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# == Class: cluster::haproxy
# Configure HAProxy managed by corosync/pacemaker
class cluster::haproxy (
$haproxy_maxconn = '4000',
$haproxy_bufsize = '16384',
$haproxy_maxrewrite = '1024',
$primary_controller = false,
$debug = false,
$other_networks = false,
$stats_ipaddresses = ['']
) {
include ::concat::setup
include ::haproxy::params
package { 'haproxy': }
#NOTE(bogdando) we want defaults w/o chroot
# and this override looks the only possible if
# upstream manifests must be kept intact
$global_options = {
'log' => '/dev/log local0',
'pidfile' => '/var/run/haproxy.pid',
'maxconn' => $haproxy_maxconn,
'user' => 'haproxy',
'group' => 'haproxy',
'daemon' => '',
'stats' => 'socket /var/lib/haproxy/stats',
'tune.bufsize' => $haproxy_bufsize,
'tune.maxrewrite' => $haproxy_maxrewrite,
$defaults_options = {
'log' => 'global',
'stats' => 'enable',
'maxconn' => '8000',
'mode' => 'http',
'retries' => '3',
'option' => [
'timeout' => [
'http-request 20s',
'queue 1m',
'connect 10s',
'client 1m',
'server 1m',
'check 10s',
class { 'haproxy::base':
global_options => $global_options,
defaults_options => $defaults_options,
stats_ipaddresses => $stats_ipaddresses,
use_include => true,
class { 'cluster::haproxy_ocf':
primary_controller => $primary_controller,
debug => $debug,
other_networks => $other_networks,
Package['haproxy'] -> Class['haproxy::base']
Class['haproxy::base'] -> Class['cluster::haproxy_ocf']
Class['haproxy::base'] -> Haproxy::Service <||>
if defined(Corosync::Service['pacemaker']) {
Corosync::Service['pacemaker'] -> Class['cluster::haproxy_ocf']