# Copyright 2013 Mirantis, Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '../spec_helper') include Astute describe Astute::NailgunHooks do include SpecHelpers let(:ctx) { mock_ctx } around(:each) do |example| max_nodes_old_value = Astute.config.max_nodes_per_call mc_retries_old_value = Astute.config.mc_retries example.run Astute.config.max_nodes_per_call = max_nodes_old_value Astute.config.mc_retries = mc_retries_old_value end let(:upload_file_hook) do { "priority" => 100, "type" => "upload_file", "fail_on_error" => false, "diagnostic_name" => "upload-example-1.0", "uids" => ['2', '3'], "parameters" => { "path" => "/etc/yum.repos.d/fuel_awesome_plugin-0.1.0.repo", "data" => "[fuel_awesome_plugin-0.1.0]\\nname=Plugin fuel_awesome_plugin-0.1.0 repository\\nbaseurl=http => // => 8080/plugins/fuel_awesome_plugin-0.1.0/repositories/centos\\ngpgcheck=0" } } end let(:sync_hook) do { "priority" => 200, "type" => "sync", "fail_on_error" => false, "diagnostic_name" => "sync-example-1.0", "uids" => ['1', '2'], "parameters" => { "src" => "rsync://", "dst" => "/etc/fuel/plugins/fuel_awesome_plugin-0.1.0/" } } end let(:shell_hook) do { "priority" => 100, "type" => "shell", "fail_on_error" => false, "id" => "shell-example-1.0", "uids" => ['1','2','3'], "parameters" => { "cmd" => "./deploy.sh", "cwd" => "/etc/fuel/plugins/fuel_awesome_plugin-0.1.0/", "timeout" => 60 } } end let(:puppet_hook) do { "priority" => 300, "type" => "puppet", "fail_on_error" => false, "diagnostic_name" => "puppet-example-1.0", "uids" => ['1', '3'], "parameters" => { "puppet_manifest" => "cinder_glusterfs.pp", "puppet_modules" => "modules", "cwd" => "/etc/fuel/plugins/plugin_name-1.0", "timeout" => 42, "retries" => 21 } } end let(:reboot_hook) do { "priority" => 600, "type" => "reboot", "fail_on_error" => false, "diagnostic_name" => "reboot-example-1.0", "uids" => ['2', '3'], "parameters" => { "timeout" => 42 } } end let(:copy_files_hook) do { "priority" => 100, "type" => "copy_files", "fail_on_error" => false, "diagnostic_name" => "copy-example-1.0", "uids" => ['2', '3'], "parameters" => { "files" => [{ "src" => "/etc/fuel/nova.key", "dst" => "/etc/astute/nova.key"}], "permissions" => "0600", "dir_permissions" => "0700" } } end let(:upload_files_hook) do { "priority" => 100, "type" => "upload_files", "fail_on_error" => false, "diagnostic_name" => "copy-example-1.0", "uids" => ['1'], "parameters" => { "nodes" =>[ "uid" => '1', "files" => [{ "dst" => "/etc/fuel/nova.key", "data" => "", "permissions" => "0600", "dir_permissions" => "0700"}], ] } } end let (:cobbler_sync_hook) do { "priority" => 800, "type" => "cobbler_sync", "fail_on_error" => false, "diagnostic_name" => "copy-example-1.0", "uids" => ['master'], "parameters" => { "provisioning_info" => { "engine" => { "url" => "", "username" => "cobbler", "password" => "cobblerpassword", "master_ip" => "" } } } } end let(:hooks_data) do [ upload_file_hook, sync_hook, shell_hook, puppet_hook, copy_files_hook, upload_files_hook, reboot_hook ] end context '#new' do it 'should use default run type if no type setting' do hooks = Astute::NailgunHooks.new(hooks_data, ctx) expect(hooks.instance_variable_get("@type")).to eql('deploy') end it 'should use type if it set' do hooks = Astute::NailgunHooks.new(hooks_data, ctx, 'execute_tasks') expect(hooks.instance_variable_get("@type")).to eql('execute_tasks') end end context "#process" do it 'should process known hook type' do hooks = Astute::NailgunHooks.new(hooks_data, ctx) hooks.expects(:upload_file_hook).returns({'error' => nil}) hooks.expects(:puppet_hook).returns({'error' => nil}) hooks.expects(:shell_hook).returns({'error' => nil}) hooks.expects(:sync_hook).returns({'error' => nil}) hooks.expects(:reboot_hook).returns({'error' => nil}) hooks.expects(:copy_files_hook).returns({'error' => nil}) hooks.expects(:upload_files_hook).returns({'error' => nil}) hooks.process end it 'should raise exception if hook type is unknown' do wrong_hook = [{ "priority" => 300, "type" => "unknown", "uids" => ['1', '3'], "parameters" => { "parameter" => "1" } }] hooks = Astute::NailgunHooks.new(wrong_hook, ctx) expect {hooks.process}.to raise_error(StandardError, /Unknown hook type/) end it 'should run hooks by priority order' do File.stubs(:file?).returns(true) File.stubs(:readable?).returns(true) File.stubs(:read).returns('') hooks = Astute::NailgunHooks.new(hooks_data, ctx) hook_order = sequence('hook_order') hooks.expects(:upload_file_hook).returns({'error' => nil}).in_sequence(hook_order) hooks.expects(:copy_files_hook).returns({'error' => nil}).in_sequence(hook_order) hooks.expects(:upload_files_hook).returns({'error' => nil}).in_sequence(hook_order) hooks.expects(:shell_hook).returns({'error' => nil}).in_sequence(hook_order) hooks.expects(:sync_hook).returns({'error' => nil}).in_sequence(hook_order) hooks.expects(:puppet_hook).returns({'error' => nil}).in_sequence(hook_order) hooks.expects(:reboot_hook).returns({'error' => nil}).in_sequence(hook_order) hooks.process end context 'critical hook' do before(:each) do hooks_data[2]['fail_on_error'] = true ctx.stubs(:report_and_update_status) end it 'should raise exception if critical hook failed' do hooks = Astute::NailgunHooks.new(hooks_data, ctx) hooks.expects(:copy_files_hook).returns({'error' => nil}) hooks.expects(:upload_file_hook).returns({'error' => nil}) hooks.expects(:upload_files_hook).returns({'error' => nil}) hooks.expects(:shell_hook).returns({'error' => 'Shell error'}) expect {hooks.process}.to raise_error(Astute::DeploymentEngineError, /Failed to execute hook 'shell-example-1.0'/) end it 'should not process next hooks if critical hook failed' do hooks = Astute::NailgunHooks.new(hooks_data, ctx) hooks.expects(:upload_file_hook).returns({'error' => nil}) hooks.expects(:upload_files_hook).returns({'error' => nil}) hooks.expects(:shell_hook).returns({'error' => 'Shell error'}) hooks.expects(:sync_hook).never hooks.expects(:puppet_hook).never hooks.expects(:reboot_hook).never hooks.process rescue nil end it 'should process next hooks if non critical hook failed' do hooks = Astute::NailgunHooks.new(hooks_data, ctx) hooks.expects(:upload_files_hook).returns({'error' => nil}) hooks.expects(:upload_file_hook).returns({'error' => 'Upload error'}) hooks.expects(:shell_hook).returns({'error' => nil}) hooks.expects(:sync_hook).returns({'error' => 'Sync error'}) hooks.expects(:puppet_hook).returns({'error' => nil}) hooks.expects(:reboot_hook).returns({'error' => nil}) hooks.process end it 'should report error node status if critical hook failed' do hooks = Astute::NailgunHooks.new(hooks_data, ctx) hooks.expects(:upload_files_hook).returns({'error' => nil}) hooks.expects(:upload_file_hook).returns({'error' => nil}) hooks.expects(:shell_hook).returns({'error' => 'Shell error'}) error_msg = 'Shell error' ctx.expects(:report_and_update_status).with( {'nodes' => [ { 'uid' => '1', 'status' => 'error', 'error_type' => 'deploy', 'role' => 'hook', 'hook' => "shell-example-1.0", 'error_msg' => error_msg }, { 'uid' => '2', 'status' => 'error', 'error_type' => 'deploy', 'role' => 'hook', 'hook' => "shell-example-1.0", 'error_msg' => error_msg }, { 'uid' => '3', 'status' => 'error', 'error_type' => 'deploy', 'role' => 'hook', 'hook' => "shell-example-1.0", 'error_msg' => error_msg }, ], 'error' => "Failed to execute hook 'shell-example-1.0'\n\n#{error_msg}" } ) hooks.process rescue nil end it 'should not send report if non critical hook failed' do hooks = Astute::NailgunHooks.new(hooks_data, ctx) hooks.expects(:upload_files_hook).returns({'error' => nil}) hooks.expects(:upload_file_hook).returns({'error' => 'Upload error'}) hooks.expects(:shell_hook).returns({'error' => nil}) hooks.expects(:sync_hook).returns({'error' => 'Sync error'}) hooks.expects(:puppet_hook).returns({'error' => nil}) hooks.expects(:reboot_hook).returns({'error' => nil}) ctx.expects(:report_and_update_status).never hooks.process end end #hook end #process context '#upload_files_hook' do it 'should validate presence of nodes' do upload_files_hook['parameters']['nodes'] = [] hooks = Astute::NailgunHooks.new([upload_files_hook], ctx) expect {hooks.process}.to raise_error(StandardError, /Missing a required parameter/) end it 'should uploads files' do hooks = Astute::NailgunHooks.new([upload_files_hook], ctx) hooks.expects(:upload_file).once.with( ctx, '1', has_entries( 'content' => upload_files_hook['parameters']['nodes'][0]['files'][0]['data'], 'path' => upload_files_hook['parameters']['nodes'][0]['files'][0]['dst'] ) ) hooks.process end context 'process data from mcagent in case of critical hook' do before(:each) do upload_files_hook['fail_on_error'] = true ctx.stubs(:report_and_update_status) end it 'mcagent success' do hooks = Astute::NailgunHooks.new([upload_files_hook], ctx) hooks.expects(:upload_file).returns(true).once expect {hooks.process}.to_not raise_error end it 'mcagent fail' do hooks = Astute::NailgunHooks.new([upload_files_hook], ctx) hooks.expects(:upload_file).returns(false).once expect {hooks.process}.to raise_error(Astute::DeploymentEngineError, /Failed to execute hook/) end end #context end #upload_files_hook context '#copy_files_hook' do it 'should validate presence of node uids' do copy_files_hook['uids'] = [] hooks = Astute::NailgunHooks.new([copy_files_hook], ctx) expect {hooks.process}.to raise_error(StandardError, /Missing a required parameter/) end it 'should validate presence files' do copy_files_hook['parameters'].delete('files') hooks = Astute::NailgunHooks.new([copy_files_hook], ctx) expect {hooks.process}.to raise_error(StandardError, /Missing a required parameter/) end it 'should upload file' do File.stubs(:file?).returns(true) File.stubs(:readable?).returns(true) File.stubs(:binread).returns("") hooks = Astute::NailgunHooks.new([copy_files_hook], ctx) hooks.expects(:upload_file).once.with( ctx, ['2', '3'], has_entries( 'content' => "", 'path' => copy_files_hook['parameters']['files'][0]['dst'] ) ) hooks.process end it 'should limit nodes processing in parallel' do Astute.config.max_nodes_per_call = 1 File.stubs(:file?).returns(true) File.stubs(:readable?).returns(true) File.stubs(:binread).returns("") hooks = Astute::NailgunHooks.new([copy_files_hook], ctx) hooks.expects(:upload_file).once.with( ctx, ['2'], has_entries( 'content' => "", 'path' => copy_files_hook['parameters']['files'][0]['dst'] ) ) hooks.expects(:upload_file).once.with( ctx, ['3'], has_entries( 'content' => "", 'path' => copy_files_hook['parameters']['files'][0]['dst'] ) ) hooks.process end context 'process data from mcagent in case of critical hook' do before(:each) do copy_files_hook['fail_on_error'] = true #ctx.stubs(:report_and_update_status) end it 'mcagent success' do File.stubs(:file?).returns(true) File.stubs(:readable?).returns(true) File.stubs(:binread).returns("") hooks = Astute::NailgunHooks.new([copy_files_hook], ctx) hooks.expects(:upload_file).returns(true).once expect {hooks.process}.to_not raise_error end it 'mcagent fail' do File.stubs(:file?).returns(true) File.stubs(:readable?).returns(true) File.stubs(:binread).returns("") hooks = Astute::NailgunHooks.new([copy_files_hook], ctx) hooks.expects(:upload_file).returns(false).once error_msg = 'Upload not successful' ctx.expects(:report_and_update_status).once.with( {'nodes' => [ { 'uid' => '2', 'status' => 'error', 'error_type' => 'deploy', 'role' => 'hook', 'hook' => "copy-example-1.0", 'error_msg' => error_msg }, { 'uid' => '3', 'status' => 'error', 'error_type' => 'deploy', 'role' => 'hook', 'hook' => "copy-example-1.0", 'error_msg' => error_msg }, ], 'error' => "Failed to execute hook 'copy-example-1.0'\n\n#{error_msg}" } ) expect {hooks.process}.to raise_error(Astute::DeploymentEngineError, /Failed to execute hook/) end end #context end#copy_files_hook context '#shell_hook' do it 'should validate presence of node uids' do shell_hook['uids'] = [] hooks = Astute::NailgunHooks.new([shell_hook], ctx) expect {hooks.process}.to raise_error(StandardError, /Missing a required parameter/) end it 'should validate presence cmd hooks' do shell_hook['parameters'].delete('cmd') hooks = Astute::NailgunHooks.new([shell_hook], ctx) expect {hooks.process}.to raise_error(StandardError, /Missing a required parameter/) end it 'should run shell command with timeout' do hooks = Astute::NailgunHooks.new([shell_hook], ctx) hooks.expects(:run_shell_command).once.with( ctx, ['1','2','3'], regexp_matches(/deploy/), Astute.config.mc_retries, Astute.config.mc_retry_interval, shell_hook['parameters']['timeout'], shell_hook['parameters']['cwd'] ) .returns(:data => {:exit_code => 0}) hooks.process end it 'should run shell command with global timeout (including retries)' do hooks = Astute::NailgunHooks.new([shell_hook], ctx) hooks.stubs(:run_shell_command).once.with( ctx, ['1','2','3'], regexp_matches(/deploy/), Astute.config.mc_retries, Astute.config.mc_retry_interval, shell_hook['parameters']['timeout'], shell_hook['parameters']['cwd'] ) .raises(Timeout::Error) expect {hooks.process}.to_not raise_error end it 'should use default timeout if it does not set' do shell_hook['parameters'].delete('timeout') hooks = Astute::NailgunHooks.new([shell_hook], ctx) hooks.expects(:run_shell_command).once.with( ctx, ['1','2','3'], regexp_matches(/deploy/), Astute.config.mc_retries, Astute.config.mc_retry_interval, 300, shell_hook['parameters']['cwd'] ) .returns(:data => {:exit_code => 0}) hooks.process end it 'should limit nodes processing in parallel' do Astute.config.max_nodes_per_call = 2 hooks = Astute::NailgunHooks.new([shell_hook], ctx) hooks.expects(:run_shell_command).once.with( ctx, ['1', '2'], regexp_matches(/deploy/), Astute.config.mc_retries, Astute.config.mc_retry_interval, shell_hook['parameters']['timeout'], shell_hook['parameters']['cwd'] ) .returns(:data => {:exit_code => 0}) hooks.expects(:run_shell_command).once.with( ctx, ['3'], regexp_matches(/deploy/), Astute.config.mc_retries, Astute.config.mc_retry_interval, shell_hook['parameters']['timeout'], shell_hook['parameters']['cwd'] ) .returns(:data => {:exit_code => 0}) hooks.process end context 'process data from mcagent in case of critical hook' do before(:each) do shell_hook['fail_on_error'] = true ctx.stubs(:report_and_update_status) end it 'if exit code eql 0 -> do not raise error' do hooks = Astute::NailgunHooks.new([shell_hook], ctx) hooks.expects(:run_shell_command).returns(nil).once expect {hooks.process}.to_not raise_error end it 'if exit code not eql 0 -> raise error' do hooks = Astute::NailgunHooks.new([shell_hook], ctx) hooks.expects(:run_shell_command).returns("err").once expect {hooks.process}.to raise_error(Astute::DeploymentEngineError, /Failed to execute hook/) end it 'if exit code not presence -> raise error' do hooks = Astute::NailgunHooks.new([shell_hook], ctx) hooks.expects(:run_shell_command).returns("err").once expect {hooks.process}.to raise_error(Astute::DeploymentEngineError, /Failed to execute hook/) end it 'if timeout -> raise error' do hooks = Astute::NailgunHooks.new([shell_hook], ctx) hooks.expects(:run_shell_command).raises(Timeout::Error) expect {hooks.process}.to raise_error(Astute::DeploymentEngineError, /Failed to execute hook/) end end #context context "#run_shell_command" do let(:hooks) { Astute::NailgunHooks.new([shell_hook], ctx) } let(:mclient) do mclient = mock_rpcclient Astute::MClient.any_instance.stubs(:rpcclient).returns(mclient) Astute::MClient.any_instance.stubs(:log_result).returns(mclient) Astute::MClient.any_instance.stubs(:check_results_with_retries).returns(mclient) mclient end def mc_result(sender, succeed=true) { :sender => sender, :data => { :exit_code => succeed ? 0 : 1} } end before(:each) do ctx.stubs(:report_and_update_status) shell_hook['fail_on_error'] = true end it 'should use retries' do mclient.expects(:execute).times(2).returns([ mc_result('1', true), mc_result('2', false), mc_result('3', true) ]).then.returns([mc_result('2', true)]) hooks.process end it 'should fail if retries end' do Astute.config.mc_retries = 1 mclient.expects(:execute).times(2).returns([ mc_result('1', true), mc_result('2', false), mc_result('3', true) ]).then.returns([mc_result('2', false)]) expect {hooks.process}.to raise_error(Astute::DeploymentEngineError) end it 'should fail if retries end and some nodes never answered' do Astute.config.mc_retries = 1 mclient.expects(:execute).times(2) .returns([mc_result('1', true)]) .then.returns([mc_result('2', true)]) expect {hooks.process}.to raise_error(Astute::DeploymentEngineError) end it 'should retry if raise error' do Astute.config.mc_retries = 3 mclient.expects(:execute).times(4) .returns([mc_result('1', true), mc_result('2', true)]) .then.raises(Astute::MClientTimeout) .then.raises(Astute::MClientError) .then.returns([mc_result('3', true)]) expect { hooks.process }.not_to raise_error end it 'should fail if it still raise error after retries' do Astute.config.mc_retries = 1 # we retry 3 times on every mc retries (1 main + 1 retries) * 3 = 6 mclient.expects(:execute).times(6) .then.raises(Astute::MClientTimeout) .then.raises(Astute::MClientError) expect {hooks.process}.to raise_error(Astute::DeploymentEngineError) end end end #shell_hook context '#upload_file_hook' do it 'should validate presence of node uids' do upload_file_hook['uids'] = [] hooks = Astute::NailgunHooks.new([upload_file_hook], ctx) expect {hooks.process}.to raise_error(StandardError, /Missing a required parameter/) end it 'should validate presence of file destination' do upload_file_hook['parameters'].delete('path') hooks = Astute::NailgunHooks.new([upload_file_hook], ctx) expect {hooks.process}.to raise_error(StandardError, /Missing a required parameter/) end it 'should validate presence of file source' do upload_file_hook['parameters'].delete('data') hooks = Astute::NailgunHooks.new([upload_file_hook], ctx) expect {hooks.process}.to raise_error(StandardError, /Missing a required parameter/) end it 'should upload file' do hooks = Astute::NailgunHooks.new([upload_file_hook], ctx) hooks.expects(:upload_file).once.with( ctx, ['2', '3'], has_entries( 'content' => upload_file_hook['parameters']['data'], 'path' => upload_file_hook['parameters']['path'] ) ) hooks.process end it 'should limit nodes processing in parallel' do Astute.config.max_nodes_per_call = 1 hooks = Astute::NailgunHooks.new([upload_file_hook], ctx) hooks.expects(:upload_file).once.with( ctx, ['2'], has_entries( 'content' => upload_file_hook['parameters']['data'], 'path' => upload_file_hook['parameters']['path'] ) ) hooks.expects(:upload_file).once.with( ctx, ['3'], has_entries( 'content' => upload_file_hook['parameters']['data'], 'path' => upload_file_hook['parameters']['path'] ) ) hooks.process end context 'process data from mcagent in case of critical hook' do before(:each) do upload_file_hook['fail_on_error'] = true ctx.stubs(:report_and_update_status) end it 'mcagent success' do hooks = Astute::NailgunHooks.new([upload_file_hook], ctx) hooks.expects(:upload_file).returns(true).once expect {hooks.process}.to_not raise_error end it 'mcagent fail' do hooks = Astute::NailgunHooks.new([upload_file_hook], ctx) hooks.expects(:upload_file).returns(false).once expect {hooks.process}.to raise_error(Astute::DeploymentEngineError, /Failed to execute hook/) end end #context end #upload_file_hook context '#sync_hook' do it 'should validate presence of node uids' do sync_hook['uids'] = [] hooks = Astute::NailgunHooks.new([sync_hook], ctx) expect {hooks.process}.to raise_error(StandardError, /Missing a required parameter/) end it 'should validate presence of destination' do sync_hook['parameters'].delete('dst') hooks = Astute::NailgunHooks.new([sync_hook], ctx) expect {hooks.process}.to raise_error(StandardError, /Missing a required parameter/) end it 'should validate presence of source' do sync_hook['parameters'].delete('src') hooks = Astute::NailgunHooks.new([sync_hook], ctx) expect {hooks.process}.to raise_error(StandardError, /Missing a required parameter/) end it 'should run sync command with timeout' do sync_hook['parameters']['timeout'] = '60' hooks = Astute::NailgunHooks.new([sync_hook], ctx) hooks.expects(:run_shell_command).once.with( ctx, ['1','2'], regexp_matches(/deploy/), 10, Astute.config.mc_retry_interval, sync_hook['parameters']['timeout'] ) .returns(:data => {:exit_code => 0}) hooks.process end it 'should use default timeout if it does not set' do shell_hook['parameters'].delete('timeout') hooks = Astute::NailgunHooks.new([sync_hook], ctx) hooks.expects(:run_shell_command).once.with( ctx, ['1','2'], regexp_matches(/rsync/), 10, Astute.config.mc_retry_interval, 300 ) .returns(:data => {:exit_code => 0}) hooks.process end it 'should limit nodes processing in parallel' do Astute.config.max_nodes_per_call = 1 hooks = Astute::NailgunHooks.new([sync_hook], ctx) hooks.expects(:run_shell_command).once.with( ctx, ['1'], regexp_matches(/rsync/), 10, Astute.config.mc_retry_interval, is_a(Integer) ) .returns(:data => {:exit_code => 0}) hooks.expects(:run_shell_command).once.with( ctx, ['2'], regexp_matches(/rsync/), 10, Astute.config.mc_retry_interval, is_a(Integer) ) .returns(:data => {:exit_code => 0}) hooks.process end context 'process data from mcagent in case of critical hook' do before(:each) do sync_hook['fail_on_error'] = true ctx.stubs(:report_and_update_status) end it 'if exit code eql 0 -> do not raise error' do hooks = Astute::NailgunHooks.new([sync_hook], ctx) hooks.expects(:run_shell_command).returns(nil).once expect {hooks.process}.to_not raise_error end it 'if exit code not eql 0 -> raise error' do hooks = Astute::NailgunHooks.new([sync_hook], ctx) hooks.expects(:run_shell_command).returns("err").once expect {hooks.process}.to raise_error(Astute::DeploymentEngineError, /Failed to execute hook/) end it 'if exit code not presence -> raise error' do hooks = Astute::NailgunHooks.new([sync_hook], ctx) hooks.expects(:run_shell_command).returns("err").once expect {hooks.process}.to raise_error(Astute::DeploymentEngineError, /Failed to execute hook/) end end #context end #sync_hook context '#puppet_hook' do it 'should validate presence of node uids' do puppet_hook['uids'] = [] hooks = Astute::NailgunHooks.new([puppet_hook], ctx) expect {hooks.process}.to raise_error(StandardError, /Missing a required parameter/) end it 'should validate presence of manifest parameter' do puppet_hook['parameters'].delete('puppet_manifest') hooks = Astute::NailgunHooks.new([puppet_hook], ctx) expect {hooks.process}.to raise_error(StandardError, /Missing a required parameter/) end it 'should validate presence of modules parameter' do puppet_hook['parameters'].delete('puppet_modules') hooks = Astute::NailgunHooks.new([puppet_hook], ctx) expect {hooks.process}.to raise_error(StandardError, /Missing a required parameter/) end it 'should validate presence of cwd parameter' do puppet_hook['parameters'].delete('cwd') hooks = Astute::NailgunHooks.new([puppet_hook], ctx) expect {hooks.process}.to raise_error(StandardError, /Missing a required parameter/) end it 'should run puppet command using main mechanism' do hooks = Astute::NailgunHooks.new([puppet_hook], ctx) PuppetdDeployer.expects(:deploy).once.with( instance_of(Astute::Context), [ {'uid' => '1', 'role' => 'hook'}, {'uid' => '3', 'role' => 'hook'} ], _retries=puppet_hook['parameters']['retries'], puppet_hook['parameters']['puppet_manifest'], puppet_hook['parameters']['puppet_modules'], puppet_hook['parameters']['cwd'] ) Astute::Context.any_instance.stubs(:status).returns({'1' => 'success', '3' => 'success'}) hooks.process end it 'should run puppet command with timeout' do hooks = Astute::NailgunHooks.new([puppet_hook], ctx) hooks.expects(:run_puppet).once.with( ctx, ['1','3'], puppet_hook['parameters']['puppet_manifest'], puppet_hook['parameters']['puppet_modules'], puppet_hook['parameters']['cwd'], puppet_hook['parameters']['timeout'], puppet_hook['parameters']['retries'] ).returns(true) Astute::Context.any_instance.stubs(:status).returns({'1' => 'success', '3' => 'success'}) hooks.process end it 'should use default timeout if it does not set' do puppet_hook['parameters'].delete('timeout') hooks = Astute::NailgunHooks.new([puppet_hook], ctx) hooks.expects(:run_puppet).once.with( ctx, ['1','3'], puppet_hook['parameters']['puppet_manifest'], puppet_hook['parameters']['puppet_modules'], puppet_hook['parameters']['cwd'], 300, puppet_hook['parameters']['retries'] ).returns(true) Astute::Context.any_instance.stubs(:status).returns({'1' => 'success', '3' => 'success'}) hooks.process end it 'should use default retries if it does not set' do puppet_hook['parameters'].delete('retries') hooks = Astute::NailgunHooks.new([puppet_hook], ctx) hooks.expects(:run_puppet).once.with( ctx, ['1','3'], puppet_hook['parameters']['puppet_manifest'], puppet_hook['parameters']['puppet_modules'], puppet_hook['parameters']['cwd'], puppet_hook['parameters']['timeout'], Astute.config.puppet_retries, ).returns(true) Astute::Context.any_instance.stubs(:status).returns({'1' => 'success', '3' => 'success'}) hooks.process end it 'should limit nodes processing in parallel' do Astute.config.max_nodes_per_call = 1 hooks = Astute::NailgunHooks.new([puppet_hook], ctx) hooks.expects(:run_puppet).once.with( ctx, ['1'], puppet_hook['parameters']['puppet_manifest'], puppet_hook['parameters']['puppet_modules'], puppet_hook['parameters']['cwd'], puppet_hook['parameters']['timeout'], puppet_hook['parameters']['retries'] ).returns(true) hooks.expects(:run_puppet).once.with( ctx, ['3'], puppet_hook['parameters']['puppet_manifest'], puppet_hook['parameters']['puppet_modules'], puppet_hook['parameters']['cwd'], puppet_hook['parameters']['timeout'], puppet_hook['parameters']['retries'] ).returns(true) Astute::Context.any_instance.stubs(:status).returns({'1' => 'success', '3' => 'success'}) hooks.process end it 'if mclient failed and task is not critical -> do not raise error' do hooks = Astute::NailgunHooks.new([puppet_hook], ctx) PuppetdDeployer.expects(:deploy).once.raises(Astute::MClientError) expect {hooks.process}.to_not raise_error end context 'process data from mcagent in case of critical hook' do before(:each) do puppet_hook['fail_on_error'] = true ctx.stubs(:report_and_update_status) end it 'if puppet success do not raise error' do hooks = Astute::NailgunHooks.new([puppet_hook], ctx) PuppetdDeployer.expects(:deploy).once Astute::Context.any_instance.stubs(:status).returns({'1' => 'success', '3' => 'success'}) expect {hooks.process}.to_not raise_error end it 'if puppet fail -> raise error' do hooks = Astute::NailgunHooks.new([puppet_hook], ctx) PuppetdDeployer.expects(:deploy).once Astute::Context.any_instance.stubs(:status).returns({'1' => 'error', '3' => 'success'}) expect {hooks.process}.to raise_error(Astute::DeploymentEngineError, /Failed to execute hook/) end it 'if mclient failed -> raise error' do hooks = Astute::NailgunHooks.new([puppet_hook], ctx) error_msg = "Puppet run failed. Check puppet logs for details" PuppetdDeployer.expects(:deploy).once.raises(Astute::MClientError) ctx.expects(:report_and_update_status).with( {'nodes' => [ { 'uid' => '1', 'status' => 'error', 'error_type' => 'deploy', 'role' => 'hook', 'hook' => "puppet-example-1.0", 'error_msg' => error_msg }, { 'uid' => '3', 'status' => 'error', 'error_type' => 'deploy', 'role' => 'hook', 'hook' => "puppet-example-1.0", 'error_msg' => error_msg }, ], 'error' => "Failed to execute hook 'puppet-example-1.0'\n\n#{error_msg}" } ) expect {hooks.process}.to raise_error(Astute::DeploymentEngineError, /Failed to execute hook/) end end #context end # puppet_hook context '#reboot_hook' do it 'should validate presence of node uids' do reboot_hook['uids'] = [] hooks = Astute::NailgunHooks.new([reboot_hook], ctx) expect {hooks.process}.to raise_error(StandardError, /Missing a required parameter/) end it 'should run reboot command with timeout - 10 sec' do hooks = Astute::NailgunHooks.new([reboot_hook], ctx) time = Time.now.to_i hooks.stubs(:run_shell_without_check).twice.with( ctx, ['2','3'], regexp_matches(/stat/), 10, ) .returns('2' => (time - 5).to_s, '3' => (time - 5).to_s).then .returns('2' => time.to_s, '3' => time.to_s) hooks.expects(:run_shell_without_check).once.with( ctx, ['2','3'], regexp_matches(/reboot/), 60, ) .returns('2' => '', '3' => '') hooks.expects(:run_shell_without_check).once.with( ctx, ['2','3'], regexp_matches(/nailgun-agent/), 60, ) .returns('2' => '', '3' => '') hooks.stubs(:sleep) hooks.process end it 'should run reboot validation command with timeout - 10 sec' do hooks = Astute::NailgunHooks.new([reboot_hook], ctx) time = Time.now.to_i hooks.stubs(:run_shell_without_check).twice.with( ctx, ['2','3'], regexp_matches(/stat/), 10, ) .returns('2' => (time - 5).to_s, '3' => (time - 5).to_s).then .returns('2' => time.to_s, '3' => time.to_s) hooks.stubs(:run_shell_without_check).once.with( ctx, ['2','3'], regexp_matches(/reboot/), 60, ) .returns('2' => '', '3' => '') hooks.stubs(:update_node_status).once hooks.stubs(:sleep) hooks.process end it 'should sleep between checks for one-tenth of timeout' do hooks = Astute::NailgunHooks.new([reboot_hook], ctx) time = Time.now.to_i hooks.stubs(:run_shell_without_check).twice.with( ctx, ['2','3'], regexp_matches(/stat/), 10, ) .returns('2' => (time - 5).to_s, '3' => (time - 5).to_s).then .returns('2' => time.to_s, '3' => time.to_s) hooks.stubs(:run_shell_without_check).once.with( ctx, ['2','3'], regexp_matches(/reboot/), 60, ) .returns('2' => '', '3' => '') hooks.stubs(:update_node_status).once hooks.expects(:sleep).with(reboot_hook['parameters']['timeout']/10) hooks.process end it 'should use default timeout if it does not set' do reboot_hook['parameters'].delete('timeout') hooks = Astute::NailgunHooks.new([reboot_hook], ctx) time = Time.now.to_i hooks.stubs(:run_shell_without_check).twice.with( ctx, ['2','3'], regexp_matches(/stat/), 10, ) .returns('2' => (time - 5).to_s, '3' => (time - 5).to_s).then .returns('2' => time.to_s, '3' => time.to_s) hooks.stubs(:run_shell_without_check).once.with( ctx, ['2','3'], regexp_matches(/reboot/), 60, ) .returns('2' => '', '3' => '') hooks.stubs(:update_node_status).once hooks.expects(:sleep).with(300/10) hooks.process end it 'should limit nodes processing in parallel' do Astute.config.max_nodes_per_call = 1 hooks = Astute::NailgunHooks.new([reboot_hook], ctx) time = Time.now.to_i hooks.stubs(:run_shell_without_check).once.with( ctx, ['2'], regexp_matches(/stat/), 10, ) .returns('2' => time.to_s) hooks.stubs(:run_shell_without_check).once.with( ctx, ['3'], regexp_matches(/stat/), 10, ) .returns('3' => time.to_s) hooks.expects(:run_shell_without_check).once.with( ctx, ['2'], regexp_matches(/reboot/), 60, ) .returns('2' => '') hooks.expects(:run_shell_without_check).once.with( ctx, ['3'], regexp_matches(/reboot/), 60, ) .returns('3' => '') hooks.stubs(:sleep) hooks.stubs(:update_node_status).once time = Time.now.to_i + 100 hooks.stubs(:run_shell_without_check).once.with( ctx, ['2','3'], "stat --printf='%Y' /proc/1", 10, ) .returns('2' => time.to_s, '3' => time.to_s) hooks.process end context 'process data from mcagent in case of critical hook' do let(:hooks) do reboot_hook['fail_on_error'] = true reboot_hook['parameters']['timeout'] = 1 hooks = Astute::NailgunHooks.new([reboot_hook], ctx) hooks.stubs(:run_shell_without_check).once.with( ctx, ['2','3'], regexp_matches(/reboot/), 60, ) .returns('2' => '', '3' => '') hooks.stubs(:sleep) hooks end before(:each) do ctx.stubs(:report_and_update_status) end it 'if reboot succeed -> do not raise error' do time = Time.now.to_i hooks.stubs(:run_shell_without_check).twice.with( ctx, ['2','3'], regexp_matches(/stat/), 10, ) .returns('2' => (time - 5).to_s, '3' => (time - 5).to_s).then .returns('2' => time.to_s, '3' => time.to_s) hooks.stubs(:update_node_status).once expect {hooks.process}.to_not raise_error end it 'if reboot failed -> raise error' do time = Time.now.to_i hooks.stubs(:run_shell_without_check).with( ctx, ['2','3'], regexp_matches(/stat/), 10, ) .returns('2' => time.to_s, '3' => (time - 5).to_s).then .returns('2' => time.to_s, '3' => (time - 5).to_s) hooks.stubs(:run_shell_without_check).with( ctx, ['2'], regexp_matches(/stat/), 10, ) .returns('2' => (time - 5).to_s, '3' => time.to_s) hooks.expects(:update_node_status).with([]) expect {hooks.process}.to raise_error(Astute::DeploymentEngineError, /Failed to execute hook/) end it 'should successed if creation time is smaller' do time = Time.now.to_i hooks.stubs(:run_shell_without_check).twice.with( ctx, ['2','3'], regexp_matches(/stat/), 10, ) .returns('2' => time.to_s, '3' => time.to_s).then .returns('2' => (time - 1).to_s, '3' => (time - 2).to_s) hooks.expects(:update_node_status).with(['2', '3']) expect {hooks.process}.to_not raise_error end it 'if reboot validate info not presence -> raise error' do time = Time.now.to_i hooks.stubs(:run_shell_without_check).with( ctx, ['2','3'], regexp_matches(/stat/), 10, ) .returns('2' => time.to_s, '3' => (time - 5).to_s).then .returns('3' => time.to_s) hooks.stubs(:run_shell_without_check).with( ctx, ['2'], regexp_matches(/stat/), 10, ).returns({}) hooks.stubs(:update_node_status) expect {hooks.process}.to raise_error(Astute::DeploymentEngineError, /Failed to execute hook/) end end #context end #reboot_hook context '#cobbler_sync_hook' do it 'should validate presence of provisioning_info' do cobbler_sync_hook['parameters']['provisioning_info'] = {} hooks = Astute::NailgunHooks.new([cobbler_sync_hook], ctx) expect {hooks.process}.to raise_error(StandardError, /Missing a required parameter/) end it 'should call Astute::CobblerManager sync method ' do hooks = Astute::NailgunHooks.new([cobbler_sync_hook], ctx) Astute::CobblerManager.any_instance.expects(:sync).once hooks.process end end #cobbler_sync_hook end # 'describe'