
471 lines
15 KiB

# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import fuelclient
import collections
import json
import logging
import os.path
import pipes
import time
import uuid
import yaml
from distutils import version
from fuelclient.objects import environment as environment_obj
from fuelclient.objects import node as node_obj
from fuelclient.objects import task as task_obj
from octane.helpers import tasks as tasks_helpers
from octane.helpers import transformations
from octane import magic_consts
from octane.util import disk
from octane.util import sql
from octane.util import ssh
from octane.util import subprocess
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def get_nodes(env, roles):
for node in node_obj.Node.get_all():
if node.data['cluster'] != env.data['id']:
for role in roles:
if (role in node.data['roles'] or
role in node.data['pending_roles']):
yield node
def get_controllers(env):
controllers = get_nodes(env, ['controller'])
return controllers
def get_one_controller(env):
return next(get_controllers(env))
def get_one_node_of(env, role):
return next(get_nodes(env, [role]))
def get_env_networks(env):
network_data = env.get_network_data()
return network_data['networks']
def get_env_provision_method(env):
attrs = env.get_attributes()
if 'provision' in attrs['editable']:
return attrs['editable']['provision']['method']['value']
return 'cobbler'
def change_env_settings(env_id, master_ip=''):
# workaround for bugs related to DNS, NTP and TLS
env = environment_obj.Environment(env_id)
attrs = env.get_attributes()
attrs['editable']['public_ssl']['horizon']['value'] = False
attrs['editable']['public_ssl']['services']['value'] = False
attrs['editable']['external_ntp']['ntp_list']['value'] = master_ip
attrs['editable']['external_dns']['dns_list']['value'] = master_ip
if get_env_provision_method(env) != 'image':
attrs['editable']['provision']['method']['value'] = 'image'
generated_data = sql.run_psql_in_container(
"select generated from attributes where cluster_id={0}".format(env_id),
generated_json = json.loads(generated_data)
release_data = sql.run_psql_in_container(
"select attributes_metadata from releases where id={0}".format(
release_json = json.loads(release_data)
release_image_dict = release_json['generated']['provision']['image_data']
settings_cls = collections.namedtuple("settings", ["MASTER_IP", "id"])
settings = settings_cls(master_ip, env_id)
for key, value in generated_json['provision']['image_data'].iteritems():
value['uri'] = release_image_dict[key]['uri'].format(settings=settings,
"update attributes set generated='{0}' where cluster_id={1}".format(
json.dumps(generated_json), env_id),
def clone_env(env_id, release):
LOG.info("Cloning env %s for release %s", env_id, release.data['name'])
res = subprocess.call_output(
["fuel2", "env", "clone", "-f", "json",
str(env_id), uuid.uuid4().hex, str(release.data['id'])],
for kv in json.loads(res):
if kv['Field'] == 'id':
seed_id = kv['Value']
raise Exception("Couldn't find new environment ID in fuel CLI output:"
"\n%s" % res)
return seed_id
def clone_ips(orig_id, networks):
call_args = ['fuel2', 'env', 'clone-ips', str(orig_id)]
if networks:
call_args += ['--networks'] + networks
def delete_fuel_resources(env):
node = get_one_controller(env)
sftp = ssh.sftp(node)
os.path.join(magic_consts.CWD, "helpers/delete_fuel_resources.py"),
["sh", "-c", ". /root/openrc; python /tmp/delete_fuel_resources.py"],
def get_keystone_tenants(env, node):
password = get_admin_password(env, node)
tenant_out = ssh.call_output(
'sh', '-c',
'. /root/openrc; keystone --os-password={0} tenant-list'
tenants = {}
for line in tenant_out.splitlines()[3:-1]:
parts = line.split()
tenants[parts[3]] = parts[1]
return tenants
def get_openstack_projects(env, node):
password = get_admin_password(env, node)
out = ssh.call_output(
'sh', '-c',
'. /root/openrc; openstack --os-password {0} project list -f json'
data = [{k.lower(): v for k, v in d.items()}
for d in json.loads(out)]
return {i["name"]: i["id"] for i in data}
def get_openstack_project_dict(env, node=None):
if node is None:
node = get_one_controller(env)
node_env_version = str(node.env.data.get('fuel_version'))
if node_env_version < version.StrictVersion("7.0"):
mapping = get_keystone_tenants(env, node)
mapping = get_openstack_projects(env, node)
return mapping
def get_openstack_project_value(env, node, key):
data = get_openstack_project_dict(env, node)
return data[key.lower()]
except KeyError:
raise Exception(
"Field {0} not found in openstack project list".format(key))
def get_service_tenant_id(env, node):
return get_openstack_project_value(env, node, "services")
def cache_service_tenant_id(env, node=None):
env_id = env.data['id']
fname = os.path.join(
if os.path.exists(fname):
with open(fname) as f:
return f.readline()
tenant_id = get_service_tenant_id(env, node)
dname = os.path.dirname(fname)
if not os.path.exists(dname):
with open(fname, 'w') as f:
return tenant_id
def wait_for_env(cluster, status, timeout=60 * 60, check_freq=60):
cluster_id = cluster.data['id']
LOG.debug("Waiting for cluster %s to transition to status '%s'",
cluster_id, status)
started_at = time.time() # TODO: use monotonic timer
while True:
real_status = cluster.status
if real_status == 'error':
raise Exception("Cluster %s fell into error status" %
if real_status == status:
LOG.info("Cluster %s transitioned to status '%s'", cluster_id,
if time.time() - started_at >= timeout:
raise Exception("Timeout waiting for cluster %s to transition to "
"status '%s'" % (cluster_id, status))
def wait_for_node(node, status, timeout=60 * 60, check_freq=60):
node_id = node.data['id']
LOG.debug("Waiting for node %s to transition to status '%s'",
node_id, status)
started_at = time.time() # TODO: use monotonic timer
while True:
data = node.get_fresh_data()
if data['status'] == 'error':
raise Exception("Node %s fell into error status" % (node_id,))
if data['online'] and data['status'] == status:
LOG.info("Node %s transitioned to status '%s'", node_id, status)
if time.time() - started_at >= timeout:
raise Exception("Timeout waiting for node %s to transition to "
"status '%s'" % (node_id, status))
def wait_for_tasks(env, status, timeout=60 * 60, check_freq=60):
env_id = env.data['id']
LOG.debug("Waiting for env %s to have no '%s' tasks",
env_id, status)
started_at = time.time() # TODO: use monotonic timer
while True:
tasks = task_obj.Task.get_all_data()
cl_tasks = []
for task in tasks:
if task['cluster'] == env_id and task['status'] == status:
if not cl_tasks:
LOG.info("Env %s have no '%s' tasks", env_id, status)
if time.time() - started_at >= timeout:
raise Exception("Timeout waiting for env %s to complete "
"all tasks status" % env_id)
def wait_for_nodes(nodes, status, timeout=60 * 60, check_freq=60):
for node in nodes: # TODO: do this smarter way
wait_for_node(node, status, timeout, check_freq)
def move_nodes(env, nodes, provision=True, roles=None):
env_id = env.data['id']
cmd = ["fuel2", "env", "move", "node"]
if not provision:
cmd += ['--no-provision']
if roles:
cmd += ['--roles', ','.join(roles)]
for node in nodes:
node_id = node.data['id']
cmd_move_node = cmd + [str(node_id), str(env_id)]
if provision and incompatible_provision_method(env):
if provision:
LOG.info("Nodes provision started. Please wait...")
wait_for_nodes(nodes, "provisioned")
def copy_vips(env):
["fuel2", "env", "copy", "vips", str(env.data['id'])]
def provision_nodes(env, nodes):
env.install_selected_nodes('provision', nodes)
LOG.info("Nodes provision started. Please wait...")
wait_for_nodes(nodes, "provisioned", timeout=180 * 60)
def deploy_nodes(env, nodes):
env.install_selected_nodes('deploy', nodes)
LOG.info("Nodes deploy started. Please wait...")
wait_for_nodes(nodes, "ready", timeout=180 * 60)
wait_for_tasks(env, "running")
def deploy_changes(env, nodes):
LOG.info("Nodes deploy started. Please wait...")
wait_for_env(env, "operational", timeout=180 * 60)
def prepare_net_info(info):
quantum_settings = info["quantum_settings"]
pred_nets = quantum_settings["predefined_networks"]
phys_nets = quantum_settings["L2"]["phys_nets"]
if 'net04' in pred_nets and \
pred_nets['net04']['L2']['network_type'] == "vlan":
physnet = pred_nets["net04"]["L2"]["physnet"]
segment_id = phys_nets[physnet]["vlan_range"].split(":")[1]
pred_nets['net04']["L2"]["segment_id"] = segment_id
if 'net04_ext' in pred_nets:
pred_nets["net04_ext"]["L2"]["physnet"] = ""
pred_nets["net04_ext"]["L2"]["network_type"] = "local"
def get_deployment_info(env):
deployment_info = []
deployment_info = env.get_facts('deployment')
except fuelclient.cli.error.ServerDataException:
LOG.warn('Deployment info is unchanged for env: %s',
deployment_info = [x for x in deployment_info
if x['role'] != 'primary-controller']
return deployment_info
def get_astute_yaml(env, node=None):
if not node:
node = get_one_controller(env)
with ssh.sftp(node).open('/etc/astute.yaml') as f:
data = f.read()
return yaml.load(data)
def get_admin_password(env, node=None):
return get_astute_yaml(env, node)['access']['password']
def update_deployment_info(env, isolated):
default_info = env.get_default_facts('deployment')
network_data = env.get_network_data()
gw_admin = transformations.get_network_gw(network_data,
if isolated:
# From backup_deployment_info
backup_path = os.path.join(
if not os.path.exists(backup_path):
# Roughly taken from Environment.write_facts_to_dir
for info in default_info:
fname = os.path.join(
"{0}_{1}.yaml".format(info['role'], info['uid']),
with open(fname, 'w') as f:
yaml.safe_dump(info, f, default_flow_style=False)
deployment_info = []
for info in default_info:
if isolated:
transformations.reset_gw_admin(info, gw_admin)
# From run_ping_checker
info['run_ping_checker'] = False
env.upload_facts('deployment', deployment_info)
tasks = env.get_deployment_tasks()
def find_node_deployment_info(node, roles, data):
node_roles = [n['role']
for n in data[0]['nodes'] if str(node.id) == n['uid']]
if not set(roles) & set(node_roles):
return None
for info in data:
if info['uid'] == str(node.id):
return info
return None
def get_backup_deployment_info(env_id):
deployment_info = []
backup_path = os.path.join(
magic_consts.FUEL_CACHE, 'deployment_{0}.orig'.format(env_id))
if not os.path.exists(backup_path):
return None
for filename in os.listdir(backup_path):
filepath = os.path.join(backup_path, filename)
with open(filepath) as info_file:
info = yaml.safe_load(info_file)
return deployment_info
def collect_deployment_info(env, nodes):
deployment_info = []
for node in nodes:
info = get_astute_yaml(env, node)
return deployment_info
def iter_deployment_info(env, roles):
controllers = list(get_controllers(env))
full_info = get_backup_deployment_info(env.id)
roles = ['primary-controller', 'controller']
if not full_info:
full_info = collect_deployment_info(env, controllers)
for node in controllers:
info = find_node_deployment_info(node, roles, full_info)
yield (node, info)
def incompatible_provision_method(env):
if env.data.get("fuel_version"):
env_version = version.StrictVersion(env.data["fuel_version"])
error_message = ("Cannot find version of environment {0}:"
" attribute 'fuel_version' missing or has"
" incorrect value".format(env.data["id"]))
raise Exception(error_message)
provision_method = get_env_provision_method(env)
if env_version < version.StrictVersion(magic_consts.COBBLER_DROP_VERSION) \
and provision_method != 'image':
return True
return False