
221 lines
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# Copyright 2013 Mirantis, Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
require 'json'
require 'timeout'
module Astute
module PuppetdDeployer
def self.deploy(ctx, nodes, retries=2, puppet_manifest=nil, puppet_modules=nil, cwd=nil)
@ctx = ctx
@nodes_roles = nodes.inject({}) { |h, n| h.merge({n['uid'].to_s => n['role']}) }
@node_retries = nodes.inject({}) { |h, n| h.merge({n['uid'].to_s => retries}) }
@nodes = nodes
@puppet_manifest = puppet_manifest || '/etc/puppet/manifests/site.pp'
@puppet_modules = puppet_modules || '/etc/puppet/modules'
@cwd = cwd || '/'
Astute.logger.debug "Waiting for puppet to finish deployment on all
nodes (timeout = #{Astute.config.PUPPET_TIMEOUT} sec)..."
time_before = Time.now
deploy_nodes(@nodes.map { |n| n['uid'] })
time_spent = Time.now - time_before
Astute.logger.info "#{@ctx.task_id}: Spent #{time_spent} seconds on puppet run "\
"for following nodes(uids): #{@nodes.map {|n| n['uid']}.join(',')}"
# Runs puppetd.runonce only if puppet is stopped on the host at the time
# If it isn't stopped, we wait a bit and try again.
# Returns list of nodes uids which appear to be with hung puppet.
def self.puppetd_runonce(uids)
started = Time.now.to_i
while Time.now.to_i - started < Astute.config.PUPPET_FADE_TIMEOUT
running_uids = puppetd(uids).last_run_summary.select { |x|
['running', 'idling'].include?(x.results[:data][:status])
}.map { |n| n.results[:sender] }
stopped_uids = uids - running_uids
@nodes.select { |n| stopped_uids.include? n['uid'] }
.group_by { |n| n['debug'] }
.each do |debug, stop_nodes|
puppetd(stop_nodes.map { |n| n['uid'] }).runonce(
:puppet_debug => true,
:manifest => @puppet_manifest,
:modules => @puppet_modules,
:cwd => @cwd
break if running_uids.empty?
uids = running_uids
sleep Astute.config.PUPPET_FADE_INTERVAL
Astute.logger.debug "puppetd_runonce completed within #{Time.now.to_i - started} seconds."
Astute.logger.warn "Following nodes have puppet hung: '#{running_uids.join(',')}'" if running_uids.present?
def self.calc_nodes_status(last_run, prev_run, hung_nodes=[])
# Finished are those which are not in running state,
# and changed their last_run time, which is changed after application of catalog,
# at the time of updating last_run_summary file. At that particular time puppet is
# still running, and will finish in a couple of seconds.
# If Puppet had crashed before it got a catalog (e.g. certificate problems),
# it didn't update last_run_summary file and switched to 'stopped' state.
# Consider only hung nodes which was in last_run
hung_nodes = hung_nodes & last_run.map { |n| n.results[:sender] }
stopped = last_run.select { |x| ['stopped', 'disabled'].include? x.results[:data][:status] }
# Select all finished nodes which not failed and changed last_run time.
succeed_nodes = stopped.select { |n|
prev_n = prev_run.find{|ps| ps.results[:sender] == n.results[:sender] }
n.results[:data][:status] == 'stopped' &&
n.results[:data][:resources]['failed'].to_i == 0 &&
n.results[:data][:resources]['failed_to_restart'].to_i == 0 &&
n.results[:data][:time]['last_run'] != (prev_n && prev_n.results[:data][:time]['last_run'])
}.map{|x| x.results[:sender] }
stopped_nodes = stopped.map { |x| x.results[:sender] }
error_nodes = stopped_nodes - succeed_nodes
running_nodes = last_run.map {|n| n.results[:sender]} - stopped_nodes
# Hunged nodes can change state at this moment(success, error or still run),
# but we should to turn it on only in error_nodes
succeed_nodes -= hung_nodes
error_nodes = (error_nodes + hung_nodes).uniq
running_nodes -= hung_nodes
nodes_to_check = running_nodes + succeed_nodes + error_nodes
all_nodes = last_run.map { |n| n.results[:sender] }
if nodes_to_check.size != all_nodes.size
raise "Internal error. Check: #{nodes_to_check.inspect}, passed #{all_nodes.inspect}"
{'succeed' => succeed_nodes, 'error' => error_nodes, 'running' => running_nodes}
def self.puppetd(uids)
puppetd = MClient.new(@ctx, "puppetd", Array(uids))
puppetd.on_respond_timeout do |uids|
nodes = uids.map do |uid|
{ 'uid' => uid, 'status' => 'error', 'error_type' => 'deploy', 'role' => @nodes_roles[uid] }
@ctx.report_and_update_status('nodes' => nodes)
def self.processing_error_nodes(error_nodes)
nodes_to_report = []
nodes_to_retry = []
error_nodes.each do |uid|
if @node_retries[uid] > 0
@node_retries[uid] -= 1
Astute.logger.debug "Puppet on node #{uid.inspect} will be restarted. "\
"#{@node_retries[uid]} retries remained."
nodes_to_retry << uid
Astute.logger.debug "Node #{uid.inspect} has failed to deploy. There is no more retries for puppet run."
nodes_to_report << {'uid' => uid, 'status' => 'error', 'error_type' => 'deploy', 'role' => @nodes_roles[uid] }
return nodes_to_report, nodes_to_retry
def self.processing_running_nodes(running_nodes)
nodes_to_report = []
if running_nodes.present?
# Pass nodes because logs calculation needs IP address of node, not just uid
nodes_progress = @ctx.deploy_log_parser.progress_calculate(running_nodes, @nodes)
if nodes_progress.present?
Astute.logger.debug "Got progress for nodes: #{nodes_progress.inspect}"
# Nodes with progress are running, so they are not included in nodes_to_report yet
nodes_progress.map! { |x| x.merge!('status' => 'deploying', 'role' => @nodes_roles[x['uid']]) }
nodes_to_report = nodes_progress
rescue => e
Astute.logger.warn "Some error occurred when parse logs for nodes progress: #{e.message}, "\
"trace: #{e.format_backtrace}"
def self.processing_succeed_nodes(succeed_nodes)
succeed_nodes.map do |uid|
{ 'uid' => uid, 'status' => 'ready', 'role' => @nodes_roles[uid] }
# As I (Andrey Danin) understand, Puppet agent goes through these steps:
# * Puppetd has 'stopped' state.
# * We run it as a run_once, and puppetd goes to 'idling' state - it trying to
# retrieve catalog.
# * If it can't retrieve catalog, it goes back to 'stopped' state without
# any update of last_run_summary file.
# * If puppetd retrieve catalog, it goes to 'running' state, which means
# it appying catalog to system.
# * When puppetd finished catalog run, it updates last_run_summary file
# but stays in 'running' state for a while.
# * After puppetd finished all internal jobs connected with finished catalog,
# it goes to 'idling' state.
# * After a short time it goes to 'stopped' state because we ran it as a run_once.
def self.deploy_nodes(nodes_to_check)
Timeout::timeout(Astute.config.PUPPET_TIMEOUT) do
prev_summary = puppetd(nodes_to_check).last_run_summary
hung_nodes = puppetd_runonce(nodes_to_check)
while nodes_to_check.present?
last_run = puppetd(nodes_to_check).last_run_summary
calc_nodes = calc_nodes_status(last_run, prev_summary, hung_nodes)
Astute.logger.debug "Nodes statuses: #{calc_nodes.inspect}"
report_succeed = processing_succeed_nodes calc_nodes['succeed']
report_error, nodes_to_retry = processing_error_nodes(calc_nodes['error'])
report_running = processing_running_nodes(calc_nodes['running'])
nodes_to_report = report_succeed + report_error + report_running
@ctx.report_and_update_status('nodes' => nodes_to_report) if nodes_to_report.present?
if nodes_to_retry.present?
Astute.logger.info "Retrying to run puppet for following error nodes: #{nodes_to_retry.join(',')}"
hung_nodes = puppetd_runonce(nodes_to_retry)
# We need this magic with prev_summary to reflect new puppetd run statuses..
prev_summary.delete_if { |x| nodes_to_retry.include?(x.results[:sender]) }
prev_summary += last_run.select { |x| nodes_to_retry.include?(x.results[:sender]) }
# we will iterate only over running nodes and those that we restart deployment for
nodes_to_check = calc_nodes['running'] + nodes_to_retry
break if nodes_to_check.empty?
sleep Astute.config.PUPPET_DEPLOY_INTERVAL