metadata:name => "puppetsync", :description => "Downloads latest version of Puppet manifests to managed servers", :author => "Mirantis Inc", :license => "Apache License 2.0", :version => "0.1", :url => "", :timeout => 300 action "rsync", :description => "Download using rsync" do display :failed input :modules_source, :prompt => "Rsync source URL of modules", :description => "Where to get modules from. URL with any protocol supported by rsync", :type => :string, :validation => :shellsafe, :optional => false, :default => 'rsync://', :maxlength => 256 input :manifests_source, :prompt => "Rsync source URL of manifests", :description => "Where to get manifests from. URL with any protocol supported by rsync", :type => :string, :validation => :shellsafe, :optional => false, :default => 'rsync://', :maxlength => 256 input :modules_path, :prompt => "Rsync destination of modules", :description => "Where should downloaded modules be saved?", :type => :string, :validation => :shellsafe, :optional => false, :default => '/etc/puppet/modules/', :maxlength => 256 input :manifests_path, :prompt => "Rsync destination of manifests", :description => "Where should downloaded manifests be saved?", :type => :string, :validation => :shellsafe, :optional => false, :default => '/etc/puppet/manifests/', :maxlength => 256 input :rsync_options, :prompt => "Options for rsync command run", :description => "What options should be pathed to rsync command?", :type => :string, :validation => :shellsafe, :optional => false, :default => '-c -r --delete', :maxlength => 256 output :msg, :description => "Report message", :display_as => "Message" end