
604 lines
23 KiB

# Copyright 2012 Managed I.T.
# Author: Kiall Mac Innes <>
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import abc
import operator
import threading
from oslo_db import exception as oslo_db_exception
from oslo_db.sqlalchemy import utils as oslodb_utils
from oslo_log import log as logging
from oslo_utils import timeutils
from sqlalchemy import select, or_, between, func, distinct
from designate import exceptions
from designate import objects
from import sql
from import tables
from import utils
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
# RS Info, # 0 - RS ID
tables.recordsets.c.version, # 1 - RS Version
tables.recordsets.c.created_at, # 2 - RS Created
tables.recordsets.c.updated_at, # 3 - RS Updated
tables.recordsets.c.tenant_id, # 4 - RS Tenant
tables.recordsets.c.zone_id, # 5 - RS Zone, # 6 - RS Name
tables.recordsets.c.type, # 7 - RS Type
tables.recordsets.c.ttl, # 8 - RS TTL
tables.recordsets.c.description, # 9 - RS Desc
# R Info, # 10 - R ID
tables.records.c.version, # 11 - R Version
tables.records.c.created_at, # 12 - R Created
tables.records.c.updated_at, # 13 - R Updated
tables.records.c.tenant_id, # 14 - R Tenant
tables.records.c.zone_id, # 15 - R Zone
tables.records.c.recordset_id, # 16 - R RSet, # 17 - R Data
tables.records.c.description, # 18 - R Desc
tables.records.c.hash, # 19 - R Hash
tables.records.c.managed, # 20 - R Mngd Flg
tables.records.c.managed_plugin_name, # 21 - R Mngd Plg
tables.records.c.managed_resource_type, # 22 - R Mngd Type
tables.records.c.managed_resource_region, # 23 - R Mngd Rgn
tables.records.c.managed_resource_id, # 24 - R Mngd ID
tables.records.c.managed_tenant_id, # 25 - R Mngd T ID
tables.records.c.status, # 26 - R Status
tables.records.c.action, # 27 - R Action
tables.records.c.serial # 28 - R Serial
'id': 0,
'version': 1,
'created_at': 2,
'updated_at': 3,
'tenant_id': 4,
'zone_id': 5,
'name': 6,
'type': 7,
'ttl': 8,
'description': 9,
'id': 10,
'version': 11,
'created_at': 12,
'updated_at': 13,
'tenant_id': 14,
'zone_id': 15,
'recordset_id': 16,
'data': 17,
'description': 18,
'hash': 19,
'managed': 20,
'managed_plugin_name': 21,
'managed_resource_type': 22,
'managed_resource_region': 23,
'managed_resource_id': 24,
'managed_tenant_id': 25,
'status': 26,
'action': 27,
'serial': 28,
def _set_object_from_model(obj, model, **extra):
"""Update a DesignateObject with the values from a SQLA Model"""
for fieldname in obj.FIELDS.keys():
if hasattr(model, fieldname):
if fieldname in extra.keys():
obj[fieldname] = extra[fieldname]
obj[fieldname] = getattr(model, fieldname)
return obj
def _set_listobject_from_models(obj, models, map_=None):
for model in models:
extra = {}
if map_ is not None:
extra = map_(model)
_set_object_from_model(obj.LIST_ITEM_TYPE(), model, **extra))
return obj
class SQLAlchemy(object, metaclass=abc.ABCMeta):
def __init__(self):
super(SQLAlchemy, self).__init__()
self.local_store = threading.local()
def _apply_criterion(table, query, criterion):
if criterion is None:
return query
for name, value in criterion.items():
column = getattr(table.c, name)
if isinstance(value, str):
# Wildcard value: '%'
if '%' in value:
query = query.where(
elif value.startswith('!'):
query = query.where(column != value[1:])
elif value.startswith('<='):
query = query.where(column <= value[2:])
elif value.startswith('<'):
query = query.where(column < value[1:])
elif value.startswith('>='):
query = query.where(column >= value[2:])
elif value.startswith('>'):
query = query.where(column > value[1:])
elif value.startswith('BETWEEN'):
elements = [i.strip(' ') for i in
value.split(' ', 1)[1].strip(' ').split(',')]
query = query.where(
between(column, elements[0], elements[1])
query = query.where(column == value)
elif isinstance(value, list):
query = query.where(column.in_(value))
query = query.where(column == value)
return query
def _apply_tenant_criteria(self, context, table, query,
shared_zone_project_id = tables.shared_zones.c.target_project_id
if hasattr(table.c, 'tenant_id'):
if not context.all_tenants:
# NOTE: The query doesn't work with table.c.tenant_id is None,
# so I had to force flake8 to skip the check
if include_null_tenant:
if include_shared:
query = query.where(or_(
table.c.tenant_id == context.project_id,
shared_zone_project_id == context.project_id,
table.c.tenant_id == None)) # NOQA
query = query.where(or_(
table.c.tenant_id == context.project_id,
table.c.tenant_id == None)) # NOQA
if include_shared:
query = query.where(or_(
table.c.tenant_id == context.project_id,
shared_zone_project_id == context.project_id
query = query.where(
table.c.tenant_id == context.project_id
return query
def _apply_deleted_criteria(self, context, table, query):
if hasattr(table.c, 'deleted'):
if context.show_deleted:
LOG.debug('Including deleted items in query results')
query = query.where(table.c.deleted == "0")
return query
def _apply_version_increment(self, context, table, query):
Apply Version Incrementing SQL fragment a Query
This should be called on all UPDATE queries, as it will ensure the
version column is correctly incremented.
if hasattr(table.c, 'version'):
# NOTE(kiall): This will translate into a true SQL increment.
query = query.values({'version': table.c.version + 1})
return query
def _create(self, table, obj, exc_dup, skip_values=None,
# TODO(graham): Re Enable this
# This was disabled as all the tests generate invalid Objects
# Ensure the Object is valid
# obj.validate()
values = dict(obj)
if skip_values is not None:
for skip_value in skip_values:
values.pop(skip_value, None)
if extra_values is not None:
for key in extra_values:
values[key] = extra_values[key]
query = table.insert()
with sql.get_write_session() as session:
resultproxy = session.execute(query, [values])
except oslo_db_exception.DBDuplicateEntry:
raise exc_dup("Duplicate %s" % obj.obj_name())
# Refetch the row, for generated columns etc
query = select(table).where( == resultproxy.inserted_primary_key[0])
resultproxy = session.execute(query)
return _set_object_from_model(obj, resultproxy.fetchone())
def _find(self, context, table, cls, list_cls, exc_notfound, criterion,
one=False, marker=None, limit=None, sort_key=None,
sort_dir=None, query=None, apply_tenant_criteria=True,
sort_key = sort_key or 'created_at'
sort_dir = sort_dir or 'asc'
# Build the query
if query is None:
query = select(table)
query = self._apply_criterion(table, query, criterion)
if apply_tenant_criteria:
query = self._apply_tenant_criteria(context, table, query,
query = self._apply_deleted_criteria(context, table, query)
# Execute the Query
if one:
# NOTE(kiall): If we expect one value, and two rows match, we raise
# a NotFound. Limiting to 2 allows us to determine
# when we need to raise, while selecting the minimal
# number of rows.
with sql.get_read_session() as session:
resultproxy = session.execute(query.limit(2))
results = resultproxy.fetchall()
if len(results) != 1:
raise exc_notfound("Could not find %s" % cls.obj_name())
return _set_object_from_model(cls(), results[0])
if marker is not None:
marker = utils.check_marker(table, marker)
query = utils.paginate_query(
query, table, limit,
[sort_key, 'id'], marker=marker,
with sql.get_read_session() as session:
resultproxy = session.execute(query)
results = resultproxy.fetchall()
return _set_listobject_from_models(list_cls(), results)
except oslodb_utils.InvalidSortKey as sort_key_error:
raise exceptions.InvalidSortKey(str(sort_key_error))
# Any ValueErrors are propagated back to the user as is.
# Limits, sort_dir and sort_key are checked at the API layer.
# If however central or storage is called directly, invalid values
# show up as ValueError
except ValueError as value_error:
raise exceptions.ValueError(str(value_error))
def _find_recordsets_with_records(self, context, criterion,
marker=None, limit=None,
sort_key=None, sort_dir=None,
sort_key = sort_key or 'created_at'
sort_dir = sort_dir or 'asc'
data = criterion.pop('data', None)
status = criterion.pop('status', None)
filtering_records = data or status
# sort key will be used for the ORDER BY key in query,
# needs to use the correct table index for different sort keys
index_hint = utils.get_rrset_index(sort_key) if force_index else None
rzjoin = tables.recordsets.join(
tables.recordsets.c.zone_id ==
if filtering_records:
rzjoin = rzjoin.join(
tables.records, == tables.records.c.recordset_id
inner_q = (
select(, # 0 - RS ID # 1 - ZONE NAME
where(tables.zones.c.deleted == '0')
count_q = (
select_from(rzjoin).where(tables.zones.c.deleted == '0')
if index_hint:
inner_q = inner_q.with_hint(tables.recordsets, index_hint,
if marker is not None:
marker = utils.check_marker(tables.recordsets, marker)
inner_q = utils.paginate_query(
inner_q, tables.recordsets, limit,
[sort_key, 'id'], marker=marker,
except oslodb_utils.InvalidSortKey as sort_key_error:
raise exceptions.InvalidSortKey(str(sort_key_error))
# Any ValueErrors are propagated back to the user as is.
# Limits, sort_dir and sort_key are checked at the API layer.
# If however central or storage is called directly, invalid values
# show up as ValueError
except ValueError as value_error:
raise exceptions.ValueError(str(value_error))
if apply_tenant_criteria:
inner_q = self._apply_tenant_criteria(
context, tables.recordsets, inner_q,
count_q = self._apply_tenant_criteria(context, tables.recordsets,
inner_q = self._apply_criterion(tables.recordsets, inner_q, criterion)
count_q = self._apply_criterion(tables.recordsets, count_q, criterion)
if filtering_records:
records_criterion = dict((k, v) for k, v in (
('data', data), ('status', status)) if v is not None)
inner_q = self._apply_criterion(tables.records, inner_q,
count_q = self._apply_criterion(tables.records, count_q,
inner_q = self._apply_deleted_criteria(context, tables.recordsets,
count_q = self._apply_deleted_criteria(context, tables.recordsets,
# Get the list of IDs needed.
# This is a separate call due to
# # noqa
with sql.get_read_session() as session:
inner_rproxy = session.execute(inner_q)
rows = inner_rproxy.fetchall()
if len(rows) == 0:
return 0, objects.RecordSetList()
id_zname_map = {}
for r in rows:
id_zname_map[r[0]] = r[1]
formatted_ids = map(operator.itemgetter(0), rows)
# Count query does not scale well for large amount of recordsets,
# don't do it if the header 'OpenStack-DNS-Hide-Counts: True' exists
if context.hide_counts:
total_count = None
with sql.get_read_session() as session:
resultproxy = session.execute(count_q)
result = resultproxy.fetchone()
total_count = 0 if result is None else result[0]
# Join the 2 required tables
rjoin = tables.recordsets.outerjoin(
tables.records.c.recordset_id ==
query = select(RECORDSET_QUERY_TABLES).select_from(rjoin)
query = query.where(
query, sort_dirs = utils.sort_query(query, tables.recordsets,
[sort_key, 'id'],
with sql.get_read_session() as session:
resultproxy = session.execute(query)
raw_rows = resultproxy.fetchall()
# Any ValueErrors are propagated back to the user as is.
# If however central or storage is called directly, invalid values
# show up as ValueError
except ValueError as value_error:
raise exceptions.ValueError(str(value_error))
rrsets = objects.RecordSetList()
rrset_id = None
current_rrset = None
for record in raw_rows:
# If we're looking at the first, or a new rrset
if record[0] != rrset_id:
if current_rrset is not None:
# If this isn't the first iteration
# Set up a new rrset
current_rrset = objects.RecordSet()
rrset_id = record[RECORDSET_MAP['id']]
# Add all the loaded vars into RecordSet object
for key, value in RECORDSET_MAP.items():
setattr(current_rrset, key, record[value])
current_rrset.zone_name = id_zname_map[]
current_rrset.records = objects.RecordList()
if record[RECORD_MAP['id']] is not None:
rrdata = objects.Record()
for key, value in RECORD_MAP.items():
setattr(rrdata, key, record[value])
# We've already got a rrset, add the rdata
if record[RECORD_MAP['id']] is not None:
rrdata = objects.Record()
for key, value in RECORD_MAP.items():
setattr(rrdata, key, record[value])
# If the last record examined was a new rrset, or there is only 1 rrset
if (len(rrsets) == 0 or
(len(rrsets) != 0 and rrsets[-1] != current_rrset)):
if current_rrset is not None:
return total_count, rrsets
def _update(self, context, table, obj, exc_dup, exc_notfound,
# TODO(graham): Re Enable this
# This was disabled as all the tests generate invalid Objects
# Ensure the Object is valid
# obj.validate()
values = obj.obj_get_changes()
if skip_values is not None:
for skip_value in skip_values:
values.pop(skip_value, None)
query = (
where( ==
query = self._apply_tenant_criteria(context, table, query)
query = self._apply_deleted_criteria(context, table, query)
query = self._apply_version_increment(context, table, query)
with sql.get_write_session() as session:
resultproxy = session.execute(query)
except oslo_db_exception.DBDuplicateEntry:
raise exc_dup("Duplicate %s" % obj.obj_name())
if resultproxy.rowcount != 1:
raise exc_notfound("Could not find %s" % obj.obj_name())
# Refetch the row, for generated columns etc
query = select(table).where( ==
resultproxy = session.execute(query)
return _set_object_from_model(obj, resultproxy.fetchone())
def _delete(self, context, table, obj, exc_notfound, hard_delete=False):
"""Perform item deletion or soft-delete.
if hasattr(table.c, 'deleted') and not hard_delete:
# Perform item soft-delete.
# Set the "status" column to "DELETED" and populate
# the "deleted_at" column
# TODO(kiall): If the object has any changed fields, they will be
# persisted here when we don't want that.
# "deleted" is populated with the object id (rather than being a
# boolean) to keep (name, deleted) unique
obj.deleted ='-', '')
obj.deleted_at = timeutils.utcnow()
# TODO(vinod): Change the action to be null
# update the action and status before deleting the object
obj.action = 'NONE'
obj.status = 'DELETED'
# NOTE(kiall): It should be impossible for a duplicate exception to
# be raised in this call, therefore, it is OK to pass
# in "None" as the exc_dup param.
return self._update(context, table, obj, None, exc_notfound)
# Delete the quota.
query = table.delete().where( ==
query = self._apply_tenant_criteria(context, table, query)
query = self._apply_deleted_criteria(context, table, query)
with sql.get_write_session() as session:
resultproxy = session.execute(query)
if resultproxy.rowcount != 1:
raise exc_notfound("Could not find %s" % obj.obj_name())
# Refetch the row, for generated columns etc
query = select(table).where( ==
resultproxy = session.execute(query)
return _set_object_from_model(obj, resultproxy.fetchone())
def _select_raw(self, context, table, criterion, query=None):
# Build the query
if query is None:
query = select(table)
query = self._apply_criterion(table, query, criterion)
query = self._apply_deleted_criteria(context, table, query)
with sql.get_read_session() as session:
resultproxy = session.execute(query)
return resultproxy.fetchall()
# Any ValueErrors are propagated back to the user as is.
# If however central or storage is called directly, invalid values
# show up as ValueError
except ValueError as value_error:
raise exceptions.ValueError(str(value_error))