""" Copyright 2015 Hewlett-Packard Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. """ import argparse import os from oslo_config import cfg from oslo_log import log from freezer import __version__ as FREEZER_VERSION import sys CONF = cfg.CONF _LOG = log.getLogger(__name__) from freezer.apiclient import client as api_client from freezer import winutils if winutils.is_windows(): DEFAULT_FREEZER_SCHEDULER_CONF_D = r'C:\.freezer\scheduler\conf.d' else: DEFAULT_FREEZER_SCHEDULER_CONF_D = '/etc/freezer/scheduler/conf.d' def getCommonOpts(): scheduler_conf_d = os.environ.get('FREEZER_SCHEDULER_CONF_D', DEFAULT_FREEZER_SCHEDULER_CONF_D) common_opts = [ cfg.StrOpt('job', default=None, dest='job_id', short='j', help='Name or ID of the job'), cfg.StrOpt('session', default=None, dest='session_id', short='s', help='Name or ID of the session'), cfg.StrOpt('file', default=None, dest='fname', help='Local file that contains the resource to be ' 'uploaded/downloaded'), cfg.StrOpt('client-id', default=None, dest='client_id', short='c', help='Specifies the client_id used when contacting the service.' '\n If not specified it will be automatically created \n' 'using the tenant-id and the machine hostname.'), cfg.BoolOpt('no-api', default=False, dest='no_api', short='n', help='Prevents the scheduler from using the api service'), cfg.BoolOpt('active-only', default=False, dest='active_only', short='a', help='Filter only active jobs/session'), cfg.StrOpt('conf', default=scheduler_conf_d, dest='jobs_dir', short='f', help='Used to store/retrieve files on local storage, including ' 'those exchanged with the api service.Default value is {0} ' '(Env: FREEZER_SCHEDULER_CONF_D)'.format(scheduler_conf_d)), cfg.IntOpt('interval', default=60, dest='interval', short='i', help='Specifies the api-polling interval in seconds. ' 'Defaults to 60 seconds'), cfg.BoolOpt('no-daemon', default=False, dest='no_daemon', help='Prevents the scheduler from running in daemon mode'), cfg.BoolOpt('insecure', default=False, dest='insecure', help='Initialize freezer scheduler with insecure mode'), ] return common_opts def parse_args(choices): default_conf = cfg.find_config_files('freezer', 'freezer-scheduler', '.conf') CONF.register_cli_opts(api_client.build_os_options()) CONF.register_cli_opts(getCommonOpts()) log.register_options(CONF) positional = [ cfg.StrOpt('action', choices=choices, default=None, help='{0}'.format(choices), positional=True), ] CONF.register_cli_opts(positional) CONF(args=sys.argv[1:], project='freezer-scheduler', default_config_files=default_conf, version=FREEZER_VERSION ) def setup_logging(): _DEFAULT_LOG_LEVELS = ['amqp=WARN', 'amqplib=WARN', 'boto=WARN', 'qpid=WARN', 'stevedore=WARN', 'oslo_log=INFO', 'iso8601=WARN', 'requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool=WARN', 'urllib3.connectionpool=WARN', 'websocket=WARN', 'keystonemiddleware=WARN', 'freezer=INFO'] _DEFAULT_LOGGING_CONTEXT_FORMAT = ('%(asctime)s.%(msecs)03d %(process)d ' '%(levelname)s %(name)s [%(request_id)s ' '%(user_identity)s] %(instance)s' '%(message)s') log.set_defaults(_DEFAULT_LOGGING_CONTEXT_FORMAT, _DEFAULT_LOG_LEVELS) log.setup(CONF, 'freezer-scheduler', version=FREEZER_VERSION)