _execute(*args, **kwargs)
return function_wrapper(wrapper, _wrapper)
Take heed though of what was said in prior posts though. The object proxy
implementation given here is not a complete solution. As a result, do not
take this code and try and use it yourself as is. If you do you will find
that some aspects of performing introspection on the wrapped function will
not work as indicated they should.
In particular, access to the function ``__doc__`` string will always yield
``None``. Various attributes such as ``__qualname__`` in Python 3 and
``__module__`` are not propagated either.
Handling an attribute such as ``__doc__`` string correctly is actually a
bit of a pain. This is because you cannot use a ``__doc__`` property in an
object proxy base class that returns the value from the wrapped function
and have it then work when you derive another class from it. This is
because the separate ``__doc__`` string attribute from the derived class,
even if no documentation string were specified in the derived class, will
override that of the base class.
So the object proxy as shown here was intended to be illustrative only of
what was required.
In some respects all the code here is meant to be illustrative only. It is
not here to say use this code but to show you the general path to
implementing a more robust decorator implementation. It is to provide a
narrative from which you can learn. If you were expecting a one line TLDR
summary on how to do it, then you can forget it, things just aren't that
Introducing the wrapt decorator module
If I am telling you not to use this code, what are you supposed to do then?
The answer to that already exists in the form of the wrapt module on PyPi.
The wrapt package has been available for a number of months already, but
isn't widely known of at this point. It implements all of what is described
but also more. The module has a complete implementation of the object proxy
required to make all this work correctly. The module also provides a range
of other features related to the decorator factory as well as other
separate features related to monkey patching in general.
Although I am now finally pointing out that this module exists, I will not
be stopping the blog posts at this point as there is a range of topics I
still want to cover. These include examples of how a universal decorator
can be used, enabling/disabling of decorators, performance issues, the
remaining parts of the implementation of the object proxy, monkey patching
and much more.
In the next post in this series I will look at one specific example of
using a universal decorator by posing the question of if Python decorators
are so wonderful, why does Python not provide a ``@synchronized`` decorator?
Such a decorator was held up as a bit of a poster child as to what could be
done with decorators when they were first introduced to the language, yet
all the implementations I could find are half baked and not very practical
in the real world. I believe that a universal decorator can help here and
we can actually have a usable ``@synchronized`` decorator. I will therefore
explore that possibility in the next post.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,565 @@
The missing @synchronized decorator
This is the seventh post in my series of blog posts about Python decorators
and how I believe they are generally poorly implemented. It follows on from
the previous post titled [Maintaining decorator state using a
class](, with the very
first post in the series being [How you implemented your Python decorator
is wrong](
In the previous post I effectively rounded out the discussion on the
implementation of the decorator pattern, or at least the key parts that I
care to cover at this point. I may expand on a few other things that can be
done at a later time.
At this point I want to start looking at ways this decorator pattern can be
used to implement better decorators. For this post I want to look at the
``@synchronized`` decorator.
The concept of the ``@synchronized`` decorator originates from Java and the
idea of being able to write such a decorator in Python was a bit of a
poster child when decorators were first added to Python. Despite this,
there is no standard ``@synchronized`` decorator in the Python standard
library. If this was such a good example of why decorators are so useful,
why is this the case?
Stealing ideas from the Java language
The equivalent synchronization primitive from Java comes in two forms.
These are synchronized methods and synchronized statements.
In Java, to make a method synchronized, you simply add the synchronized
keyword to its declaration:
public class SynchronizedCounter {
private int c = 0;
public synchronized void increment() {
public synchronized void decrement() {
public synchronized int value() {
return c;
Making a method synchronized means it is not possible for two invocations
of synchronized methods on the same object to interleave. When one thread
is executing a synchronized method for an object, all other threads that
invoke synchronized methods for the same object block (suspend execution)
until the first thread is done with the object.
In other words, each instance of the class has an intrinsic lock object and
upon entering a method the lock is being acquired, with it subsequently
being released when the method returns. The lock is what is called a
re-entrant lock, meaning that a thread can while it holds the lock, acquire
it again without blocking. This is so that from one synchronized method it
is possible to call another synchronized method on the same object.
The second way to create synchronized code in Java is with synchronized
statements. Unlike synchronized methods, synchronized statements must
specify the object that provides the intrinsic lock:
public void addName(String name) {
synchronized(this) {
lastName = name;
Of note is that in Java one can use any object as the source of the lock,
it is not necessary to create an instance of a specific lock type to
synchronize on. If more fined grained locking is required within a class
one can simply create or use an existing arbitrary object to synchronize
public class MsLunch {
private long c1 = 0;
private long c2 = 0;
private Object lock1 = new Object();
private Object lock2 = new Object();
public void inc1() {
synchronized(lock1) {
public void inc2() {
synchronized(lock2) {
These synchronization primitives looks relatively simple to use, so how
close did people come to actually achieving the level of simplicity by
using decorators to do the same in Python.
Synchronizing off a thread mutex
In Python it isn't possible to synchronize off an arbitrary object. Instead
it is necessary to create a specific lock object which internally holds a
thread mutex. Such a lock object provides an ``acquire()`` and
``release()`` method for manipulating the lock.
Since context managers were introduced to Python however, locks also
support being used in conjunction with the ``with`` statement. Using this
specific feature, the typical recipe given for implementing a
``@synchronized`` decorator for Python is:
def synchronized(lock=None):
def _decorator(wrapped):
def _wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
with lock:
return wrapped(*args, **kwargs)
return _wrapper
return _decorator
lock = threading.RLock()
def function():
Using this approach becomes annoying after a while because for every
distinct function that needs to be synchronized, you have to first create a
companion thread lock to go with it.
The alternative to needing to pass in the lock object each time, is to
create one automatically for each use of the decorator.
def synchronized(wrapped):
lock = threading.RLock()
def _wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
with lock:
return wrapped(*args, **kwargs)
return _wrapper
def function():
We can even use the pattern described previously for allowing optional
decorator arguments to permit either approach.
def synchronized(wrapped=None, lock=None):
if wrapped is None:
return functools.partial(synchronized, lock=lock)
if lock is None:
lock = threading.RLock()
def _wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
with lock:
return wrapped(*args, **kwargs)
return _wrapper
def function1():
lock = threading.Lock()
def function2():
Whatever the approach, the decorator being based on a function closure
suffers all the problems we have already outlined. The first step we can
therefore take is to update it to use our new decorator factory instead.
def synchronized(wrapped=None, lock=None):
if wrapped is None:
return functools.partial(synchronized, lock=lock)
if lock is None:
lock = threading.RLock()
def _wrapper(wrapped, instance, args, kwargs):
with lock:
return wrapped(*args, **kwargs)
return _wrapper(wrapped)
Because this is using our decorator factory, it also means that the same
code is safe to use on instance, class or static methods as well.
Using this on methods of a class though starts to highlight why this
simplistic approach isn't particularly useful. This is because the locking
only applies to calls made to the specific method which is wrapped. Plus
that it will be across that one method on all instances of the class. This
isn't really want we want and doesn't mirror how synchronized methods in
Java work.
Reiterating what we are after again, for all instance methods of a specific
instance of a class, if they have been decorated as being synchronized, we
want them to synchronize off a single lock object associated with the class
Now there have been posts describing how to improve on this in the past,
including for example this quite involved attempt. Personally though I find
the way in which it is done is quite clumsy and even suspect it isn't
actually thread safe, with a race condition over the creation of some of
the locks.
Because it used function closures and didn't have our concept of a
universal decorator, it was also necessary to create a multitude of
different decorators and then try and plaster them together under a single
decorator entry point. Obviously, we should now be able to do a lot better
than this.
Storing the thread mutex on objects
Starting over, lets take a fresh look at how we can manage the thread locks
we need to have. Rather than requiring the lock be passed in, or creating
it within a function closure which is then available to the nested wrapper,
lets try and manage the locks within the wrapper itself.
In doing this the issue is where can we store the thread lock. The only
options for storing any data between invocations of the wrapper are going
to be on the wrapper itself, on the wrapped function object, in the case of
wrapping an instance method, on the class instance, or for a class method,
on the class.
Lets first consider the case of a normal function. In that case what we can
do is store the required thread lock on the wrapped function object itself.
def synchronized(wrapped, instance, args, kwargs):
lock = vars(wrapped).get('_synchronized_lock', None)
if lock is None:
lock = vars(wrapped).setdefault('_synchronized_lock', threading.RLock())
with lock:
return wrapped(*args, **kwargs)
def function():
>>> function()
>>> function._synchronized_lock
<_RLock owner=None count=0>
A key issue we have to deal with in doing this is how to create the thread
lock the first time it is required. To do that the first thing we need do
is to see if we already have created a thread lock.
lock = vars(wrapped).get('_synchronized_lock', None)
If this returns a valid thread lock object we are fine and can continue on
to attempt to acquire the lock. If however it didn't exist we need to
create it, but we have to be careful how we do this in order to avoid a
race condition when two threads have entered this section of code at the
same time and both believe it is responsible for creating the thread lock.
The trick we use to solve this is to use:
lock = vars(wrapped).setdefault('_synchronized_lock', threading.RLock())
In the case of two threads trying to set the lock at the same time, they
will both actually create an instance of a thread lock, but by virtue of
using ``dict.setdefault()``, only one of them will win and actually be able
to set it to the instance of the thread lock it created.
As ``dict.setdefault()`` then returns whichever is the first value to be
stored, both threads will then continue on and attempt to acquire the same
thread lock object. It doesn't matter here that one of the thread objects
gets thrown away as it will only occur at the time of initialisation and
only if there was actually a race to set it.
We have therefore managed to replicate what we had originally, the
difference though being that the thread lock is stored on the wrapped
function, rather than on the stack of an enclosing function. We still have
the issue that every instance method will have a distinct lock.
The simple solution is that we use the fact that this is what we are
calling a universal decorator and use the ability to detect in what context
the decorator was used.
Specifically, what we want to do is detect when we are being used on an
instance method or class method, and store the lock on the object passed as
the ``instance`` argument instead.
def synchronized(wrapped, instance, args, kwargs):
if instance is None:
context = vars(wrapped)
context = vars(instance)
lock = context.get('_synchronized_lock', None)
if lock is None:
lock = context.setdefault('_synchronized_lock', threading.RLock())
with lock:
return wrapped(*args, **kwargs)
class Object(object):
def method_im(self):
def method_cm(cls):
o1 = Object()
o2 = Object()
>>> o1.method_im()
>>> o1._synchronized_lock
<_RLock owner=None count=0>
>>> id(o1._synchronized_lock)
>>> o2.method_im()
>>> o2._synchronized_lock
<_RLock owner=None count=0>
>>> id(o2._synchronized_lock)
This simple change has actually achieved the result we desired. If the
synchronized decorator is used on a normal function then the thread lock
will be stored on the function itself and it will stand alone and only be
synchronized with calls to the same function.
For the case of the instance method, the thread lock will be stored on the
instance of the class the instance methods are bound too and any instance
methods marked as being synchronized on that class will all synchronize on
that single thread lock, thus mimicking how Java behaves.
Now what about that class method. In this case the instance argument is
actually the class type. If the thread lock is stored on the type, then the
result would be that if there were multiple class methods and they were all
marked as synchronized, they would exclude each other. The thread lock in
this case is distinct from any used by instance methods, but that is also
actually what we want.
Does the code work though for a class method?
>>> Object.method_cm()
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
File "", line 38, in __call__
return self.wrapper(self.wrapped, instance, args, kwargs)
File "", line 176, in synchronized
lock = context.setdefault('_synchronized_lock',
AttributeError: 'dictproxy' object has no attribute 'setdefault'
Unfortunately not.
The reason this is the case is that the ``__dict__`` of a class type is not
a normal dictionary, but a dictproxy. A dictproxy doesn't share the same
methods as a normal dict and in particular, it does not provide the
``setdefault()`` method.
We therefore need a different way of synchronizing the creation of the
thread lock the first time for the case where instance is a class.
We also have another issue due to a dictproxy being used. That is that
dictproxy doesn't support item assignment.
>>> vars(Object)['_synchronized_lock'] = threading.RLock()
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
TypeError: 'dictproxy' object does not support item assignment
What it does still support though is attribute assignment.
>>> setattr(Object, '_synchronized_lock', threading.RLock())
>>> Object._synchronized_lock
<_RLock owner=None count=0>
and since both function objects and class instances do as well, we will
need to switch to that method of updating attributes.
Storing a meta lock on the decorator
As to an alternative for using dict.setdefault() as an atomic way of
setting the lock the first time, what we can do instead is use a meta
thread lock stored on the ``@synchronized`` decorator itself. With this we
still have the issue though of ensuring that only one thread can get to set
it. We therefore use ``dict.setdefault()`` to control creation of the meta
lock at least.
def synchronized(wrapped, instance, args, kwargs):
if instance is None:
owner = wrapped
owner = instance
lock = vars(owner).get('_synchronized_lock', None)
if lock is None:
meta_lock = vars(synchronized).setdefault(
'_synchronized_meta_lock', threading.Lock())
with meta_lock:
lock = vars(owner).get('_synchronized_lock', None)
if lock is None:
lock = threading.RLock()
setattr(owner, '_synchronized_lock', lock)
with lock:
return wrapped(*args, **kwargs)
Note that because of the gap between checking for the existence of the lock
for the wrapped function and creating the meta lock, after we have acquired
the meta lock we need to once again check to see if the lock exists. This
is to handle the case where two threads came into the code at the same time
and are racing to be the first to create the lock.
Now one thing which is very important in this change is that we only
swapped to using attribute access for updating the lock for the wrapped
function. We have not changed to using ``getattr()`` for looking up the
lock in the first place and are still looking it up in ``__dict__`` as
returned by ``vars()``.
This is necessary because when ``getattr()`` is used on an instance of a
class, if that attribute doesn't exist on the instance of the class, then
the lookup rules mean that if the attribute instead existed on the class
type, then that would be returned instead.
This would cause problems if a synchronized class method was the first to
be called, because it would then leave a lock on the class type. When the
instance method was subsequently called, if ``getattr()`` were used, it
would find the lock on the class type and return it and it would be wrongly
used. Thus we stay with looking for the lock via ``__dict__`` as that will
only contain what actually exists in the instance.
With these changes we are now all done and all lock creation is now
completely automatic, with an appropriate lock created for the different
contexts the decorator is used in.
def function():
class Object(object):
def method_im(self):
def method_cm(cls):
o = Object()
>>> function()
>>> id(function._synchronized_lock)
>>> Object.method_cm()
>>> id(Object._synchronized_lock)
>>> o.method_im()
>>> id(o._synchronized_lock)
The code also works for where ``@synchronized`` is used on a static method
or class type. In summary, the result for the different places
``@synchronized`` can be placed is:
@synchronized # lock bound to function1
def function1():
@synchronized # lock bound to function2
def function2():
@synchronized # lock bound to Class
class Class(object):
@synchronized # lock bound to instance of Class
def function_im(self):
@synchronized # lock bound to Class
def function_cm(cls):
@synchronized # lock bound to function_sm
def function_sm():
Implementing synchronized statements
So we are all done with implementing support for synchronized methods, but
what about those synchronized statements. The goal here is that we want to
be able to write:
class Object(object):
def function_im_1(self):
def function_im_2(self):
with synchronized(self):
That is, we need for ``synchronized`` to not only be usable as a decorator,
but for it also be able to be used as a context manager.
In this role, similar to with Java, it would be supplied the object on
which synchronization is to occur, which for instance methods would be the
``self`` object or instance of the class.
For an explanation of how we can do this though, you will need to wait for
the next instalment in this series of posts.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,236 @@
The @synchronized decorator as context manager
This is the eigth post in my series of blog posts about Python decorators
and how I believe they are generally poorly implemented. It follows on from
the previous post titled [The missing @synchronized
decorator](, with the very first
post in the series being [How you implemented your Python decorator is
In the previous post I described how we could use our new universal
decorator pattern to implement a better @synchronized decorator for Python.
The intent in doing this was to come up with a better approximation of the
equivalent synchronization mechanisms in Java.
Of the two synchronization mechanisms provided by Java, synchronized
methods and synchronized statements, we have however so far only
implemented an equivalent to synchronized methods.
In this post I will describe how we can take our ``@synchronized`` decorator
and extend it to also be used as a context manager, thus providing an an
equivalent of synchronized statements in Java.
The original @synchronized decorator
The implementation of our ``@synchronized`` decorator so far is:
def synchronized(wrapped, instance, args, kwargs):
if instance is None:
owner = wrapped
owner = instance
lock = vars(owner).get('_synchronized_lock', None)
if lock is None:
meta_lock = vars(synchronized).setdefault(
'_synchronized_meta_lock', threading.Lock())
with meta_lock:
lock = vars(owner).get('_synchronized_lock', None)
if lock is None:
lock = threading.RLock()
setattr(owner, '_synchronized_lock', lock)
with lock:
return wrapped(*args, **kwargs)
By determining whether the decorator is being used to wrap a normal
function, a method bound to a class instance or a class, and with the
decorator changing behaviour as a result, we are able to use the one
decorator implementation in a number of scenarios.
@synchronized # lock bound to function1
def function1():
@synchronized # lock bound to function2
def function2():
@synchronized # lock bound to Class
class Class(object):
@synchronized # lock bound to instance of Class
def function_im(self):
@synchronized # lock bound to Class
def function_cm(cls):
@synchronized # lock bound to function_sm
def function_sm():
What we now want to do is modify the decorator to also allow:
class Object(object):
def function_im_1(self):
def function_im_2(self):
with synchronized(self):
That is, as well as being able to be used as a decorator, we enable it to
be used as a context manager in conjunction with the ``with`` statement. By
doing this it then provides the ability to only acquire the corresponding
lock for a selected number of statements within a function rather than the
whole function.
For the case of acquiring the same lock used by instance methods, we would
pass the ``self`` argument or instance object into ``synchronized`` when
used as a context manager. It could instead also be passed the class type
if needing to synchronize with class methods.
The function wrapper as context manager
Right now with how the decorator is implemented, when we use
``synchronized`` as a function call, it will return an instance of our
function wrapper class.
>>> synchronized(None)
<__main__.function_wrapper object at 0x107b7ea10>
This function wrapper does not implement the ``__enter__()`` and
``__exit__()`` functions that are required for an object to be used as a
context manager. Since the function wrapper type is our own class, all we
need to do though is create a derived version of the class and use that
instead. Because though the creation of that function wrapper is bound up
within the definition of ``@decorator``, we need to bypass ``@decorator``
and use the function wrapper directly.
The first step therefore is to rewrite our ``@synchronized`` decorator so
it doesn't use ``@decorator``.
def synchronized(wrapped):
def _synchronized_lock(owner):
lock = vars(owner).get('_synchronized_lock', None)
if lock is None:
meta_lock = vars(synchronized).setdefault(
'_synchronized_meta_lock', threading.Lock())
with meta_lock:
lock = vars(owner).get('_synchronized_lock', None)
if lock is None:
lock = threading.RLock()
setattr(owner, '_synchronized_lock', lock)
return lock
def _synchronized_wrapper(wrapped, instance, args, kwargs):
with _synchronized_lock(instance or wrapped):
return wrapped(*args, **kwargs)
return function_wrapper(wrapped, _synchronized_wrapper)
This works the same as our original implementation but we now have access
to the point where the function wrapper was created. With that being the
case, we can now create a class which derives from the function wrapper and
adds the required methods to satisfy the context manager protocol.
def synchronized(wrapped):
def _synchronized_lock(owner):
lock = vars(owner).get('_synchronized_lock', None)
if lock is None:
meta_lock = vars(synchronized).setdefault(
'_synchronized_meta_lock', threading.Lock())
with meta_lock:
lock = vars(owner).get('_synchronized_lock', None)
if lock is None:
lock = threading.RLock()
setattr(owner, '_synchronized_lock', lock)
return lock
def _synchronized_wrapper(wrapped, instance, args, kwargs):
with _synchronized_lock(instance or wrapped):
return wrapped(*args, **kwargs)
class _synchronized_function_wrapper(function_wrapper):
def __enter__(self):
self._lock = _synchronized_lock(self.wrapped)
return self._lock
def __exit__(self, *args):
return _synchronized_function_wrapper(wrapped, _synchronized_wrapper)
We now have two scenarios for what can happen.
In the case of ``synchronized`` being used as a decorator still, our new
derived function wrapper will wrap the function or method it was applied
to. When that function or class method is called, the existing
``__call__()`` method of the function wrapper base class will be called and
the decorator semantics will apply with the wrapper called to acquire the
appropriate lock and call the wrapped function.
In the case where is was instead used for the purposes of a context
manager, our new derived function wrapper would actually be wrapping the
class instance or class type. Nothing is being called though and instead
the ``with`` statement will trigger the execution of the ``__enter__()``
and ``__exit__()`` methods to acquire the appropriate lock around the
context of the statements to be executed.
So all nice and neat and not even that complicated compared to previous
attempts at doing the same thing which were referenced in the prior post on
this topic.
It isn't just about @decorator
Now one of the things that this hopefully shows is that although
``@decorator`` can be used to create your own custom decorators, this isn't
always the most appropriate way to go. The separate existence of the
function wrapper gives a great deal of flexibility in what one can do as
far as wrapping objects to modify the behaviour. One can also drop down and
use the object proxy directly in certain circumstances.
All together these provide a general purpose set of tools for doing any
sort of wrapping or monkey patching and not just for use in decorators. I
will now start to shift the focus of this series of blog posts to look more
at the more general area of wrapping and monkey patching.
Before I do get into that, in my next post I will first talk about the
performance implications implicit in using the function wrapper which has
been described when compared to the more traditional way of using function
closures to implement decorators. This will include overhead comparisons
where the complete object proxy and function wrapper classes are
implemented as a Python C extension for added performance.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,265 @@
Performance overhead of using decorators
This is the ninth post in my series of blog posts about Python decorators
and how I believe they are generally poorly implemented. It follows on from
the previous post titled [The @synchronized decorator as context
manager](, with the
very first post in the series being [How you implemented your Python
decorator is
The posts so far in this series were bashed out in quick succession in a
bit over a week. Because that was quite draining on the brain and due to
other commitments I took a bit of a break. Hopefully I can get through
another burst of posts, initially about performance considerations when
implementing decorators and then start a dive into how to implement the
object proxy which underlies the function wrapper the decorator mechanism
described relies on.
Overhead in decorating a normal function
In this post I am only going to look at the overhead of decorating a normal
function with the decorator mechanism which has been described. The
relevant part of the decorator mechanism which comes into play in this case
class function_wrapper(object_proxy):
def __init__(self, wrapped, wrapper):
super(function_wrapper, self).__init__(wrapped)
self.wrapper = wrapper
def __get__(self, instance, owner):
def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
return self.wrapper(self.wrapped, None, args, kwargs)
def decorator(wrapper):
def _wrapper(wrapped, instance, args, kwargs):
def _execute(wrapped):
if instance is None:
return function_wrapper(wrapped, wrapper)
elif inspect.isclass(instance):
return function_wrapper(wrapped, wrapper.__get__(None, instance))
return function_wrapper(wrapped, wrapper.__get__(instance, type(instance)))
return _execute(*args, **kwargs)
return function_wrapper(wrapper, _wrapper)
If you want to refresh your memory of the complete code that was previously
presented you can check back to the last post where it was described in
With our decorator factory, when creating a decorator and then decorating a
normal function with it we would use:
def my_function_wrapper(wrapped, instance, args, kwargs):
return wrapped(*args, **kwargs)
def function():
This is in contrast to the same decorator created in the more traditional
way using a function closure.
def my_function_wrapper(wrapped):
def _my_function_wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
return wrapped(*args, **kwargs)
return _my_function_wrapper
def function():
Now what actually occurs in these two different cases when we make the call:
Tracing the execution of the function
In order to trace the execution of our code we can use Python's profile
hooks mechanism.
import sys
def tracer(frame, event, arg):
print(frame.f_code.co_name, event)
The purpose of the profile hook is to allow you to register a callback
function which is called on the entry and exit of all functions. Using this
was can trace the sequence of function calls that are being made.
For the case of a decorator implemented as a function closure this yields:
_my_function_wrapper call
function call
function return
_my_function_wrapper return
So what we see here is that the nested function of our function closure is
called. This is because the decorator in the case of a using a function
closure is replacing ``function`` with a reference to that nested function.
When that nested function is called, it then in turn calls the original
wrapped function.
For our implementation using our decorator factory, when we do the same
thing we instead get:
__call__ call
my_function_wrapper call
function call
function return
my_function_wrapper return
__call__ return
The difference here is that our decorator replaces ``function`` with an
instance of our function wrapper class. Being a class, when it is called as
if it was a function, the ``__call__()`` method is invoked on the instance
of the class. The ``__call__()`` method is then invoking the user supplied
wrapper function, which in turn calls the original wrapped function.
The result therefore is that we have introduced an extra level of
indirection, or in other words an extra function call into the execution
Keep in mind though that ``__call__()`` is actually a method though and not
just a normal function. Being a method that means there is actually a lot
more work going on behind the scenes than a normal function call. In
particular, the unbound method needs to be bound to the instance of our
function wrapper class before it can be called. This doesn't appear in the
trace of the calls, but it is occurring and that will incur additional
Timing the execution of the function
By performing the trace above we know that our solution incurs an
additional method call overhead. How much actual extra overhead is this
resulting in though?
To try and measure the increase in overhead in each solution we can use the
``timeit`` module to time the execution of our function call. As a baseline,
we first want to time the call of a function without any decorator applied.
def function():
To time this we use the command:
$ python -m timeit -s 'import benchmarks' 'benchmarks.function()'
The ``timeit`` module when used in this way will perform a suitable large
number of iterations of calling the function, divide the resulting total
time for all calls with the count of the number and end up with a time
value for a single call.
For a 2012 model MacBook Pro this yields:
10000000 loops, best of 3: 0.132 usec per loop
Next up is to try with a decorator implemented as a function closure. For
this we get:
1000000 loops, best of 3: 0.326 usec per loop
And finally with our decorator factory:
1000000 loops, best of 3: 0.771 usec per loop
In this final case, rather than use the exact code as has been presented so
far in this series of blog posts, I have used the ``wrapt`` module
implementation of what has been described. This implementation works
slightly differently as it has a few extra capabilities over what has been
described and the design is also a little bit different. The overhead will
still be roughly equivalent and if anything will cast things as being
slightly worse than the more minimal implementation.
Speeding up execution of the wrapper
At this point no doubt there will be people wanting to point out that this
so called better way of implementing a decorator is too slow to be
practical to use, even if it is more correct as far as properly honouring
things such as the descriptor protocol for method invocation.
Is there therefore anything that can be done to speed up the implementation?
That is of course a stupid question for me to be asking because you should
realise by now that I would find a way. :-)
The path that can be taken at this point is to implement everything that
has been described for the function wrapper and object proxy as a Python C
extension module. For simplicity we can keep the decorator factory itself
implemented as pure Python code as execution of that is not time critical
as it would only be invoked once when the decorator is applied to the
function and not on every call of the decorated function.
One thing I am definitely not going to do is blog about how to go about
implementing the function wrapper and object proxy as a Python C extension
module. Rest assured though that it works in the same way as the parallel
pure Python implementation. It does obviously though run a lot quicker due
to being implemented as C code using the Python C APIs rather than as pure
Python code.
What is the result then by implementing the function wrapper and object
proxy as a Python C extension module? It is:
1000000 loops, best of 3: 0.382 usec per loop
So although a lot more effort was required in actually implementing the
function wrapper and object proxy as a Python C extension module, the
effort was well worth it, with the results now being very close to the
implementation of the decorator that used a function closure.
Normal functions vs methods of classes
So far we have only considered the case of decorating a normal function. As
expected, due to the introduction of an extra level of indirection as well
as the function wrapper being implemented as a class, overhead was notably
more. Albeit, that it was still in the order of only half a microsecond.
All the same, we were able to speed things up to a point, by implementing
our function wrapper and object proxy as C code, where the overhead above
that of a decorator implemented as a function closure was negligible.
What now about where we decorate methods of a class. That is, instance
methods, class methods and static methods. For that you will need to wait
until the next blog post in this series on decorators.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,326 @@
Performance overhead when applying decorators to methods
This is the tenth post in my series of blog posts about Python decorators
and how I believe they are generally poorly implemented. It follows on from
the previous post titled [Performance overhead of using
decorators](, with the very
first post in the series being [How you implemented your Python decorator
is wrong](
In the previous post I started looking at the performance implications of
using decorators. In that post I started out by looking at the overheads
when applying a decorator to a normal function, comparing a decorator
implemented as a function closure to the more robust decorator
implementation which has been the subject of this series of posts.
For a 2012 model MacBook Pro the tests yielded for a straight function call:
10000000 loops, best of 3: 0.132 usec per loop
When using a decorator implemented as a function closure the result was:
1000000 loops, best of 3: 0.326 usec per loop
And finally with the decorator factory described in this series of blog
1000000 loops, best of 3: 0.771 usec per loop
This final figure was based on a pure Python implementation. When however
the object proxy and function wrapper were implemented as a C extension, it
was possible to get this down to:
1000000 loops, best of 3: 0.382 usec per loop
This result was not much different to when using a decorator implemented as
a function closure.
What now for when decorators are applied to methods of a class?
Overhead of having to bind functions
The issue with applying decorators to methods of a class is that if you are
going to honour the Python execution model, the decorator needs to be
implemented as a descriptor and correctly bind methods to a class or class
instance when accessed. In the decorator described in this series of posts
we actually made use of that mechanism so as to be able to determine when a
decorator was being applied to a normal function, instance method or class
Although this process of binding ensures correct operation, it comes at an
additional cost in overhead over what a decorator implemented as a function
closure, which does not make any attempt to preserve the Python execution
model, would do.
In order to see what extra steps occur, we can again use the Python profile
hooks mechanism to trace execution of the call of our decorated function.
In this case the execution of an instance method.
First lets check again what we would get for a decorator implemented as a
function closure.
def my_function_wrapper(wrapped):
def _my_function_wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
return wrapped(*args, **kwargs)
return _my_function_wrapper
class Class(object):
def method(self):
instance = Class()
import sys
def tracer(frame, event, arg):
print(frame.f_code.co_name, event)
The result in running this is effectively the same as when decorating a
normal function.
_my_function_wrapper call
method call
method return
_my_function_wrapper return
We should therefore expect that the overhead will not be substantially
different when we perform actual timing tests.
Now for when using our decorator factory. To provide context this time we
need to present the complete recipe for the implementation.
class object_proxy(object):
def __init__(self, wrapped):
self.wrapped = wrapped
self.__name__ = wrapped.__name__
except AttributeError:
def __class__(self):
return self.wrapped.__class__
def __getattr__(self, name):
return getattr(self.wrapped, name)
class bound_function_wrapper(object_proxy):
def __init__(self, wrapped, instance, wrapper, binding, parent):
super(bound_function_wrapper, self).__init__(wrapped)
self.instance = instance
self.wrapper = wrapper
self.binding = binding
self.parent = parent
def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
if self.binding == 'function':
if self.instance is None:
instance, args = args[0], args[1:]
wrapped = functools.partial(self.wrapped, instance)
return self.wrapper(wrapped, instance, args, kwargs)
return self.wrapper(self.wrapped, self.instance, args, kwargs)
instance = getattr(self.wrapped, '__self__', None)
return self.wrapper(self.wrapped, instance, args, kwargs)
def __get__(self, instance, owner):
if self.instance is None and self.binding == 'function':
descriptor = self.parent.wrapped.__get__(instance, owner)
return bound_function_wrapper(descriptor, instance, self.wrapper,
self.binding, self.parent)
return self
class function_wrapper(object_proxy):
def __init__(self, wrapped, wrapper):
super(function_wrapper, self).__init__(wrapped)
self.wrapper = wrapper
if isinstance(wrapped, classmethod):
self.binding = 'classmethod'
elif isinstance(wrapped, staticmethod):
self.binding = 'staticmethod'
self.binding = 'function'
def __get__(self, instance, owner):
wrapped = self.wrapped.__get__(instance, owner)
return bound_function_wrapper(wrapped, instance, self.wrapper,
self.binding, self)
def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
return self.wrapper(self.wrapped, None, args, kwargs)
def decorator(wrapper):
def _wrapper(wrapped, instance, args, kwargs):
def _execute(wrapped):
if instance is None:
return function_wrapper(wrapped, wrapper)
elif inspect.isclass(instance):
return function_wrapper(wrapped,
wrapper.__get__(None, instance))
return function_wrapper(wrapped,
wrapper.__get__(instance, type(instance)))
return _execute(*args, **kwargs)
return function_wrapper(wrapper, _wrapper)
With our decorator implementation now being:
def my_function_wrapper(wrapped, instance, args, kwargs):
return wrapped(*args, **kwargs)
the result we get when executing the decorated instance method of the class
('__get__', 'call') # function_wrapper
('__init__', 'call') # bound_function_wrapper
('__init__', 'call') # object_proxy
('__init__', 'return')
('__init__', 'return')
('__get__', 'return')
('__call__', 'call') # bound_function_wrapper
('my_function_wrapper', 'call')
('method', 'call')
('method', 'return')
('my_function_wrapper', 'return')
('__call__', 'return')
As can be seen, due to the binding of the method to the instance of the
class which occurs in ``__get__()``, a lot more is now happening. The
overhead can therefore be expected to be significantly more also.
Timing execution of the method call
As before, rather than use the implementation above, the actual
implementation from the wrapt library will again be used.
This time our test is run as:
$ python -m timeit -s 'import benchmarks; c=benchmarks.Class()' 'c.method()'
For the case of no decorator being used on the instance method, the result
10000000 loops, best of 3: 0.143 usec per loop
This is a bit more than for the case of a normal function call due to the
binding of the function to the instance which is occurring.
Next up is using the decorator implemented as a function closure. For this
we get:
1000000 loops, best of 3: 0.382 usec per loop
Again, somewhat more than the undecorated case, but not a great deal more
than when the decorator implemented as a function closure was applied to a
normal function. The overhead of this decorator when applied to a normal
function vs a instance method is therefore not significantly different.
Now for the case of our decorator factory and function wrapper which
honours the Python execution model, by ensuring that binding of the
function to the instance of the class is done correctly.
First up is where a pure Python implementation is used.
100000 loops, best of 3: 6.67 usec per loop
Ouch. Compared to when using a function closure to implement the decorator,
this is quite an additional hit in runtime overhead.
Although this is only about an extra 6 usec per call, you do need to think
about this in context. In particular, if such a decorator is applied to a
function which is called 1000 times in the process of handing a web
request, that is an extra 6 ms added on top of the response time for that
web request.
This is the point where many will no doubt argue that being correct is not
worth it if the overhead is simply too much. But then, it also isn't likely
the case that the decorated function, nor the decorator itself are going to
do nothing and so the additional overhead incurred may still be a small
percentage of the run time cost of those and so not in practice noticeable.
All the same, can the use of a C extension improve things?
For the case of the object proxy and function wrapper being implemented as
a C extension, the result is:
1000000 loops, best of 3: 0.836 usec per loop
So instead of 6 ms, that is less than 1 ms of additional overhead if the
decorated function was called a 1000 times.
It is still somewhat more than when using a decorator implemented as a
function closure, but reiterating again, the use of a function closure when
decorating a method of a class is technically broken by design as it does
not honour the Python execution model.
Who cares if it isn't quite correct
Am I splitting hairs and being overly pedantic in wanting things to be done
Sure, for what you are using decorators for you may well get away with
using a decorator implemented as a function closure. When you start though
moving into the area of using function wrappers to perform monkey patching
of arbitrary code, you cannot afford to do things in a sloppy way.
If you do not honour the Python execution model when doing monkey patching,
you can too easily break in very subtle and obscure ways the third party
code you are monkey patching. Customers don't really like it when what you
do crashes their web application. So for what I need to do at least, it
does matter and it matters a lot.
Now in this post I have only considered the overhead when decorating
instance methods of a class. I did not cover what the overheads are when
decorating static methods and class methods. If you are curious about those
and how they may be different, you can check out the benchmarks for the
full range of cases in the wrapt documentation.
In the next post I will touch once again on issues of performance overhead,
but also a bit on alternative ways of implementing a decorator so as to try
and address the problems raised in my very first post. This will be as a
part of a comparison between the approach described in this series of posts
and the way in which the ``decorator`` module available from PyPi implements
its variant of a decorator factory.

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Blog posts
* 01 - [How you implemented your Python decorator is wrong]( - (7th January 2014)
* 02 - [The interaction between decorators and descriptors]( - (7th January 2014)
* 03 - [Implementing a factory for creating decorators]( - (8th January 2014)
* 04 - [Implementing a universal decorator]( - (9th January 2014)
* 05 - [Decorators which accept arguments]( - (11th January 2014)
* 06 - [Maintaining decorator state using a class]( - (13th January 2014)
* 07 - [The missing @synchronized decorator]( - (14th January 2014)
* 08 - [The @synchronized decorator as context manager]( - (15th January 2014)
* 09 - [Performance overhead of using decorators]( - (8th February 2014)
* 10 - [Performance overhead when applying decorators to methods]( - (17th February 2014)