
286 lines
14 KiB
Executable File

* Copyright 2016 Mirantis, Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
* not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
* a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
* WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
* License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
import registerSuite from 'intern!object';
import Common from 'tests/functional/pages/common';
import ClusterPage from 'tests/functional/pages/cluster';
import DashboardPage from 'tests/functional/pages/dashboard';
import ModalWindow from 'tests/functional/pages/modal';
import DashboardLib from 'tests/functional/nightly/library/dashboard';
registerSuite(() => {
var common, clusterPage, dashboardPage, dashboardLib, clusterName, modal;
var controllerName = 'Supermicro X9DRW';
var computeName = 'Dell Inspiron';
var workflowName = 'epicBoost';
var modalBody = 'div.modal-body';
var workflowTab = 'div.workflows-tab ';
var toolbar = workflowTab + 'div.deployment-graphs-toolbar ';
var filterWorkflowsButton = toolbar + 'button.btn-filters';
var uploadNewGraphButton = toolbar + 'button.btn-upload-graph';
var workflowTable = workflowTab + 'table.workflows-table ';
var tableBody = workflowTable + 'tbody ';
var tableRow = tableBody + 'tr';
var deleteGraphButton = 'button.btn-remove-graph';
return {
name: 'Workflows',
setup() {
common = new Common(this.remote);
clusterPage = new ClusterPage(this.remote);
clusterName = common.pickRandomName('Workflow Cluster');
dashboardPage = new DashboardPage(this.remote);
dashboardLib = new DashboardLib(this.remote);
modal = new ModalWindow(this.remote);
return this.remote
.then(() => common.getIn())
.then(() => common.createCluster(clusterName))
.then(() => common.addNodesToCluster(1, ['Controller']))
.then(() => common.addNodesToCluster(1, ['Compute']));
beforeEach() {
return this.remote
.then(() => clusterPage.goToTab('Workflows'))
.assertElementAppears(workflowTab, 5000, '"Workflows" tab appears');
wfDefaultNotAvailable() {
// Check that default "Workflow" is not avaliable as deployment mode
var deployModeMenu = 'ul.dropdown-menu';
return this.remote
.then(() => clusterPage.goToTab('Dashboard'))
.then(() => dashboardLib.changeDeploymentMode('Workflow'))
.assertElementNotDisplayed(deployModeMenu, 'Deployment Mode menu is not displayed')
.catch((error) => {
return this.remote
.assertElementNotDisplayed(deployModeMenu, 'Default "Workflow" is not ' +
'avaliable at Deployment Mode menu. Check error message: ' +
wfTab() {
// Check that "Workflows" tab is worked
var workflowTitle = workflowTab + 'div.title';
var tableHeader = workflowTable + 'thead';
return this.remote
.assertElementExists(workflowTitle, '"Workflows" title exists')
.assertElementMatchesRegExp(workflowTitle, /Workflows/i,
'"Workflows" title has correct description')
.assertElementEnabled(filterWorkflowsButton, '"Filter Workflows" button exists')
.assertElementEnabled(uploadNewGraphButton, '"Upload New Workflow" button exists')
.assertElementExists(tableHeader, '"Workflows" table header exists')
.assertElementMatchesRegExp(tableHeader, /Name Level Actions Download/i,
'"Workflows" table header has correct description')
.assertElementExists(tableBody, '"Workflows" table body exists')
.assertElementsExist(tableRow, 3, 'Workflows table includes release- and ' +
'cluster-level default workflows')
.assertElementContainsText(tableRow + ':first-child', 'Type "default"',
'The first row is default resulting graph for the cluster')
.assertElementContainsText(tableRow + ':nth-child(2)', 'Release',
'The second row is "Release" level of graph for the cluster')
.assertElementContainsText(tableRow + ':nth-child(3)', 'Environment',
'The third row is "Environment" level of graph for the cluster')
.assertElementNotExists(tableRow + ':first-child ' + deleteGraphButton,
'User can not delete resulting graph for the cluster')
.assertElementExists(tableRow + ':last-child ' + deleteGraphButton,
'User can delete default cluster graph');
wfFiltering() {
// Check "Workflows" tab support filtering
var filtersPane = toolbar + 'div.filters ';
var graphTypeButton = filtersPane + 'div.filter-by-graph_type button';
var graphLevelButton = filtersPane + 'div.filter-by-graph_level button';
var filterPopover = toolbar + 'div.popover div.popover-content ';
var resetFilter = filtersPane + 'button.btn-reset-filters';
var alert = workflowTab + 'div.alert';
return this.remote
.assertElementAppears(filterWorkflowsButton + ':enabled', 1000,
'Enabled "Filter Workflows" button appears')
.assertElementAppears(filtersPane, 3000, '"Workflows" filter pane appears')
.assertElementEnabled(graphTypeButton, 'Filter by "Type" button exists')
.assertElementEnabled(graphLevelButton, 'Filter by "Level" button exists')
.assertElementsExist(tableRow, 3, 'Table includes release- and cluster-level default ' +
'workflows before filtering')
.assertElementsAppear(filterPopover, 3000, '"Filter popover" by "Type" appears')
.clickByCssSelector(filterPopover + 'input[name="default"]')
.assertElementsExist(tableRow, 3, 'Table includes release- and cluster-level default ' +
'workflows after filtering by "Type"')
.assertElementsAppear(filterPopover, 3000, '"Filter popover" by "Level" appears')
.clickByCssSelector(filterPopover + 'input[name="plugin"]')
.assertElementDisappears(workflowTable, 3000, 'Workflows table doesn`t have plugin ' +
'workflows, so workflows table disappears')
.assertElementExists(alert, 'Warning message exists')
.assertElementMatchesRegExp(alert, /No workflows matched applied filters./i,
'Warning message has correct description')
.clickByCssSelector(filterPopover + 'input[name="release"]')
.assertElementsAppear(workflowTable, 3000, 'Workflows table appears')
.assertElementsExist(tableRow, 2, 'Table includes release-level default workflow after ' +
'filtering by "Level"')
.assertElementEnabled(resetFilter, '"Reset Filter" button exists')
.assertElementDisappears(filterPopover, 3000, '"Filter popover" by "Level" disappears')
.assertElementsExist(tableRow, 3, 'Table includes release- and cluster-level default ' +
'workflows after filter reset');
wfUploadCustom() {
// Check that user can upload new custom Graph
var dialogUploadBody = 'div.upload-graph-form ';
var dialogUploadError = dialogUploadBody + 'div.has-error span.help-block';
return this.remote
.assertElementAppears(uploadNewGraphButton + ':enabled', 1000,
'Enabled "Upload New Workflow" button appears')
.then(() => modal.waitToOpen())
.then(() => modal.checkTitle('Upload New Workflow'))
.assertElementsExist(dialogUploadBody, 'Upload graph form is exist in the dialog window')
.then(() => modal.clickFooterButton('Upload'))
.assertElementExists(dialogUploadError, 'There is an error due to type field is empty')
.assertElementMatchesRegExp(dialogUploadError, /Invalid type/i,
'Error message has correct description')
.setInputValue(dialogUploadBody + 'input[name="type"]', 'default')
.then(() => modal.clickFooterButton('Upload'))
.assertElementExists(dialogUploadError, 'There is an error due to this type already exists')
.assertElementMatchesRegExp(dialogUploadError, /Workflow with this type already exists./i,
'Error message has correct description')
.setInputValue(dialogUploadBody + 'input[name=name]', workflowName)
.setInputValue(dialogUploadBody + 'input[name=type]', workflowName)
.assertElementDisappears(dialogUploadError, 1000, 'Error message disappears after set type')
.then(() => modal.clickFooterButton('Upload'))
.then(() => modal.waitToClose())
.assertElementsExist(tableRow, 5, 'New graph successfully uploaded')
.assertElementContainsText(tableRow + ':nth-child(4)', 'Type "' + workflowName + '"',
'New graph includes resulting graph for just uploaded workflow')
.assertElementContainsText(tableRow + ':nth-child(5)', 'Environment',
'New graph includes cluster-level for just uploaded workflow');
wfExecute() {
// Check that custom Workflow can be executed
this.timeout = 75000;
var progress = 'div.dashboard-tab div.progress';
var workflowPane = 'div.actions-panel ';
var customGraph = workflowPane + 'select[name="customGraph"]';
var runWorkflowButton = workflowPane + 'button.btn-run-graph';
return this.remote
.then(() => clusterPage.goToTab('Dashboard'))
.then(() => dashboardLib.changeDeploymentMode('Workflow'))
.assertElementAppears(customGraph, 3000, 'Custom workflow dropdown appears')
.assertElementPropertyEquals(customGraph, 'value', workflowName, 'Custom workflow ' +
'dropdown exists and shows just uploaded new graph')
.then(() => modal.waitToOpen())
.then(() => modal.checkTitle('Run Custom Workflow'))
.assertElementContainsText(modalBody, 'Click Run Workflow to execute custom deployment ' +
'tasks on the selected nodes.',
'Confirmation message is correct')
.then(() => modal.clickFooterButton('Run Workflow'))
.assertElementDisappears('div.confirmation-question', 5000, 'Confirm dialog disappears')
.assertElementAppears(modalBody, 1000, 'Error message appears')
.assertElementContainsText(modalBody, 'There are no deployment tasks for graph',
'Workflow can not be started because it contains no ' +
'deployment tasks')
.then(() => modal.clickFooterButton('Close'))
.then(() => modal.waitToClose())
.then(() => dashboardLib.changeDeploymentMode('Deploy'))
.then(() => dashboardPage.startDeployment())
.assertElementsAppear(progress, 10000, 'Deployment is started')
.assertElementDisappears(progress, 45000, 'Deployment is finished')
.assertElementsAppear(workflowPane, 5000, 'Workflow panel is shown on Dashboard')
.assertElementPropertyEquals(customGraph, 'value', workflowName,
'Custom workflow dropdown is shown on the dashboard for ' +
'the operational cluster')
.assertElementContainsText(runWorkflowButton, 'Run Workflow on 2 Nodes',
'User can run custom graph for operational cluster');
wfSelectNodes() {
// Check "Workflows" nodes selection dialog supports Quick Search, Sorting and Filtering
this.timeout = 45000;
var deepCheck = [controllerName, computeName, ['input[name="error"]']];
return this.remote
.then(() => clusterPage.goToTab('Dashboard'))
.then(() => dashboardLib.selectNodes('Custom Workflow', 1, 1, 1, 0, deepCheck));
wfDelete() {
// Check that user can delete Workflow
var tableRowLast = tableRow + ':last-child ';
var confirmationForm = 'div.confirmation-form ';
var deleteWorkflow = 'div.modal-footer button.remove-graph-btn';
return this.remote
.assertElementAppears(tableRowLast + deleteGraphButton, 1000,
'User can delete cluster graph')
.clickByCssSelector(tableRowLast + deleteGraphButton)
.then(() => modal.waitToOpen())
.then(() => modal.checkTitle('Delete Workflow'))
.assertElementExists(modalBody, 'Warning message is shown')
.assertElementContainsText(modalBody, 'Important' + 'Are you sure you want to delete ' +
'this workflow?', 'Warning message is correct')
.then(() => modal.clickFooterButton('Delete'))
.assertElementAppears(confirmationForm, 1000, 'Confirmation form for graph removing appers')
.assertElementDisabled(deleteWorkflow, 'Delete button is disabled, until requested ' +
'confirmation text will be entered')
.setInputValue(confirmationForm + 'input', workflowName)
.assertElementEnabled(deleteWorkflow, 'Delete button is enabled after requested ' +
'confirmation text entered')
.then(() => modal.clickFooterButton('Delete'))
.then(() => modal.waitToClose())
.assertElementNotContainsText(tableRowLast, workflowName,
'The graph was successfully deleted');