
308 lines
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# Copyright 2015 Mirantis, Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import copy
import datetime
import itertools
import six
from fuel_analytics.api.app import app
from fuel_analytics.api.common import consts
from fuel_analytics.api.resources.utils import export_utils
from fuel_analytics.api.resources.utils.skeleton import OSWL_SKELETONS
class OswlStatsToCsv(object):
OSWL_INDEX_FIELDS = ('master_node_uid', 'cluster_id', 'resource_type')
def get_additional_volume_keys_paths(self):
num = app.config['CSV_VOLUME_ATTACHMENTS_NUM']
return export_utils.get_enumerated_keys_paths(
consts.OSWL_RESOURCE_TYPES.volume, 'volume_attachment',
OSWL_SKELETONS['volume_attachment'], num)
def get_additional_keys_paths(self, resource_type):
# Additional key paths for resource type info
resource_additional_key_paths = [[resource_type, 'is_added'],
[resource_type, 'is_modified'],
[resource_type, 'is_removed']]
if resource_type == consts.OSWL_RESOURCE_TYPES.volume:
resource_additional_key_paths += \
return resource_additional_key_paths
def get_resource_keys_paths(self, resource_type):
"""Gets key paths for resource type. csv key paths is combination
of oswl, vm and additional resource type key paths
:return: tuple of lists of oswl, resource type, csv key paths
app.logger.debug("Getting %s keys paths", resource_type)
oswl_key_paths = export_utils.get_keys_paths(OSWL_SKELETONS['general'])
resource_key_paths = export_utils.get_keys_paths(
{resource_type: OSWL_SKELETONS[resource_type]})
resource_additional_key_paths = self.get_additional_keys_paths(
result_key_paths = oswl_key_paths + resource_key_paths + \
app.logger.debug("%s keys paths got: %s", resource_type,
return oswl_key_paths, resource_key_paths, result_key_paths
def get_additional_resource_info(self, resource, resource_type,
added_ids, modified_ids, removed_ids):
"""Gets additional info about operations with resource
:param resource: resource info
:param resource_type: resource type
:param added_ids: set of added ids from oswl
:param modified_ids: set of modified ids from oswl
:param removed_ids: set of removed ids from oswl
:return: list of integer flags: is_added, is_removed, is_modified
id_val = resource.get('id')
is_added = id_val in added_ids
is_modified = id_val in modified_ids
is_removed = id_val in removed_ids
result = [is_added, is_modified, is_removed]
# Handling nested lists and tuples
if resource_type == consts.OSWL_RESOURCE_TYPES.volume:
flatten_attachments = []
skeleton = OSWL_SKELETONS['volume_attachment']
enum_length = (app.config['CSV_VOLUME_ATTACHMENTS_NUM'] *
attachment_keys_paths = export_utils.get_keys_paths(skeleton)
for attachment in resource.get('attachments', []):
flatten_attachment = export_utils.get_flatten_data(
attachment_keys_paths, attachment)
result += export_utils.align_enumerated_field_values(
flatten_attachments, enum_length)
return result
def handle_empty_version_info(self, oswl, clusters_versions):
"""Handles empty version info in oswl object
For OSWLs with empty version_info data we compose version_info
from InstallationStructure data and assign it to oswl object.
We bound InstallationStructure.structure.clusters to the oswl
and extract fuel_version and fuel_release from clusters data.
If fuel_version info doesn't provided by clusters data then
InstallationStructure.structure.fuel_release is used.
:param oswl: OSWL DB object
:type oswl: fuel_analytics.api.db.model.OpenStackWorkloadStats
:param clusters_versions: cache for saving cluster versions with
structure {mn_uid: {cluster_id: fuel_release}}
:type clusters_versions: dict
if oswl.version_info:
# self._add_oswl_to_clusters_versions_cache(oswl, clusters_versions)
mn_uid = oswl.master_node_uid
cluster_id = oswl.cluster_id
# Fetching version_info info from cache
version_info = clusters_versions.get(mn_uid, {}).get(cluster_id)
# If clusters data doesn't contain fuel_version we are using
# data from installation info
if not version_info:
release = oswl.fuel_release_from_inst_info or {}
version_info = {
'fuel_version': release.get('release'),
'release_version': release.get('openstack_version')
oswl.version_info = version_info
def get_flatten_resources(self, resource_type, oswl_keys_paths,
resource_keys_paths, oswls,
"""Gets flatten resources data
:param oswl_keys_paths: list of keys paths in the OpenStack workload
:param resource_keys_paths: list of keys paths in the resource
:param oswls: list of OpenStack workloads
:param clusters_version_info: clusters version info cache.
Cache is used only if version_info is not provided in the oswl.
Cache structure: {mn_uid: {cluster_id: fuel_release}}
:return: generator on flatten resources info collection
app.logger.debug("Getting OSWL flatten %s info started", resource_type)
for oswl in oswls:
self.handle_empty_version_info(oswl, clusters_version_info)
flatten_oswl = export_utils.get_flatten_data(oswl_keys_paths,
resource_data = oswl.resource_data
current = resource_data.get('current', [])
added = resource_data.get('added', [])
modified = resource_data.get('modified', [])
removed = resource_data.get('removed', [])
# Filtering wrong formatted removed data
# delivered by old Fuel versions
removed = [res for res in removed if len(res) > 2]
# Extracting ids or oswl resources
added_ids = set(item['id'] for item in added)
modified_ids = set(item['id'] for item in modified)
removed_ids = set(item['id'] for item in removed)
# If resource removed and added several times it would
# be present in current and removed. We should exclude
# duplicates from flatten resources of the same
# resource.
current_ids = set(item['id'] for item in current)
finally_removed = (res for res in removed
if res['id'] not in current_ids)
for resource in itertools.chain(current, finally_removed):
flatten_resource = export_utils.get_flatten_data(
resource_keys_paths, {resource_type: resource})
additional_info = self.get_additional_resource_info(
resource, oswl.resource_type,
added_ids, modified_ids, removed_ids)
yield flatten_oswl + flatten_resource + additional_info
except Exception as e:
# Generation of report should be reliable
app.logger.error("Getting OSWL flatten data failed. "
"Id: %s, master node uid: %s, "
"resource_data: %s, error: %s",
oswl.id, oswl.master_node_uid,
oswl.resource_data, six.text_type(e))
app.logger.debug("Getting flatten %s info finished", resource_type)
def get_last_sync_datetime(self, oswl):
"""Gets datetime of last synchronization of masternode with
stats collector.
:param oswl: OpenStackWorkloadStats object with mixed info
from InstallationStructure
:return: datetime
return max(filter(
lambda x: x is not None,
(oswl.installation_created_date, oswl.installation_updated_date)))
def stream_horizon_content(self, horizon, on_date):
"""Streams content of horizon of oswls. Obsolete
oswls with master node last sync date < on_date will be removed
from the horizon.
:param horizon: dictionary of oswls, indexed by OSWL_INDEX_FIELDS
:param on_date: date on which oswls time series is generating
:return: generator on horizon of oswls on on_date
app.logger.debug("Streaming oswls content on date: %s", on_date)
# Copying keys to list for make dictionary modification possible
# during iteration through it
keys = list(six.iterkeys(horizon))
for key in keys:
last_value = horizon[key]
update_date = self.get_last_sync_datetime(last_value)
if on_date is not None and update_date.date() < on_date:
# Removing obsolete oswl from horizon
return_value = copy.deepcopy(last_value)
return_value.stats_on_date = on_date
# Removing modified, removed, added from resource data
# if we are duplicating oswl in CSV
if return_value.created_date != on_date:
return_value.resource_data['added'] = {}
return_value.resource_data['removed'] = {}
return_value.resource_data['modified'] = {}
yield return_value
def _add_oswl_to_horizon(self, horizon, oswl):
idx = export_utils.get_index(oswl, *self.OSWL_INDEX_FIELDS)
# We can have duplication of the oswls in the DB with the same
# checksum but with different external_id. Checksum is calculated
# by the resource_data['current'] only. Thus we shouldn't add
# the same oswl into horizon if it already present in it and
# has no differences in checksum and added, modified, removed
# resources.
old_oswl = horizon.get(idx)
if (
old_oswl is None or
old_oswl.resource_checksum != oswl.resource_checksum or
old_oswl.resource_data != oswl.resource_data
horizon[idx] = oswl
def fill_date_gaps(self, oswls, to_date):
"""Fills the gaps of stats info. If masternode sends stats on
on_date and we haven't oswl on this date - the last one oswl for
this master_node, cluster_id, resource_type will be used
:param oswls: collection of SQLAlchemy oswl objects ordered by
creation_date in ascending order
:param to_date: fill gaps until this date
:return: generator on seamless by dates oswls collection
app.logger.debug("Filling gaps in oswls started")
horizon = {}
last_date = None
# Filling horizon of oswls on last date. Oswls are ordered by
# created_date so, then last_date is changed we can assume horizon
# of oswls is filled and can be shown
for oswl in oswls:
last_date = last_date or oswl.created_date
if last_date != oswl.created_date:
# Filling gaps in created_dates of oswls
while last_date != oswl.created_date:
app.logger.debug("Filling gap on date: %s for oswl: %s",
last_date, oswl.id)
for content in self.stream_horizon_content(
horizon, last_date):
yield content
last_date += datetime.timedelta(days=1)
if last_date > to_date:
self._add_oswl_to_horizon(horizon, oswl)
# Filling gaps if oswls exhausted on date before to_date
if last_date is not None:
while last_date <= to_date:
for content in self.stream_horizon_content(
horizon, last_date):
yield content
last_date += datetime.timedelta(days=1)
app.logger.debug("Filling gaps in oswls finished")
def export(self, resource_type, oswls, to_date, clusters_version_info):
app.logger.info("Export oswls %s info into CSV started",
oswl_keys_paths, resource_keys_paths, csv_keys_paths = \
seamless_oswls = self.fill_date_gaps(
oswls, to_date)
flatten_resources = self.get_flatten_resources(
resource_type, oswl_keys_paths, resource_keys_paths,
seamless_oswls, clusters_version_info)
result = export_utils.flatten_data_as_csv(
csv_keys_paths, flatten_resources)
app.logger.info("Export oswls %s info into CSV finished",
return result