# vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 # Copyright 2013 Mirantis, Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. import logging import time from fuel_health.common import ssh from fuel_health import nmanager LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) class SanityInfrastructureTest(nmanager.SanityChecksTest): """TestClass contains tests that check the whole OpenStack availability. Special requirements: 1. A controller's IP address should be specified. 2. A compute's IP address should be specified. 3. SSH user credentials for the controller and the compute should be specified in the controller_node_ssh_user parameter """ @classmethod def setUpClass(cls): super(SanityInfrastructureTest, cls).setUpClass() cls.controllers = cls.config.compute.online_controllers cls.controller_names = cls.config.compute.online_controller_names cls.computes = cls.config.compute.online_computes cls.usr = cls.config.compute.controller_node_ssh_user cls.pwd = cls.config.compute.controller_node_ssh_password cls.key = cls.config.compute.path_to_private_key cls.timeout = cls.config.compute.ssh_timeout cls.fuel_dns = cls.config.fuel.dns @classmethod def tearDownClass(cls): pass def test_001_services_state(self): """Check that required services are running Target component: OpenStack Scenario: 1. Execute nova service-list command on a controller node. 2. Check there are no failed services (with down state). Duration: 180 s. """ downstate = u'down' def get_controllers_down_states(): states = {} for controller in self.controller_names: svc = self._list_services(self.compute_client, host=controller) down = [True for service in svc if service.state == downstate] if any(down): states[controller] = True return states if not self.controllers: self.skipTest('Step 1 failed: there are no controller nodes.') output = self.verify( 50, get_controllers_down_states, 1, "'nova service-list' command execution failed. ", "'nova service-list' command execution", ) LOG.debug(output) try: self.verify_response_true( len(output) == 0, 'Step 2 failed: Some nova services have not been started.') except Exception: LOG.info("Will sleep for 120 seconds and try again") LOG.exception() time.sleep(120) # Re-collect data silently output = get_controllers_down_states() LOG.debug(output) self.verify_response_true( len(output) == 0, 'Step 2 failed: Some nova services have not been started.') def test_002_internet_connectivity_from_compute(self): """Check internet connectivity from a compute Target component: OpenStack Scenario: 1. Execute ping command from a compute node. Duration: 100 s. Deployment tags: qemu | kvm, public_on_all_nodes | nova_network """ if not self.computes: self.skipTest('There are no compute nodes') cmd = "ping -q -c1 -w10" ssh_client = ssh.Client(self.computes[0], self.usr, self.pwd, key_filename=self.key, timeout=self.timeout) self.verify(100, self.retry_command, 1, "'ping' command failed. Looks like there is no " "Internet connection on the compute node.", "'ping' command", 2, 30, ssh_client.exec_command, cmd) def test_003_dns_resolution(self): """Check DNS resolution on compute node Target component: OpenStack Scenario: 1. Execute host command from a compute node. 2. Check host was successfully resolved 3. Check host google.com command from the compute node. 4. Check google.com host was successfully resolved. Duration: 120 s. Deployment tags: qemu | kvm, public_on_all_nodes | nova_network """ if not self.computes: self.skipTest('There are no computes nodes') dns = self.fuel_dns.spit(',') if self.fuel_dns else [''] ssh_client = ssh.Client(self.computes[0], self.usr, self.pwd, key_filename=self.key, timeout=self.timeout) expected_output = "{0}.in-addr.arpa domain name pointer".format(dns[0]) cmd = "host {0}".format(dns[0]) output = self.verify(100, self.retry_command, 1, "'host' command failed. Looks like there is no " "Internet connection on the computes node.", "'ping' command", 10, 5, ssh_client.exec_command, cmd) LOG.debug(output) self.verify_response_true(expected_output in output, 'Step 2 failed: ' 'DNS name for {0} host ' 'cannot be resolved.'.format(dns[0])) domain_name = output.split()[-1] cmd = "host {0}".format(domain_name) output = self.verify(100, self.retry_command, 3, "'host' command failed. " "DNS name cannot be resolved.", "'host' command", 10, 5, ssh_client.exec_command, cmd) LOG.debug(output) self.verify_response_true('has address {0}'.format(dns[0]) in output, 'Step 4 failed: ' 'DNS name cannot be resolved.')