
219 lines
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# Copyright 2012 Managed I.T.
# Author: Kiall Mac Innes <>
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import flask
from oslo.config import cfg
from oslo_log import log as logging
from designate import exceptions
from designate import schema
from designate import objects
from designate.central import rpcapi as central_rpcapi
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
blueprint = flask.Blueprint('servers', __name__)
server_schema = schema.Schema('v1', 'server')
servers_schema = schema.Schema('v1', 'servers')
default_pool_id = cfg.CONF['service:central'].default_pool_id
# Servers are no longer used. They have been replaced by nameservers, which
# is stored as a PoolAttribute. However, the v1 server API calls still need
# to work
def _poolattribute_to_server(pool_attribute):
server_values = {
'created_at': pool_attribute.created_at,
'updated_at': pool_attribute.updated_at,
'version': pool_attribute.version,
'name': pool_attribute.value
server = objects.Server(**server_values)
return server
@blueprint.route('/schemas/server', methods=['GET'])
def get_server_schema():
return flask.jsonify(server_schema.raw)
@blueprint.route('/schemas/servers', methods=['GET'])
def get_servers_schema():
return flask.jsonify(servers_schema.raw)
@blueprint.route('/servers', methods=['POST'])
def create_server():
context = flask.request.environ.get('context')
values = flask.request.json
central_api = central_rpcapi.CentralAPI.get_instance()
# Validate against the original server schema
# Create a PoolAttribute object
pa_values = {
'pool_id': default_pool_id,
'key': 'name_server',
'value': values['name']
nameserver = objects.NameServer(**pa_values)
# Get the default pool
pool = central_api.get_pool(context, default_pool_id)
# Add the new PoolAttribute to the pool as a nameserver
# Update the pool
updated_pool = central_api.update_pool(context, pool)
except exceptions.DuplicatePoolAttribute:
raise exceptions.DuplicateServer()
# Go through the pool.nameservers to find the right one to get the ID
for ns in updated_pool.nameservers:
if ns.value == pa_values['value']:
created_nameserver = ns
# Convert the PoolAttribute to a Server so we can validate with the
# original schema and display
server = _poolattribute_to_server(created_nameserver)
response = flask.jsonify(server_schema.filter(server))
response.status_int = 201
response.location = flask.url_for('.get_server', server_id=server['id'])
return response
@blueprint.route('/servers', methods=['GET'])
def get_servers():
context = flask.request.environ.get('context')
central_api = central_rpcapi.CentralAPI.get_instance()
# Get the default pool
pool = central_api.get_pool(context, default_pool_id)
servers = objects.ServerList()
for ns in pool.nameservers:
return flask.jsonify(servers_schema.filter({'servers': servers}))
@blueprint.route('/servers/<uuid:server_id>', methods=['GET'])
def get_server(server_id):
context = flask.request.environ.get('context')
central_api = central_rpcapi.CentralAPI.get_instance()
# Get the default pool
pool = central_api.get_pool(context, default_pool_id)
# Create an empty PoolAttribute object
nameserver = objects.NameServer()
# Get the desired nameserver from the pool
for ns in pool.nameservers:
if == server_id:
nameserver = ns
# If the nameserver wasn't found, raise an exception
if != server_id:
raise exceptions.ServerNotFound
server = _poolattribute_to_server(nameserver)
return flask.jsonify(server_schema.filter(server))
@blueprint.route('/servers/<uuid:server_id>', methods=['PUT'])
def update_server(server_id):
context = flask.request.environ.get('context')
values = flask.request.json
central_api = central_rpcapi.CentralAPI.get_instance()
# Get the default pool
pool = central_api.get_pool(context, default_pool_id)
# Get the Nameserver from the pool
index = -1
nameservers = pool.nameservers
for ns in nameservers:
if == server_id:
index = nameservers.index(ns)
if index == -1:
raise exceptions.ServerNotFound
# Get the nameserver from the pool so we can update it
nameserver = nameservers.pop(index)
# Update it with the new values
nameserver.update({'value': values['name']})
# Change it to a server, so we can use the original validation. We want
# to make sure we don't change anything in v1
server = _poolattribute_to_server(nameserver)
server_data = server_schema.filter(server)
# Validate the new set of data
# Now that it's been validated, add it back to the pool and persist it
central_api.update_pool(context, pool)
return flask.jsonify(server_schema.filter(server))
@blueprint.route('/servers/<uuid:server_id>', methods=['DELETE'])
def delete_server(server_id):
context = flask.request.environ.get('context')
central_api = central_rpcapi.CentralAPI.get_instance()
# Get the default pool
pool = central_api.get_pool(context, default_pool_id)
# Get the Nameserver from the pool
index = -1
nameservers = pool.nameservers
for ns in nameservers:
if == server_id:
index = nameservers.index(ns)
if index == -1:
raise exceptions.ServerNotFound
# Remove the nameserver from the pool so it will be deleted
# Update the pool without the deleted server
central_api.update_pool(context, pool)
return flask.Response(status=200)