# Copyright (c) 2014 Rackspace Hosting # All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. import pecan from oslo_log import log as logging from designate import utils from designate.api.v2.controllers import rest from designate.objects import Tld from designate.objects.adapters import DesignateAdapter LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) class TldsController(rest.RestController): SORT_KEYS = ['created_at', 'id', 'updated_at', 'name'] @pecan.expose(template='json:', content_type='application/json') @utils.validate_uuid('tld_id') def get_one(self, tld_id): """Get Tld""" request = pecan.request context = request.environ['context'] tld = self.central_api.get_tld(context, tld_id) LOG.info("Retrieved %(tld)s", {'tld': tld}) return DesignateAdapter.render('API_v2', tld, request=request) @pecan.expose(template='json:', content_type='application/json') def get_all(self, **params): """List Tlds""" request = pecan.request context = request.environ['context'] # Extract the pagination params marker, limit, sort_key, sort_dir = utils.get_paging_params( context, params, self.SORT_KEYS) # Extract any filter params. accepted_filters = ('name', ) criterion = self._apply_filter_params( params, accepted_filters, {}) tlds = self.central_api.find_tlds( context, criterion, marker, limit, sort_key, sort_dir) LOG.info("Retrieved %(tlds)s", {'tlds': tlds}) return DesignateAdapter.render('API_v2', tlds, request=request) @pecan.expose(template='json:', content_type='application/json') def post_all(self): """Create Tld""" request = pecan.request response = pecan.response context = request.environ['context'] body = request.body_dict tld = DesignateAdapter.parse('API_v2', body, Tld()) tld.validate() # Create the tld tld = self.central_api.create_tld(context, tld) LOG.info("Created %(tld)s", {'tld': tld}) response.status_int = 201 tld = DesignateAdapter.render('API_v2', tld, request=request) response.headers['Location'] = tld['links']['self'] # Prepare and return the response body return tld @pecan.expose(template='json:', content_type='application/json') @pecan.expose(template='json:', content_type='application/json-patch+json') @utils.validate_uuid('tld_id') def patch_one(self, tld_id): """Update Tld""" request = pecan.request context = request.environ['context'] body = request.body_dict response = pecan.response if request.content_type == 'application/json-patch+json': raise NotImplemented('json-patch not implemented') # Fetch the existing tld tld = self.central_api.get_tld(context, tld_id) tld = DesignateAdapter.parse('API_v2', body, tld) tld.validate() tld = self.central_api.update_tld(context, tld) LOG.info("Updated %(tld)s", {'tld': tld}) response.status_int = 200 return DesignateAdapter.render('API_v2', tld, request=request) @pecan.expose(template=None, content_type='application/json') @utils.validate_uuid('tld_id') def delete_one(self, tld_id): """Delete Tld""" request = pecan.request response = pecan.response context = request.environ['context'] tld = self.central_api.delete_tld(context, tld_id) LOG.info("Deleted %(tld)s", {'tld': tld}) response.status_int = 204 # NOTE: This is a hack and a half.. But Pecan needs it. return ''