require 'spec_helper' require 'yaml' describe Puppet::Type.type(:l23_stored_config).provider(:lnx_ubuntu) do let(:input_data) do { :eth1 => { :name => 'eth1', :method => 'static', :ipaddr => '', :delay_while_up => '25', :provider => 'lnx_ubuntu', }, } end let(:resources) do resources = {} input_data.each do |name, res| name, Puppet::Type.type(:l23_stored_config).new(res) end resources end let(:providers) do providers = {} resources.each do |name, resource| provider = resource.provider if ENV['SPEC_PUPPET_DEBUG'] class << provider def debug(msg) puts msg end end end provider.create name, provider end providers end before(:each) do puppet_debug_override() end def fixture_path File.join(PROJECT_ROOT, 'spec', 'fixtures', 'provider', 'l23_stored_config', 'lnx_ubuntu__spec') end def fixture_file(file) File.join(fixture_path, file) end def fixture_data(file) end context "just eth interface" do context 'format file' do subject { providers[:eth1] } let(:data) { subject.class.format_file('filepath', [subject]) } it { p data ; expect(data).to match(/auto\s+eth1/) } it { expect(data).to match(/iface\s+eth1\s+inet\s+static/) } it { expect(data).to match(/address\s+169\.254\.0\.1\/24/) } it { expect(data).to match(/post-up\s+sleep\s+25/) } it { expect(data.split(/\n/).reject{|x| x=~/^\s*$/}.length). to eq(4) } # no more lines in the interface file end context "parse data from fixture" do let(:data) { subject.class.parse_file('eth1', fixture_data('ifcfg-eth1'))[0] } it { expect(data[:method]).to eq :static } it { expect(data[:ipaddr]).to eq '' } it { expect(data[:delay_while_up]).to eq 25 } #it { puts data.to_yaml.gsub('!ruby/sym ','') } end end end describe Puppet::Type.type(:l23_stored_config).provider(:ovs_ubuntu) do let(:input_data) do { :eth1 => { :name => 'eth1', :method => 'static', :ipaddr => '', :provider => 'ovs_ubuntu', }, } end let(:resources) do resources = {} input_data.each do |name, res| name, Puppet::Type.type(:l23_stored_config).new(res) end resources end let(:providers) do providers = {} resources.each do |name, resource| provider = resource.provider if ENV['SPEC_PUPPET_DEBUG'] class << provider def debug(msg) puts msg end end end provider.create name, provider end providers end before(:each) do puppet_debug_override() end context "just eth interface with OVS provider" do context 'format file with OVS provider' do subject { providers[:eth1] } let(:data) { subject.class.format_file('filepath', [subject]) } it { p data ; expect(data).to match(/auto\s+eth1/) } it { expect(data).to match(/iface\s+eth1\s+inet\s+static/) } it { expect(data).to match(/address\s+169\.254\.0\.1\/24/) } it { expect(data.split(/\n/).reject{|x| x=~/^\s*$/}.length). to eq(3) } # no more lines in the interface file end end end ### multiple IP per interface describe Puppet::Type.type(:l23_stored_config).provider(:lnx_ubuntu) do let(:input_data) do { :eth1 => { :name => "eth11", :method => "static", :ipaddr => "", :ipaddr_aliases => ['','',''], :provider => "lnx_ubuntu", }, } end let(:resources) do resources = {} input_data.each do |name, res| name, Puppet::Type.type(:l23_stored_config).new(res) end resources end let(:providers) do providers = {} resources.each do |name, resource| provider = resource.provider if ENV['SPEC_PUPPET_DEBUG'] class << provider def debug(msg) puts msg end end end provider.create name, provider end providers end before(:each) do puppet_debug_override() end def fixture_path File.join(PROJECT_ROOT, 'spec', 'fixtures', 'provider', 'l23_stored_config', 'lnx_ubuntu__spec') end def fixture_file(file) File.join(fixture_path, file) end def fixture_data(file) end context "Multiple IP addresses per interface" do context 'format file' do subject { providers[:eth1] } let(:data) { subject.class.format_file('filepath', [subject]) } it { expect(data).to match(/auto\s+eth11/) } it { expect(data).to match(/iface\s+eth11\s+inet\s+static/) } it { expect(data).to match(/address\s+169\.254\.0\.1\/24/) } it { expect(data).to match(/post-up\s+ip\s+addr\s+add\s+\/24\s+dev\s+eth11/) } it { expect(data).to match(/post-up\s+ip\s+addr\s+add\s+\/25\s+dev\s+eth11/) } it { expect(data).to match(/post-up\s+ip\s+addr\s+add\s+\/26\s+dev\s+eth11/) } it { expect(data.split(/\n/).reject{|x| x=~/^\s*$/}.length). to eq(6) } # no more lines in the interface file end context "parse data from fixture" do let(:data) { subject.class.parse_file('eth11', fixture_data('ifcfg-eth11'))[0] } it { expect(data[:method]).to eq :static } it { expect(data[:ipaddr]).to eq '' } it { expect(data[:ipaddr_aliases]).to eq ['','',''] } end end end