
74 lines
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class osnailyfacter::upgrade::pkg_upgrade {
# hardcode with retries and sleeps for resolving lock issue
# should be rewritten
exec { 'do_upgrade':
command => 'apt-get dist-upgrade -y -o Dpkg::Options::="--force-confdef" -o Dpkg::Options::="--force-confold"',
environment => [ 'DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive' ],
path => ['/usr/bin', '/usr/local/sbin', '/usr/sbin', '/sbin', '/bin' ],
timeout => 1700,
try_sleep => 10,
tries => 5,
logoutput => true,
$corosync_roles = hiera('corosync_roles', ['primary-controller', 'controller'])
if roles_include($corosync_roles) {
$content_policy = "#!/bin/bash\n[[ \"\$1\" == \"pacemaker\" ]] && exit 101\n"
$policyrc_file = '/usr/sbin/policy-rc.d'
ensure_resource('file', 'create-policy-rc.d', {
ensure => present,
path => $policyrc_file,
content => $content_policy,
mode => '0755',
owner => 'root',
group => 'root',
before => Exec['do_upgrade']
exec { 'remove_policy':
command => "rm -rf ${policyrc_file}",
path => '/bin',
require => Exec['do_upgrade'],
ensure_resource('service', 'pacemaker', {
ensure => running,
require => Exec['remove_policy']
if roles_include(['controller', 'primary-controller']) {
$storage_hash = hiera_hash('storage', {})
if (!$storage_hash['images_ceph'] and !$storage_hash['objects_ceph'] and !$storage_hash['images_vcenter']) {
# Glance package update changes permissions for /var/lib/glance and makes
# it and its subdirectories owned by glance:glance (it executes in postinst stage).
# We use /var/lib/glance/node as swift storage, and we need to allow
# swift user to write into this directory. We should update all subdirectories
# in /var/lib/glance/node to be owned by swift:swift. This should be applied right
# after glance package update to decrease swift service downtime to minimum.
# Swift services restart isn't required.
$swift_partition = hiera('swift_partition', '/var/lib/glance/node')
if $swift_partition =~ /\/var\/lib\/glance\// {
# We can't use 'file' resource because we need to be sure that swift user and
# group exist. They could be absent in case of adding new controller node
# for already upgraded environment.
exec { '/var/lib/glance/':
command => 'chgrp swift /var/lib/glance/',
onlyif => 'getent group swift && test -d /var/lib/glance/',
path => ['/bin/', '/usr/bin/'],
logoutput => 'on_failure',
} ->
exec { $swift_partition:
command => "chown -R swift:swift ${swift_partition}",
onlyif => "getent passwd swift && test -d ${swift_partition}",
path => ['/bin/', '/usr/bin/'],
logoutput => 'on_failure',