
381 lines
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# Copyright 2013 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.
# Author: Kiall Mac Innes <>
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
from dns import zone as dnszone
from mock import patch
from designate import exceptions
from designate.central import service as central_service
from designate.openstack.common.rpc import common as rpc_common
from designate.tests.test_api.test_v2 import ApiV2TestCase
class ApiV2ZonesTest(ApiV2TestCase):
def setUp(self):
super(ApiV2ZonesTest, self).setUp()
# Create a server
# Create the default TLDs
def test_create_zone(self):
# Create a zone
fixture = self.get_domain_fixture(0)
response = self.client.post_json('/zones/', {'zone': fixture})
# Check the headers are what we expect
self.assertEqual(201, response.status_int)
self.assertEqual('application/json', response.content_type)
# Check the body structure is what we expect
self.assertIn('zone', response.json)
self.assertIn('links', response.json['zone'])
self.assertIn('self', response.json['zone']['links'])
# Check the values returned are what we expect
self.assertIn('id', response.json['zone'])
self.assertIn('created_at', response.json['zone'])
self.assertEqual('ACTIVE', response.json['zone']['status'])
for k in fixture:
self.assertEqual(fixture[k], response.json['zone'][k])
def test_create_zone_validation(self):
# NOTE: The schemas should be tested separately to the API. So we
# don't need to test every variation via the API itself.
# Fetch a fixture
fixture = self.get_domain_fixture(0)
# Add a junk field to the wrapper
body = {'zone': fixture, 'junk': 'Junk Field'}
# Ensure it fails with a 400
self._assert_exception('invalid_object', 400, self.client.post_json,
'/zones', body)
# Add a junk field to the body
fixture['junk'] = 'Junk Field'
# Ensure it fails with a 400
body = {'zone': fixture}
self._assert_exception('invalid_object', 400, self.client.post_json,
'/zones', body)
def test_create_zone_body_validation(self):
fixture = self.get_domain_fixture(0)
# Add id to the body
fixture['id'] = '2fdadfb1-cf96-4259-ac6b-bb7b6d2ff980'
# Ensure it fails with a 400
body = {'zone': fixture}
self._assert_exception('invalid_object', 400, self.client.post_json,
'/zones', body)
fixture = self.get_domain_fixture(0)
# Add created_at to the body
fixture['created_at'] = '2014-03-12T19:07:53.000000'
# Ensure it fails with a 400
body = {'zone': fixture}
self._assert_exception('invalid_object', 400, self.client.post_json,
'/zones', body)
def test_create_zone_invalid_name(self):
# Try to create a zone with an invalid name
fixture = self.get_domain_fixture(-1)
# Ensure it fails with a 400
self._assert_exception('invalid_object', 400, self.client.post_json,
'/zones', {'zone': fixture})
@patch.object(central_service.Service, 'create_domain',
def test_create_zone_timeout(self, _):
fixture = self.get_domain_fixture(0)
body = {'zone': fixture}
self._assert_exception('timeout', 504, self.client.post_json,
'/zones/', body)
@patch.object(central_service.Service, 'create_domain',
def test_create_zone_duplicate(self, _):
fixture = self.get_domain_fixture(0)
body = {'zone': fixture}
self._assert_exception('duplicate_domain', 409, self.client.post_json,
'/zones/', body)
def test_create_zone_missing_content_type(self):
self._assert_exception('unsupported_content_type', 415,, '/zones')
def test_create_zone_bad_content_type(self):
'unsupported_content_type', 415,, '/zones',
headers={'Content-type': 'test/goat'})
def test_zone_invalid_url(self):
url = '/zones/2fdadfb1-cf96-4259-ac6b-bb7b6d2ff980/invalid'
self._assert_exception('not_found', 404, self.client.get, url,
headers={'Accept': 'application/json'})
self._assert_exception('not_found', 404, self.client.patch_json, url)
self._assert_exception('not_found', 404, self.client.delete, url)
# Pecan returns a 405 for post
response =, status=405)
self.assertEqual(405, response.status_int)
def test_get_zones(self):
response = self.client.get('/zones/')
# Check the headers are what we expect
self.assertEqual(200, response.status_int)
self.assertEqual('application/json', response.content_type)
# Check the body structure is what we expect
self.assertIn('zones', response.json)
self.assertIn('links', response.json)
self.assertIn('self', response.json['links'])
# We should start with 0 zones
self.assertEqual(0, len(response.json['zones']))
# We should start with 0 zones
self.assertEqual(0, len(response.json['zones']))
data = [self.create_domain(name='' % i)
for i in 'abcdefghij']
self._assert_paging(data, '/zones', key='zones')
self._assert_invalid_paging(data, '/zones', key='zones')
@patch.object(central_service.Service, 'find_domains',
def test_get_zones_timeout(self, _):
self._assert_exception('timeout', 504, self.client.get, '/zones/')
def test_get_zone(self):
# Create a zone
zone = self.create_domain()
response = self.client.get('/zones/%s' % zone['id'],
headers=[('Accept', 'application/json')])
# Check the headers are what we expect
self.assertEqual(200, response.status_int)
self.assertEqual('application/json', response.content_type)
# Check the body structure is what we expect
self.assertIn('zone', response.json)
self.assertIn('links', response.json['zone'])
self.assertIn('self', response.json['zone']['links'])
# Check the values returned are what we expect
self.assertIn('id', response.json['zone'])
self.assertIn('created_at', response.json['zone'])
self.assertEqual('ACTIVE', response.json['zone']['status'])
self.assertEqual(zone['name'], response.json['zone']['name'])
self.assertEqual(zone['email'], response.json['zone']['email'])
def test_get_zone_invalid_id(self):
self._assert_invalid_uuid(self.client.get, '/zones/%s')
@patch.object(central_service.Service, 'get_domain',
def test_get_zone_timeout(self, _):
url = '/zones/2fdadfb1-cf96-4259-ac6b-bb7b6d2ff980'
self._assert_exception('timeout', 504, self.client.get, url,
headers={'Accept': 'application/json'})
@patch.object(central_service.Service, 'get_domain',
def test_get_zone_missing(self, _):
url = '/zones/2fdadfb1-cf96-4259-ac6b-bb7b6d2ff980'
self._assert_exception('domain_not_found', 404, self.client.get, url,
headers={'Accept': 'application/json'})
def test_get_zone_missing_accept(self):
url = '/zones/6e2146f3-87bc-4f47-adc5-4df0a5c78218'
self._assert_exception('bad_request', 400, self.client.get, url)
def test_get_zone_bad_accept(self):
url = '/zones/6e2146f3-87bc-4f47-adc5-4df0a5c78218'
self.client.get(url, headers={'Accept': 'test/goat'}, status=406)
def test_update_zone(self):
# Create a zone
zone = self.create_domain()
# Prepare an update body
body = {'zone': {'email': 'prefix-%s' % zone['email']}}
response = self.client.patch_json('/zones/%s' % zone['id'], body,
# Check the headers are what we expect
self.assertEqual(200, response.status_int)
self.assertEqual('application/json', response.content_type)
# Check the body structure is what we expect
self.assertIn('zone', response.json)
self.assertIn('links', response.json['zone'])
self.assertIn('self', response.json['zone']['links'])
self.assertIn('status', response.json['zone'])
# Check the values returned are what we expect
self.assertIn('id', response.json['zone'])
self.assertEqual('prefix-%s' % zone['email'],
def test_update_zone_invalid_id(self):
self._assert_invalid_uuid(self.client.patch_json, '/zones/%s')
def test_update_zone_validation(self):
# NOTE: The schemas should be tested separatly to the API. So we
# don't need to test every variation via the API itself.
# Create a zone
zone = self.create_domain()
# Prepare an update body with junk in the wrapper
body = {'zone': {'email': 'prefix-%s' % zone['email']},
'junk': 'Junk Field'}
url = '/zones/%s' % zone['id']
# Ensure it fails with a 400
self._assert_exception('invalid_object', 400, self.client.patch_json,
url, body)
# Prepare an update body with junk in the body
body = {'zone': {'email': 'prefix-%s' % zone['email'],
'junk': 'Junk Field'}}
# Ensure it fails with a 400
self._assert_exception('invalid_object', 400, self.client.patch_json,
url, body)
@patch.object(central_service.Service, 'get_domain',
def test_update_zone_duplicate(self, _):
# Prepare an update body
body = {'zone': {'email': ''}}
url = '/zones/2fdadfb1-cf96-4259-ac6b-bb7b6d2ff980'
# Ensure it fails with a 409
self._assert_exception('duplicate_domain', 409, self.client.patch_json,
url, body)
@patch.object(central_service.Service, 'get_domain',
def test_update_zone_timeout(self, _):
# Prepare an update body
body = {'zone': {'email': ''}}
url = '/zones/2fdadfb1-cf96-4259-ac6b-bb7b6d2ff980'
# Ensure it fails with a 504
self._assert_exception('timeout', 504, self.client.patch_json,
url, body)
@patch.object(central_service.Service, 'get_domain',
def test_update_zone_missing(self, _):
# Prepare an update body
body = {'zone': {'email': ''}}
url = '/zones/2fdadfb1-cf96-4259-ac6b-bb7b6d2ff980'
# Ensure it fails with a 404
self._assert_exception('domain_not_found', 404, self.client.patch_json,
url, body)
def test_delete_zone(self):
zone = self.create_domain()
self.client.delete('/zones/%s' % zone['id'], status=204)
def test_delete_zone_invalid_id(self):
self._assert_invalid_uuid(self.client.delete, '/zones/%s')
@patch.object(central_service.Service, 'delete_domain',
def test_delete_zone_timeout(self, _):
url = '/zones/2fdadfb1-cf96-4259-ac6b-bb7b6d2ff980'
self._assert_exception('timeout', 504, self.client.delete, url)
@patch.object(central_service.Service, 'delete_domain',
def test_delete_zone_missing(self, _):
url = '/zones/2fdadfb1-cf96-4259-ac6b-bb7b6d2ff980'
self._assert_exception('domain_not_found', 404, self.client.delete,
# Zone import/export
def test_missing_origin(self):
fixture = self.get_zonefile_fixture(variant='noorigin')
self._assert_exception('bad_request', 400,, '/zones',
fixture, headers={'Content-type': 'text/dns'})
def test_missing_soa(self):
fixture = self.get_zonefile_fixture(variant='nosoa')
self._assert_exception('bad_request', 400,, '/zones',
fixture, headers={'Content-type': 'text/dns'})
def test_malformed_zonefile(self):
fixture = self.get_zonefile_fixture(variant='malformed')
self._assert_exception('bad_request', 400,, '/zones',
fixture, headers={'Content-type': 'text/dns'})
def test_import_export(self):
# Since v2 doesn't support getting records, import and export the
# fixture, making sure they're the same according to dnspython
post_response ='/zones',
headers={'Content-type': 'text/dns'})
get_response = self.client.get('/zones/%s' %
headers={'Accept': 'text/dns'})
exported_zonefile = get_response.body
imported = dnszone.from_text(self.get_zonefile_fixture())
exported = dnszone.from_text(exported_zonefile)
# Compare SOA emails, since zone comparison takes care of origin
imported_soa = imported.get_rdataset(imported.origin, 'SOA')
imported_email = imported_soa[0].rname.to_text()
exported_soa = exported.get_rdataset(exported.origin, 'SOA')
exported_email = exported_soa[0].rname.to_text()
self.assertEqual(imported_email, exported_email)
# Delete SOAs since they have, at the very least, different serials,
# and dnspython considers that to be not equal.
imported.delete_rdataset(imported.origin, 'SOA')
exported.delete_rdataset(exported.origin, 'SOA')
# Delete non-delegation NS, since they won't be the same
imported.delete_rdataset(imported.origin, 'NS')
exported.delete_rdataset(exported.origin, 'NS')
self.assertEqual(imported, exported)