require 'ipaddr' require 'yaml' require 'forwardable' require 'puppet/parser' require 'puppet/parser/templatewrapper' require 'puppet/resource/type_collection' require 'puppet/util/methodhelper' require 'puppetx/l23network' module L23network def self.default_offload_set { 'generic-receive-offload' => false, 'generic-segmentation-offload' => false } end def self.correct_ethtool_set(prop_hash) if !prop_hash.has_key?('ethtool') and (prop_hash.has_key?('vendor_specific') and prop_hash['vendor_specific']['disable_offloading']) # add default offload settings if: # * no ethtool properties given # * "disable offload" flag given rv = {}.merge prop_hash rv['ethtool'] ||= {} rv['ethtool']['offload'] = default_offload_set() rv['vendor_specific'].delete('disable_offloading') else rv = prop_hash end return rv end def self.is_ib_interface(name) # whether interface with name is Infiniband interface? return name =~ /^ib\d+\.80\d+$/ end def self.is_subinterface(name) # whether transformation should operate with subinterface? return (name =~ /\.\d+$/) && !L23network.is_ib_interface(name) end def self.sanitize_transformation(trans) action = trans[:action].to_s.downcase() # Setup defaults rv = case action when "noop" then { :name => nil, :provider => nil } when "add-br" then { :name => nil, :stp => nil, :bpdu_forward => nil, # :bridge_id => nil, :external_ids => nil, # :interface_properties => nil, :delay_while_up => nil, :vendor_specific => nil, :provider => nil } when "add-port" then { :name => nil, :bridge => nil, # :type => "internal", :mtu => nil, :ethtool => nil, :vlan_id => nil, :vlan_dev => nil, # :trunks => [], :delay_while_up => nil, :vendor_specific => nil, :provider => nil } when "add-bond" then { :name => nil, :bridge => nil, :mtu => nil, :interfaces => [], # :vlan_id => 0, # :trunks => [], :delay_while_up => nil, :bond_properties => nil, :interface_properties => nil, :vendor_specific => nil, :provider => nil } when "add-patch" then { :name => "unnamed", # calculated later :bridges => [], :vlan_ids => [0, 0], :mtu => nil, :vendor_specific => nil, :provider => nil } else raise(Puppet::ParseError, "Unknown transformation: '#{action}'.") end # replace defaults to real parameters{|k,v| rv[k] = trans[k] if trans.has_key? k } # Validate and mahgle highly required properties. Most of properties should be validated in puppet type. rv[:action] = action if not rv[:name].is_a? String raise(Puppet::ParseError, "Unnamed transformation: '#{action}'.") end if action == "add-patch" if !rv[:bridges].is_a? Array or rv[:bridges].size() != 2 raise(Puppet::ParseError, "Transformation patch have wrong 'bridges' parameter.") end rv[:name] = get_patch_name(rv[:bridges]) # name for patch SHOULD be auto-generated end return rv end end Puppet::Parser::Functions::newfunction(:generate_network_config, :type => :rvalue, :doc => <<-EOS This function get Hash of network interfaces and endpoints configuration and realized it. EOS ) do |argv| def default_netmask() "/24" end def create_endpoint() { :ipaddr => [] } end def res_factory() # define internal puppet parameters for creating resources { :br => 'l23network::l2::bridge', :port => 'l23network::l2::port', :bond => 'l23network::l2::bond', :patch => 'l23network::l2::patch', :ifconfig => 'l23network::l3::ifconfig' } end def correct_requirement_name(name) name.split('::').map{|x| x.capitalize}.join('::') end def create_l3_ifconfig_resource(endpoints, endpoint_name, previous=nil) resource_properties = { } create_routes = [] # create resource resource = res_factory[:ifconfig] debug("generate_network_config(): Endpoint '#{endpoint_name}' will be created with properties: \n#{endpoints[endpoint_name].to_yaml.gsub('!ruby/sym ','')}") # collect properties for creating endpoint resource endpoints[endpoint_name].each do |k,v| if k.to_s.downcase == 'routes' # for routes we should create additional resource, not a property of ifconfig next if ! v.is_a?(Array) v.each do |vv| create_routes << vv end elsif ['Hash', 'Array'].include? v.class.to_s resource_properties[k.to_s] = L23network.reccursive_sanitize_hash(v) else resource_properties[k.to_s] = v end end #Clear default gateway #todo(sv): remove it here and include to l3_ifconfig resource if resource_properties['gateway'] l3_resource_properties = { 'ensure' => 'absent', 'destination' => 'default', 'gateway' => resource_properties['gateway'], 'interface' => endpoint_name } l3_resource_properties['metric'] = resource_properties['gateway_metric'] if resource_properties['gateway_metric'] gateway_name = L23network.get_route_resource_name('default', l3_resource_properties['metric']) if previous l3_resource_properties['require'] = [correct_requirement_name(previous)] end previous = "l3_clear_route[#{gateway_name}]" debug("generate_network_config(): Routing-cleaner '#{gateway_name}' will be created for endpoint '#{endpoint_name}'") function_create_resources(['l3_clear_route', { gateway_name => l3_resource_properties }]) end resource_properties['require'] = [correct_requirement_name(previous)] if previous # todo(sv): make ability add 'dhcp' resources through yaml network-scheme # # set ipaddresses # #if endpoints[endpoint_name][:IP].empty? # # p_resource.set_parameter(:ipaddr, 'none') # #elsif ['none','dhcp'].index(endpoints[endpoint_name][:IP][0]) # # p_resource.set_parameter(:ipaddr, endpoints[endpoint_name][:IP][0]) # #else # # ipaddrs = [] # # endpoints[endpoint_name][:IP].each do |i| # # if i =~ /\/\d+$/ # # ipaddrs.insert(-1, i) # # else # # ipaddrs.insert(-1, "#{i}#{default_netmask()}") # # end # # end # # p_resource.set_parameter(:ipaddr, ipaddrs) # #end # #set another (see L23network::l3::ifconfig DOC) parametres resource_properties = L23network.correct_ethtool_set(resource_properties) function_create_resources([resource, { "#{endpoint_name}" => resource_properties }]) previous = "#{resource}[#{endpoint_name}]" if ! create_routes.empty? create_routes.each do |route| next if !route.has_key?(:net) or !route.has_key?(:via) route_properties = { 'destination' => route[:net], 'gateway' => route[:via], 'by_network_scheme' => true, 'require' => correct_requirement_name(previous) } route_properties[:metric] = route[:metric] if route[:metric].to_i > 0 route_name = L23network.get_route_resource_name(route[:net], route[:metric]) debug("generate_network_config(): Route resource '#{route_name}' will be created for endpoint '#{endpoint_name}'") function_create_resources(['l23network::l3::route', { "#{route_name}" => route_properties }]) previous = "l23network::l3::route[#{route_name}]" end end return previous end ### # start newfunction(:generate_network_config) if argv.size != 0 raise(Puppet::ParseError, "generate_network_config(): Wrong number of arguments.") end config_hash = L23network::Scheme.get_config(lookupvar('l3_fqdn_hostname')) if config_hash.nil? raise(Puppet::ParseError, "generate_network_config(...): You must call prepare_network_config(...) first!") end # we can't imagine, that user can write in this field, but we try to convert to numeric and compare if config_hash[:version].to_s.to_f < 1.1 raise(Puppet::ParseError, "generate_network_config(...): You network_scheme hash has wrong format.\nThis parser can work with v1.1 format, please convert you config.") end default_provider = config_hash[:provider] || 'lnx' # collect interfaces and endpoints debug("generate_network_config(): collect interfaces") ifconfig_created = [] born_ports = [] # collect L2::port properties from 'interfaces' section ports_properties = {} # additional parameters from interfaces was stored here config_hash[:interfaces].each do |int_name, int_properties| int_name = int_name.to_sym() #endpoints[int_name] = create_endpoint() born_ports << int_name # add some of 1st level interface properties to it's config ports_properties[int_name] ||= {} if int_properties.is_a? Hash int_properties.each do |k,v| if v.to_s != '' k ='-','_').to_sym ports_properties[int_name][k] = v end end end end # collect L3::ifconfig properties from 'endpoints' section debug("generate_network_config(): collect endpoints") endpoints = {} if config_hash[:endpoints].is_a? Hash and !config_hash[:endpoints].empty? config_hash[:endpoints].each do |e_name, e_properties| e_name = e_name.to_sym() endpoints[e_name] = create_endpoint() if ! (e_properties.nil? or e_properties.empty?) e_properties.each do |k,v| next if k == :gateway and v.to_s.empty? k ='-','_').to_sym if k == :IP v = nil if v == :undef if !(v.is_a?(Array) || ['none','dhcp',nil].include?(v)) raise(Puppet::ParseError, "generate_network_config(): IP field for endpoint '#{e_name}' must be array of IP addresses, 'dhcp' or 'none'. Got: '#{v.inspect}'") elsif ['none','dhcp',''].include?(v.to_s) # 'none' and 'dhcp' should be passed to resource not as list endpoints[e_name][:ipaddr] = (v.to_s == 'dhcp' ? 'dhcp' : 'none') else v.each do |ip| begin iip = # validate IP address endpoints[e_name][:ipaddr] ||= [] endpoints[e_name][:ipaddr] << ip rescue raise(Puppet::ParseError, "generate_network_config(): IP address '#{ip}' for endpoint '#{e_name}' wrong!.") end end end else endpoints[e_name][k] = v end end else endpoints[e_name][:ipaddr] = 'none' end end else config_hash[:endpoints] = {} end # pre-check and auto-add main interface for sub-interface # to transformation if required debug("generate_network_config(): precheck transformations") tmp = [] config_hash[:transformations].each do |t| if (t[:action].match(/add-(port|bond)/) && L23network.is_subinterface(t[:name])) # we found vlan subinterface, but main interface for one didn't defined # earlier. We should configure main interface as unaddressed interface # wich has state UP to prevent fails in network configuration name = t[:name].split('.')[0] if{|x| x[:action].match(/add-(port|bond)/) && x[:name]==name}.empty? debug("Auto-add 'add-port(#{name})' for '#{t[:name]}'") tmp << { :action => 'add-port', :name => name } end tmp << t elsif t[:action] == 'add-bond' t[:interfaces].each do |ifname| if_sym = ifname.to_sym b_provider=t[:provider] mtu = t[:mtu] if (i=tmp.index{|x| x[:action]=='add-port' && x[:name]==ifname}) # we should add something from bond's interface_properties to existing add-port in the transformations. debug("Merge interface_properties from bond '#{t[:name]}' to 'add-port(#{ifname})'") if t[:interface_properties].is_a?(Hash) t[:interface_properties].each do |k,v| if k=='mtu' and !v.nil? mtu==v.to_i elsif v.is_a?(Hash) and tmp[i][k].is_a?(Hash) tmp[i][k] = v.merge(tmp[i][k]) elsif tmp[i][k].nil? tmp[i][k] = v end end end else # we has no bond slave in the transformation # should be added debug("Auto-add 'add-port(#{ifname})' for '#{t[:name]}'") props = config_hash[:interfaces][if_sym] || {} if t[:interface_properties].is_a?(Hash) t[:interface_properties].each do |k,v| if k=='mtu' and !v.nil? mtu==v.to_i elsif v.is_a?(Hash) and props[k].is_a?(Hash) props[k] = v.merge(props[k]) elsif props[k].nil? props[k] = v end end end props[:provider] = b_provider if props[:provider].nil? tmp << { :action => 'add-port', :name => ifname, :mtu => mtu }.merge(props) end end tmp << t elsif (i=tmp.index{|x| x[:action].match(/add-(port|bond)/) && x[:name]==t[:name]}) # we has transformation for this interface already auto-added by previous # condition. We should merge this properties into which are autocreated # earlier by transformation and forget this. # # It looks like some strange reordering tmp[i].merge! t debug("Auto-add 'move-properties-for-port(#{t[:name]})', because one autocreated early.") else tmp << t end end config_hash[:transformations] = tmp debug("generate_network_config(): process transformations") # execute transformations resources_created = [] previous = nil config_hash[:transformations].each do |t| action = t[:action].strip() if action.start_with?('add-') action = t[:action][4..-1].to_sym() action_ensure = nil elsif action.start_with?('del-') action = t[:action][4..-1].to_sym() action_ensure = 'absent' else action = t[:action].to_sym() end #debug("TXX: '#{t[:name]}' => '#{t.to_yaml.gsub('!ruby/sym ','')}'.") trans = L23network.sanitize_transformation(t) if action != :noop #debug("TTT: '#{trans[:name]}' => '#{trans.to_yaml.gsub('!ruby/sym ','')}'.") # merge interface properties with transformations and vendor_specific port_props = ports_properties[trans[:name].to_sym()] || {} trans = trans.merge(port_props) { |k,a,b| (k == :vendor_specific and a.is_a?(Hash)) ? a.merge(b) : b } if trans.has_key?(:mtu) && !trans[:name].nil? && trans[:name] != 'unnamed' # MTU should be adjusted to phys_dev if it is possible devices = L23network.get_phys_dev_by_transformation(trans[:name], lookupvar('l3_fqdn_hostname')) if !devices.nil? && devices[0] != trans[:name] if trans[:mtu].nil? trans[:mtu] = L23network.get_property_for_transformation('MTU', devices[0], lookupvar('l3_fqdn_hostname')) end end end if !trans[:provider] if action == :port && trans[:bridge] provider = L23network.get_property_for_transformation('PROVIDER', trans[:bridge], lookupvar('l3_fqdn_hostname')) trans[:provider] = provider || default_provider else trans[:provider] = default_provider end end # add default delay for bonds. 45 sec. for LACP bonds and 15 sec for another. if (action == :bond) && trans[:bond_properties].is_a?(Hash) && trans[:delay_while_up].to_i == 0 delay_while_up = ( trans[:bond_properties][:mode]=='802.3ad' ? 45 : 15 ) if ['', 'absent'].include? trans[:bridge].to_s # bond not included to bridge. I.e. has IP address or subinterfaces and post-up has sense trans[:delay_while_up] = delay_while_up else # bond included to bridge. I.e. has no IP address bridge_res = findresource("L23network::L2::Bridge[#{trans[:bridge].to_s}]") if !bridge_res.nil? && bridge_res[:delay_while_up].nil? bridge_res[:delay_while_up] = delay_while_up end end end # create puppet resources for interfaces and transformations. # create endpoints, which linked to interfaces or transformations resource = res_factory[action] resource_properties = { } debug("generate_network_config(): Transformation '#{trans[:name]}' will be produced as \n#{trans.to_yaml.gsub('!ruby/sym ','')}"){|k,v| k != :action}.each do |k,v| if ['Hash', 'Array'].include? v.class.to_s resource_properties[k.to_s] = L23network.reccursive_sanitize_hash(v) if action == :bond && k==:interface_properties # search 'disable_offloading' flag and correct ethtool properties if required resource_properties[k.to_s] = L23network.correct_ethtool_set(resource_properties[k.to_s]) end elsif ! v.nil? resource_properties[k.to_s] = v else #todo(sv): more powerfull handler for 'nil' properties end end if L23network.is_ib_interface(trans[:name]) # Infiniband device is not vlan, but name looks like vlan subinterface resource_properties[:vlan_dev] = false end resource_properties['require'] = [correct_requirement_name(previous)] if previous resource_properties = L23network.correct_ethtool_set(resource_properties) function_create_resources([resource, { "#{trans[:name]}" => resource_properties }]) resources_created << "#{t[:action].strip()}(#{trans[:name]})" born_ports << trans[:name].to_sym() if action != :patch previous = "#{resource}[#{trans[:name]}]" end # try to create ifconfig for newly-created resource if endpoints.has_key? trans[:name].to_sym() endpoint_name = trans[:name].to_sym() ifconfig_created << endpoint_name previous = create_l3_ifconfig_resource(endpoints, endpoint_name, previous) resources_created << "endpoint(#{endpoint_name})" end end # Calculate delta between all endpoints and already created while transformation processed rest_ifconfig = endpoints.keys().sort() - ifconfig_created # create resources for rest endpoints # in alphabetical order debug("generate_network_config(): process endpoints") rest_ifconfig.each do |endpoint_name| if ! born_ports.include? endpoint_name raise(Puppet::ParseError, "generate_network_config(): Endpoint '#{endpoint_name}' not found in interfaces or transformations result.") end if L23network.is_ib_interface(endpoint_name) and !resources_created.include?("add-port(#{endpoint_name})") # Infiniband device should be created as port if does not created early ib_resource_properties = { :vlan_dev => false } ib_resource_properties['require'] = [correct_requirement_name(previous)] if previous function_create_resources(['l23network::l2::port', { "#{endpoint_name}" => ib_resource_properties }]) previous = "L23network::L2::Port[#{endpoint_name}]" resources_created << "add-port(#{endpoint_name})" end previous = create_l3_ifconfig_resource(endpoints, endpoint_name, previous) resources_created << "endpoint(#{endpoint_name})" end debug("generate_network_config(): done...") return resources_created.join(" -> ") end # vim: set ts=2 sw=2 et :