# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright 2014 Mirantis, Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. """ Module with config generation logic Why python based config? * in first versions it was yaml based config, during some time it became really hard to support because in yaml config it's impossible to share values between parameters * also we decided not to use any template language because you need to learn yet another sublanguage, and it's hard to create variables nesting more than 1 """ import glob import logging from os.path import basename from os.path import exists from os.path import join import six import yaml from fuel_upgrade.utils import normversion logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class Config(object): """Config object, allow to call first level keys as object attributes. :param dict config_dict: config dict """ def __init__(self, config_dict): # NOTE(eli): initialize _config # with __setattr__ to prevent maximum # recursion depth exceeded error super(Config, self).__setattr__('_config', config_dict) def __getattr__(self, name): return self._config[name] def __setattr__(self, name, value): self._config[name] = value def __repr__(self): return str(self._config) def read_yaml_config(path): """Reads yaml config :param str path: path to config :returns: deserialized object """ return yaml.load(open(path, 'r')) def get_version_from_config(path): """Retrieves version from config file :param str path: path to config """ return read_yaml_config(path)['VERSION']['release'] def build_config(update_path, admin_password): """Builds config :param str update_path: path to upgrade :param str admin_password: admin user password :returns: :class:`Config` object """ return Config(config(update_path, admin_password)) def from_fuel_version(current_version_path, from_version_path): """Get version of fuel which user run upgrade from """ # NOTE(eli): If this file exists, then user # already ran this upgrade script which was # for some reasons interrupted if exists(from_version_path): from_version = get_version_from_config(from_version_path) logger.debug('Retrieve version from %s, ' 'version is %s', from_version_path, from_version) return from_version return get_version_from_config(current_version_path) def get_endpoints(astute_config, admin_password): """Returns services endpoints :returns: dict where key is the a name of endpoint value is dict with host, port and authentication information """ master_ip = astute_config['ADMIN_NETWORK']['ipaddress'] # Set default user/password because in # 5.0.X releases we didn't have this data # in astute file fuel_access = astute_config.get( 'FUEL_ACCESS', {'user': 'admin'}) rabbitmq_access = astute_config.get( 'astute', {'user': 'naily', 'password': 'naily'}) rabbitmq_mcollective_access = astute_config.get( 'mcollective', {'user': 'mcollective', 'password': 'marionette'}) keystone_credentials = { 'username': fuel_access['user'], 'password': admin_password, 'auth_url': 'http://{0}:5000/v2.0/tokens'.format(master_ip), 'tenant_name': 'admin'} return { 'nginx_nailgun': { 'port': 8000, 'host': '', 'keystone_credentials': keystone_credentials}, 'nginx_repo': { 'port': 8080, 'host': ''}, 'ostf': { 'port': 8777, 'host': '', 'keystone_credentials': keystone_credentials}, 'cobbler': { 'port': 80, 'host': ''}, 'postgres': { 'port': 5432, 'host': ''}, 'rsync': { 'port': 873, 'host': ''}, 'rsyslog': { 'port': 514, 'host': ''}, 'keystone': { 'port': 5000, 'host': ''}, 'keystone_admin': { 'port': 35357, 'host': ''}, 'rabbitmq': { 'user': rabbitmq_access['user'], 'password': rabbitmq_access['password'], 'port': 15672, 'host': ''}, 'rabbitmq_mcollective': { 'port': 15672, 'host': '', 'user': rabbitmq_mcollective_access['user'], 'password': rabbitmq_mcollective_access['password']}} def get_host_system(update_path, new_version): """Returns host-system settings. The function was designed to build a dictionary with settings for host-sytem upgrader. Why we can't just use static settings? Because we need to build paths to latest centos repos (tarball could contain a few openstack releases, so we need to pick right centos repo) and to latest puppet manifests. :param update_path: path to update folder :param new_version: fuel version to install :returns: a host-system upgrade settings """ openstack_versions = glob.glob( join(update_path, 'repos', '[0-9.-]*{0}'.format(new_version))) openstack_versions = [basename(v) for v in openstack_versions] openstack_version = sorted(openstack_versions, reverse=True)[0] return { 'install_packages': [ 'fuel-{0}'.format(normversion(new_version)), ], 'manifest_path': join( '/etc/puppet', openstack_version, 'modules/nailgun/examples/host-upgrade.pp'), 'puppet_modules_path': join( '/etc/puppet', openstack_version, 'modules'), 'repo_config_path': join( '/etc/yum.repos.d', '{0}_nailgun.repo'.format(new_version)), 'repo_aux_config_path': '/etc/yum.repos.d/auxiliary.repo', 'repos': { 'src': join(update_path, 'repos', '[0-9.-]*'), 'dst': join('/var', 'www', 'nailgun')}, 'repo_master': join( 'file:/var/www/nailgun', openstack_version, 'centos/x86_64'), } def config(update_path, admin_password): """Generates configuration data for upgrade :param str update_path: path to upgrade :param str admin_password: admin user password :retuns: huuuge dict with all required for ugprade parameters """ fuel_config_path = '/etc/fuel/' can_upgrade_from = ['6.1'] current_fuel_version_path = '/etc/fuel/version.yaml' new_upgrade_version_path = join(update_path, 'config/version.yaml') current_version = get_version_from_config(current_fuel_version_path) new_version = get_version_from_config(new_upgrade_version_path) new_version_path = join('/etc/fuel', new_version, 'version.yaml') version_files_mask = '/var/lib/fuel_upgrade/*/version.yaml' working_directory = join('/var/lib/fuel_upgrade', new_version) from_version_path = join(working_directory, 'version.yaml') from_version = from_fuel_version( current_fuel_version_path, from_version_path) previous_version_path = join('/etc/fuel', from_version, 'version.yaml') container_data_path = join('/var/lib/fuel/container_data', new_version) astute_keys_path = join(working_directory, 'astute') cobbler_container_config_path = '/var/lib/cobbler/config' cobbler_config_path = join(working_directory, 'cobbler_configs') cobbler_config_files_for_verifier = join( cobbler_config_path, 'config/systems.d/*.json') # Keep only 3 latest database files keep_db_backups_count = 3 db_backup_timeout = 120 db_backup_interval = 4 current_fuel_astute_path = '/etc/fuel/astute.yaml' astute = read_yaml_config(current_fuel_astute_path) # unix pattern that is used to match deployment tasks stored in library deployment_tasks_file_pattern = '*tasks.yaml' supervisor = { 'configs_prefix': '/etc/supervisord.d/', 'current_configs_prefix': '/etc/supervisord.d/current', 'endpoint': '/var/run/supervisor.sock', 'restart_timeout': 600} checker = { 'timeout': 900, 'interval': 3} endpoints = get_endpoints(astute, admin_password) # Configuration data for docker client docker = { 'url': 'unix://var/run/docker.sock', 'api_version': '1.10', 'http_timeout': 160, 'stop_container_timeout': 20, 'dir': '/var/lib/docker'} # Docker image description section image_prefix = 'fuel/' # Path to the Docker images to be loaded images = '/var/www/nailgun/docker/images/fuel-images.tar' # Docker containers description section container_prefix = 'fuel-core-' master_ip = astute['ADMIN_NETWORK']['ipaddress'] volumes = { 'volume_logs': [ ('/var/log/docker-logs', {'bind': '/var/log', 'ro': False})], 'volume_repos': [ ('/var/www/nailgun', {'bind': '/var/www/nailgun', 'ro': False}), ('/etc/yum.repos.d', {'bind': '/etc/yum.repos.d', 'ro': False})], 'volume_ssh_keys': [ ('/root/.ssh', {'bind': '/root/.ssh', 'ro': False})], 'volume_fuel_configs': [ ('/etc/fuel', {'bind': '/etc/fuel', 'ro': False})], 'volume_upgrade_directory': [ (working_directory, {'bind': '/tmp/upgrade', 'ro': True})], 'volume_dump': [ ('/dump', {'bind': '/var/www/nailgun/dump', 'ro': False})], 'volume_puppet_manifests': [ ('/etc/puppet', {'bind': '/etc/puppet', 'ro': True})], 'volume_keys': [ ('/var/lib/fuel/keys', {'bind': '/var/lib/fuel/keys', 'ro': False})], 'volume_postgres_data': [ ('{0}/postgres'.format(container_data_path), { 'bind': '/var/lib/pgsql', 'ro': False})], 'volume_cobbler_data': [ ('{0}/cobbler'.format(container_data_path), { 'bind': '/var/lib/cobbler', 'ro': False})], } containers = [ {'id': 'nailgun', 'supervisor_config': True, 'from_image': 'nailgun', 'privileged': True, 'network_mode': 'host', 'port_bindings': { '8001': [ ('', 8001), (master_ip, 8001)]}, 'ports': [8001], 'links': [ {'id': 'postgres', 'alias': 'db'}, {'id': 'rabbitmq', 'alias': 'rabbitmq'}], 'binds': [ 'volume_logs', 'volume_repos', 'volume_ssh_keys', 'volume_fuel_configs'], 'volumes': [ '/usr/share/nailgun/static']}, {'id': 'astute', 'supervisor_config': True, 'from_image': 'astute', 'network_mode': 'host', 'links': [ {'id': 'rabbitmq', 'alias': 'rabbitmq'}], 'binds': [ 'volume_logs', 'volume_repos', 'volume_ssh_keys', 'volume_fuel_configs', 'volume_upgrade_directory', 'volume_keys']}, {'id': 'cobbler', 'supervisor_config': True, 'after_container_creation_command': ( "bash -c 'cp -rn /tmp/upgrade/cobbler_configs/config/* " "/var/lib/cobbler/config/'"), 'from_image': 'cobbler', 'privileged': True, 'network_mode': 'host', 'port_bindings': { '80': ('', 80), '443': ('', 443), '53/udp': [ ('', 53), (master_ip, 53)], '67/udp': [ ('', 67), (master_ip, 67)], '69/udp': [ ('', 69), (master_ip, 69)]}, 'ports': [ [53, 'udp'], [53, 'tcp'], 67, [69, 'udp'], [69, 'tcp'], 80, 443], 'binds': [ 'volume_logs', 'volume_repos', 'volume_ssh_keys', 'volume_fuel_configs', 'volume_cobbler_data', 'volume_upgrade_directory']}, {'id': 'mcollective', 'supervisor_config': True, 'from_image': 'mcollective', 'privileged': True, 'network_mode': 'host', 'binds': [ 'volume_logs', 'volume_repos', 'volume_ssh_keys', 'volume_dump', 'volume_fuel_configs', 'volume_keys']}, {'id': 'rsync', 'supervisor_config': True, 'from_image': 'rsync', 'network_mode': 'host', 'port_bindings': { '873': [ ('', 873), (master_ip, 873)]}, 'ports': [873], 'binds': [ 'volume_logs', 'volume_repos', 'volume_fuel_configs', 'volume_puppet_manifests']}, {'id': 'rsyslog', 'supervisor_config': True, 'from_image': 'rsyslog', 'network_mode': 'host', 'port_bindings': { '514': [ ('', 514), (master_ip, 514)], '514/udp': [ ('', 514), (master_ip, 514)], '25150': [ ('', 25150), (master_ip, 25150)]}, 'ports': [[514, 'udp'], 514], 'binds': [ 'volume_logs', 'volume_repos', 'volume_fuel_configs']}, {'id': 'keystone', 'supervisor_config': True, 'from_image': 'keystone', 'network_mode': 'host', 'port_bindings': { '5000': ('', 5000), '35357': ('', 35357)}, 'ports': [5000, 35357], 'links': [ {'id': 'postgres', 'alias': 'postgres'}], 'binds': [ 'volume_logs', 'volume_repos', 'volume_fuel_configs']}, {'id': 'nginx', 'supervisor_config': True, 'from_image': 'nginx', 'network_mode': 'host', 'port_bindings': { '8000': ('', 8000), '8080': ('', 8080)}, 'ports': [8000, 8080], 'links': [ {'id': 'nailgun', 'alias': 'nailgun'}, {'id': 'ostf', 'alias': 'ostf'}], 'binds': [ 'volume_logs', 'volume_repos', 'volume_dump', 'volume_fuel_configs'], 'volumes_from': ['nailgun']}, {'id': 'rabbitmq', 'supervisor_config': True, 'from_image': 'rabbitmq', 'network_mode': 'host', 'port_bindings': { '4369': [ ('', 4369), (master_ip, 4369)], '5672': [ ('', 5672), (master_ip, 5672)], '15672': [ ('', 15672), (master_ip, 15672)], '61613': [ ('', 61613), (master_ip, 61613)]}, 'ports': [5672, 4369, 15672, 61613], 'binds': [ 'volume_logs', 'volume_repos', 'volume_fuel_configs']}, {'id': 'ostf', 'supervisor_config': True, 'from_image': 'ostf', 'network_mode': 'host', 'port_bindings': { '8777': [ ('', 8777), (master_ip, 8777)]}, 'ports': [8777], 'links': [ {'id': 'postgres', 'alias': 'db'}, {'id': 'rabbitmq', 'alias': 'rabbitmq'}], 'binds': [ 'volume_logs', 'volume_repos', 'volume_ssh_keys', 'volume_fuel_configs']}, {'id': 'postgres', 'after_container_creation_command': ( "su postgres -c ""\"psql -f /tmp/upgrade/pg_dump_all.sql " "postgres\""), 'supervisor_config': True, 'from_image': 'postgres', 'network_mode': 'host', 'port_bindings': { '5432': [ ('', 5432), (master_ip, 5432)]}, 'ports': [5432], 'binds': [ 'volume_logs', 'volume_repos', 'volume_fuel_configs', 'volume_postgres_data', 'volume_upgrade_directory']}] # Since we dropped fuel storage containers we should provide an # alternative DRY mechanism for mounting volumes directly into # containers. So below code performs such job and unfolds containers # an abstract declarative "binds" format into docker-py's "binds" # format. for container in containers: binds = {} for volume in container.get('binds', []): binds.update(volumes[volume]) container['binds'] = binds # unfortunately, docker-py has bad design and we must add to # containers' "volumes" list those folders that will be mounted # into container if 'volumes' not in container: container['volumes'] = [] for _, volume in six.iteritems(binds): container['volumes'].append(volume['bind']) # Openstack Upgrader settings. Please note, that "[0-9.-]*" is # a glob pattern for matching our os versions openstack = { 'releases': join(update_path, 'releases', '[0-9.-]*.yaml'), 'metadata': join(update_path, 'releases', 'metadata.yaml'), 'puppets': { 'src': join(update_path, 'puppet', '[0-9.-]*'), 'dst': join('/etc', 'puppet')}, 'release_versions': { 'src': join(update_path, 'release_versions', '*.yaml'), 'dst': '/etc/fuel/release_versions'}} # Config for host system upgarde engine host_system = get_host_system(update_path, new_version) # the repos that will be added if upgrade is succeed master_node_repos = [ { 'name': 'mos{0}-updates'.format(new_version), 'baseurl': 'http://mirror.fuel-infra.org/mos/centos-6/' 'mos{0}/updates/'.format(new_version), 'gpgcheck': 0, 'skip_if_unavailable': 1, }, { 'name': 'mos{0}-security'.format(new_version), 'baseurl': 'http://mirror.fuel-infra.org/mos/centos-6/' 'mos{0}/security/'.format(new_version), 'gpgcheck': 0, 'skip_if_unavailable': 1, } ] return locals()