Babel>=1.3 Jinja2>=2.7 Mako>=0.9.1 MarkupSafe>=0.18 PyYAML>=3.1.0 alembic>=0.8.0 amqplib>=1.0.2 anyjson>=0.3.3 decorator>=3.4.0 fysom>=1.0.11 iso8601>=0.1.9 jsonschema>=2.3.0,<3.0.0,!=2.5.0 kombu>=3.0.16 netaddr>=0.7.12,!=0.7.16 oslo.config>=2.3.0 oslo.serialization>=1.4.0 SQLAlchemy>=0.9.9,<1.1.0 # oslo.db has no upper bound for sqlalchemy-migrate, and latest # sqlalchemy-migrate requires conflicting version of pbr. sqlalchemy-migrate>=0.9.6 oslo.db>2.4.1 ply>=3.4 psycopg2>=2.5.1 pycrypto>=2.6.1 requests>=2.5.2,!=2.8.0,!=2.9.0 simplejson>=3.3.0 six>=1.9.0 urllib3>=1.8.3>=0.37 wsgilog>=0.3 wsgiref>=0.1.2 keystonemiddleware>=2.0.0,!=2.4.0 # we might still need keystone command python-keystoneclient>=1.6.0,!=1.8.0 python-novaclient>=2.28.1,!=2.33.0 python-cinderclient>=1.3.1 networkx>=1.10 pydot-ng>=1.0.0 oslo.utils>2.0.0,!=2.6.0 # NOTE(prmtl): not all packages has correctly # requirements for stevedore - some of them install # newest one which case version conflicts # See: stevedore>=1.5.0 # NOTE(akscram): pinned until 18.6.2 because the installation in # the editable mode is broken # See: setuptools<=18.5