Development =========== Vagrant environment ------------------- The `Vagrant `_ environment and the `Ansible `_ playbook is used only for local tests and development of the application. The installation of Vagrant is described at To speedup the provisioning you can install the Vagrant plugin `vagrant-cachier `_. .. code:: $ vagrant plugin install vagrant-cachier Bootstrap the Vagrant environment. .. code:: $ vagrant up Now it is possible to login with SSH. .. code:: $ vagrant ssh Open a new screen or tmux session. Aftwards run the api, worker, and producer services in the foreground, each service in a separate window. * :code:`sh` * :code:`sh` * :code:`sh` RabbitMQ server ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The webinterface of the RabbitMQ server is reachable on TCP port :code:`15672`. The login is possible with the user :code:`guest` and the password :code:`guest`. MySQL server ~~~~~~~~~~~~ The password of the user :code:`root` is :code:`secretsecret`. The password of the user :code:`faafo` for the database :code:`faafo` is also :code:`secretsecret`. Virtual environment ------------------- Create a new virtual environment, install all required dependencies and the application itself. .. code:: $ virtualenv .venv $ source .venv/bin/activate $ pip install -r requirements.txt $ python install Open a new screen or tmux session. Aftwards run the api, worker, and producer services in the foreground, each service in a separate window. .. code:: $ source .venv/bin/activate; faafo-api $ source .venv/bin/activate; faafo-worker $ source .venv/bin/activate; faafo-producer