# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright 2013 Mirantis, Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. import requests_mock from sqlalchemy import create_engine from sqlalchemy import event from sqlalchemy.orm import sessionmaker, scoped_session import unittest2 import webtest from fuel_plugin.ostf_adapter import config from fuel_plugin.ostf_adapter import mixins from fuel_plugin.ostf_adapter.nose_plugin import nose_discovery from fuel_plugin.ostf_adapter.storage import models from fuel_plugin.ostf_adapter.wsgi import app TEST_PATH = 'fuel_plugin/testing/fixture/dummy_tests' CLUSTERS = { 1: { 'cluster_meta': { 'release_id': 1, 'mode': 'ha' }, 'release_data': { 'operating_system': 'rhel', 'version': '2015.2-1.0', }, 'cluster_node': { }, 'cluster_attributes': { 'editable': { 'additional_components': {}, 'common': {} } } }, 2: { 'cluster_meta': { 'release_id': 2, 'mode': 'multinode', }, 'release_data': { 'operating_system': 'ubuntu', 'version': '2015.2-1.0', }, 'cluster_node': { }, 'cluster_attributes': { 'editable': { 'additional_components': {}, 'common': {} } } }, 3: { 'cluster_meta': { 'release_id': 3, 'mode': 'ha' }, 'release_data': { 'operating_system': 'rhel', 'version': '2015.2-1.0', }, 'cluster_node': { }, 'cluster_attributes': { 'editable': { 'additional_components': { 'murano': { 'value': True }, 'sahara': { 'value': False } }, 'common': {} } } }, 4: { 'cluster_meta': { 'release_id': 4, 'mode': 'test_error' }, 'release_data': { 'operating_system': 'none', 'version': '2015.2-1.0', }, 'cluster_node': { }, 'cluster_attributes': { 'editable': { 'additional_components': {}, 'common': {} } } }, 5: { 'cluster_meta': { 'release_id': 5, 'mode': 'dependent_tests' }, 'release_data': { 'operating_system': 'none', 'version': '2015.2-1.0', }, 'cluster_node': { }, 'cluster_attributes': { 'editable': { 'additional_components': {}, 'common': {} } } }, 6: { 'cluster_meta': { 'release_id': 6, 'mode': 'releases_comparison' }, 'release_data': { 'operating_system': '', 'version': '2015.2-6.0', }, 'cluster_node': { }, 'cluster_attributes': { 'editable': { 'additional_components': {}, 'common': {} } } }, 7: { 'cluster_meta': { 'release_id': 7, 'mode': 'ha' }, 'release_data': { 'operating_system': 'rhel', 'version': '2015.2-1.0', }, 'cluster_node': [ { "hostname": "node-1", 'id': "1", 'roles': "compute" }, ], 'node_interfaces': [ { 'interface_properties': { 'sriov': { 'enabled': 'true' } } } ], 'cluster_attributes': { 'editable': { 'additional_components': { 'murano': { 'value': True }, 'sahara': { 'value': False } }, 'common': {} } } }, 8: { 'cluster_meta': { 'release_id': 8, 'mode': 'ha', 'net_provider': 'neutron' }, 'release_data': { 'operating_system': 'rhel', 'version': '2015.2-1.0', }, 'cluster_node': [ { "hostname": "node-1", 'id': "1", 'roles': "compute" }, { "hostname": "node-2", 'id': "2", 'roles': "compute" }, ], 'node-1_interfaces': [ { 'interface_properties': { 'dpdk': { 'enabled': 'true' } } }, ], 'node-2_interfaces': [ { 'interface_properties': { 'dpdk': { 'available': 'false' } } }, ], 'cluster_attributes': { 'editable': { 'additional_components': {}, 'common': {} } } } } class BaseUnitTest(unittest2.TestCase): """Base class for all unit tests.""" class BaseIntegrationTest(BaseUnitTest): """Base class for all integration tests.""" @classmethod def setUpClass(cls): config.init_config([]) # db connection cls.dbpath = config.cfg.CONF.adapter.dbpath cls.engine = create_engine(cls.dbpath) # mock http requests cls.requests_mock = requests_mock.Mocker() cls.requests_mock.start() @classmethod def tearDownClass(cls): # stop https requests mocking cls.requests_mock.stop() def setUp(self): self.connection = self.engine.connect() self.trans = self.connection.begin() self.session = scoped_session(sessionmaker()) self.session.configure(bind=self.connection) # supprot tests with rollbacks # start the session in a SAVEPOINT... self.session.begin_nested() # # then each time that SAVEPOINT ends, reopen it @event.listens_for(self.session, "after_transaction_end") def restart_savepoint(session, transaction): if transaction.nested and not transaction._parent.nested: session.begin_nested() def discovery(self): """Discover dummy tests used for testsing.""" mixins.TEST_REPOSITORY = [] nose_discovery.discovery(path=TEST_PATH, session=self.session) mixins.cache_test_repository(self.session) self.session.flush() def tearDown(self): # rollback changes to database # made by tests self.trans.rollback() self.session.close() self.connection.close() def mock_api_for_cluster(self, cluster_id): """Mock requests to Nailgun to mimic behavior of Nailgun's API """ cluster = CLUSTERS[cluster_id] release_id = cluster['cluster_meta']['release_id'] self.requests_mock.register_uri( 'GET', '/api/clusters/{0}'.format(cluster_id), json=cluster['cluster_meta']) self.requests_mock.register_uri( 'GET', '/api/releases/{0}'.format(release_id), json=cluster['release_data']) self.requests_mock.register_uri( 'GET', '/api/nodes?cluster_id={0}'.format(cluster_id), json=cluster['cluster_node']) self.requests_mock.register_uri( 'GET', '/api/clusters/{0}/attributes'.format(cluster_id), json=cluster['cluster_attributes']) class BaseWSGITest(BaseIntegrationTest): def setUp(self): super(BaseWSGITest, self).setUp() self.ext_id = 'fuel_plugin.testing.fixture.dummy_tests.' self.expected = { 'cluster': { 'id': 1, 'deployment_tags': set(['ha', 'rhel', 'nova_network', 'public_on_all_nodes', 'enable_without_ceph']) }, 'test_sets': ['general_test', 'stopped_test', 'ha_deployment_test', 'environment_variables'], 'tests': [self.ext_id + test for test in [ ('deployment_types_tests.ha_deployment_test.' 'HATest.test_ha_depl'), ('deployment_types_tests.ha_deployment_test.' 'HATest.test_ha_rhel_depl'), 'general_test.Dummy_test.test_fast_pass', 'general_test.Dummy_test.test_long_pass', 'general_test.Dummy_test.test_fast_fail', 'general_test.Dummy_test.test_fast_error', 'general_test.Dummy_test.test_fail_with_step', 'general_test.Dummy_test.test_skip', 'general_test.Dummy_test.test_skip_directly', 'stopped_test.dummy_tests_stopped.test_really_long', 'stopped_test.dummy_tests_stopped.test_one_no_so_long', 'stopped_test.dummy_tests_stopped.test_not_long_at_all', ('test_environment_variables.TestEnvVariables.' 'test_os_credentials_env_variables') ]] } self.discovery() self.app = webtest.TestApp(app.setup_app(session=self.session)) def is_background_working(self): is_working = True cluster_state = self.session.query(models.ClusterState)\ .filter_by(id=self.expected['cluster']['id'])\ .one() is_working = is_working and set(cluster_state.deployment_tags) == \ self.expected['cluster']['deployment_tags'] cluster_testing_patterns = self.session\ .query(models.ClusterTestingPattern)\ .filter_by(cluster_id=self.expected['cluster']['id'])\ .all() for testing_pattern in cluster_testing_patterns: is_working = is_working and \ (testing_pattern.test_set_id in self.expected['test_sets']) is_working = is_working and set(testing_pattern.tests)\ .issubset(set(self.expected['tests'])) return is_working