========== Fuel stats ========== Project purpose --------------- * collects stats information about OpenStack installations made by Fuel_, * generates stat reports in the CSV format, * provides API for fetching raw data in the JSON format, * provides Web UI for reports generation and basic stats charts/histograms. Components ---------- Collector is the service for collecting stats. It has REST API and DB storage. Analytics is the service for generating reports. It has REST API. Migrator is the tool for migrating data from the DB to the Elasticsearch_. The collector and analytics services are started by uWSGI_. Migrator is started by cron to migrate the fresh data into Elasticsearch_. Collector --------- Data origin for collector is the Fuel_ master node. Stats collecting daemons collect and send data to the collector if allowed by the cloud operator. Stats data is stored to the DB PostgreSQL_. Migrator -------- Migrator periodically migrates data from the fuel-stats DB to the Elasticsearch_ storage. This storage is used to generate basic stats charts and histograms for the Web UI. Analytics --------- There are two sub-components in the analytics: * analytics service * Web UI The analytics service API provides generation of CSV reports for installation info, plugins, and OpenStack workloads. The analytics API also provides export of data from DB as JSON. The analytics Web UI provides basic summary stats charts and histograms with the possibility of filtering data by the Fuel_ release version. Also, in the Web UI we can generate and download stats reports on a selected time period. .. _howto configure dev environment: How to configure development environment ---------------------------------------- To start fuel-stats on a localhost we need to have: * PostgreSQL_ of version 9.3 or greater, * Elasticsearch_ of version 1.3.4 or greater, * Nginx_. Install PostgreSQL_ and development libraries: :: sudo apt-get install --yes postgresql postgresql-server-dev-all Configure Elasticsearch_ repo as described in the `elasticsearch docs`_ and install Elasticsearch_::: sudo apt-get install --yes elasticsearch Install pip and development tools: :: sudo apt-get install --yes python-dev python-pip Install virtualenv. This step increases flexibility when dealing with environment settings and package installation: :: sudo pip install virtualenv virtualenvwrapper You can add '. /usr/local/bin/virtualenvwrapper.sh' to .bashrc or just execute it.:: . /usr/local/bin/virtualenvwrapper.sh Create and activate virtual env for fuel-stats: :: mkvirtualenv stats workon stats You can use any name for the virtual env instead of 'stats'. Install the fuel-stats requirements: :: pip install -r test-requirements.txt Create a DB user for fuel-stats: :: sudo -u postgres psql CREATE ROLE collector WITH NOSUPERUSER NOCREATEDB NOCREATEROLE LOGIN ENCRYPTED PASSWORD 'collector'; Create a DB and grant privileges to it: :: sudo -u postgres psql CREATE DATABASE collector; GRANT ALL ON DATABASE collector TO collector; Check that all tests are passed: :: cd fuel-stats/collector && tox cd fuel-stats/migration && tox cd fuel-stats/analytics && tox **NOTE:** The collector tests must be performed the first. Now you are ready to develop fuel-stats. How to configure Web UI ----------------------- We assume that you already have configured virtual env as described in `howto configure dev environment`_. Install elsticsearch library and create sample data: :: workon stats pip install elasticsearch cd migration nosetests migration.test.report.test_reports:Reports.test_libvirt_type_distribution Install nodejs: :: sudo apt-get remove nodejs nodejs-legacy npm sudo add-apt-repository -y ppa:chris-lea/node.js sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install nodejs Install nodejs and bower packages: :: cd fuel-stats/analytics/static npm install gulp bower You can anytime lint your code by running: :: gulp lint Add site configuration to Nginx_: :: server { listen 8888; location / { root /your-path-to-fuel-stats/fuel-stats/analytics/static; } location ~ ^(/fuel)?(/[A-Za-z_0-9])?/(_count|_search) { proxy_pass; } } Then restart Nginx: :: service nginx restart After this, your local server will be available at or any other port you've set up. How to start local collector ---------------------------- You can use uWSGI_ to start the collector. Sample config can be found in collector/uwsgi/collector_example.yaml. Or test web service to be used. To start the test web service, run: :: python collector/manage_collector.py --mode test runserver How to start local analytics ---------------------------- You can use uWSGI_ to start analytics. Sample config can be found in analytics/uwsgi/analytics_example.yaml. Or test the web service to be used. To start the test web service, run: :: python analytics/manage_analytics.py --mode test runserver How to deal with DB migrations ------------------------------ Create new DB migration: :: python manage_collector.py --mode test db migrate -m "Migration comment" \ -d collector/api/db/migrations/ Apply all DB migrations: :: python manage_collector.py --mode test db upgrade -d collector/api/db/migrations/ Revert all migrations: :: python manage_collector.py --mode test db downgrade -d collector/api/db/migrations/ Switching off Elasticsearch --------------------------- Elasticsearch was chosen as data storage for the dynamically generated statistics reports, but now only CSV reports are used for analytical purposes. Thus, Elasticsearch is an unnecessary complication of the infrastructure and data flow. Without Elasticsearch, we are using memcached as cache for the web UI. Data expiration is configured by the parameter MEMCACHED_JSON_REPORTS_EXPIRATION for fuel_analytics. Changes in the Nginx config: :: # Add this to the block 'server' location /api/ { proxy_pass http://IP_OF_ANALYTICS_SERVICE:PORT_OF_ANALYTICS_SERVICE/api/; } .. _Fuel: https://docs.mirantis.com/openstack/fuel/ .. _Elasticsearch: https://www.elastic.co/ .. _uWSGI: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/uWSGI/ .. _PostgreSQL: http://www.postgresql.org/ .. _Nginx: http://nginx.org/ .. _elasticsearch docs: https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/setup-repositories.html