# Copyright 2015 Mirantis, Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. import logging from fuel_health.common.utils.data_utils import rand_name from fuel_health import nmanager from fuel_health import test LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) class TestVcenter(nmanager.NovaNetworkScenarioTest): """Test suit verifies: - Instance creation - Floating ip creation - Instance connectivity by floating IP """ @classmethod def setUpClass(cls): super(TestVcenter, cls).setUpClass() if cls.manager.clients_initialized: cls.tenant_id = cls.manager._get_identity_client( cls.config.identity.admin_username, cls.config.identity.admin_password, cls.config.identity.admin_tenant_name).tenant_id cls.keypairs = {} cls.security_groups = {} cls.network = [] cls.servers = [] cls.floating_ips = [] def setUp(self): super(TestVcenter, self).setUp() self.check_clients_state() def tearDown(self): super(TestVcenter, self).tearDown() if self.manager.clients_initialized: if self.servers: for server in self.servers: try: self._delete_server(server) self.servers.remove(server) except Exception: LOG.exception("Server was already deleted.") @classmethod def find_flavor_id(cls): flavors = dict([flavor.ram, flavor.id] for flavor in cls.compute_client.flavors.list() if flavor.ram >= 128) return flavors[sorted(flavors)[0]] def test_1_vcenter_create_servers(self): """vCenter: Launch instance Target component: Nova Scenario: 1. Create a new security group (if it doesn`t exist yet). 2. Create an instance using the new security group. 3. Delete instance. Duration: 200 s. Available since release: 2014.2-6.1 Deployment tags: use_vcenter """ img_name = 'TestVM-VMDK' self.manager.config.compute.image_name = img_name self.check_image_exists() if not self.security_groups: self.security_groups[self.tenant_id] = self.verify( 25, self._create_security_group, 1, "Security group can not be created.", 'security group creation', self.compute_client) name = rand_name('ost1_test-server-smoke-') security_groups = [self.security_groups[self.tenant_id].name] flavor_id = self.find_flavor_id() server = self.verify( 200, self._create_server, 2, "Creating instance using the new security group has failed.", 'image creation', self.compute_client, name, security_groups, flavor_id, None, img_name) self.verify(30, self._delete_server, 3, "Server can not be deleted.", "server deletion", server) def test_3_vcenter_check_public_instance_connectivity_from_instance(self): """vCenter: Check network connectivity from instance via floating IP Target component: Nova Scenario: 1. Create a new security group (if it doesn`t exist yet). 2. Create an instance using the new security group. 3. Create a new floating IP 4. Assign the new floating IP to the instance. 5. Check connectivity to the floating IP using ping command. 6. Check that public IP can be pinged from instance. 7. Disassociate server floating ip. 8. Delete floating ip 9. Delete server. Duration: 300 s. Available since release: 2014.2-6.1 Deployment tags: use_vcenter """ img_name = 'TestVM-VMDK' self.manager.config.compute.image_name = img_name self.check_image_exists() if not self.security_groups: self.security_groups[self.tenant_id] = self.verify( 25, self._create_security_group, 1, "Security group can not be created.", 'security group creation', self.compute_client) name = rand_name('ost1_test-server-smoke-') security_groups = [self.security_groups[self.tenant_id].name] flavor_id = self.find_flavor_id() server = self.verify(250, self._create_server, 2, "Server can not be created.", "server creation", self.compute_client, name, security_groups, flavor_id, None, img_name) floating_ip = self.verify( 20, self._create_floating_ip, 3, "Floating IP can not be created.", 'floating IP creation') self.verify(20, self._assign_floating_ip_to_instance, 4, "Floating IP can not be assigned.", 'floating IP assignment', self.compute_client, server, floating_ip) self.floating_ips.append(floating_ip) ip_address = floating_ip.ip LOG.info('is address is {0}'.format(ip_address)) LOG.debug(ip_address) self.verify(600, self._check_vm_connectivity, 5, "VM connectivity doesn`t function properly.", 'VM connectivity checking', ip_address, 30, (6, 60)) self.verify(600, self._check_connectivity_from_vm, 6, ("Connectivity to from the VM doesn`t " "function properly."), 'public connectivity checking from VM', ip_address, 30, (6, 60)) self.verify(20, self.compute_client.servers.remove_floating_ip, 7, "Floating IP cannot be removed.", "removing floating IP", server, floating_ip) self.verify(20, self.compute_client.floating_ips.delete, 8, "Floating IP cannot be deleted.", "floating IP deletion", floating_ip) if self.floating_ips: self.floating_ips.remove(floating_ip) self.verify(30, self._delete_server, 9, "Server can not be deleted. ", "server deletion", server) def test_2_vcenter_check_internet_connectivity_without_floatingIP(self): """vCenter: Check network connectivity from instance without floating \ IP Target component: Nova Scenario: 1. Create a new security group (if it doesn`t exist yet). 2. Create an instance using the new security group. (if it doesn`t exist yet). 3. Check that public IP can be pinged from instance. 4. Delete server. Duration: 300 s. Available since release: 2014.2-6.1 Deployment tags: nova_network, use_vcenter """ self.check_image_exists() if not self.security_groups: self.security_groups[self.tenant_id] = self.verify( 25, self._create_security_group, 1, "Security group can not be created.", 'security group creation', self.compute_client) name = rand_name('ost1_test-server-smoke-') security_groups = [self.security_groups[self.tenant_id].name] img_name = 'TestVM-VMDK' compute = None server = self.verify( 250, self._create_server, 2, "Server can not be created.", 'server creation', self.compute_client, name, security_groups, None, None, img_name) try: for addr in server.addresses: if addr.startswith('novanetwork'): instance_ip = server.addresses[addr][0]['addr'] except Exception: LOG.exception("") self.fail("Step 3 failed: cannot get instance details. " "Please refer to OpenStack logs for more details.") self.verify(400, self._check_connectivity_from_vm, 3, ("Connectivity to from the VM doesn`t " "function properly."), 'public connectivity checking from VM', instance_ip, 30, (6, 30), compute) self.verify(30, self._delete_server, 4, "Server can not be deleted. ", "server deletion", server) class TestVcenterImageAction(nmanager.SmokeChecksTest): """Test class verifies the following: - verify that image can be created; - verify that instance can be booted from created image; - verify that snapshot can be created from an instance; - verify that instance can be booted from a snapshot. """ @classmethod def setUpClass(cls): super(TestVcenterImageAction, cls).setUpClass() if cls.manager.clients_initialized: cls.micro_flavors = cls.find_micro_flavor() @classmethod def tearDownClass(cls): super(TestVcenterImageAction, cls).tearDownClass() def setUp(self): super(TestVcenterImageAction, self).setUp() self.check_clients_state() def _wait_for_server_status(self, server, status): self.status_timeout(self.compute_client.servers, server.id, status) def _wait_for_image_status(self, image_id, status): self.status_timeout(self.compute_client.images, image_id, status) def _wait_for_server_deletion(self, server): def is_deletion_complete(): # Deletion testing is only required for objects whose # existence cannot be checked via retrieval. if isinstance(server, dict): return True try: server.get() except Exception as e: # Clients are expected to return an exception # called 'NotFound' if retrieval fails. if e.__class__.__name__ == 'NotFound': return True self.error_msg.append(e) LOG.exception("") return False # Block until resource deletion has completed or timed-out test.call_until_true(is_deletion_complete, 10, 1) def _boot_image(self, image_id, flavor_id): name = rand_name('ost1_test-image') client = self.compute_client LOG.debug("name:%s, image:%s" % (name, image_id)) if 'neutron' in self.config.network.network_provider: network = [net.id for net in self.compute_client.networks.list() if net.label == self.private_net] if network: create_kwargs = { 'nics': [ {'net-id': network[0]}, ], } else: self.fail("Default private network '{0}' isn't present. " "Please verify it is properly created.". format(self.private_net)) server = client.servers.create(name=name, image=image_id, flavor=flavor_id, **create_kwargs) else: server = client.servers.create(name=name, image=image_id, flavor=self.micro_flavors[0]) self.set_resource(name, server) # self.addCleanup(self.compute_client.servers.delete, server) self.verify_response_body_content( name, server.name, msg="Please refer to OpenStack logs for more details.") self._wait_for_server_status(server, 'ACTIVE') server = client.servers.get(server) # getting network information LOG.debug("server:%s" % server) return server def _create_image(self, server): snapshot_name = rand_name('ost1_test-snapshot-') create_image_client = self.compute_client.servers.create_image image_id = create_image_client(server, snapshot_name) self.addCleanup(self.compute_client.images.delete, image_id) self._wait_for_server_status(server, 'ACTIVE') self._wait_for_image_status(image_id, 'ACTIVE') snapshot_image = self.compute_client.images.get(image_id) self.verify_response_body_content( snapshot_name, snapshot_image.name, msg="Please refer to OpenStack logs for more details.") return image_id def test_4_snapshot(self): """vCenter: Launch instance, create snapshot, launch instance from \ snapshot Target component: Glance Scenario: 1. Create flavor. 1. Get existing image by name. 2. Launch an instance using the default image. 3. Make snapshot of the created instance. 4. Delete the instance created in step 1. 5. Wait while instance deleted 6. Launch another instance from the snapshot created in step 2. 7. Delete server. 9. Delete flavor. Duration: 300 s. Available since release: 2014.2-6.1 Deployment tags: use_vcenter """ img_name = 'TestVM-VMDK' self.manager.config.compute.image_name = img_name self.check_image_exists() fail_msg = "Flavor was not created properly." flavor = self.verify(30, self._create_flavors, 1, fail_msg, "flavor creation", self.compute_client, 256, 0) image = self.verify(30, self.get_image_from_name, 2, "Image can not be retrieved.", "getting image by name", img_name) server = self.verify(180, self._boot_image, 3, "Image can not be booted.", "image booting", image, flavor.id) # snapshot the instance snapshot_image_id = self.verify(700, self._create_image, 4, "Snapshot of an" " instance can not be created.", 'snapshotting an instance', server) self.verify(180, self.compute_client.servers.delete, 5, "Instance can not be deleted.", 'Instance deletion', server) self.verify(180, self._wait_for_server_deletion, 6, "Instance can not be deleted.", 'Wait for instance deletion complete', server) server = self.verify(700, self._boot_image, 7, "Instance can not be launched from snapshot.", 'booting instance from snapshot', snapshot_image_id, flavor.id) self.verify(30, self._delete_server, 8, "Server can not be deleted.", "server deletion", server) msg = "Flavor failed to be deleted." self.verify(30, self._delete_flavors, 9, msg, "flavor deletion", self.compute_client, flavor) class VcenterVolumesTest(nmanager.SmokeChecksTest): @classmethod def setUpClass(cls): super(VcenterVolumesTest, cls).setUpClass() if cls.manager.clients_initialized: cls.micro_flavors = cls.find_micro_flavor() def setUp(self): super(VcenterVolumesTest, self).setUp() self.check_clients_state() if (not self.config.volume.cinder_vmware_node_exist): self.skipTest('There are no cinder-vmware nodes') @classmethod def tearDownClass(cls): super(VcenterVolumesTest, cls).tearDownClass() @classmethod def find_flavor_id(cls): flavors = dict([flavor.ram, flavor.id] for flavor in cls.compute_client.flavors.list() if flavor.ram >= 128) return flavors[sorted(flavors)[0]] def _wait_for_volume_status(self, volume, status): self.status_timeout(self.volume_client.volumes, volume.id, status) def _wait_for_instance_status(self, server, status): self.status_timeout(self.compute_client.servers, server.id, status) def _create_server(self, client, img_name=None): flavor_id = self.find_flavor_id() if not flavor_id: self.fail("Flavor for tests was not found. Seems that " "something is wrong with nova services.") name = rand_name('ost1_test-volume-instance') base_image_id = self.get_image_from_name(img_name=img_name) az_name = self.get_availability_zone(image_id=base_image_id) if 'neutron' in self.config.network.network_provider: network = [net.id for net in self.compute_client.networks.list() if net.label == self.private_net] if network: create_kwargs = {'nics': [{'net-id': network[0]}]} else: self.fail("Default private network '{0}' isn't present. " "Please verify it is properly created.". format(self.private_net)) server = client.servers.create( name, base_image_id, flavor_id, availability_zone=az_name, **create_kwargs) else: server = client.servers.create(name, base_image_id, self.micro_flavors[0].id, availability_zone=az_name) self.verify_response_body_content(server.name, name, "Instance creation failed") # The instance retrieved on creation is missing network # details, necessitating retrieval after it becomes active to # ensure correct details. server = self._wait_server_param(client, server, 'addresses', 5, 1) self.set_resource(name, server) return server def test_5_vcenter_volume_create(self): """vCenter: Create volume and attach it to instance Target component: Compute Scenario: 1. Create a new small-size volume. 2. Wait for volume status to become "available". 3. Create new instance. 4. Wait for "Active" status 5. Attach volume to an instance. 6. Check volume status is "in use". 7. Get information on the created volume by its id. 8. Detach volume from the instance. 9. Check volume has "available" status. 10. Delete volume. 11. Verify that volume deleted 12. Delete server. Duration: 350 s. Available since release: 2014.2-6.1 Deployment tags: use_vcenter """ msg_s1 = 'Volume was not created.' img_name = 'TestVM-VMDK' self.manager.config.compute.image_name = img_name self.check_image_exists() az = self.config.volume.cinder_vmware_storage_az # Create volume volume = self.verify(120, self._create_volume, 1, msg_s1, "volume creation", self.volume_client, None, availability_zone=az) self.verify(200, self._wait_for_volume_status, 2, msg_s1, "volume becoming 'available'", volume, 'available') # create instance instance = self.verify(200, self._create_server, 3, "Instance creation failed. ", "server creation", self.compute_client, img_name) self.verify(200, self._wait_for_instance_status, 4, 'Instance status did not become "available".', "instance becoming 'available'", instance, 'ACTIVE') # Attach volume self.verify(120, self._attach_volume_to_instance, 5, 'Volume couldn`t be attached.', 'volume attachment', volume, instance.id) self.verify(180, self._wait_for_volume_status, 6, 'Attached volume status did not become "in-use".', "volume becoming 'in-use'", volume, 'in-use') # get volume details self.verify(20, self.volume_client.volumes.get, 7, "Can not retrieve volume details. ", "retrieving volume details", volume.id) # detach volume self.verify(50, self._detach_volume, 8, 'Can not detach volume. ', "volume detachment", instance.id, volume.id) self.verify(120, self._wait_for_volume_status, 9, 'Volume status did not become "available".', "volume becoming 'available'", volume, 'available') self.verify(50, self.volume_client.volumes.delete, 10, 'Can not delete volume. ', "volume deletion", volume) self.verify(50, self.verify_volume_deletion, 11, 'Can not delete volume. ', "volume deletion", volume) self.verify(30, self._delete_server, 12, "Can not delete server. ", "server deletion", instance)