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# vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4
# Copyright 2013 Mirantis, Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import logging
from nose.plugins.attrib import attr
from fuel_health.common.utils.data_utils import rand_name
from fuel_health import nmanager
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class TestImageAction(nmanager.SmokeChecksTest):
Test class verifies the following:
- verify image can be created;
- verify that instance can be booted from created image
- verify snapshot can be created from instance;
- verify instance can be booted from snapshot.
def _wait_for_server_status(self, server, status):
def _wait_for_image_status(self, image_id, status):
self.status_timeout(self.compute_client.images, image_id, status)
def _boot_image(self, image_id):
name = rand_name('ost1_test-image')
client = self.compute_client
flavor_id = self._create_nano_flavor()
LOG.debug("name:%s, image:%s" % (name, image_id))
server = client.servers.create(name=name,
self.set_resource(name, server)
#self.addCleanup(self.compute_client.servers.delete, server)
name, server.name,
msg="Please, refer to OpenStack logs for more details.")
self._wait_for_server_status(server, 'ACTIVE')
server = client.servers.get(server) # getting network information
LOG.debug("server:%s" % server)
return server
def _add_keypair(self):
name = rand_name('ost1_test-keypair-')
self.keypair = self.compute_client.keypairs.create(name=name)
self.set_resource(name, self.keypair)
self.addCleanup(self.compute_client.keypairs.delete, self.keypair)
name, self.keypair.name,
msg="Please, refer to OpenStack logs for more details.")
def _create_image(self, server):
snapshot_name = rand_name('ost1_test-snapshot-')
create_image_client = self.compute_client.servers.create_image
image_id = create_image_client(server, snapshot_name)
self.addCleanup(self.compute_client.images.delete, image_id)
self._wait_for_server_status(server, 'ACTIVE')
self._wait_for_image_status(image_id, 'ACTIVE')
snapshot_image = self.compute_client.images.get(image_id)
snapshot_name, snapshot_image.name,
msg="Please, refer to OpenStack logs for more details.")
return image_id
@attr(type=['sanity', 'fuel'])
def test_snapshot(self):
"""Launching instance, snapshot it and launching from snapshot
Target component: Glance
1. Create new keypair to boot an instance.
2. Boot default image.
3. Make snapshot of created server.
4. Delete instance from step 1
5. Boot another instance from created snapshot.
Duration: 80-310 s.
self.verify(25, self._add_keypair, 1,
"Keypair couldn`t be created.",
"keypair creation")
# boot an instance and create a timestamp file in it
server = self.verify(180, self._boot_image, 2,
"Image couldn`t be booted.",
"image booting",
# snapshot the instance
snapshot_image_id = self.verify(180, self._create_image, 3,
"Making snapshot of an"
" instance failed.",
'snapshotting an instance',
self.verify(180, self.compute_client.servers.delete, 4,
"Instance deletion failed.",
'Instance deletion',
self.verify(180, self._boot_image, 5,
"Booting instance from the snapshot failed.",
'booting instance from snapshot',